[] Add new tagging tests for s3

Signed-off-by: Yulia Kovshova <y.kovshova@yadro.com>
This commit is contained in:
Юлия Ковшова 2022-10-03 16:03:55 +03:00 committed by Julia Kovshova
parent 1d09fc73b6
commit bb62299945
5 changed files with 185 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import os
from typing import Optional
import allure
from steps import s3_gate_bucket, s3_gate_object
import s3_gate_bucket
import s3_gate_object
@allure.step("Expected all objects are presented in the bucket")
@ -48,3 +48,45 @@ def set_bucket_versioning(s3_client, bucket: str, status: s3_gate_bucket.Version
def object_key_from_file_path(full_path: str) -> str:
return os.path.basename(full_path)
def assert_tags(
actual_tags: list, expected_tags: Optional[list] = None, unexpected_tags: Optional[list] = None
) -> None:
expected_tags = (
[{"Key": key, "Value": value} for key, value in expected_tags] if expected_tags else []
unexpected_tags = (
[{"Key": key, "Value": value} for key, value in unexpected_tags] if unexpected_tags else []
if expected_tags == []:
assert not actual_tags, f"Expected there is no tags, got {actual_tags}"
assert len(expected_tags) == len(actual_tags)
for tag in expected_tags:
assert tag in actual_tags, f"Tag {tag} must be in {actual_tags}"
for tag in unexpected_tags:
assert tag not in actual_tags, f"Tag {tag} should not be in {actual_tags}"
@allure.step("Expected all tags are presented in object")
def check_tags_by_object(
bucket: str,
key_name: str,
expected_tags: list,
unexpected_tags: Optional[list] = None,
) -> None:
actual_tags = s3_gate_object.get_object_tagging(s3_client, bucket, key_name)
expected_tags=expected_tags, unexpected_tags=unexpected_tags, actual_tags=actual_tags
@allure.step("Expected all tags are presented in bucket")
def check_tags_by_bucket(
s3_client, bucket: str, expected_tags: list, unexpected_tags: Optional[list] = None
) -> None:
actual_tags = s3_gate_bucket.get_bucket_tagging(s3_client, bucket)
expected_tags=expected_tags, unexpected_tags=unexpected_tags, actual_tags=actual_tags

View file

@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ class AwsCliClient:
for key, value in Metadata.items():
cmd += f" {key}={value}"
if Tagging:
cmd += f" --tagging {Tagging}"
cmd += f" --tagging '{Tagging}'"
if ACL:
cmd += f" --acl {ACL}"
if ObjectLockMode:

View file

@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ from python_keywords.utility_keywords import (
from s3_helper import (
@ -344,17 +346,10 @@ class TestS3Gate(TestS3GateBase):
key_value_pair = [("some-key", "some-value"), ("some-key-2", "some-value-2")]
s3_gate_bucket.put_bucket_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, key_value_pair)
got_tags = s3_gate_bucket.get_bucket_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket)
with allure.step("Check all tags are presented"):
assert got_tags, f"Expected tags, got {got_tags}"
expected_tags = [{"Key": key, "Value": value} for key, value in key_value_pair]
for tag in expected_tags:
assert tag in got_tags
check_tags_by_bucket(self.s3_client, bucket, key_value_pair)
s3_gate_bucket.delete_bucket_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket)
tags = s3_gate_bucket.get_bucket_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket)
assert not tags, f"Expected there is no tags for bucket {bucket}, got {tags}"
check_tags_by_bucket(self.s3_client, bucket, [])
@allure.title("Test S3 Object tagging API")
def test_s3_api_object_tagging(self, bucket):
@ -376,16 +371,15 @@ class TestS3Gate(TestS3GateBase):
for tags in (key_value_pair_obj, key_value_pair_obj_new):
s3_gate_object.put_object_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, obj_key, tags)
got_tags = s3_gate_object.get_object_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, obj_key)
assert got_tags, f"Expected tags, got {got_tags}"
expected_tags = [{"Key": key, "Value": value} for key, value in tags]
for tag in expected_tags:
assert tag in got_tags
s3_gate_object.delete_object_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, obj_key)
got_tags = s3_gate_object.get_object_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, obj_key)
assert not got_tags, f"Expected there is no tags for bucket {bucket}, got {got_tags}"
check_tags_by_object(self.s3_client, bucket, obj_key, [])
@allure.title("Test S3: Delete object & delete objects S3 API")
def test_s3_api_delete(self, create_buckets):

