forked from TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node
[#1170] pkg/morph: Change HTTP for WS client
Updated client now supports subscription to chain notifications and RPC switch between provided RPC endpoints. Signed-off-by: Pavel Karpy <>
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 661 additions and 327 deletions
@ -24,11 +24,15 @@ import (
// Client is a wrapper over multiple neo-go clients
// that provides smart-contract invocation interface.
// Client is a wrapper over web socket neo-go client
// that provides smart-contract invocation interface
// and notification subscription functionality.
// Each operation accesses all nodes in turn until the first success,
// and returns the error of the very first client on failure.
// On connection lost tries establishing new connection
// to the next RPC (if any). If no RPC node available,
// switches to inactive mode: any RPC call leads to immediate
// return with ErrConnectionLost error, notification channel
// returned from Client.NotificationChannel is closed.
// Working client must be created via constructor New.
// Using the Client that has been created with new(Client)
@ -37,48 +41,55 @@ import (
type Client struct {
// two mutual exclusive modes, exactly one must be non-nil
*singleClient // works with single neo-go client
*multiClient // creates and caches single clients
type cache struct {
// mtx protects primitive values.
mtx sync.RWMutex
nnsHash util.Uint160
groupKey *keys.PublicKey
// txHeights is a thread-safe LRU cache for transaction heights.
txHeights *lru.Cache
type singleClient struct {
logger *logger.Logger // logging component
client *client.Client // neo-go client
client *client.WSClient // neo-go websocket client
acc *wallet.Account // neo account
waitInterval time.Duration
signer *transaction.Signer
notary *notary
cfg cfg
endpoints *endpoints
// switching between rpc endpoint lock
switchLock *sync.RWMutex
// channel for ws notifications
notifications chan client.Notification
// channel for internal stop
closeChan chan struct{}
// cached subscription information
subscribedEvents map[util.Uint160]string
subscribedNotaryEvents map[util.Uint160]string
subscribedToNewBlocks bool
// indicates that Client is not able to
// establish connection to any of the
// provided RPC endpoints
inactive bool
func blankSingleClient(cli *client.Client, w *wallet.Account, cfg *cfg) *singleClient {
return &singleClient{
logger: cfg.logger,
client: cli,
acc: w,
waitInterval: cfg.waitInterval,
signer: cfg.signer,
type cache struct {
nnsHash util.Uint160
groupKey *keys.PublicKey
txHeights *lru.Cache
// ErrNilClient is returned by functions that expect
// a non-nil Client pointer, but received nil.
var ErrNilClient = errors.New("client is nil")
var (
// ErrNilClient is returned by functions that expect
// a non-nil Client pointer, but received nil.
ErrNilClient = errors.New("client is nil")
// ErrConnectionLost is returned when client lost web socket connection
// to the RPC node and has not been able to establish a new one since.
ErrConnectionLost = errors.New("connection to the RPC node has been lost")
// HaltState returned if TestInvoke function processed without panic.
const HaltState = "HALT"
@ -123,10 +134,11 @@ func unwrapNeoFSError(err error) error {
// Invoke invokes contract method by sending transaction into blockchain.
// Supported args types: int64, string, util.Uint160, []byte and bool.
func (c *Client) Invoke(contract util.Uint160, fee fixedn.Fixed8, method string, args ...interface{}) error {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
return c.Invoke(contract, fee, method, args...)
