Leonard Lyubich eaae5a5dd7 [] blobovnicza: Store objects in a binary format
In previous implementation Blobovnicza's stored objects in protocol format
which did not allow working with externally compressed objects. To achieve
this goal, operations Get and Put no longer work with the structure of the
object, but only with abstract binary data. Operation GetRange has become
incorrect in its original purpose to receive the payload range. In this
regard, BlobStor receives the payload range of the object through Get
operation. In the future either Blobovnicza will learn to compress objects
by itself, or the GetRange operation will be eliminated.

Signed-off-by: Leonard Lyubich <>
2020-12-11 17:19:37 +03:00

822 lines
21 KiB

package blobstor
import (
lru ""
objectSDK ""
// represents storage of the "small" objects.
// Each object is stored in Blobovnicza's (B-s).
// B-s are structured in a multilevel directory hierarchy
// with fixed depth and width (configured by BlobStor).
// Example (width = 4, depth = 3):
// x===============================x
// |[0] [1] [2] [3]|
// | \ / |
// | \ / |
// | \ / |
// | \ / |
// |[0] [1] [2] [3]|
// | | / |
// | | / |
// | | / |
// | | / |
// |[0](F) [1](A) [X] [X]|
// x===============================x
// Elements of the deepest level are B-s.
// B-s are allocated dynamically. At each moment of the time there is
// an active B (ex. A), set of already filled B-s (ex. F) and
// list of not yet initialized B-s (ex. X). After filling the active B
// it becomes full, and next B becomes initialized and active.
// Active B and some of the full B-s are cached (LRU). All cached
// B-s are intitialized and opened.
// Object is saved as follows:
// 1. at each level, according to HRW, the next one is selected and
// dives into it until we reach the deepest;
// 2. at the B-s level object is saved to the active B. If active B
// is full, next B is opened, initialized and cached. If there
// is no more X candidates, goto 1 and process next level.
// After the object is saved in B, path concatenation is returned
// in system path format as B identifier (ex. "0/1/1" or "3/2/1").
type blobovniczas struct {
// cache of opened filled blobovniczas
opened *lru.Cache
// list of active (opened, non-filled) blobovniczas
activeMtx sync.RWMutex
active map[string]blobovniczaWithIndex
type blobovniczaWithIndex struct {
ind uint64
blz *blobovnicza.Blobovnicza
var errPutFailed = errors.New("could not save the object in any blobovnicza")
func newBlobovniczaTree(c *cfg) (blz *blobovniczas) {
cache, err := lru.NewWithEvict(c.openedCacheSize, func(key interface{}, value interface{}) {
defer blz.activeMtx.RUnlock()
if _, ok :=[path.Dir(key.(string))]; ok {
} else if err := value.(*blobovnicza.Blobovnicza).Close(); err != nil {
c.log.Error("could not close Blobovnicza",
zap.String("id", key.(string)),
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
} else {
c.log.Debug("blobovnicza succesfully closed on evict",
zap.String("id", key.(string)),
if err != nil {
// occurs only if the size is not positive
panic(errors.Wrapf(err, "could not create LRU cache of size %d", c.openedCacheSize))
cp := uint64(1)
for i := uint64(0); i < c.blzShallowDepth; i++ {
cp *= c.blzShallowWidth
return &blobovniczas{
cfg: c,
opened: cache,
active: make(map[string]blobovniczaWithIndex, cp),
// makes slice of uint64 values from 0 to number-1.
func indexSlice(number uint64) []uint64 {
s := make([]uint64, number)
for i := range s {
s[i] = uint64(i)
return s
// save object in the maximum weight blobobnicza.
