2020-07-08 10:50:58 +03:00

106 lines
3.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package acl;
option go_package = "";
option csharp_namespace = "NeoFS.API.Acl";
import "";
option (gogoproto.stable_marshaler_all) = true;
// Target of the access control rule in access control list.
enum Target {
// Unknown target, default value.
Unknown = 0;
// User target rule is applied if sender is the owner of the container.
User = 1;
// System target rule is applied if sender is the storage node within the
// container or inner ring node.
System = 2;
// Others target rule is applied if sender is not user or system target.
Others = 3;
// PubKey target rule is applied if sender has public key provided in
// extended ACL.
PubKey = 4;
// EACLRecord groups information about extended ACL rule.
message EACLRecord {
// Operation is an enumeration of operation types.
enum Operation {
GET = 1;
HEAD = 2;
PUT = 3;
// Operation carries type of operation.
Operation operation = 1 [(gogoproto.customname) = "Operation", json_name="Operation"];
// Action is an enumeration of EACL actions.
enum Action {
ActionUnknown = 0;
Allow = 1;
Deny = 2;
// Action carries ACL target action.
Action action = 2 [(gogoproto.customname) = "Action", json_name="Action"];
// FilterInfo groups information about filter.
message FilterInfo {
// Header is an enumeration of filtering header types.
enum Header {
HeaderUnknown = 0;
Request = 1;
ObjectSystem = 2;
ObjectUser = 3;
// Header carries type of header.
Header header = 1 [(gogoproto.customname) = "Header", json_name="HeaderType"];
// MatchType is an enumeration of match types.
enum MatchType {
MatchUnknown = 0;
StringEqual = 1;
StringNotEqual = 2;
// MatchType carries type of match.
MatchType matchType = 2 [(gogoproto.customname) = "MatchType", json_name="MatchType"];
// HeaderName carries name of filtering header.
string HeaderName = 3 [json_name="Name"];
// HeaderVal carries value of filtering header.
string HeaderVal = 4 [json_name="Value"];
// Filters carries set of filters.
repeated FilterInfo Filters = 3 [json_name="Filters"];
// TargetInfo groups information about extended ACL target.
message TargetInfo {
// Target carries target of ACL rule.
acl.Target Target = 1 [json_name="Role"];
// KeyList carries public keys of ACL target.
repeated bytes KeyList = 2 [json_name="Keys"];
// Targets carries information about extended ACL target list.
repeated TargetInfo Targets = 4 [json_name="Targets"];
// EACLRecord carries the information about extended ACL rules.
message EACLTable {
// Records carries list of extended ACL rule records.
repeated EACLRecord Records = 1 [json_name="Records"];