# NeoFS S3 Gateway NeoFS S3 gateway provides API compatible with Amazon S3 cloud storage service. ## Installation ```go get -u github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-s3-gw``` Or you can call `make` to build it from the cloned repository (the binary will end up in `bin/neofs-s3-gw` with authmate helper in `bin/neofs-authmate`). Notable make targets: ``` dep Check and ensure dependencies image Build clean docker image dirty-image Build dirty docker image with host-built binaries format Run all code formatters lint Run linters version Show current version ``` Or you can also use a [Docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/nspccdev/neofs-s3-gw) provided for released (and occasionally unreleased) versions of gateway (`:latest` points to the latest stable release). ## Execution Minimalistic S3 gateway setup needs: * NeoFS node(s) address (S3 gateway itself is not a NeoFS node) Passed via `-p` parameter or via `S3_GW_PEERS__ADDRESS` and `S3_GW_PEERS__WEIGHT` environment variables (gateway supports multiple NeoFS nodes with weighted load balancing). * a wallet used to fetch key and communicate with NeoFS nodes Passed via `--wallet` parameter or `S3_GW_WALLET` environment variable. These two commands are functionally equivalent, they run the gate with one backend node, some keys and otherwise default settings: ``` $ neofs-s3-gw -p --wallet wallet.json $ S3_GW_PEERS_0_ADDRESS= \ S3_GW_WALLET=wallet.json \ neofs-s3-gw ``` It's also possible to specify uri scheme (grpc or grpcs) when using `-p` or environment variables: ``` $ neofs-s3-gw -p grpc:// --wallet wallet.json $ S3_GW_PEERS_0_ADDRESS=grpcs:// \ S3_GW_WALLET=wallet.json \ neofs-s3-gw ``` ## Documentation - [Configuration](./docs/configuration.md) - [NeoFS AuthMate](./docs/authmate.md) - [AWS CLI basic usage](./docs/aws_cli.md) ## S3 API supported Reference: * [AWS S3 API Reference](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/s3-api.pdf) ### Limitations #### ACL For now there are some restrictions: * [Bucket policy](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/bucket-policies.html) support only one `Principal` (type `AWS`) per `Statement`. To refer all users use `"AWS": "*"` * AWS conditions and wildcard are not supported in [resources](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/s3-arn-format.html) * Only `CanonicalUser` (with hex encoded public key) and `All Users Group` are supported in [ACL](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/acl-overview.html) ### Object | Method | Status | | ------------------------- | ----------------------- | | CopyObject | Supported | | DeleteObject | Supported | | DeleteObjects | Supported, aka DeleteMultipleObjects | | GetObject | Supported | | GetObjectTorrent | Unsupported, won't be | | HeadObject | Supported | | ListObjectParts | Unsupported | | ListObjects | Supported | | ListObjectsV2 | Supported | | PutObject | Supported (Content-MD5 option is not supported) | | SelectObjectContent | Unsupported | | WriteGetObjectResponse | Unsupported | #### ACL | Method | Status | | ------------------------- | ----------------------- | | GetObjectAcl | Supported | | PutObjectAcl | Supported | #### Locking | Method | Status | | ------------------------- | ----------------------- | | GetObjectLegalHold | Unsupported | | GetObjectLockConfiguration| Unsupported, aka GetBucketObjectLockConfig | | GetObjectRetention | Unsupported | | PutObjectLegalHold | Unsupported | | PutObjectLockConfiguration| Unsupported, aka PutBucketObjectLockConfig | | PutObjectRetention | Unsupported | #### Multipart Should be supported eventually. | Method | Status | | ------------------------- | ----------------------- | | AbortMultipartUpload | Unsupported | | CompleteMultipartUpload | Unsupported | | CreateMultipartUpload | Unsupported, aka InitiateMultipartUpload and NewMultipartUpload | | ListMultipartUploads | Unsupported | | ListParts | Unsupported | | UploadPart | Unsupported, aka PutObjectPart | | UploadPartCopy | Unsupported, aka CopyObjectPart | #### Tagging Also passed in `PutObject` parameters. We can support adding via `PutObject` and getting via `GetBucketTagging`, but deleting and putting can't be supported normally. | Method | Status | | ------------------------- | ----------------------- | | DeleteObjectTagging | Unsupported | | GetObjectTagging | Unsupported | | PutObjectTagging | Unsupported | #### Versioning See also `GetObject` and other method parameters. | Method | Status | | ------------------------- | ----------------------- | | ListObjectVersions | Supported (null-versioning), aka ListBucketObjectVersions | | RestoreObject | Unsupported | ### Bucket | Method | Status | | ------------------------- | ----------------------- | | CreateBucket | Supported, aka PutBucket | | DeleteBucket | Supported | | GetBucketLocation | Unsupported | | HeadBucket | Supported | | ListBuckets | Supported | | PutPublicAccessBlock | Unsupported | #### Acceleration | Method | Status | | ---------------------------------- | ----------------------- | | GetBucketAccelerateConfiguration | Unsupported, aka GetBucketAccelerate | | PutBucketAccelerateConfiguration | Unsupported | #### ACL | Method | Status | | ------------------------- | ----------------------- | | GetBucketAcl | Supported | | PutBucketAcl | Supported | #### Analytics | Method | Status | | ---------------------------------- | ----------------------- | | DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfiguration | Unsupported | | GetBucketAnalyticsConfiguration | Unsupported | | ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurations | Unsupported | | PutBucketAnalyticsConfiguration | Unsupported | #### Cors | Method | Status | | ------------------------- | ----------------------- | | DeleteBucketCors | Unsupported | | GetBucketCors | Unsupported | | PutBucketCors | Unsupported | #### Encryption | Method | Status | | ------------------------- | ----------------------- | | DeleteBucketEncryption | Unsupported | | GetBucketEncryption | Unsupported | | PutBucketEncryption | Unsupported | #### Inventory | Method | Status | | ---------------------------------- | ----------------------- | | DeleteBucketInventoryConfiguration | Unsupported | | GetBucketInventoryConfiguration | Unsupported | | ListBucketInventoryConfigurations | Unsupported | | PutBucketInventoryConfiguration | Unsupported | #### Lifecycle | Method | Status | | ------------------------------- | ----------------------- | | DeleteBucketLifecycle | Unsupported | | GetBucketLifecycle | Unsupported | | GetBucketLifecycleConfiguration | Unsupported | | PutBucketLifecycle | Unsupported | | PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration | Unsupported | #### Logging | Method | Status | | ------------------------- | ----------------------- | | GetBucketLogging | Unsupported | | PutBucketLogging | Unsupported | #### Metrics | Method | Status | | -------------------------------- | ----------------------- | | DeleteBucketMetricsConfiguration | Unsupported | | GetBucketMetricsConfiguration | Unsupported | | ListBucketMetricsConfigurations | Unsupported | | PutBucketMetricsConfiguration | Unsupported | #### Notifications | Method | Status | | ---------------------------------- | ----------------------- | | GetBucketNotification | Unsupported | | GetBucketNotificationConfiguration | Unsupported | | ListenBucketNotification | Unsupported, non-standard? | | PutBucketNotification | Unsupported | | PutBucketNotificationConfiguration | Unsupported | #### Ownership controls | Method | Status | | ----------------------------- | ----------------------- | | DeleteBucketOwnershipControls | Unsupported | | GetBucketOwnershipControls | Unsupported | | PutBucketOwnershipControls | Unsupported | #### Policy and replication | Method | Status | | ----------------------- | ----------------------- | | DeleteBucketPolicy | Unsupported | | DeleteBucketReplication | Unsupported | | DeletePublicAccessBlock | Unsupported | | GetBucketPolicy | Supported | | GetBucketPolicyStatus | Unsupported | | GetBucketReplication | Unsupported | | PostPolicyBucket | Unsupported, non-standard? | | PutBucketPolicy | Supported | | PutBucketReplication | Unsupported | #### Request payment | Method | Status | | ------------------------- | ----------------------- | | GetBucketRequestPayment | Unsupported | | PutBucketRequestPayment | Unsupported | #### Tagging | Method | Status | | ----------------------- | ----------------------- | | DeleteBucketTagging | Unsupported | | GetBucketTagging | Unsupported | | PutBucketTagging | Unsupported | #### Tiering | Method | Status | | ---------------------------------------------- | ----------------------- | | DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration | Unsupported | | GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration | Unsupported | | ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurations | Unsupported | | PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration | Unsupported | #### Versioning | Method | Status | | ------------------------- | ----------------------- | | GetBucketVersioning | Unsupported | | PutBucketVersioning | Unsupported | #### Website | Method | Status | | ------------------------- | ----------------------- | | DeleteBucketWebsite | Unsupported | | GetBucketWebsite | Unsupported | | PutBucketWebsite | Unsupported |