View file

@ -772,16 +772,6 @@ class TestS3GateObject(TestS3GateBase):
file_name = self.object_key_from_file_path(file_path_1)
bucket = s3_gate_bucket.create_bucket_s3(self.s3_client, True)
set_bucket_versioning(self.s3_client, bucket, s3_gate_bucket.VersioningStatus.ENABLED)
with allure.step("Put object with lock-mode"):
with pytest.raises(
match=r".*fetch time to epoch: time '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z' must be in the future.*",
# An error occurred (InternalError) when calling the PutObject operation (reached max retries: 2):
# fetch time to epoch: time '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z' must be in the future (after 2022-09-15T08:59:30Z)
self.s3_client, bucket, file_path_1, ObjectLockMode="COMPLIANCE"
with allure.step(
"Put object with lock-mode GOVERNANCE lock-retain-until-date +1day, lock-legal-hold-status"
@ -824,8 +814,8 @@ class TestS3GateObject(TestS3GateBase):
self.s3_client, bucket, file_name, full_output=True
assert (
object_4.get("ObjectLockMode") == "GOVERNANCE"
), "Expected Object Lock Mode is GOVERNANCE"
object_4.get("ObjectLockMode") == "COMPLIANCE"
), "Expected Object Lock Mode is COMPLIANCE"
assert str(date_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")) in object_4.get(
), f'Expected Object Lock Retain Until Date is {str(date_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))}'
@ -850,8 +840,8 @@ class TestS3GateObject(TestS3GateBase):
self.s3_client, bucket, file_name, full_output=True
assert (
object_4.get("ObjectLockMode") == "GOVERNANCE"
), "Expected Object Lock Mode is GOVERNANCE"
object_4.get("ObjectLockMode") == "COMPLIANCE"
), "Expected Object Lock Mode is COMPLIANCE"
assert str(date_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")) in object_4.get(
), f'Expected Object Lock Retain Until Date is {str(date_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))}'
@ -859,6 +849,17 @@ class TestS3GateObject(TestS3GateBase):
object_4.get("ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus") == "ON"
), "Expected Object Lock Legal Hold Status is ON"
with allure.step("Put object with lock-mode"):
with pytest.raises(
match=r".*fetch time to epoch: time '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z' must be in the future.*",
# An error occurred (InternalError) when calling the PutObject operation (reached max retries: 2):
# fetch time to epoch: time '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z' must be in the future (after 2022-09-15T08:59:30Z)
self.s3_client, bucket, file_path_1, ObjectLockMode="COMPLIANCE"
@allure.title("Test S3 Sync directory")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("sync_type", ["sync", "cp"])
def test_s3_sync_dir(self, sync_type):