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return ErrConnectionLost
params := make([]sc.Parameter, 0, len(args))
@ -188,11 +200,11 @@ func (c *Client) Invoke(contract util.Uint160, fee fixedn.Fixed8, method string,
// TestInvoke invokes contract method locally in neo-go node. This method should
// be used to read data from smart-contract.
func (c *Client) TestInvoke(contract util.Uint160, method string, args ...interface{}) (res []stackitem.Item, err error) {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return res, c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
res, err = c.TestInvoke(contract, method, args...)
return err
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return nil, ErrConnectionLost
var params = make([]sc.Parameter, 0, len(args))
@ -227,10 +239,11 @@ func (c *Client) TestInvoke(contract util.Uint160, method string, args ...interf
// TransferGas to the receiver from local wallet
func (c *Client) TransferGas(receiver util.Uint160, amount fixedn.Fixed8) error {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
return c.TransferGas(receiver, amount)
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return ErrConnectionLost
gas, err := c.client.GetNativeContractHash(nativenames.Gas)
@ -255,10 +268,11 @@ func (c *Client) TransferGas(receiver util.Uint160, amount fixedn.Fixed8) error
// Returns only connection errors.
func (c *Client) Wait(ctx context.Context, n uint32) error {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
return c.Wait(ctx, n)
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return ErrConnectionLost
var (
@ -291,17 +305,17 @@ func (c *Client) Wait(ctx context.Context, n uint32) error {
return nil
// GasBalance returns GAS amount in the client's wallet.
func (c *Client) GasBalance() (res int64, err error) {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return res, c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
res, err = c.GasBalance()
return err
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return 0, ErrConnectionLost
gas, err := c.client.GetNativeContractHash(nativenames.Gas)
@ -314,11 +328,11 @@ func (c *Client) GasBalance() (res int64, err error) {
// Committee returns keys of chain committee from neo native contract.
func (c *Client) Committee() (res keys.PublicKeys, err error) {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return res, c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
res, err = c.Committee()
return err
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return nil, ErrConnectionLost
return c.client.GetCommittee()
@ -326,11 +340,11 @@ func (c *Client) Committee() (res keys.PublicKeys, err error) {
// TxHalt returns true if transaction has been successfully executed and persisted.
func (c *Client) TxHalt(h util.Uint256) (res bool, err error) {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return res, c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
res, err = c.TxHalt(h)
return err
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return false, ErrConnectionLost
trig := trigger.Application
@ -343,11 +357,11 @@ func (c *Client) TxHalt(h util.Uint256) (res bool, err error) {
// TxHeight returns true if transaction has been successfully executed and persisted.
func (c *Client) TxHeight(h util.Uint256) (res uint32, err error) {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return res, c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
res, err = c.TxHeight(h)
return err
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return 0, ErrConnectionLost
return c.client.GetTransactionHeight(h)
@ -357,11 +371,11 @@ func (c *Client) TxHeight(h util.Uint256) (res uint32, err error) {
// stores alphabet node keys of inner ring there, however side chain stores both
// alphabet and non alphabet node keys of inner ring.
func (c *Client) NeoFSAlphabetList() (res keys.PublicKeys, err error) {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return res, c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
res, err = c.NeoFSAlphabetList()
return err
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return nil, ErrConnectionLost
list, err := c.roleList(noderoles.NeoFSAlphabet)
@ -374,11 +388,11 @@ func (c *Client) NeoFSAlphabetList() (res keys.PublicKeys, err error) {
// GetDesignateHash returns hash of the native `RoleManagement` contract.
func (c *Client) GetDesignateHash() (res util.Uint160, err error) {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return res, c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
res, err = c.GetDesignateHash()
return err
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return util.Uint160{}, ErrConnectionLost
return c.client.GetNativeContractHash(nativenames.Designation)
@ -457,11 +471,11 @@ func toStackParameter(value interface{}) (sc.Parameter, error) {
// Returns 0 in case of connection problems.
func (c *Client) MagicNumber() (res uint64, err error) {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return res, c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
res, err = c.MagicNumber()
return err
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return 0, ErrConnectionLost
return uint64(c.client.GetNetwork()), nil
@ -470,11 +484,11 @@ func (c *Client) MagicNumber() (res uint64, err error) {
// BlockCount returns block count of the network
// to which the underlying RPC node client is connected.
func (c *Client) BlockCount() (res uint32, err error) {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return res, c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
res, err = c.BlockCount()
return err
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return 0, ErrConnectionLost
return c.client.GetBlockCount()
@ -482,11 +496,11 @@ func (c *Client) BlockCount() (res uint32, err error) {
// MsPerBlock returns MillisecondsPerBlock network parameter.
