Leonard Lyubich 7f5fb130c0 [] *: Support NeoFS API status returns
Upgrade NeoFS API Go library to version with status returns. Make all API
clients to pull out and return errors from failed statuses. Make signature
service to respond with status if client version supports it.

Signed-off-by: Leonard Lyubich <>
2021-11-24 09:26:40 +03:00

280 lines
7 KiB

package neofsapiclient
import (
apistatus ""
cid ""
// Client represents NeoFS API client cut down to the needs of a purely IR application.
type Client struct {
key *ecdsa.PrivateKey
c client.Client
// WrapBasicClient wraps client.Client instance to use it for NeoFS API RPC.
func (x *Client) WrapBasicClient(c client.Client) {
x.c = c
// SetPrivateKey sets private key to sign RPC requests.
func (x *Client) SetPrivateKey(key *ecdsa.PrivateKey) {
x.key = key
// SearchSGPrm groups parameters of SearchSG operation.
type SearchSGPrm struct {
cnrID *cid.ID
// SetContainerID sets ID of the container to search for storage groups.
func (x *SearchSGPrm) SetContainerID(id *cid.ID) {
x.cnrID = id
// SearchSGRes groups resulting values of SearchSG operation.
type SearchSGRes struct {
cliRes *client.ObjectSearchRes
// IDList returns list of IDs of storage groups in container.
func (x SearchSGRes) IDList() []*object.ID {
return x.cliRes.IDList()
var sgFilter = storagegroup.SearchQuery()
// SearchSG lists objects of storage group type in the container.
// Returns any error prevented the operation from completing correctly in error return.
func (x Client) SearchSG(prm SearchSGPrm) (res SearchSGRes, err error) {
var cliPrm client.SearchObjectParams
res.cliRes, err = x.c.SearchObjects(prm.ctx, &cliPrm,
if err == nil {
// pull out an error from status
err = apistatus.ErrFromStatus(res.cliRes.Status())
// GetObjectPrm groups parameters of GetObject operation.
type GetObjectPrm struct {
// GetObjectRes groups resulting values of GetObject operation.
type GetObjectRes struct {
cliRes *client.ObjectGetRes
// Object returns received object.
func (x GetObjectRes) Object() *object.Object {
return x.cliRes.Object()
// GetObject reads the object by address.
// Returns any error prevented the operation from completing correctly in error return.
func (x Client) GetObject(prm GetObjectPrm) (res GetObjectRes, err error) {
var cliPrm client.GetObjectParams
res.cliRes, err = x.c.GetObject(prm.ctx, &cliPrm,
if err == nil {
// pull out an error from status
err = apistatus.ErrFromStatus(res.cliRes.Status())
// HeadObjectPrm groups parameters of HeadObject operation.
type HeadObjectPrm struct {
raw bool
ttl uint32
// SetRawFlag sets flag of raw request.
func (x *HeadObjectPrm) SetRawFlag() {
x.raw = true
// SetTTL sets request TTL value.
func (x *HeadObjectPrm) SetTTL(ttl uint32) {
x.ttl = ttl
// HeadObjectRes groups resulting values of HeadObject operation.
type HeadObjectRes struct {
cliRes *client.ObjectHeadRes
// Header returns received object header.
func (x HeadObjectRes) Header() *object.Object {
return x.cliRes.Object()
// HeadObject reads short object header by address.
// Returns any error prevented the operation from completing correctly in error return.
// For raw requests, returns *object.SplitInfoError error if requested object is virtual.
func (x Client) HeadObject(prm HeadObjectPrm) (res HeadObjectRes, err error) {
var cliPrm client.ObjectHeaderParams
res.cliRes, err = x.c.HeadObject(prm.ctx, &cliPrm,
if err == nil {
// pull out an error from status
err = apistatus.ErrFromStatus(res.cliRes.Status())
// GetObjectPayload reads object by address from NeoFS via Client and returns its payload.
// Returns any error prevented the operation from completing correctly in error return.
func GetObjectPayload(ctx context.Context, c Client, addr *object.Address) ([]byte, error) {
var prm GetObjectPrm
obj, err := c.GetObject(prm)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return obj.Object().Payload(), nil
func headObject(ctx context.Context, c Client, addr *object.Address, raw bool, ttl uint32) (*object.Object, error) {
var prm HeadObjectPrm
if raw {
obj, err := c.HeadObject(prm)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return obj.Header(), nil
// GetRawObjectHeaderLocally reads raw short object header from server's local storage by address via Client.
func GetRawObjectHeaderLocally(ctx context.Context, c Client, addr *object.Address) (*object.Object, error) {
return headObject(ctx, c, addr, true, 1)
// GetObjectHeaderFromContainer reads short object header by address via Client with TTL = 10
// for deep traversal of the container.
func GetObjectHeaderFromContainer(ctx context.Context, c Client, addr *object.Address) (*object.Object, error) {
return headObject(ctx, c, addr, false, 10)
// HashPayloadRangePrm groups parameters of HashPayloadRange operation.
type HashPayloadRangePrm struct {
rng *object.Range
// SetRange sets payload range to calculate the hash.
func (x *HashPayloadRangePrm) SetRange(rng *object.Range) {
x.rng = rng
// HashPayloadRangeRes groups resulting values of HashPayloadRange operation.
type HashPayloadRangeRes struct {
h []byte
// Hash returns hash of the object payload range.
func (x HashPayloadRangeRes) Hash() []byte {
return x.h
// HashObjectRange requests to calculate Tillich-Zemor hash of the payload range of the object
// from the remote server's local storage.
// Returns any error prevented the operation from completing correctly in error return.
func (x Client) HashPayloadRange(prm HashPayloadRangePrm) (res HashPayloadRangeRes, err error) {
var cliPrm client.RangeChecksumParams
cliRes, err := x.c.HashObjectPayloadRanges(prm.ctx, &cliPrm,
if err == nil {
// pull out an error from status
err = apistatus.ErrFromStatus(cliRes.Status())
if err != nil {
hs := cliRes.Hashes()
if ln := len(hs); ln != 1 {
err = fmt.Errorf("wrong number of hashes %d", ln)
} else {
res.h = hs[0]
// HashObjectRange reads Tillich-Zemor hash of the object payload range by address
// from the remote server's local storage via Client.
// Returns any error prevented the operation from completing correctly in error return.
func HashObjectRange(ctx context.Context, c Client, addr *object.Address, rng *object.Range) ([]byte, error) {
var prm HashPayloadRangePrm
res, err := c.HashPayloadRange(prm)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res.Hash(), nil