
529 lines
15 KiB

* MinIO Cloud Storage, (C) 2020 MinIO, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package lock
import (
// RetMode - object retention mode.
type RetMode string
const (
// RetGovernance - governance mode.
RetGovernance RetMode = "GOVERNANCE"
// RetCompliance - compliance mode.
RetCompliance RetMode = "COMPLIANCE"
// Valid - returns if retention mode is valid
func (r RetMode) Valid() bool {
switch r {
case RetGovernance, RetCompliance:
return true
return false
func parseRetMode(modeStr string) (mode RetMode) {
switch strings.ToUpper(modeStr) {
mode = RetGovernance
mode = RetCompliance
return mode
// LegalHoldStatus - object legal hold status.
type LegalHoldStatus string
const (
// LegalHoldOn - legal hold is on.
LegalHoldOn LegalHoldStatus = "ON"
// LegalHoldOff - legal hold is off.
LegalHoldOff LegalHoldStatus = "OFF"
// Valid - returns true if legal hold status has valid values
func (l LegalHoldStatus) Valid() bool {
switch l {
case LegalHoldOn, LegalHoldOff:
return true
return false
func parseLegalHoldStatus(holdStr string) (st LegalHoldStatus) {
switch strings.ToUpper(holdStr) {
case "ON":
st = LegalHoldOn
case "OFF":
st = LegalHoldOff
return st
// Bypass retention governance header.
const (
AmzObjectLockBypassRetGovernance = "X-Amz-Bypass-Governance-Retention"
AmzObjectLockRetainUntilDate = "X-Amz-Object-Lock-Retain-Until-Date"
AmzObjectLockMode = "X-Amz-Object-Lock-Mode"
AmzObjectLockLegalHold = "X-Amz-Object-Lock-Legal-Hold"
var (
// ErrMalformedBucketObjectConfig -indicates that the bucket object lock config is malformed
ErrMalformedBucketObjectConfig = errors.New("invalid bucket object lock config")
// ErrInvalidRetentionDate - indicates that retention date needs to be in ISO 8601 format
ErrInvalidRetentionDate = errors.New("date must be provided in ISO 8601 format")
// ErrPastObjectLockRetainDate - indicates that retention date must be in the future
ErrPastObjectLockRetainDate = errors.New("the retain until date must be in the future")
// ErrUnknownWORMModeDirective - indicates that the retention mode is invalid
ErrUnknownWORMModeDirective = errors.New("unknown WORM mode directive")
// ErrObjectLockMissingContentMD5 - indicates missing Content-MD5 header for put object requests with locking
ErrObjectLockMissingContentMD5 = errors.New("content-MD5 HTTP header is required for Put Object requests with Object Lock parameters")
// ErrObjectLockInvalidHeaders indicates that object lock headers are missing
ErrObjectLockInvalidHeaders = errors.New("x-amz-object-lock-retain-until-date and x-amz-object-lock-mode must both be supplied")
// ErrMalformedXML - generic error indicating malformed XML
ErrMalformedXML = errors.New("the XML you provided was not well-formed or did not validate against our published schema")
const (
ntpServerEnv = "MINIO_NTP_SERVER"
var (
ntpServer = env.Get(ntpServerEnv, "")
// UTCNowNTP - is similar in functionality to UTCNow()
// but only used when we do not wish to rely on system
// time.
func UTCNowNTP() (time.Time, error) {
// ntp server is disabled
if ntpServer == "" {
return time.Now().UTC(), nil
return ntp.Time(ntpServer)
// Retention - bucket level retention configuration.
type Retention struct {
Mode RetMode
Validity time.Duration
LockEnabled bool
// Retain - check whether given date is retainable by validity time.
func (r Retention) Retain(created time.Time) bool {
t, err := UTCNowNTP()
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(context.Background(), err)
// Retain
return true
return created.Add(r.Validity).After(t)
// DefaultRetention - default retention configuration.
type DefaultRetention struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"DefaultRetention"`
Mode RetMode `xml:"Mode"`
Days *uint64 `xml:"Days"`
Years *uint64 `xml:"Years"`
// Maximum support retention days and years supported by AWS S3.
const (
// This tested by using `mc lock` command
maximumRetentionDays = 36500
maximumRetentionYears = 100
// UnmarshalXML - decodes XML data.
func (dr *DefaultRetention) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
// Make subtype to avoid recursive UnmarshalXML().