// returns error if could not save object in any blobovnicza.
func (b *blobovniczas) put(addr *objectSDK.Address, data []byte) (*blobovnicza.ID, error) {
prm := new(blobovnicza.PutPrm)
var (
fn func(string) (bool, error)
id *blobovnicza.ID
fn = func(p string) (bool, error) {
active, err := b.getActivated(p)
if err != nil {
b.log.Debug("could not get active blobovnicza",
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
return false, nil
if _, err := active.blz.Put(prm); err != nil {
// check if blobovnicza is full
if errors.Is(err, blobovnicza.ErrFull) {
b.log.Debug("blobovnicza overflowed",
zap.String("path", path.Join(p, u64ToHexString(active.ind))),
if err := b.updateActive(p, &active.ind); err != nil {
b.log.Debug("could not update active blobovnicza",
zap.String("level", p),
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
return false, nil
return fn(p)
b.log.Debug("could not put object to active blobovnicza",
zap.String("path", path.Join(p, u64ToHexString(active.ind))),
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
return false, nil
p = path.Join(p, u64ToHexString(active.ind))
id = blobovnicza.NewIDFromBytes([]byte(p))
b.log.Debug("object successfully saved in active blobovnicza",
zap.String("path", p),
zap.Stringer("addr", addr),
return true, nil
if err := b.iterateDeepest(addr, fn); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if id == nil {
return nil, errPutFailed
return id, nil
// reads object from blobovnicza tree.
// If blobocvnicza ID is specified, only this blobovnicza is processed.
// Otherwise, all blobovniczas are processed descending weight.
func (b *blobovniczas) get(prm *GetSmallPrm) (res *GetSmallRes, err error) {
bPrm := new(blobovnicza.GetPrm)
if prm.blobovniczaID != nil {
blz, err := b.openBlobovnicza(prm.blobovniczaID.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b.getObject(blz, bPrm)
activeCache := make(map[string]struct{})
err = b.iterateSortedLeaves(prm.addr, func(p string) (bool, error) {
dirPath := path.Dir(p)
_, ok := activeCache[dirPath]
res, err = b.getObjectFromLevel(bPrm, p, !ok)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, object.ErrNotFound) {
b.log.Debug("could not get object from level",
zap.String("level", p),
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
activeCache[dirPath] = struct{}{}
// abort iterator if found, otherwise process all blobovniczas
return err == nil, nil
if err == nil && res == nil {
// not found in any blobovnicza
err = object.ErrNotFound
// removes object from blobovnicza tree.
// If blobocvnicza ID is specified, only this blobovnicza is processed.
// Otherwise, all blobovniczas are processed descending weight.
// TODO:quite similar to GET, can be unified
func (b *blobovniczas) delete(prm *DeleteSmallPrm) (res *DeleteSmallRes, err error) {
bPrm := new(blobovnicza.DeletePrm)
if prm.blobovniczaID != nil {
blz, err := b.openBlobovnicza(prm.blobovniczaID.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b.deleteObject(blz, bPrm)
activeCache := make(map[string]struct{})
err = b.iterateSortedLeaves(prm.addr, func(p string) (bool, error) {
dirPath := path.Dir(p)
// don't process active blobovnicza of the level twice
_, ok := activeCache[dirPath]
res, err = b.deleteObjectFromLevel(bPrm, p, !ok)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, object.ErrNotFound) {
b.log.Debug("could not remove object from level",
zap.String("level", p),
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
activeCache[dirPath] = struct{}{}
if err == nil {
res = new(DeleteSmallRes)
// abort iterator if found, otherwise process all blobovniczas
return err == nil, nil
if err == nil && res == nil {
// not found in any blobovnicza
err = object.ErrNotFound
// reads range of object payload data from blobovnicza tree.
// If blobocvnicza ID is specified, only this blobovnicza is processed.
// Otherwise, all blobovniczas are processed descending weight.
// TODO:quite similar to GET, can be unified
func (b *blobovniczas) getRange(prm *GetRangeSmallPrm) (res *GetRangeSmallRes, err error) {
if prm.blobovniczaID != nil {
blz, err := b.openBlobovnicza(prm.blobovniczaID.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b.getObjectRange(blz, prm)
activeCache := make(map[string]struct{})
err = b.iterateSortedLeaves(prm.addr, func(p string) (bool, error) {
dirPath := path.Dir(p)
_, ok := activeCache[dirPath]
res, err = b.getRangeFromLevel(prm, p, !ok)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, object.ErrNotFound) {
b.log.Debug("could not get object from level",
zap.String("level", p),
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
activeCache[dirPath] = struct{}{}
// abort iterator if found, otherwise process all blobovniczas
return err == nil, nil
if err == nil && res == nil {
// not found in any blobovnicza
err = object.ErrNotFound
// tries to delete object from particular blobovnicza.
