package netmap

import (

// Process new epoch notification by setting global epoch value and resetting
// local epoch timer.
func (np *Processor) processNewEpoch(epoch uint64) {
	if err := np.epochTimer.ResetEpochTimer(); err != nil {
		np.log.Warn("can't reset epoch timer",
			zap.String("error", err.Error()))

	// get new netmap snapshot
	snapshot, err := invoke.NetmapSnapshot(np.morphClient, np.netmapContract)
	if err != nil {
		np.log.Warn("can't get netmap snapshot to perform cleanup",
			zap.String("error", err.Error()))


	if epoch > 0 { // estimates are invalid in genesis epoch
		if np.notaryDisabled {
			err = np.containerWrp.StartEstimation(epoch - 1)
		} else {
			err = np.containerWrp.StartEstimationNotary(epoch - 1)

		if err != nil {
			np.log.Warn("can't start container size estimation",
				zap.Uint64("epoch", epoch),
				zap.String("error", err.Error()))

	np.netmapSnapshot.update(snapshot, epoch)
	np.handleCleanupTick(netmapCleanupTick{epoch: epoch})

// Process new epoch tick by invoking new epoch method in network map contract.
func (np *Processor) processNewEpochTick() {
	if !np.alphabetState.IsAlphabet() {
		np.log.Info("non alphabet mode, ignore new epoch tick")

	nextEpoch := np.epochState.EpochCounter() + 1
	np.log.Debug("next epoch", zap.Uint64("value", nextEpoch))

	err := invoke.SetNewEpoch(np.morphClient, np.netmapContract, np.feeProvider, nextEpoch)
	if err != nil {
		np.log.Error("can't invoke netmap.NewEpoch", zap.Error(err))