type defaultRetention DefaultRetention
retention := defaultRetention{}
if err := d.DecodeElement(&retention, &start); err != nil {
return err
switch retention.Mode {
case RetGovernance, RetCompliance:
return fmt.Errorf("unknown retention mode %v", retention.Mode)
if retention.Days == nil && retention.Years == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("either Days or Years must be specified")
if retention.Days != nil && retention.Years != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("either Days or Years must be specified, not both")
if retention.Days != nil {
if *retention.Days == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Default retention period must be a positive integer value for 'Days'")
if *retention.Days > maximumRetentionDays {
return fmt.Errorf("Default retention period too large for 'Days' %d", *retention.Days)
} else if *retention.Years == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Default retention period must be a positive integer value for 'Years'")
} else if *retention.Years > maximumRetentionYears {
return fmt.Errorf("Default retention period too large for 'Years' %d", *retention.Years)
*dr = DefaultRetention(retention)
return nil
// Config - object lock configuration specified in
type Config struct {
XMLNS string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"`
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ObjectLockConfiguration"`
ObjectLockEnabled string `xml:"ObjectLockEnabled"`
Rule *struct {
DefaultRetention DefaultRetention `xml:"DefaultRetention"`
} `xml:"Rule,omitempty"`
// UnmarshalXML - decodes XML data.
func (config *Config) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
// Make subtype to avoid recursive UnmarshalXML().
type objectLockConfig Config
parsedConfig := objectLockConfig{}
if err := d.DecodeElement(&parsedConfig, &start); err != nil {
return err
if parsedConfig.ObjectLockEnabled != "Enabled" {
return fmt.Errorf("only 'Enabled' value is allowed to ObjectLockEnabled element")
*config = Config(parsedConfig)
return nil
// ToRetention - convert to Retention type.
func (config *Config) ToRetention() Retention {
r := Retention{
LockEnabled: config.ObjectLockEnabled == "Enabled",
if config.Rule != nil {
r.Mode = config.Rule.DefaultRetention.Mode
t, err := UTCNowNTP()
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(context.Background(), err)
// Do not change any configuration
// upon NTP failure.
return r
if config.Rule.DefaultRetention.Days != nil {
r.Validity = t.AddDate(0, 0, int(*config.Rule.DefaultRetention.Days)).Sub(t)
} else {
r.Validity = t.AddDate(int(*config.Rule.DefaultRetention.Years), 0, 0).Sub(t)
return r
// Maximum 4KiB size per object lock config.
const maxObjectLockConfigSize = 1 << 12
// ParseObjectLockConfig parses ObjectLockConfig from xml
func ParseObjectLockConfig(reader io.Reader) (*Config, error) {
config := Config{}
if err := xml.NewDecoder(io.LimitReader(reader, maxObjectLockConfigSize)).Decode(&config); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &config, nil
// NewObjectLockConfig returns a initialized lock.Config struct
func NewObjectLockConfig() *Config {
return &Config{
ObjectLockEnabled: "Enabled",
// RetentionDate is a embedded type containing time.Time to unmarshal
// Date in Retention
type RetentionDate struct {
// UnmarshalXML parses date from Retention and validates date format
func (rDate *RetentionDate) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, startElement xml.StartElement) error {
var dateStr string
err := d.DecodeElement(&dateStr, &startElement)
if err != nil {
return err
// While AWS documentation mentions that the date specified
// must be present in ISO 8601 format, in reality they allow
// users to provide RFC 3339 compliant dates.
retDate, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, dateStr)
if err != nil {
return ErrInvalidRetentionDate
*rDate = RetentionDate{retDate}
return nil
// MarshalXML encodes expiration date if it is non-zero and encodes
// empty string otherwise
func (rDate *RetentionDate) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, startElement xml.StartElement) error {
if *rDate == (RetentionDate{time.Time{}}) {
return nil
return e.EncodeElement(rDate.Format(time.RFC3339), startElement)
// ObjectRetention specified in
type ObjectRetention struct {
XMLNS string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"`
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Retention"`
Mode RetMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty"`
RetainUntilDate RetentionDate `xml:"RetainUntilDate,omitempty"`
// Maximum 4KiB size per object retention config.
const maxObjectRetentionSize = 1 << 12
// ParseObjectRetention constructs ObjectRetention struct from xml input
func ParseObjectRetention(reader io.Reader) (*ObjectRetention, error) {
ret := ObjectRetention{}
if err := xml.NewDecoder(io.LimitReader(reader, maxObjectRetentionSize)).Decode(&ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
if ret.Mode != "" && !ret.Mode.Valid() {
return &ret, ErrUnknownWORMModeDirective
t, err := UTCNowNTP()
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(context.Background(), err)
return &ret, ErrPastObjectLockRetainDate
if !ret.RetainUntilDate.IsZero() && ret.RetainUntilDate.Before(t) {
return &ret, ErrPastObjectLockRetainDate
return &ret, nil
// IsObjectLockRetentionRequested returns true if object lock retention headers are set.
func IsObjectLockRetentionRequested(h http.Header) bool {
if _, ok := h[AmzObjectLockMode]; ok {
return true
if _, ok := h[AmzObjectLockRetainUntilDate]; ok {
return true
return false
// IsObjectLockLegalHoldRequested returns true if object lock legal hold header is set.