// returns no error if object was removed from some blobovnicza of the same level.
func (b *blobovniczas) deleteObjectFromLevel(prm *blobovnicza.DeletePrm, blzPath string, tryActive bool) (*DeleteSmallRes, error) {
lvlPath := path.Dir(blzPath)
log := b.log.With(
zap.String("path", blzPath),
// try to remove from blobovnicza if it is opened
v, ok := b.opened.Get(blzPath)
if ok {
if res, err := b.deleteObject(v.(*blobovnicza.Blobovnicza), prm); err == nil {
return res, err
} else if !errors.Is(err, object.ErrNotFound) {
log.Debug("could not remove object from opened blobovnicza",
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
// therefore the object is possibly placed in a lighter blobovnicza
// next we check in the active level blobobnicza:
// * the active blobovnicza is always opened.
active, ok :=[lvlPath]
if ok && tryActive {
if res, err := b.deleteObject(active.blz, prm); err == nil {
return res, err
} else if !errors.Is(err, object.ErrNotFound) {
log.Debug("could not remove object from active blobovnicza",
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
// then object is possibly placed in closed blobovnicza
// check if it makes sense to try to open the blob
// (blobovniczas "after" the active one are empty anyway,
// and it's pointless to open them).
if u64FromHexString(path.Base(blzPath)) > active.ind {
log.Debug("index is too big")
return nil, object.ErrNotFound
// open blobovnicza (cached inside)
blz, err := b.openBlobovnicza(blzPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b.deleteObject(blz, prm)
// tries to read object from particular blobovnicza.
// returns error if object could not be read from any blobovnicza of the same level.
func (b *blobovniczas) getObjectFromLevel(prm *blobovnicza.GetPrm, blzPath string, tryActive bool) (*GetSmallRes, error) {
lvlPath := path.Dir(blzPath)
log := b.log.With(
zap.String("path", blzPath),
// try to read from blobovnicza if it is opened
v, ok := b.opened.Get(blzPath)
if ok {
if res, err := b.getObject(v.(*blobovnicza.Blobovnicza), prm); err == nil {
return res, err
} else if !errors.Is(err, object.ErrNotFound) {
log.Debug("could not read object from opened blobovnicza",
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
// therefore the object is possibly placed in a lighter blobovnicza
// next we check in the active level blobobnicza:
// * the freshest objects are probably the most demanded;
// * the active blobovnicza is always opened.
active, ok :=[lvlPath]
if ok && tryActive {
if res, err := b.getObject(active.blz, prm); err == nil {
return res, err
} else if !errors.Is(err, object.ErrNotFound) {
log.Debug("could not get object from active blobovnicza",
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
// then object is possibly placed in closed blobovnicza
// check if it makes sense to try to open the blob
// (blobovniczas "after" the active one are empty anyway,
// and it's pointless to open them).
if u64FromHexString(path.Base(blzPath)) > active.ind {
log.Debug("index is too big")
return nil, object.ErrNotFound
// open blobovnicza (cached inside)
blz, err := b.openBlobovnicza(blzPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b.getObject(blz, prm)
// tries to read range of object payload data from particular blobovnicza.
