package client

import (


// StaticClient is a wrapper over Neo:Morph client
// that invokes single smart contract methods with fixed fee.
// Working static client must be created via constructor NewStatic.
// Using the StaticClient that has been created with new(StaticClient)
// expression (or just declaring a StaticClient variable) is unsafe
// and can lead to panic.
type StaticClient struct {
	client *Client // neo-go client instance

	scScriptHash util.Uint160 // contract script-hash

	fee fixedn.Fixed8 // invocation fee

// ErrNilStaticClient is returned by functions that expect
// a non-nil StaticClient pointer, but received nil.
var ErrNilStaticClient = errors.New("static client is nil")

// NewStatic creates, initializes and returns the StaticClient instance.
// If provided Client instance is nil, ErrNilClient is returned.
func NewStatic(client *Client, scriptHash util.Uint160, fee fixedn.Fixed8) (*StaticClient, error) {
	if client == nil {
		return nil, ErrNilClient

	return &StaticClient{
		client:       client,
		scScriptHash: scriptHash,
		fee:          fee,
	}, nil

// Invoke calls Invoke method of Client with static internal script hash and fee.
// Supported args types are the same as in Client.
func (s StaticClient) Invoke(method string, args ...interface{}) error {
	return s.client.Invoke(

// TestInvoke calls TestInvoke method of Client with static internal script hash.
func (s StaticClient) TestInvoke(method string, args ...interface{}) ([]stackitem.Item, error) {
	return s.client.TestInvoke(

// NotaryInvoke calls NotaryInvoke method of Client with static internal
// script hash. Returns error if notary support was not enabled in underlying
// moprh client.
func (s StaticClient) NotaryInvoke(method string, args ...interface{}) error {
	return s.client.NotaryInvoke(