func IsObjectLockLegalHoldRequested(h http.Header) bool {
_, ok := h[AmzObjectLockLegalHold]
return ok
// IsObjectLockGovernanceBypassSet returns true if object lock governance bypass header is set.
func IsObjectLockGovernanceBypassSet(h http.Header) bool {
return strings.ToLower(h.Get(AmzObjectLockBypassRetGovernance)) == "true"
// IsObjectLockRequested returns true if legal hold or object lock retention headers are requested.
func IsObjectLockRequested(h http.Header) bool {
return IsObjectLockLegalHoldRequested(h) || IsObjectLockRetentionRequested(h)
// ParseObjectLockRetentionHeaders parses http headers to extract retention mode and retention date
func ParseObjectLockRetentionHeaders(h http.Header) (rmode RetMode, r RetentionDate, err error) {
retMode := h.Get(AmzObjectLockMode)
dateStr := h.Get(AmzObjectLockRetainUntilDate)
if len(retMode) == 0 || len(dateStr) == 0 {
return rmode, r, ErrObjectLockInvalidHeaders
rmode = parseRetMode(retMode)
if !rmode.Valid() {
return rmode, r, ErrUnknownWORMModeDirective
var retDate time.Time
// While AWS documentation mentions that the date specified
// must be present in ISO 8601 format, in reality they allow
// users to provide RFC 3339 compliant dates.
retDate, err = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, dateStr)
if err != nil {
return rmode, r, ErrInvalidRetentionDate
t, err := UTCNowNTP()
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(context.Background(), err)
return rmode, r, ErrPastObjectLockRetainDate
if retDate.Before(t) {
return rmode, r, ErrPastObjectLockRetainDate
return rmode, RetentionDate{retDate}, nil
// GetObjectRetentionMeta constructs ObjectRetention from metadata
func GetObjectRetentionMeta(meta map[string]string) ObjectRetention {
var mode RetMode
var retainTill RetentionDate
var modeStr, tillStr string
ok := false
modeStr, ok = meta[strings.ToLower(AmzObjectLockMode)]
if !ok {
modeStr, ok = meta[AmzObjectLockMode]
if ok {
mode = parseRetMode(modeStr)
tillStr, ok = meta[strings.ToLower(AmzObjectLockRetainUntilDate)]
if !ok {
tillStr, ok = meta[AmzObjectLockRetainUntilDate]
if ok {
if t, e := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, tillStr); e == nil {
retainTill = RetentionDate{t.UTC()}
return ObjectRetention{XMLNS: "", Mode: mode, RetainUntilDate: retainTill}
// GetObjectLegalHoldMeta constructs ObjectLegalHold from metadata
func GetObjectLegalHoldMeta(meta map[string]string) ObjectLegalHold {
holdStr, ok := meta[strings.ToLower(AmzObjectLockLegalHold)]
if !ok {
holdStr, ok = meta[AmzObjectLockLegalHold]
if ok {
return ObjectLegalHold{XMLNS: "", Status: parseLegalHoldStatus(holdStr)}
return ObjectLegalHold{}
// ParseObjectLockLegalHoldHeaders parses request headers to construct ObjectLegalHold
func ParseObjectLockLegalHoldHeaders(h http.Header) (lhold ObjectLegalHold, err error) {
holdStatus, ok := h[AmzObjectLockLegalHold]
if ok {
lh := parseLegalHoldStatus(holdStatus[0])
if !lh.Valid() {
return lhold, ErrUnknownWORMModeDirective
lhold = ObjectLegalHold{XMLNS: "", Status: lh}
return lhold, nil
// ObjectLegalHold specified in
type ObjectLegalHold struct {
XMLNS string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"`
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"LegalHold"`
Status LegalHoldStatus `xml:"Status,omitempty"`
// IsEmpty returns true if struct is empty
func (l *ObjectLegalHold) IsEmpty() bool {
return !l.Status.Valid()
// ParseObjectLegalHold decodes the XML into ObjectLegalHold
func ParseObjectLegalHold(reader io.Reader) (hold *ObjectLegalHold, err error) {
hold = &ObjectLegalHold{}
if err = xml.NewDecoder(reader).Decode(hold); err != nil {
if !hold.Status.Valid() {
return nil, ErrMalformedXML
// FilterObjectLockMetadata filters object lock metadata if s3:GetObjectRetention permission is denied or if isCopy flag set.
func FilterObjectLockMetadata(metadata map[string]string, filterRetention, filterLegalHold bool) map[string]string {
// Copy on write
dst := metadata
var copied bool
delKey := func(key string) {
if _, ok := metadata[key]; !ok {
if !copied {
dst = make(map[string]string, len(metadata))
for k, v := range metadata {
dst[k] = v
copied = true
delete(dst, key)
legalHold := GetObjectLegalHoldMeta(metadata)
if !legalHold.Status.Valid() || filterLegalHold {
ret := GetObjectRetentionMeta(metadata)
if !ret.Mode.Valid() || filterRetention {
return dst
return dst