View file

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
import os
import uuid
from random import choice
from string import ascii_letters
from typing import Tuple
import allure
import pytest
from python_keywords.utility_keywords import generate_file
from s3_helper import check_tags_by_bucket, check_tags_by_object, object_key_from_file_path
from steps import s3_gate_bucket, s3_gate_object
from steps.s3_gate_base import TestS3GateBase
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
if "s3_client" in metafunc.fixturenames:
metafunc.parametrize("s3_client", ["aws cli", "boto3"], indirect=True)
class TestS3GateTagging(TestS3GateBase):
def create_tags(count: int) -> Tuple[list, list]:
tags = []
for _ in range(count):
tag_key = "".join(choice(ascii_letters) for _ in range(8))
tag_value = "".join(choice(ascii_letters) for _ in range(12))
tags.append((tag_key, tag_value))
return tags
@allure.title("Test S3: Object tagging")
def test_s3_object_tagging(self):
file_path = generate_file()
file_name = object_key_from_file_path(file_path)
bucket = s3_gate_bucket.create_bucket_s3(self.s3_client)
with allure.step("Put with 3 tags object into bucket"):
tag_1 = "Tag1=Value1"
s3_gate_object.put_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, file_path, Tagging=tag_1)
got_tags = s3_gate_object.get_object_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name)
assert got_tags, f"Expected tags, got {got_tags}"
assert got_tags == [{"Key": "Tag1", "Value": "Value1"}], "Tags must be the same"
with allure.step("Put 10 new tags for object"):
tags_2 = self.create_tags(10)
s3_gate_object.put_object_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name, tags=tags_2)
check_tags_by_object(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name, tags_2, [("Tag1", "Value1")])
with allure.step("Put 10 extra new tags for object"):
tags_3 = self.create_tags(10)
s3_gate_object.put_object_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name, tags=tags_3)
check_tags_by_object(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name, tags_3, tags_2)
with allure.step("Copy one object with tag"):
copy_obj_path_1 = s3_gate_object.copy_object_s3(
self.s3_client, bucket, file_name, tagging_directive="COPY"
check_tags_by_object(self.s3_client, bucket, copy_obj_path_1, tags_3, tags_2)
with allure.step("Put 11 new tags to object and expect an error"):
tags_4 = self.create_tags(11)
with pytest.raises(Exception, match=r".*Object tags cannot be greater than 10*"):
# An error occurred (BadRequest) when calling the PutObjectTagging operation: Object tags cannot be greater than 10
s3_gate_object.put_object_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name, tags=tags_4)
with allure.step("Put empty tag"):
tags_5 = []
s3_gate_object.put_object_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name, tags=tags_5)
check_tags_by_object(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name, [])
with allure.step("Put 10 object tags"):
tags_6 = self.create_tags(10)
s3_gate_object.put_object_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name, tags=tags_6)
check_tags_by_object(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name, tags_6)
with allure.step("Delete tags by delete-object-tagging"):
s3_gate_object.delete_object_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name)
check_tags_by_object(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name, [])
@allure.title("Test S3: bucket tagging")
def test_s3_bucket_tagging(self):
bucket = s3_gate_bucket.create_bucket_s3(self.s3_client)
with allure.step("Put 10 bucket tags"):
tags_1 = self.create_tags(10)
s3_gate_bucket.put_bucket_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, tags_1)
check_tags_by_bucket(self.s3_client, bucket, tags_1)
with allure.step("Put new 10 bucket tags"):
tags_2 = self.create_tags(10)
s3_gate_bucket.put_bucket_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, tags_2)
check_tags_by_bucket(self.s3_client, bucket, tags_2, tags_1)
with allure.step("Put 11 new tags to bucket and expect an error"):
tags_3 = self.create_tags(11)
with pytest.raises(Exception, match=r".*Object tags cannot be greater than 10.*"):
# An error occurred (BadRequest) when calling the PutBucketTagging operation (reached max retries: 0): Object tags cannot be greater than 10
s3_gate_bucket.put_bucket_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, tags_3)
with allure.step("Put empty tag"):
tags_4 = []
s3_gate_bucket.put_bucket_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, tags_4)
check_tags_by_bucket(self.s3_client, bucket, tags_4)
with allure.step("Put new 10 bucket tags"):
tags_5 = self.create_tags(10)
s3_gate_bucket.put_bucket_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket, tags_5)
check_tags_by_bucket(self.s3_client, bucket, tags_5, tags_2)
with allure.step("Delete tags by delete-bucket-tagging"):
s3_gate_bucket.delete_bucket_tagging(self.s3_client, bucket)
check_tags_by_bucket(self.s3_client, bucket, [])