package common

import (


// EpochContext is a std context extended with epoch data.
type EpochContext struct {
	E uint64

func (ctx *EpochContext) Epoch() uint64 {
	return ctx.E

type NopReputationWriter struct{}

func (NopReputationWriter) Write(reputation.Trust) error {
	return nil

func (NopReputationWriter) Close() error {
	return nil

// OnlyKeyRemoteServerInfo is an implementation of reputation.ServerInfo
// interface but with only public key data.
type OnlyKeyRemoteServerInfo struct {
	Key []byte

func (i *OnlyKeyRemoteServerInfo) PublicKey() []byte {
	return i.Key

func (*OnlyKeyRemoteServerInfo) IterateAddresses(func(string) bool) {

func (*OnlyKeyRemoteServerInfo) NumberOfAddresses() int {
	return 0

func (*OnlyKeyRemoteServerInfo) ExternalAddresses() []string {
	return nil

const invalidPrmValFmt = "invalid parameter %s (%T):%v"

func PanicOnPrmValue(n string, v interface{}) {
	panic(fmt.Sprintf(invalidPrmValFmt, n, v, v))