Denis Kirillov 23593eee3d [] Use request scope logger
Store child zap logger with request scope fields into context.
Request scoped fields: request_id, api/method, bucket, object

Signed-off-by: Denis Kirillov <>
2023-06-19 13:54:51 +03:00

226 lines
5.8 KiB

package api
import (
type (
// KeyVal -- appended to ReqInfo.Tags.
KeyVal struct {
Key string
Val string
// ReqInfo stores the request info.
ReqInfo struct {
RemoteHost string // Client Host/IP
Host string // Node Host/IP
UserAgent string // User Agent
DeploymentID string // random generated s3-deployment-id
RequestID string // x-amz-request-id
API string // API name -- GetObject PutObject NewMultipartUpload etc.
BucketName string // Bucket name
ObjectName string // Object name
URL *url.URL // Request url
tags []KeyVal // Any additional info not accommodated by above fields
// ObjectRequest represents object request data.
ObjectRequest struct {
Bucket string
Object string
Method string
// Key used for custom key/value in context.
type contextKeyType string
const (
ctxRequestInfo = contextKeyType("FrostFS-S3-GW")
ctxRequestLogger = contextKeyType("FrostFS-S3-GW-Logger")
var (
// De-facto standard header keys.
xForwardedFor = http.CanonicalHeaderKey("X-Forwarded-For")
xRealIP = http.CanonicalHeaderKey("X-Real-IP")
var (
// RFC7239 defines a new "Forwarded: " header designed to replace the
// existing use of X-Forwarded-* headers.
// e.g. Forwarded: for=;proto=https;by=
forwarded = http.CanonicalHeaderKey("Forwarded")
// Allows for a sub-match of the first value after 'for=' to the next
// comma, semi-colon or space. The match is case-insensitive.
forRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)(?:for=)([^(;|, )]+)(.*)`)
// GetSourceIP retrieves the IP from the X-Forwarded-For, X-Real-IP and RFC7239
// Forwarded headers (in that order), falls back to r.RemoteAddr when everything
// else fails.
func GetSourceIP(r *http.Request) string {
var addr string
if fwd := r.Header.Get(xForwardedFor); fwd != "" {
// Only grabs the first (client) address. Note that ',
//' is a valid key for X-Forwarded-For where addresses after
// the first one may represent forwarding proxies earlier in the chain.
s := strings.Index(fwd, ", ")
if s == -1 {
s = len(fwd)
addr = fwd[:s]
} else if fwd := r.Header.Get(xRealIP); fwd != "" {
// X-Real-IP should only contain one IP address (the client making the
// request).
addr = fwd
} else if fwd := r.Header.Get(forwarded); fwd != "" {
// match should contain at least two elements if the protocol was
// specified in the Forwarded header. The first element will always be
// the 'for=' capture, which we ignore. In the case of multiple IP
// addresses (for=,, is valid) we only
// extract the first, which should be the client IP.
if match := forRegex.FindStringSubmatch(fwd); len(match) > 1 {
// IPv6 addresses in Forwarded headers are quoted-strings. We strip
// these quotes.
addr = strings.Trim(match[1], `"`)
if addr != "" {
return addr
// Default to remote address if headers not set.
addr, _, _ = net.SplitHostPort(r.RemoteAddr)
return addr
func prepareReqInfo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *ReqInfo {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
object, err := url.PathUnescape(vars["object"])
if err != nil {
object = vars["object"]
prefix, err := url.QueryUnescape(vars["prefix"])
if err != nil {
prefix = vars["prefix"]
if prefix != "" {
object = prefix
return NewReqInfo(w, r, ObjectRequest{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
Method: mux.CurrentRoute(r).GetName(),
// NewReqInfo returns new ReqInfo based on parameters.
func NewReqInfo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, req ObjectRequest) *ReqInfo {
return &ReqInfo{
API: req.Method,
BucketName: req.Bucket,
ObjectName: req.Object,
UserAgent: r.UserAgent(),
RemoteHost: GetSourceIP(r),
RequestID: GetRequestID(w),
DeploymentID: deploymentID.String(),
// AppendTags -- appends key/val to ReqInfo.tags.
func (r *ReqInfo) AppendTags(key string, val string) *ReqInfo {
if r == nil {
return nil
defer r.Unlock()
r.tags = append(r.tags, KeyVal{key, val})
return r
// SetTags -- sets key/val to ReqInfo.tags.
func (r *ReqInfo) SetTags(key string, val string) *ReqInfo {
if r == nil {
return nil
defer r.Unlock()
// Search for a tag key already existing in tags
var updated bool
for _, tag := range r.tags {
if tag.Key == key {
tag.Val = val
updated = true
if !updated {
// Append to the end of tags list
r.tags = append(r.tags, KeyVal{key, val})
return r
// GetTags -- returns the user defined tags.
func (r *ReqInfo) GetTags() []KeyVal {
if r == nil {
return nil
defer r.RUnlock()
return append([]KeyVal(nil), r.tags...)
// SetReqInfo sets ReqInfo in the context.
func SetReqInfo(ctx context.Context, req *ReqInfo) context.Context {
if ctx == nil {
return nil
return context.WithValue(ctx, ctxRequestInfo, req)
// GetReqInfo returns ReqInfo if set.
// If ReqInfo isn't set returns new empty ReqInfo.
func GetReqInfo(ctx context.Context) *ReqInfo {
if ctx == nil {
return &ReqInfo{}
} else if r, ok := ctx.Value(ctxRequestInfo).(*ReqInfo); ok {
return r
return &ReqInfo{}
// SetReqLogger sets child zap.Logger in the context.
func SetReqLogger(ctx context.Context, log *zap.Logger) context.Context {
if ctx == nil {
return nil
return context.WithValue(ctx, ctxRequestLogger, log)
// GetReqLog returns log if set.
// If zap.Logger isn't set returns nil.
func GetReqLog(ctx context.Context) *zap.Logger {
if ctx == nil {
return nil
} else if r, ok := ctx.Value(ctxRequestLogger).(*zap.Logger); ok {
return r
return nil