func (c *Client) MsPerBlock() (res int64, err error) {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return res, c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
res, err = c.MsPerBlock()
return err
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return 0, ErrConnectionLost
v, err := c.client.GetVersion()
@ -499,11 +513,11 @@ func (c *Client) MsPerBlock() (res int64, err error) {
// IsValidScript returns true if invocation script executes with HALT state.
func (c *Client) IsValidScript(script []byte, signers []transaction.Signer) (res bool, err error) {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return res, c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
res, err = c.IsValidScript(script, signers)
return err
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return false, ErrConnectionLost
result, err := c.client.InvokeScript(script, signers)
@ -513,3 +527,21 @@ func (c *Client) IsValidScript(script []byte, signers []transaction.Signer) (res
return result.State == vm.HaltState.String(), nil
// NotificationChannel returns channel than receives subscribed
// notification from the connected RPC node.
// Channel is closed when connection to the RPC node has been
// lost without the possibility of recovery.
func (c *Client) NotificationChannel() <-chan client.Notification {
return c.notifications
// inactiveMode switches Client to an inactive mode:
// - notification channel is closed;
// - all the new RPC request would return ErrConnectionLost.
// Note: must be called only with held write switchLock.
func (c *Client) inactiveMode() {
c.inactive = true
@ -2,12 +2,15 @@ package client
import (
lru ""
@ -30,15 +33,12 @@ type cfg struct {
extraEndpoints []string
maxConnPerHost int
singleCli *client.Client // neo-go client for single client mode
singleCli *client.WSClient // neo-go client for single client mode
const (
defaultDialTimeout = 5 * time.Second
defaultWaitInterval = 500 * time.Millisecond
defaultMaxConnPerHost = 10
defaultDialTimeout = 5 * time.Second
defaultWaitInterval = 500 * time.Millisecond
func defaultConfig() *cfg {
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ func defaultConfig() *cfg {
signer: &transaction.Signer{
Scopes: transaction.Global,
maxConnPerHost: defaultMaxConnPerHost,
@ -64,6 +63,8 @@ func defaultConfig() *cfg {
// * client context: Background;
// * dial timeout: 5s;
// * blockchain network type: netmode.PrivNet;
// * signer with the global scope;
// * wait interval: 500ms;
// * logger: zap.L().
// If desired option satisfies the default value, it can be omitted.
@ -82,27 +83,58 @@ func New(key *keys.PrivateKey, endpoint string, opts ...Option) (*Client, error)
if cfg.singleCli != nil {
return &Client{
cache: newClientCache(),
singleClient: blankSingleClient(cfg.singleCli, wallet.NewAccountFromPrivateKey(key), cfg),
}, nil
cli := &Client{
cache: initClientCache(),
logger: cfg.logger,
acc: wallet.NewAccountFromPrivateKey(key),
signer: cfg.signer,
cfg: *cfg,
switchLock: &sync.RWMutex{},
notifications: make(chan client.Notification),
subscribedEvents: make(map[util.Uint160]string),
subscribedNotaryEvents: make(map[util.Uint160]string),
closeChan: make(chan struct{}),
endpoints := append(cfg.extraEndpoints, endpoint)
if cfg.singleCli != nil {
// return client in single RPC node mode that uses
// predefined WS client
// in case of the closing web socket connection:
// if extra endpoints were provided via options,
// they will be used in switch process, otherwise
// inactive mode will be enabled
cli.client = cfg.singleCli
cli.endpoints = newEndpoints(cfg.extraEndpoints)
} else {
ws, err := newWSClient(*cfg, endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create morph client: %w", err)
return &Client{
cache: newClientCache(),
multiClient: &multiClient{
cfg: *cfg,
account: wallet.NewAccountFromPrivateKey(key),
endpoints: endpoints,
clients: make(map[string]*Client, len(endpoints)),
}, nil
err = ws.Init()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not init morph client: %w", err)
cli.client = ws
cli.endpoints = newEndpoints(append([]string{endpoint}, cfg.extraEndpoints...))
