package blobovnicza

import (


// Open opens an internal database at configured path with configured permissions.
// If the database file does not exist then it will be created automatically.
func (b *Blobovnicza) Open() error {
	b.log.Debug("creating directory for BoltDB",
		zap.String("path", b.path),

	err := os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(b.path), b.perm)
	if err == nil {
		b.log.Debug("opening BoltDB",
			zap.String("path", b.path),
			zap.Stringer("permissions", b.perm),

		b.boltDB, err = bbolt.Open(b.path, b.perm, b.boltOptions)

	return err

// Init initializes internal database structure.
// If Blobovnicza is already initialized, then no action is taken.
func (b *Blobovnicza) Init() error {
		zap.Uint64("object size limit", b.objSizeLimit),
		zap.Uint64("storage size limit", b.fullSizeLimit),

	return b.boltDB.Update(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
		return b.iterateBucketKeys(func(lower, upper uint64, key []byte) (bool, error) {
			// create size range bucket

			b.log.Debug("creating bucket for size range",
				zap.String("range", stringifyBounds(lower, upper)),

			_, err := tx.CreateBucket(key)
			if errors.Is(err, bbolt.ErrBucketExists) {
				// => "smallest" bucket exists => already initialized => do nothing
				// TODO: consider separate bucket structure allocation step
				//  and state initialization/activation

				b.log.Debug("bucket already exists, initializing state")

				return true, b.syncFullnessCounter()

			return false, errors.Wrapf(err,
				"(%T) could not create bucket for bounds [%d:%d]", b, lower, upper)

// Close releases all internal database resources.
func (b *Blobovnicza) Close() error {
	b.log.Debug("closing BoltDB")

	return b.boltDB.Close()