// returns error if object could not be read from any blobovnicza of the same level.
func (b *blobovniczas) getRangeFromLevel(prm *GetRangeSmallPrm, blzPath string, tryActive bool) (*GetRangeSmallRes, error) {
lvlPath := path.Dir(blzPath)
log := b.log.With(
zap.String("path", blzPath),
// try to read from blobovnicza if it is opened
v, ok := b.opened.Get(blzPath)
if ok {
if res, err := b.getObjectRange(v.(*blobovnicza.Blobovnicza), prm); err == nil {
return res, err
} else if !errors.Is(err, object.ErrNotFound) {
log.Debug("could not read payload range from opened blobovnicza",
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
// therefore the object is possibly placed in a lighter blobovnicza
// next we check in the active level blobobnicza:
// * the freshest objects are probably the most demanded;
// * the active blobovnicza is always opened.
active, ok :=[lvlPath]
if ok && tryActive {
if res, err := b.getObjectRange(active.blz, prm); err == nil {
return res, err
} else if !errors.Is(err, object.ErrNotFound) {
log.Debug("could not read payload range from active blobovnicza",
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
// then object is possibly placed in closed blobovnicza
// check if it makes sense to try to open the blob
// (blobovniczas "after" the active one are empty anyway,
// and it's pointless to open them).
if u64FromHexString(path.Base(blzPath)) > active.ind {
log.Debug("index is too big")
return nil, object.ErrNotFound
// open blobovnicza (cached inside)
blz, err := b.openBlobovnicza(blzPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b.getObjectRange(blz, prm)
// removes object from blobovnicza and returns DeleteSmallRes.
func (b *blobovniczas) deleteObject(blz *blobovnicza.Blobovnicza, prm *blobovnicza.DeletePrm) (*DeleteSmallRes, error) {
_, err := blz.Delete(prm)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return new(DeleteSmallRes), nil
// reads object from blobovnicza and returns GetSmallRes.
func (b *blobovniczas) getObject(blz *blobovnicza.Blobovnicza, prm *blobovnicza.GetPrm) (*GetSmallRes, error) {
res, err := blz.Get(prm)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// decompress the data
data, err := b.decompressor(res.Object())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not decompress object data")
// unmarshal the object
obj := object.New()
if err := obj.Unmarshal(data); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not unmarshal the object")
return &GetSmallRes{
roObject: roObject{
obj: obj,
}, nil
// reads range of object payload data from blobovnicza and returns GetRangeSmallRes.
func (b *blobovniczas) getObjectRange(blz *blobovnicza.Blobovnicza, prm *GetRangeSmallPrm) (*GetRangeSmallRes, error) {
gPrm := new(blobovnicza.GetPrm)
// we don't use GetRange call for now since blobovnicza
// stores data that is compressed on BlobStor side.
// If blobovnicza learns to do the compression itself,
// wecan start using GetRange.
res, err := blz.Get(gPrm)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// decompress the data
data, err := b.decompressor(res.Object())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not decompress object data")
// unmarshal the object
obj := object.New()
if err := obj.Unmarshal(data); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not unmarshal the object")
from := prm.rng.GetOffset()
to := from + prm.rng.GetLength()
payload := obj.Payload()
if uint64(len(payload)) < to {
return nil, object.ErrRangeOutOfBounds
return &GetRangeSmallRes{
rangeData: rangeData{
data: payload[from:to],
}, nil
// iterator over the paths of blobovniczas in random order.
func (b *blobovniczas) iterateLeaves(f func(string) (bool, error)) error {
return b.iterateSortedLeaves(nil, f)
// iterator over the paths of blobovniczas sorted by weight.
func (b *blobovniczas) iterateSortedLeaves(addr *objectSDK.Address, f func(string) (bool, error)) error {
_, err := b.iterateSorted(
make([]string, 0, b.blzShallowDepth),
func(p []string) (bool, error) { return f(path.Join(p...)) },
return err
// iterator over directories with blobovniczas sorted by weight.
func (b *blobovniczas) iterateDeepest(addr *objectSDK.Address, f func(string) (bool, error)) error {
depth := b.blzShallowDepth
if depth > 0 {
_, err := b.iterateSorted(
make([]string, 0, depth),
func(p []string) (bool, error) { return f(path.Join(p...)) },
return err
// iterator over particular level of directories.
func (b *blobovniczas) iterateSorted(addr *objectSDK.Address, curPath []string, execDepth uint64, f func([]string) (bool, error)) (bool, error) {
indices := indexSlice(b.blzShallowWidth)
hrw.SortSliceByValue(indices, addressHash(addr, path.Join(curPath...)))