go cli.notificationLoop()
return cli, nil
func newClientCache() cache {
func newWSClient(cfg cfg, endpoint string) (*client.WSClient, error) {
return client.NewWS(
client.Options{DialTimeout: cfg.dialTimeout},
func initClientCache() cache {
c, _ := lru.New(100) // returns error only if size is negative
return cache{
txHeights: c,
@ -169,29 +201,18 @@ func WithSigner(signer *transaction.Signer) Option {
// WithExtraEndpoints returns a client constructor option
// that specifies additional Neo rpc endpoints.
// Has no effect if WithSingleClient is provided.
func WithExtraEndpoints(endpoints []string) Option {
return func(c *cfg) {
c.extraEndpoints = append(c.extraEndpoints, endpoints...)
// WithMaxConnectionPerHost returns a client constructor
// option that specifies Neo client's maximum opened
// connection per one host.
func WithMaxConnectionPerHost(m int) Option {
return func(c *cfg) {
c.maxConnPerHost = m
// WithSingleClient returns a client constructor option
// that specifies single neo-go client and forces Client
// to use it and only it for requests.
// to use it for requests.
// Passed client must already be initialized.
func WithSingleClient(cli *client.Client) Option {
func WithSingleClient(cli *client.WSClient) Option {
return func(c *cfg) {
c.singleCli = cli
@ -1,117 +1,157 @@
package client
import (
type multiClient struct {
cfg cfg
account *wallet.Account
sharedNotary *notary // notary config needed for single client construction
endpoints []string
clientsMtx sync.RWMutex
// lastSuccess is an index in endpoints array relating to a last
// used endpoint.
lastSuccess int
clients map[string]*Client
type endpoints struct {
curr int
list []string
// createForAddress creates single Client instance using provided endpoint.
func (x *multiClient) createForAddress(addr string) (*Client, error) {
cli, err := client.New(x.cfg.ctx, addr, client.Options{
DialTimeout: x.cfg.dialTimeout,
MaxConnsPerHost: x.cfg.maxConnPerHost,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
func newEndpoints(ee []string) *endpoints {
return &endpoints{
curr: 0,
list: ee,
err = cli.Init() // magic number is set there based on RPC node answer
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var c *Client
// While creating 2 clients in parallel is ok, we don't want to
// use a client missing from `x.clients` map as it can lead
// to unexpected bugs.
if x.clients[addr] == nil {
sCli := blankSingleClient(cli, x.account, &x.cfg)
sCli.notary = x.sharedNotary
c = &Client{
cache: newClientCache(),
singleClient: sCli,
x.clients[addr] = c
} else {
c = x.clients[addr]
return c, nil
// iterateClients executes f on each client until nil error is returned.
// When nil error is returned, lastSuccess field is updated.
// The iteration order is non-deterministic and shouldn't be relied upon.
func (x *multiClient) iterateClients(f func(*Client) error) error {
var (
firstErr error
err error
// next returns the next endpoint and its index
// to try to connect to.
// Returns -1 index if there is no known RPC endpoints.
func (e *endpoints) next() (string, int) {
if len(e.list) == 0 {
return "", -1
start := x.lastSuccess
next := e.curr + 1
if next == len(e.list) {
next = 0
for i := 0; i < len(x.endpoints); i++ {
index := (start + i) % len(x.endpoints)
e.curr = next
c, cached := x.clients[x.endpoints[index]]
if !cached {
c, err = x.createForAddress(x.endpoints[index])
return e.list[next], next
// current returns an endpoint and its index the Client
// is connected to.
