forked from TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node
377 lines
9.4 KiB
377 lines
9.4 KiB
package main
import (
crypto ""
netmapCore ""
nmwrapper ""
tokenStorage ""
const (
// logger keys
cfgLogLevel = "logger.level"
cfgLogFormat = "logger.format"
cfgLogTrace = "logger.trace_level"
cfgLogInitSampling = "logger.sampling.initial"
cfgLogThereafterSampling = "logger.sampling.thereafter"
// pprof keys
cfgProfilerEnable = "pprof.enabled"
cfgProfilerAddr = "pprof.address"
cfgProfilerTTL = "pprof.shutdown_ttl"
// config keys for cfgNodeInfo
cfgNodeKey = "node.key"
cfgBootstrapAddress = "node.address"
cfgNodeAttributePrefix = "node.attribute"
cfgMaxObjectSize = "node.maxobjectsize" // todo: get value from chain
// config keys for cfgGRPC
cfgListenAddress = "grpc.endpoint"
cfgMaxMsgSize = "grpc.maxmessagesize"
cfgReflectService = "grpc.enable_reflect_service"
// config keys for cfgMorph
cfgMorphRPCAddress = "morph.endpoint"
cfgMorphNotifyRPCAddress = "morph.notification.endpoint"
cfgMorphNotifyDialTimeout = "morph.notification.dial_timeout"
// config keys for cfgAccounting
cfgAccountingContract = "accounting.scripthash"
cfgAccountingFee = "accounting.fee"
// config keys for cfgNetmap
cfgNetmapContract = "netmap.scripthash"
cfgNetmapFee = "netmap.fee"
// config keys for cfgContainer
cfgContainerContract = "container.scripthash"
cfgContainerFee = "container.fee"
cfgObjectStorage = "storage.object"
cfgMetaStorage = "storage.meta"
cfgGCQueueSize = "gc.queuesize"
cfgGCQueueTick = "gc.duration.sleep"
cfgGCTimeout = "gc.duration.timeout"
cfgPolicerWorkScope = "policer.work_scope"
cfgPolicerExpRate = "policer.expansion_rate"
cfgPolicerHeadTimeout = "policer.head_timeout"
const (
addressSize = 72 // 32 bytes oid, 32 bytes cid, 8 bytes protobuf encoding
type cfg struct {
ctx context.Context
viper *viper.Viper
log *zap.Logger
wg *sync.WaitGroup
key *ecdsa.PrivateKey
apiVersion *pkg.Version
cfgMorph cfgMorph
cfgAccounting cfgAccounting
cfgContainer cfgContainer
cfgNetmap cfgNetmap
privateTokenStore *tokenStorage.TokenStore
cfgNodeInfo cfgNodeInfo
localAddr *network.Address
cfgObject cfgObject
profiler profiler.Profiler
workers []worker
respSvc *response.Service
type cfgGRPC struct {
listener net.Listener
server *grpc.Server
maxChunkSize uint64
maxAddrAmount uint64
enableReflectService bool
type cfgMorph struct {
client *client.Client
type cfgAccounting struct {
scriptHash util.Uint160
fee util.Fixed8
type cfgContainer struct {
scriptHash util.Uint160
fee util.Fixed8
type cfgNetmap struct {
scriptHash util.Uint160
wrapper *nmwrapper.Wrapper
fee util.Fixed8
parsers map[event.Type]event.Parser
subscribers map[event.Type][]event.Handler
state *networkState
type BootstrapType uint32
type cfgNodeInfo struct {
// values from config
bootType BootstrapType
attributes []*netmap.Attribute
// values at runtime
info *netmap.NodeInfo
type cfgObject struct {
netMapStorage netmapCore.Source
cnrStorage container.Source
maxObjectSize uint64
metastorage bucket.Bucket
blobstorage bucket.Bucket
cnrClient *wrapper.Wrapper
const (
_ BootstrapType = iota
func initCfg(path string) *cfg {
viperCfg := initViper(path)
key, err := crypto.LoadPrivateKey(viperCfg.GetString(cfgNodeKey))
u160Accounting, err := util.Uint160DecodeStringLE(
u160Netmap, err := util.Uint160DecodeStringLE(
u160Container, err := util.Uint160DecodeStringLE(
log, err := logger.NewLogger(viperCfg)
netAddr, err := network.AddressFromString(viperCfg.GetString(cfgBootstrapAddress))
maxChunkSize := viperCfg.GetUint64(cfgMaxMsgSize) * 3 / 4 // 25% to meta, 75% to payload
maxAddrAmount := maxChunkSize / addressSize // each address is about 72 bytes
c := &cfg{
ctx: context.Background(),
