syntax = "proto3"; package neo.fs.v2.netmap; option go_package = ";netmap"; option csharp_namespace = "NeoFS.API.v2.Netmap"; // Operations on filters enum Operation { // No Operation defined OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // Equal EQ = 1; // Not Equal NE = 2; // Greater then GT = 3; // Greater or equal GE = 4; // Less then LT = 5; // Less or equal LE = 6; // Logical OR OR = 7; // Logical AND AND = 8; } // Selector modifier showing how the node set will be formed // By default selector just groups by attribute into a bucket selecting nodes // only by their hash distance. enum Clause{ // No modifier defined. Will select nodes from bucket randomly. CLAUSE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // SAME will select only nodes having the same value of bucket attribute SAME = 1; // DISTINCT will select nodes having different values of bucket attribute DISTINCT = 2; } // Filter message Filter { // Name of the filter or a reference to the named filter. // '*' means application to the whole unfiltered NetworkMap // At top level it's used as a filter name. At lower levels it's considered to // be a reference to another named filter string name = 1; // Key to filter string key = 2; // Filtering operation Operation op = 3; // Value to match string value = 4; // List of inner filters. Top level operation will be applied to the whole list. repeated Filter filters = 5; } // Selector message Selector { // Selector name to reference in object placement section string name = 1; // How many nodes to select from bucket uint32 count = 2; // Selector modifier showing how to form a bucket Clause clause = 3; // Attribute bucket to select from string attribute = 4; // Filter reference to select from string filter = 5; } // Exact bucket for each replica message Replica { // How many object replicas to put uint32 count = 1; // Named selector bucket to put in string selector = 2; } // Set of rules to select a subset of nodes able to store container's objects message PlacementPolicy { // Rules to set number of object replicas and place each one into a particular bucket repeated Replica replicas = 1; // Container backup factor controls how deep NeoFS will search for nodes // alternatives to include into container. uint32 container_backup_factor = 2; // Set of Selectors to form the container's nodes subset repeated Selector selectors = 3; // List of named filters to reference in selectors repeated Filter filters = 4; } // NeoFS node description message NodeInfo { // Public key of the NeoFS node in a binary format. bytes public_key = 1; // Ways to connect to a node string address = 2; // Attributes of the NeoFS node. message Attribute { // Key of the node attribute. string key = 1; // Value of the node attribute. string value = 2; // Parent keys, if any // Example: For City it can be Region or Country repeated string parents = 3; } // Carries list of the NeoFS node attributes in a string key-value format. repeated Attribute attributes = 3; // Represents the enumeration of various states of the NeoFS node. enum State { // Unknown state. UNSPECIFIED = 0; // Active state in the network. ONLINE = 1; // Network unavailable state. OFFLINE = 2; } // Carries state of the NeoFS node. State state = 4; }