// Returns -1 index if there is no known RPC endpoints
func (e *endpoints) current() (string, int) {
if len(e.list) == 0 {
return "", -1
return e.list[e.curr], e.curr
func (c *Client) switchRPC() bool {
defer c.switchLock.Unlock()
_, currEndpointIndex := c.endpoints.current()
if currEndpointIndex == -1 {
// there are no known RPC endpoints to try
// to connect to => do not switch
return false
for {
newEndpoint, index :=
if index == currEndpointIndex {
// all the endpoint have been tried
// for connection unsuccessfully
return false
if !cached && err != nil {
x.cfg.logger.Error("could not open morph client connection",
zap.String("endpoint", x.endpoints[index]),
zap.String("err", err.Error()),
cli, err := newWSClient(c.cfg, newEndpoint)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Warn("could not establish connection to the switched RPC node",
zap.String("endpoint", newEndpoint),
} else {
err = f(c)
if err == nil {
if i != 0 {
x.lastSuccess = index
err = cli.Init()
if err != nil {
c.logger.Warn("could not init the switched RPC node",
zap.String("endpoint", newEndpoint),
c.client = cli
return true
func (c *Client) notificationLoop() {
for {
select {
case <-c.cfg.ctx.Done():
_ = c.UnsubscribeAll()
case <-c.closeChan:
_ = c.UnsubscribeAll()
case n, ok := <-c.client.Notifications:
// notification channel is used as a connection
// state: if it is closed, the connection is
// considered to be lost
if !ok {
c.logger.Warn("switching to the next RPC node")
if !c.switchRPC() {
c.logger.Error("could not establish connection to any RPC node")
// could not connect to all endpoints =>
// switch client to inactive mode
newEndpoint, _ := c.endpoints.current()
c.logger.Warn("connection to the new RPC node has been established",
zap.String("endpoint", newEndpoint),
if !c.restoreSubscriptions() {
// new WS client does not allow
// restoring subscription, client
// could not work correctly =>
// closing connection to RPC node
// to switch to another one
// TODO(@carpawell): call here some callback retrieved in constructor
// of the client to allow checking chain state since during switch
// process some notification could be lost
return nil
// we dont need to continue the process after the logical error was encountered
if errNeoFS := unwrapNeoFSError(err); errNeoFS != nil {
return errNeoFS
// set first error once
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = err
c.notifications <- n
return firstErr
// close closes notification channel and wrapped WS client
func (c *Client) close() {
@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ func NNSAlphabetContractName(index int) string {
// in NNS contract.
// If script hash has not been found, returns ErrNNSRecordNotFound.
func (c *Client) NNSContractAddress(name string) (sh util.Uint160, err error) {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return sh, c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
sh, err = c.NNSContractAddress(name)
return err
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return util.Uint160{}, ErrConnectionLost
nnsHash, err := c.NNSHash()
@ -76,13 +76,11 @@ func (c *Client) NNSContractAddress(name string) (sh util.Uint160, err error) {
// NNSHash returns NNS contract hash.
func (c *Client) NNSHash() (util.Uint160, error) {
if c.multiClient != nil {
var sh util.Uint160
return sh, c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
var err error
sh, err = c.NNSHash()
return err
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return util.Uint160{}, ErrConnectionLost
@ -101,7 +99,7 @@ func (c *Client) NNSHash() (util.Uint160, error) {
return nnsHash, nil
func nnsResolveItem(c *client.Client, nnsHash util.Uint160, domain string) (stackitem.Item, error) {
func nnsResolveItem(c *client.WSClient, nnsHash util.Uint160, domain string) (stackitem.Item, error) {
found, err := exists(c, nnsHash, domain)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not check presence in NNS contract for %s: %w", domain, err)
@ -133,7 +131,7 @@ func nnsResolveItem(c *client.Client, nnsHash util.Uint160, domain string) (stac
return result.Stack[0], nil
func nnsResolve(c *client.Client, nnsHash util.Uint160, domain string) (util.Uint160, error) {
func nnsResolve(c *client.WSClient, nnsHash util.Uint160, domain string) (util.Uint160, error) {
res, err := nnsResolveItem(c, nnsHash, domain)
if err != nil {
return util.Uint160{}, err
@ -155,7 +153,7 @@ func nnsResolve(c *client.Client, nnsHash util.Uint160, domain string) (util.Uin
return util.Uint160DecodeStringLE(string(bs))
func exists(c *client.Client, nnsHash util.Uint160, domain string) (bool, error) {
func exists(c *client.WSClient, nnsHash util.Uint160, domain string) (bool, error) {
result, err := c.InvokeFunction(nnsHash, "isAvailable", []smartcontract.Parameter{
Type: smartcontract.StringType,
@ -185,10 +183,11 @@ func exists(c *client.Client, nnsHash util.Uint160, domain string) (bool, error)
// SetGroupSignerScope makes the default signer scope include all NeoFS contracts.
