package storagecfg

const configTemplate = `logger:
  level: info  # logger level: one of "debug", "info" (default), "warn", "error", "dpanic", "panic", "fatal"

    path: {{ .Wallet.Path }}  # path to a NEO wallet; ignored if key is presented
    address: {{ .Wallet.Account }}  # address of a NEO account in the wallet; ignored if key is presented
    password: {{ .Wallet.Password }}  # password for a NEO account in the wallet; ignored if key is presented
  addresses:  # list of addresses announced by Storage node in the Network map
    - {{ .AnnouncedAddress }}
  attribute_0: UN-LOCODE:{{ .Attribute.Locode }}
  relay: {{ .Relay }}  # start Storage node in relay mode without bootstrapping into the Network map
    exit_zero: false # toggle entrance to zero subnet (overrides corresponding attribute and occurrence in entries)
    entries: [] # list of IDs of subnets to enter in a text format of NeoFS API protocol (overrides corresponding attributes)

  num: 1  # total number of listener endpoints
    endpoint: {{ .Endpoint }}  # endpoint for gRPC server
    tls:{{if .TLSCert}}
      enabled: true  # enable TLS for a gRPC connection (min version is TLS 1.2)
      certificate: {{ .TLSCert }}  # path to TLS certificate
      key: {{ .TLSKey }}  # path to TLS key
    {{- else }}
      enabled: false # disable TLS for a gRPC connection
    {{- end}}

  authorized_keys:  # list of hex-encoded public keys that have rights to use the Control Service
    {{- range .AuthorizedKeys }}
    - {{.}}{{end}}
    endpoint: {{.ControlEndpoint}}  # endpoint that is listened by the Control Service

  dial_timeout: 20s  # timeout for side chain NEO RPC client connection
  disable_cache: false  # use TTL cache for side chain GET operations
  rpc_endpoint:  # side chain N3 RPC endpoints
    {{- range .MorphRPC }}
    - address: wss://{{.}}/ws{{end}}
{{if not .Relay }}
  shard_pool_size: 15  # size of per-shard worker pools used for PUT operations

    default: # section with the default shard parameters
        perm: 0644  # permissions for metabase files(directories: +x for current user and group)

        perm: 0644  # permissions for blobstor files(directories: +x for current user and group)
        depth: 2  # max depth of object tree storage in FS
        small_object_size: 102400  # 100KiB, size threshold for "small" objects which are stored in key-value DB, not in FS, bytes
        compress: true  # turn on/off Zstandard compression (level 3) of stored objects
          - audio/*
          - video/*

          size: 1073741824  # approximate size limit of single blobovnicza instance, total size will be: size*width^(depth+1), bytes
          depth: 1  # max depth of object tree storage in key-value DB
          width: 4   # max width of object tree storage in key-value DB
          opened_cache_capacity: 50  # maximum number of opened database files

        remover_batch_size: 200  # number of objects to be removed by the garbage collector
        remover_sleep_interval: 5m  # frequency of the garbage collector invocation
      mode: "read-write"  # mode of the shard, must be one of the: "read-write" (default), "read-only"

        path: {{ .MetabasePath }}  # path to the metabase

        path: {{ .BlobstorPath }}  # path to the blobstor

const (
	neofsMainnetAddress   = "2cafa46838e8b564468ebd868dcafdd99dce6221"
	balanceMainnetAddress = "dc1ec98d9d0c5f9dfade16144defe08cffc5ca55"
	neofsTestnetAddress   = "b65d8243ac63983206d17e5221af0653a7266fa1"
	balanceTestnetAddress = "e0420c216003747626670d1424569c17c79015bf"

var n3config = map[string]struct {
	MorphRPC        []string
	RPC             []string
	NeoFSContract   string
	BalanceContract string
	"testnet": {
		MorphRPC: []string{
		RPC: []string{
		NeoFSContract:   neofsTestnetAddress,
		BalanceContract: balanceTestnetAddress,
	"mainnet": {
		MorphRPC: []string{
		RPC: []string{
		NeoFSContract:   neofsMainnetAddress,
		BalanceContract: balanceMainnetAddress,