Leonard Lyubich 1b0d2c67d1 [] blobstor: Add blobovnicza ID value to DeleteSmallPrm
Blobovnicza ID parameter provides the ability to specify particular
blobovnicza to delete object from. In this case only specified blobovnicza
is processed.

Signed-off-by: Leonard Lyubich <>
2020-12-11 17:19:37 +03:00

23 lines
680 B

package blobstor
// DeleteSmallPrm groups the parameters of DeleteSmall operation.
type DeleteSmallPrm struct {
// DeleteSmallRes groups resulting values of DeleteSmall operation.
type DeleteSmallRes struct{}
// DeleteSmall removes object from blobovnicza of BLOB storage.
// If blobovnicza ID is not set or set to nil, BlobStor tries to
// find and remove object from any blobovnicza.
// Returns any error encountered that did not allow
// to completely remove the object.
// Returns ErrObjectNotFound if there is no object to delete.
func (b *BlobStor) DeleteSmall(prm *DeleteSmallPrm) (*DeleteSmallRes, error) {
panic("implement me")