// Should be called for side-chain client only.
func (c *Client) SetGroupSignerScope() error {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
return wrapNeoFSError(c.SetGroupSignerScope())
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return ErrConnectionLost
pub, err := c.contractGroupKey()
@ -73,6 +73,13 @@ func defaultNotaryConfig(c *Client) *notaryCfg {
// ability for client to get alphabet keys from committee or provided source
// and use proxy contract script hash to create tx for notary contract.
func (c *Client) EnableNotarySupport(opts ...NotaryOption) error {
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return ErrConnectionLost
cfg := defaultNotaryConfig(c)
for _, opt := range opts {
@ -98,56 +105,23 @@ func (c *Client) EnableNotarySupport(opts ...NotaryOption) error {
var err error
getNotaryHashFunc := func(c *Client) error {
notaryCfg.notary, err = c.client.GetNativeContractHash(nativenames.Notary)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't get notary contract script hash: %w", err)
return nil
notaryCfg.notary, err = c.client.GetNativeContractHash(nativenames.Notary)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't get notary contract script hash: %w", err)
if c.multiClient == nil {
// single client case
err = getNotaryHashFunc(c)
if err != nil {
return err
c.notary = notaryCfg
return nil
// multi client case
if err = c.iterateClients(getNotaryHashFunc); err != nil {
return err
c.sharedNotary = notaryCfg
// update client cache
for _, cached := range c.clients {
cached.notary = c.sharedNotary
c.notary = notaryCfg
return nil
// ProbeNotary checks if native `Notary` contract is presented on chain.
func (c *Client) ProbeNotary() (res bool) {
if c.multiClient != nil {
_ = c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
res = c.ProbeNotary()
return nil
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return false
_, err := c.client.GetNativeContractHash(nativenames.Notary)
@ -162,11 +136,11 @@ func (c *Client) ProbeNotary() (res bool) {
// This function must be invoked with notary enabled otherwise it throws panic.
func (c *Client) DepositNotary(amount fixedn.Fixed8, delta uint32) (res util.Uint256, err error) {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return res, c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
res, err = c.DepositNotary(amount, delta)
return err
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return util.Uint256{}, ErrConnectionLost
if c.notary == nil {
@ -219,11 +193,11 @@ func (c *Client) DepositNotary(amount fixedn.Fixed8, delta uint32) (res util.Uin
// This function must be invoked with notary enabled otherwise it throws panic.
func (c *Client) GetNotaryDeposit() (res int64, err error) {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return res, c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
res, err = c.GetNotaryDeposit()
return err
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return 0, ErrConnectionLost
if c.notary == nil {
@ -271,10 +245,11 @@ func (u *UpdateNotaryListPrm) SetHash(hash util.Uint256) {
// This function must be invoked with notary enabled otherwise it throws panic.
func (c *Client) UpdateNotaryList(prm UpdateNotaryListPrm) error {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
return c.UpdateNotaryList(prm)
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return ErrConnectionLost
if c.notary == nil {
@ -318,10 +293,11 @@ func (u *UpdateAlphabetListPrm) SetHash(hash util.Uint256) {
// This function must be invoked with notary enabled otherwise it throws panic.
