*** Settings *** Variables common.py Library Collections Library Process Library String Library contract_keywords.py Library cli_keywords.py Library utility_keywords.py Resource setup_teardown.robot Resource payment_operations.robot *** Variables *** ${DEPOSIT_AMOUNT} = ${10} *** Test cases *** CLI Accounting Balance Test [Documentation] neofs-cli accounting balance test [Tags] NeoFSCLI Accounting [Timeout] 10 min [Setup] Setup ${WALLET} ${ADDR} ${_} = Prepare Wallet And Deposit ${DEPOSIT_AMOUNT} # Getting balance with wallet and address ${OUTPUT} = Run Process ${NEOFS_CLI_EXEC} accounting balance -r ${NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --address ${ADDR} --wallet ${WALLET} --config ${WALLET_PASS} ... shell=True Should Be Equal As Numbers ${OUTPUT.stdout} ${DEPOSIT_AMOUNT} # Getting balance with wallet only ${OUTPUT} = Run Process ${NEOFS_CLI_EXEC} accounting balance -r ${NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --wallet ${WALLET} --config ${WALLET_PASS} ... shell=True Should Be Equal As Numbers ${OUTPUT.stdout} ${DEPOSIT_AMOUNT} # Getting balance with wallet and wrong address ${ANOTHER_WALLET} ${ANOTHER_ADDR} ${ANOTHER_WIF} = Init Wallet With Address ${ASSETS_DIR} ${OUTPUT} = Run Process ${NEOFS_CLI_EXEC} accounting balance -r ${NEOFS_ENDPOINT} --address ${ANOTHER_ADDR} --wallet ${WALLET} --config ${WALLET_PASS} ... shell=True Should Be Equal As Strings ${OUTPUT.stderr} --address option must be specified and valid Should Be Equal As Numbers ${OUTPUT.rc} 1 # Getting balance with control API ${CONFIG_PATH} = Write API Config ${NEOFS_ENDPOINT} ${WALLET} ${OUTPUT} = Run Process ${NEOFS_CLI_EXEC} accounting balance --config ${CONFIG_PATH} ... shell=True Should Be Equal As Numbers ${OUTPUT.stdout} ${DEPOSIT_AMOUNT} [Teardown] Teardown cli_accounting_balance *** Keywords *** Write API Config [Documentation] Write YAML config for requesting NeoFS API via CLI [Arguments] ${ENDPOINT} ${WALLET} Set Local Variable ${PATH} ${ASSETS_DIR}/config.yaml Create File ${PATH} rpc-endpoint: ${ENDPOINT}\nwallet: ${WALLET}\npassword: '' [Return] ${PATH}