viper: viperCfg,
log: log,
wg: new(sync.WaitGroup),
key: key,
apiVersion: pkg.SDKVersion(),
cfgAccounting: cfgAccounting{
scriptHash: u160Accounting,
fee: util.Fixed8(viperCfg.GetInt(cfgAccountingFee)),
cfgContainer: cfgContainer{
scriptHash: u160Container,
fee: util.Fixed8(viperCfg.GetInt(cfgContainerFee)),
cfgNetmap: cfgNetmap{
scriptHash: u160Netmap,
fee: util.Fixed8(viperCfg.GetInt(cfgNetmapFee)),
cfgNodeInfo: cfgNodeInfo{
bootType: StorageNode,
attributes: parseAttributes(viperCfg),
cfgObject: cfgObject{
maxObjectSize: viperCfg.GetUint64(cfgMaxObjectSize),
cfgGRPC: cfgGRPC{
maxChunkSize: maxChunkSize,
maxAddrAmount: maxAddrAmount,
enableReflectService: viperCfg.GetBool(cfgReflectService),
localAddr: netAddr,
respSvc: response.NewService(),
return c
func initViper(path string) *viper.Viper {
v := viper.New()
v.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer(".", "_"))
v.SetDefault("", misc.NodeName)
v.SetDefault("app.version", misc.Version)
if path != "" {
return v
func defaultConfiguration(v *viper.Viper) {
// fixme: all hardcoded private keys must be removed
v.SetDefault(cfgNodeKey, "Kwk6k2eC3L3QuPvD8aiaNyoSXgQ2YL1bwS5CP1oKoA9waeAze97s")
v.SetDefault(cfgBootstrapAddress, "") // address to bootstrap with
v.SetDefault(cfgMaxObjectSize, 1024*1024) // default max object size 1 megabyte
v.SetDefault(cfgMorphRPCAddress, "")
v.SetDefault(cfgMorphNotifyRPCAddress, "ws://morph_chain:30333/ws")
v.SetDefault(cfgMorphNotifyDialTimeout, 5*time.Second)
v.SetDefault(cfgListenAddress, "") // listen address
v.SetDefault(cfgMaxMsgSize, 4<<20) // transport msg limit 4 MiB
v.SetDefault(cfgAccountingContract, "1aeefe1d0dfade49740fff779c02cd4a0538ffb1")
v.SetDefault(cfgAccountingFee, "1")
v.SetDefault(cfgContainerContract, "9d2ca84d7fb88213c4baced5a6ed4dc402309039")
v.SetDefault(cfgContainerFee, "1")
v.SetDefault(cfgNetmapContract, "75194459637323ea8837d2afe8225ec74a5658c3")
v.SetDefault(cfgNetmapFee, "1")
v.SetDefault(cfgObjectStorage+".type", "inmemory")
v.SetDefault(cfgMetaStorage+".type", "inmemory")
v.SetDefault(cfgLogLevel, "info")
v.SetDefault(cfgLogFormat, "console")
v.SetDefault(cfgLogTrace, "fatal")
v.SetDefault(cfgLogInitSampling, 1000)
v.SetDefault(cfgLogThereafterSampling, 1000)
v.SetDefault(cfgProfilerEnable, false)
v.SetDefault(cfgProfilerAddr, ":6060")
v.SetDefault(cfgProfilerTTL, "30s")
v.SetDefault(cfgGCQueueSize, 1000)
v.SetDefault(cfgGCQueueTick, "5s")
v.SetDefault(cfgGCTimeout, "5s")
v.SetDefault(cfgPolicerWorkScope, 100)
v.SetDefault(cfgPolicerExpRate, 10) // in %
v.SetDefault(cfgPolicerHeadTimeout, 5*time.Second)
func (c *cfg) LocalAddress() *network.Address {
return c.localAddr
func initLocalStorage(c *cfg) {
var err error
c.cfgObject.blobstorage, err = initBucket(cfgObjectStorage, c)
c.cfgObject.metastorage, err = initBucket(cfgMetaStorage, c)
func initBucket(prefix string, c *cfg) (bucket bucket.Bucket, err error) {
const inmemory = "inmemory"
switch c.viper.GetString(prefix + ".type") {
case inmemory:
bucket = newBucket()
c.log.Info("using in-memory bucket", zap.String("storage", prefix))
case boltdb.Name:
opts, err := boltdb.NewOptions(prefix, c.viper)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "can't create boltdb opts")
bucket, err = boltdb.NewBucket(&opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "can't create boltdb bucket")
c.log.Info("using boltdb bucket", zap.String("storage", prefix))
case fsbucket.Name:
bucket, err = fsbucket.NewBucket(prefix, c.viper)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "can't create fs bucket")
c.log.Info("using filesystem bucket", zap.String("storage", prefix))
return nil, errors.New("unknown storage type")
return bucket, nil