func (c *Client) UpdateNeoFSAlphabetList(prm UpdateAlphabetListPrm) error {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
return c.UpdateNeoFSAlphabetList(prm)
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return ErrConnectionLost
if c.notary == nil {
@ -348,10 +324,11 @@ func (c *Client) UpdateNeoFSAlphabetList(prm UpdateAlphabetListPrm) error {
// `nonce` and `vub` are used only if notary is enabled.
func (c *Client) NotaryInvoke(contract util.Uint160, fee fixedn.Fixed8, nonce uint32, vub *uint32, method string, args ...interface{}) error {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
return c.NotaryInvoke(contract, fee, nonce, vub, method, args...)
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return ErrConnectionLost
if c.notary == nil {
@ -367,10 +344,11 @@ func (c *Client) NotaryInvoke(contract util.Uint160, fee fixedn.Fixed8, nonce ui
// Considered to be used by non-IR nodes.
func (c *Client) NotaryInvokeNotAlpha(contract util.Uint160, fee fixedn.Fixed8, method string, args ...interface{}) error {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
return c.NotaryInvokeNotAlpha(contract, fee, method, args...)
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return ErrConnectionLost
if c.notary == nil {
@ -385,10 +363,11 @@ func (c *Client) NotaryInvokeNotAlpha(contract util.Uint160, fee fixedn.Fixed8,
// NOTE: does not fallback to simple `Invoke()`. Expected to be used only for
// TXs retrieved from the received notary requests.
func (c *Client) NotarySignAndInvokeTX(mainTx *transaction.Transaction) error {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
return c.NotarySignAndInvokeTX(mainTx)
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return ErrConnectionLost
alphabetList, err := c.notary.alphabetSource()
@ -865,11 +844,11 @@ func CalculateNotaryDepositAmount(c *Client, gasMul, gasDiv int64) (fixedn.Fixed
// CalculateNonceAndVUB calculates nonce and ValidUntilBlock values
// based on transaction hash. Uses MurmurHash3.
func (c *Client) CalculateNonceAndVUB(hash util.Uint256) (nonce uint32, vub uint32, err error) {
if c.multiClient != nil {
return nonce, vub, c.multiClient.iterateClients(func(c *Client) error {
nonce, vub, err = c.CalculateNonceAndVUB(hash)
return err
defer c.switchLock.RUnlock()
if c.inactive {
return 0, 0, ErrConnectionLost
if c.notary == nil {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
package client
import (
// Close closes connection to the remote side making
// this client instance unusable. Closes notification
// channel returned from Client.NotificationChannel(),
// Removes all subscription.
func (c *Client) Close() {
// closing should be done via the channel
// to prevent switching to another RPC node
// in the notification loop
c.closeChan <- struct{}{}
// SubscribeForExecutionNotifications adds subscription for notifications
// generated during contract transaction execution to this instance of client.
// Returns ErrConnectionLost if client has not been able to establish
// connection to any of passed RPC endpoints.
func (c *Client) SubscribeForExecutionNotifications(contract util.Uint160) error {
defer c.switchLock.Unlock()
if c.inactive {
return ErrConnectionLost
_, subscribed := c.subscribedEvents[contract]
if subscribed {
// no need to subscribe one more time
return nil
id, err := c.client.SubscribeForExecutionNotifications(&contract, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
c.subscribedEvents[contract] = id
return nil
// SubscribeForNewBlocks adds subscription for new block events to this
// instance of client.
// Returns ErrConnectionLost if client has not been able to establish
// connection to any of passed RPC endpoints.
func (c *Client) SubscribeForNewBlocks() error {
defer c.switchLock.Unlock()
if c.inactive {
return ErrConnectionLost
if c.subscribedToNewBlocks {
// no need to subscribe one more time
return nil
_, err := c.client.SubscribeForNewBlocks(nil)
if err != nil {
return err
c.subscribedToNewBlocks = true
return nil
// SubscribeForNotaryRequests adds subscription for notary request payloads
// addition or removal events to this instance of client. Passed txSigner is
// used as filter: subscription is only for the notary requests that must be
// signed by txSigner.