exec := uint64(len(curPath)) == execDepth
for i := range indices {
if i == 0 {
curPath = append(curPath, u64ToHexString(indices[i]))
} else {
curPath[len(curPath)-1] = u64ToHexString(indices[i])
if exec {
if stop, err := f(curPath); err != nil {
return false, err
} else if stop {
return true, nil
} else if stop, err := b.iterateSorted(addr, curPath, execDepth, f); err != nil {
return false, err
} else if stop {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// activates and returns activated blobovnicza of p-level (dir).
// returns error if blobvnicza could not be activated.
func (b *blobovniczas) getActivated(p string) (blobovniczaWithIndex, error) {
defer b.activeMtx.Unlock()
// try again
return b.updateAndGet(p, nil)
// updates active blobovnicza of p-level (dir).
// if current active blobovnicza's index is not old, it remains unchanged.
func (b *blobovniczas) updateActive(p string, old *uint64) error {
log := b.log.With(zap.String("path", p))
log.Debug("updating active blobovnicza...")
_, err := b.updateAndGet(p, old)
log.Debug("active blobovnicza successfully updated")
return err
// updates and returns active blobovnicza of p-level (dir).
// if current active blobovnicza's index is not old, it is returned unchanged.
func (b *blobovniczas) updateAndGet(p string, old *uint64) (blobovniczaWithIndex, error) {
active, ok :=[p]
if ok {
if old != nil {
if active.ind == b.blzShallowWidth-1 {
return active, errors.New("no more blobovniczas")
} else if active.ind != *old {
// sort of CAS in order to control concurrent
// updateActive calls
return active, nil
} else {
return active, nil
var err error
if active.blz, err = b.openBlobovnicza(path.Join(p, u64ToHexString(active.ind))); err != nil {
return active, err
// remove from opened cache (active blobovnicza should always be opened)
b.opened.Remove(p)[p] = active
b.log.Debug("blobovnicza succesfully activated",
zap.String("path", path.Join(p, u64ToHexString(active.ind))),
return active, nil
// initializes blobovnicza tree.
// Should be called exactly once.
func (b *blobovniczas) init() error {
b.log.Debug("initializing Blobovnicza's")
return b.iterateLeaves(func(p string) (bool, error) {
blz, err := b.openBlobovnicza(p)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "could not open blobovnicza %s", p)
} else if err := blz.Init(); err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "could not initialize blobovnicza structure %s", p)
log := b.log.With(zap.String("id", p))
log.Debug("blobovnicza successfully initialized, closing...")
return false, nil
// closes blobovnicza tree.
func (b *blobovniczas) close() error {
for p, v := range {
if err := v.blz.Close(); err != nil {
b.log.Debug("could not close active blobovnicza",
zap.String("path", p),
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
delete(, p)
return nil
// opens and returns blobovnicza with path p.
// If blobovnicza is already opened and cached, instance from cache is returned w/o changes.
func (b *blobovniczas) openBlobovnicza(p string) (*blobovnicza.Blobovnicza, error) {
v, ok := b.opened.Get(p)
if ok {
// blobovnicza should be opened in cache
return v.(*blobovnicza.Blobovnicza), nil
blz := blobovnicza.New(append(b.blzOpts,
blobovnicza.WithPath(path.Join(b.blzRootPath, p)),
if err := blz.Open(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "could not open blobovnicza %s", p)
b.opened.Add(p, blz)
return blz, nil
// returns hash of the object address.
func addressHash(addr *objectSDK.Address, path string) uint64 {
var a string
if addr != nil {
a = addr.String()
return hrw.Hash([]byte(a + path))
// converts uint64 to hex string.
func u64ToHexString(ind uint64) string {
return strconv.FormatUint(ind, 16)
// converts uint64 hex string to uint64.
func u64FromHexString(str string) uint64 {
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(str, 16, 64)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("blobovnicza name is not an index %s", str))
return v