Leonard Lyubich feb0a65efb [] ir/container: Customize fee for named container registration
In notary disabled environment, approval of container creation with nice
name attribute takes much more additional GAS than other operations
(due to NNS invocation).

Morph library changes:
  * add the ability to specify per-op fees using `StaticClient` options;
  * add the ability to customize fee for `Put` operation with named
    container in container morph client.

Inner Ring changes:
  * add `fee.named_container_register` config value which specifies
    additional GAS fee for the approvals of the named container
  * pass the config value to `WithCustomFeeForNamedPut` option of
    container morph client.

Signed-off-by: Leonard Lyubich <>
2021-12-08 13:57:01 +03:00

209 lines
5.3 KiB

package client
import (
// StaticClient is a wrapper over Neo:Morph client
// that invokes single smart contract methods with fixed fee.
// Working static client must be created via constructor NewStatic.
// Using the StaticClient that has been created with new(StaticClient)
// expression (or just declaring a StaticClient variable) is unsafe
// and can lead to panic.
type StaticClient struct {
client *Client // neo-go client instance
scScriptHash util.Uint160 // contract script-hash
type staticOpts struct {
tryNotary bool
alpha bool // use client's key to sign notary request's main TX
fees fees
// StaticClientOption allows to set an optional
// parameter of StaticClient.
type StaticClientOption func(*staticOpts)
// ErrNilStaticClient is returned by functions that expect
// a non-nil StaticClient pointer, but received nil.
var ErrNilStaticClient = errors.New("static client is nil")
// NewStatic creates, initializes and returns the StaticClient instance.
// If provided Client instance is nil, ErrNilClient is returned.
// Specified fee is used by default. Per-operation fees can be customized via WithCustomFee option.
func NewStatic(client *Client, scriptHash util.Uint160, fee fixedn.Fixed8, opts ...StaticClientOption) (*StaticClient, error) {
if client == nil {
return nil, ErrNilClient
c := &StaticClient{
client: client,
scScriptHash: scriptHash,
for i := range opts {
return c, nil
// Morph return wrapped raw morph client.
func (s StaticClient) Morph() *Client {
return s.client
// InvokePrm groups parameters of the Invoke operation.
type InvokePrm struct {
// required parameters
method string
args []interface{}
// optional parameters
// InvokePrmOptional groups optional parameters of the Invoke operation.
type InvokePrmOptional struct {
// hash is an optional hash of the transaction
// that generated the notification that required
// to invoke notary request.
// It is used to generate same but unique nonce and
// `validUntilBlock` values by all notification
// receivers.
hash *util.Uint256
// SetMethod sets method of the contract to call.
func (i *InvokePrm) SetMethod(method string) {
i.method = method
// SetArgs sets arguments of the contact call.
func (i *InvokePrm) SetArgs(args ...interface{}) {
i.args = args
// SetHash sets optional hash of the transaction.
// If hash is set and notary is enabled, StaticClient
// uses it for notary nonce and `validUntilBlock`
// calculation.
func (i *InvokePrmOptional) SetHash(hash util.Uint256) {
i.hash = &hash
// Invoke calls Invoke method of Client with static internal script hash and fee.
// Supported args types are the same as in Client.
// If TryNotary is provided:
// - if AsAlphabet is provided, calls NotaryInvoke;
// - otherwise, calls NotaryInvokeNotAlpha.
// If fee for the operation executed using specified method is customized, then StaticClient uses it.
// Otherwise, default fee is used.
func (s StaticClient) Invoke(prm InvokePrm) error {
fee := s.fees.feeForMethod(prm.method)
if s.tryNotary {
if s.alpha {
var (
nonce uint32 = 1
vubP *uint32
vub uint32
err error
if prm.hash != nil {
nonce, vub, err = s.client.CalculateNonceAndVUB(*prm.hash)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not calculate nonce and VUB for notary alphabet invoke: %w", err)
vubP = &vub
return s.client.NotaryInvoke(s.scScriptHash, fee, nonce, vubP, prm.method, prm.args...)
return s.client.NotaryInvokeNotAlpha(s.scScriptHash, fee, prm.method, prm.args...)
return s.client.Invoke(
// TestInvokePrm groups parameters of the TestInvoke operation.
type TestInvokePrm struct {
method string
args []interface{}
// SetMethod sets method of the contract to call.
func (ti *TestInvokePrm) SetMethod(method string) {
ti.method = method
// SetArgs sets arguments of the contact call.
func (ti *TestInvokePrm) SetArgs(args ...interface{}) {
ti.args = args
// TestInvoke calls TestInvoke method of Client with static internal script hash.
func (s StaticClient) TestInvoke(prm TestInvokePrm) ([]stackitem.Item, error) {
return s.client.TestInvoke(
// ContractAddress returns the address of the associated contract.
func (s StaticClient) ContractAddress() util.Uint160 {
return s.scScriptHash
// TryNotary returns option to enable
// notary invocation tries.
func TryNotary() StaticClientOption {
return func(o *staticOpts) {
o.tryNotary = true
// AsAlphabet returns option to sign main TX
// of notary requests with client's private
// key.
// Considered to be used by IR nodes only.
func AsAlphabet() StaticClientOption {
return func(o *staticOpts) {
o.alpha = true
// WithCustomFee returns option to specify custom fee for the operation executed using
// specified contract method.
func WithCustomFee(method string, fee fixedn.Fixed8) StaticClientOption {
return func(o *staticOpts) {
o.fees.setFeeForMethod(method, fee)