// Returns ErrConnectionLost if client has not been able to establish
// connection to any of passed RPC endpoints.
func (c *Client) SubscribeForNotaryRequests(txSigner util.Uint160) error {
if c.notary == nil {
defer c.switchLock.Unlock()
if c.inactive {
return ErrConnectionLost
_, subscribed := c.subscribedNotaryEvents[txSigner]
if subscribed {
// no need to subscribe one more time
return nil
id, err := c.client.SubscribeForNotaryRequests(nil, &txSigner)
if err != nil {
return err
c.subscribedNotaryEvents[txSigner] = id
return nil
// UnsubscribeContract removes subscription for given contract event stream.
// Returns ErrConnectionLost if client has not been able to establish
// connection to any of passed RPC endpoints.
func (c *Client) UnsubscribeContract(contract util.Uint160) error {
defer c.switchLock.Unlock()
if c.inactive {
return ErrConnectionLost
_, subscribed := c.subscribedEvents[contract]
if !subscribed {
// no need to unsubscribe contract
// without subscription
return nil
err := c.client.Unsubscribe(c.subscribedEvents[contract])
if err != nil {
return err
delete(c.subscribedEvents, contract)
return nil
// UnsubscribeNotaryRequest removes subscription for given notary requests
// signer.
// Returns ErrConnectionLost if client has not been able to establish
// connection to any of passed RPC endpoints.
func (c *Client) UnsubscribeNotaryRequest(signer util.Uint160) error {
if c.notary == nil {
defer c.switchLock.Unlock()
if c.inactive {
return ErrConnectionLost
_, subscribed := c.subscribedNotaryEvents[signer]
if !subscribed {
// no need to unsubscribe signer's
// requests without subscription
return nil
err := c.client.Unsubscribe(c.subscribedNotaryEvents[signer])
if err != nil {
return err
delete(c.subscribedNotaryEvents, signer)
return nil
// UnsubscribeAll removes all active subscriptions of current client.
// Returns ErrConnectionLost if client has not been able to establish
// connection to any of passed RPC endpoints.
func (c *Client) UnsubscribeAll() error {
defer c.switchLock.Unlock()
if c.inactive {
return ErrConnectionLost
// no need to unsubscribe if there are
// no active subscriptions
if len(c.subscribedEvents) == 0 && len(c.subscribedNotaryEvents) == 0 &&
!c.subscribedToNewBlocks {
return nil
err := c.client.UnsubscribeAll()
if err != nil {
return err
c.subscribedEvents = make(map[util.Uint160]string)
c.subscribedNotaryEvents = make(map[util.Uint160]string)
c.subscribedToNewBlocks = false
return nil
// restoreSubscriptions restores subscriptions according to
// cached information about them.
func (c *Client) restoreSubscriptions() bool {
var (
err error
id string
endpoint, _ = c.endpoints.current()
defer c.switchLock.Unlock()
// new block events restoration
if c.subscribedToNewBlocks {
_, err = c.client.SubscribeForNewBlocks(nil)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Error("could not restore block subscription after RPC switch",
zap.String("endpoint", endpoint),
return false
// notification events restoration
for contract := range c.subscribedEvents {
id, err = c.client.SubscribeForExecutionNotifications(&contract, nil)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Error("could not restore notification subscription after RPC switch",
zap.String("endpoint", endpoint),
return false
c.subscribedEvents[contract] = id
// notary notification events restoration
if c.notary != nil {
for signer := range c.subscribedNotaryEvents {
id, err = c.client.SubscribeForNotaryRequests(nil, &signer)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Error("could not restore notary notification subscription after RPC switch",
zap.String("endpoint", endpoint),
return false
c.subscribedNotaryEvents[signer] = id
return true
Add table
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