# neofs-testlib This library provides building blocks and utilities to facilitate development of automated tests for NeoFS system. ## Repository structure TODO ## Installation TODO ## Contributing Any contributions to the library should conform to the [contribution guideline](https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-node/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). ### Development Environment To setup development environment for `neofs-testlib`, please, take the following steps: 1. Prepare virtualenv ``` $ virtualenv --python=python3.9 venv $ source venv/bin/activate ``` 2. Install all dependencies: ``` $ pip install -r requirements.txt ``` 3. Setup pre-commit hooks to run code formatters on staged files before you run a `git commit` command: ``` pre-commit install ``` Optionally you might want to integrate code formatters with your code editor to apply formatters to code files as you go: * isort is supported by [PyCharm](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/15434-isortconnect), [VS Code](https://cereblanco.medium.com/setup-black-and-isort-in-vscode-514804590bf9). Plugins exist for other IDEs/editors as well. * black can be integrated with multiple editors, please, instructions are available [here](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/integrations/editors.html). ### Unit Tests Before submitting any changes to the library, please, make sure that all unit tests are passing. To run the tests, please, use the following command: ``` python -m unittest discover --start-directory tests ``` To enable tests that interact with SSH server, please, setup SSH server and set the following environment variables before running the tests: ``` SSH_SHELL_HOST =