#!/usr/bin/python3 import allure import re import shutil import sys import uuid import zipfile from urllib.parse import quote_plus import allure import requests from cli_helpers import _cmd_run from common import HTTP_GATE from robot.api import logger from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn ROBOT_AUTO_KEYWORDS = False if "pytest" in sys.modules: import os ASSETS_DIR = os.getenv("ASSETS_DIR", "TemporaryDir/") else: ASSETS_DIR = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${ASSETS_DIR}") @allure.step('Get via HTTP Gate') def get_via_http_gate(cid: str, oid: str): """ This function gets given object from HTTP gate :param cid: CID to get object from :param oid: object OID """ request = f'{HTTP_GATE}/get/{cid}/{oid}' resp = requests.get(request, stream=True) if not resp.ok: raise Exception(f"""Failed to get object via HTTP gate: request: {resp.request.path_url}, response: {resp.text}, status code: {resp.status_code} {resp.reason}""") logger.info(f'Request: {request}') _attach_allure_step(request, resp.status_code) filename = f"{ASSETS_DIR}/{cid}_{oid}" with open(filename, "wb") as get_file: shutil.copyfileobj(resp.raw, get_file) return filename @allure.step('Get via Zip HTTP Gate') def get_via_zip_http_gate(cid: str, prefix: str): """ This function gets given object from HTTP gate :param cid: CID to get object from :param prefix: common prefix """ request = f'{HTTP_GATE}/zip/{cid}/{prefix}' resp = requests.get(request, stream=True) if not resp.ok: raise Exception(f"""Failed to get object via HTTP gate: request: {resp.request.path_url}, response: {resp.text}, status code: {resp.status_code} {resp.reason}""") logger.info(f'Request: {request}') _attach_allure_step(request, resp.status_code) filename = f'{ASSETS_DIR}/{cid}_archive.zip' with open(filename, 'wb') as get_file: shutil.copyfileobj(resp.raw, get_file) with zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(ASSETS_DIR) return f'{ASSETS_DIR}/{prefix}' @allure.step('Get via HTTP Gate by attribute') def get_via_http_gate_by_attribute(cid: str, attribute: dict): """ This function gets given object from HTTP gate :param cid: CID to get object from :param attribute: attribute name: attribute value pair """ attr_name = list(attribute.keys())[0] attr_value = quote_plus(str(attribute.get(attr_name))) request = f'{HTTP_GATE}/get_by_attribute/{cid}/{quote_plus(str(attr_name))}/{attr_value}' resp = requests.get(request, stream=True) if not resp.ok: raise Exception(f"""Failed to get object via HTTP gate: request: {resp.request.path_url}, response: {resp.text}, status code: {resp.status_code} {resp.reason}""") logger.info(f'Request: {request}') _attach_allure_step(request, resp.status_code) filename = f"{ASSETS_DIR}/{cid}_{str(uuid.uuid4())}" with open(filename, "wb") as get_file: shutil.copyfileobj(resp.raw, get_file) return filename @allure.step('Upload via HTTP Gate') def upload_via_http_gate(cid: str, path: str, headers: dict = None) -> str: """ This function upload given object through HTTP gate :param cid: CID to get object from :param path: File path to upload :param headers: Object header """ request = f'{HTTP_GATE}/upload/{cid}' files = {'upload_file': open(path, 'rb')} body = { 'filename': path } resp = requests.post(request, files=files, data=body, headers=headers) if not resp.ok: raise Exception(f"""Failed to get object via HTTP gate: request: {resp.request.path_url}, response: {resp.text}, status code: {resp.status_code} {resp.reason}""") logger.info(f'Request: {request}') _attach_allure_step(request, resp.json(), req_type='POST') assert resp.json().get('object_id'), f'OID found in response {resp}' return resp.json().get('object_id') @allure.step('Upload via HTTP Gate using Curl') def upload_via_http_gate_curl(cid: str, filepath: str, large_object=False, headers: dict = None) -> str: """ This function upload given object through HTTP gate using curl utility. :param cid: CID to get object from :param filepath: File path to upload :param headers: Object header """ request = f'{HTTP_GATE}/upload/{cid}' files = f'file=@{filepath};filename={os.path.basename(filepath)}' cmd = f'curl -F \'{files}\' {request}' if large_object: files = f'file=@pipe;filename={os.path.basename(filepath)}' cmd = f'mkfifo pipe;cat {filepath} > pipe & curl --no-buffer -F \'{files}\' {request}' output = _cmd_run(cmd) oid_re = re.search(r'"object_id": "(.*)"', output) if not oid_re: raise AssertionError(f'Could not find "object_id" in {output}') return oid_re.group(1) @allure.step('Get via HTTP Gate using Curl') def get_via_http_curl(cid: str, oid: str) -> str: """ This function gets given object from HTTP gate using curl utility. :param cid: CID to get object from :param oid: object OID """ request = f'{HTTP_GATE}/get/{cid}/{oid}' filename = f"{ASSETS_DIR}/{cid}_{oid}_{str(uuid.uuid4())}" cmd = f'curl {request} > {filename}' _cmd_run(cmd) return filename def _attach_allure_step(request: str, status_code: int, req_type='GET'): command_attachment = ( f"REQUEST: '{request}'\n" f'RESPONSE:\n {status_code}\n' ) with allure.step(f'{req_type} Request'): allure.attach(command_attachment, f'{req_type} Request', allure.attachment_type.TEXT)