diff --git a/cmd/frostfs-cli/modules/ape_manager/add_chain.go b/cmd/frostfs-cli/modules/ape_manager/add_chain.go index c6622da255..a85f3c93e4 100644 --- a/cmd/frostfs-cli/modules/ape_manager/add_chain.go +++ b/cmd/frostfs-cli/modules/ape_manager/add_chain.go @@ -31,11 +31,10 @@ const ( ) const ( - defaultNamespace = "" - namespaceTarget = "namespace" - containerTarget = "container" - userTarget = "user" - groupTarget = "group" + namespaceTarget = "namespace" + containerTarget = "container" + userTarget = "user" + groupTarget = "group" ) var errUnknownTargetType = errors.New("unknown target type") diff --git a/internal/logs/logs.go b/internal/logs/logs.go index ca783a39d3..b4bc31b0c0 100644 --- a/internal/logs/logs.go +++ b/internal/logs/logs.go @@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ const ( InterruptPlacementIterationByContext = "interrupt placement iteration by context" Notification = "notification" - - SkipDeprecatedNotification = "skip deprecated notification" ) const ( @@ -41,8 +39,6 @@ const ( InnerringCantUpdatePersistentState = "can't update persistent state" InnerringCloserError = "closer error" InnerringReadConfigFromBlockchain = "read config from blockchain" - NotificatorNotificatorStartProcessingObjectNotifications = "notificator: start processing object notifications" - NotificatorNotificatorProcessingObjectNotification = "notificator: processing object notification" PolicerCouldNotGetContainer = "could not get container" PolicerCouldNotConfirmContainerRemoval = "could not confirm container removal" PolicerCouldNotInhumeObjectWithMissingContainer = "could not inhume object with missing container" @@ -61,7 +57,6 @@ const ( ReplicatorCouldNotReplicateObject = "could not replicate object" ReplicatorObjectSuccessfullyReplicated = "object successfully replicated" TreeRedirectingTreeServiceQuery = "redirecting tree service query" - TreeBearerPresentedButNotAllowedByACL = "bearer presented but not allowed by ACL" TreeCouldNotGetLastSynchronizedHeightForATree = "could not get last synchronized height for a tree" TreeCouldNotUpdateLastSynchronizedHeightForATree = "could not update last synchronized height for a tree" TreeSynchronizeTree = "synchronize tree" @@ -107,7 +102,6 @@ const ( GetUnableToGetAllPartsECObject = "unable to get all parts, continue to reconstruct with existed" GetUnableToGetPartECObject = "unable to get part of the erasure-encoded object" GetUnableToHeadPartECObject = "unable to head part of the erasure-encoded object" - GetUnableToGetECObjectContainer = "unable to get container for erasure-coded object" GetUnableToHeadPartsECObject = "unable to head parts of the erasure-encoded object" GetAssemblingSplittedObjectCompleted = "assembling splitted object completed" GetAssemblingECObjectCompleted = "assembling erasure-coded object completed" @@ -271,9 +265,7 @@ const ( ShardFailureToMarkLockersAsGarbage = "failure to mark lockers as garbage" ShardFailureToGetExpiredUnlockedObjects = "failure to get expired unlocked objects" ShardCouldNotMarkObjectToDeleteInMetabase = "could not mark object to delete in metabase" - WritecacheTriedToFlushItemsFromWritecache = "tried to flush items from write-cache" WritecacheWaitingForChannelsToFlush = "waiting for channels to flush" - WritecacheCantRemoveObjectsFromTheDatabase = "can't remove objects from the database" WritecacheCantRemoveObjectFromWritecache = "can't remove object from write-cache" BlobovniczatreeCouldNotGetObjectFromLevel = "could not get object from level" BlobovniczatreeCouldNotCloseBlobovnicza = "could not close Blobovnicza" @@ -413,11 +405,6 @@ const ( FrostFSNodeReadNewlyCreatedContainerAfterTheNotification = "read newly created container after the notification" FrostFSNodeContainerCreationEventsReceipt = "container creation event's receipt" FrostFSNodeContainerRemovalEventsReceipt = "container removal event's receipt" - FrostFSNodeNotificatorCouldNotListContainers = "notificator: could not list containers" - FrostFSNodeNotificatorCouldNotSelectObjectsFromContainer = "notificator: could not select objects from container" - FrostFSNodeNotificatorCouldNotProcessObject = "notificator: could not process object" - FrostFSNodeNotificatorFinishedProcessingObjectNotifications = "notificator: finished processing object notifications" - FrostFSNodeCouldNotWriteObjectNotification = "could not write object notification" FrostFSNodeCouldNotGetMaxObjectSizeValue = "could not get max object size value" FrostFSNodeCouldNotInhumeMarkRedundantCopyAsGarbage = "could not inhume mark redundant copy as garbage" FrostFSNodeFailedInitTracing = "failed init tracing" @@ -461,7 +448,6 @@ const ( FSTreeCantUnmarshalObject = "can't unmarshal an object" FSTreeCantFushObjectBlobstor = "can't flush an object to blobstor" FSTreeCantUpdateID = "can't update object storage ID" - FSTreeCantDecodeDBObjectAddress = "can't decode object address from the DB" PutSingleRedirectFailure = "failed to redirect PutSingle request" StorageIDRetrievalFailure = "can't get storage ID from metabase" ObjectRemovalFailureBlobStor = "can't remove object from blobStor" diff --git a/pkg/morph/client/container/client.go b/pkg/morph/client/container/client.go index fc892aafb2..f735a5ff71 100644 --- a/pkg/morph/client/container/client.go +++ b/pkg/morph/client/container/client.go @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ const ( startEstimationMethod = "startContainerEstimation" stopEstimationMethod = "stopContainerEstimation" - putSizeMethod = "putContainerSize" listSizesMethod = "listContainerSizes" getSizeMethod = "getContainerSize"