package shard

import (

	meta ""
	cid ""
	addressSDK ""

// SelectPrm groups the parameters of Select operation.
type SelectPrm struct {
	cid     *cid.ID
	filters object.SearchFilters

// SelectRes groups the resulting values of Select operation.
type SelectRes struct {
	addrList []*addressSDK.Address

// WithContainerID is a Select option to set the container id to search in.
func (p *SelectPrm) WithContainerID(cid *cid.ID) *SelectPrm {
	if p != nil {
		p.cid = cid

	return p

// WithFilters is a Select option to set the object filters.
func (p *SelectPrm) WithFilters(fs object.SearchFilters) *SelectPrm {
	if p != nil {
		p.filters = fs

	return p

// AddressList returns list of addresses of the selected objects.
func (r *SelectRes) AddressList() []*addressSDK.Address {
	return r.addrList

// Select selects the objects from shard that match select parameters.
// Returns any error encountered that
// did not allow to completely select the objects.
func (s *Shard) Select(prm *SelectPrm) (*SelectRes, error) {
	addrList, err := meta.Select(s.metaBase, prm.cid, prm.filters)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not select objects from metabase: %w", err)

	return &SelectRes{
		addrList: addrList,
	}, nil