import logging from random import choice from time import sleep from typing import Optional import allure import pytest from common import ( COMPLEX_OBJ_SIZE, MORPH_BLOCK_TIME, NEOFS_CONTRACT_CACHE_TIMEOUT, NEOFS_NETMAP_DICT, STORAGE_RPC_ENDPOINT_1, STORAGE_WALLET_PASS, ) from data_formatters import get_wallet_public_key from epoch import tick_epoch from file_helper import generate_file from grpc_responses import OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, error_matches_status from import Hosting from import Shell from python_keywords.container import create_container, get_container from python_keywords.failover_utils import wait_object_replication_on_nodes from python_keywords.neofs_verbs import delete_object, get_object, head_object, put_object from python_keywords.node_management import ( check_node_in_map, delete_node_data, drop_object, exclude_node_from_network_map, get_locode, get_netmap_snapshot, include_node_to_network_map, node_healthcheck, node_set_status, node_shard_list, node_shard_set_mode, start_nodes, stop_nodes, ) from storage_policy import get_nodes_with_object, get_simple_object_copies from utility import parse_time, placement_policy_from_container, wait_for_gc_pass_on_storage_nodes from wellknown_acl import PUBLIC_ACL logger = logging.getLogger("NeoLogger") check_nodes = [] @pytest.fixture @allure.title("Create container and pick the node with data") def create_container_and_pick_node(prepare_wallet_and_deposit, client_shell, hosting: Hosting): wallet = prepare_wallet_and_deposit file_path = generate_file() placement_rule = "REP 1 IN X CBF 1 SELECT 1 FROM * AS X" cid = create_container(wallet, shell=client_shell, rule=placement_rule, basic_acl=PUBLIC_ACL) oid = put_object(wallet, file_path, cid, shell=client_shell) nodes = get_nodes_with_object(wallet, cid, oid, shell=client_shell) assert len(nodes) == 1 node = nodes[0] node_name = choice( [node_name for node_name, params in NEOFS_NETMAP_DICT.items() if params.get("rpc") == node] ) yield cid, node_name shards = node_shard_list(hosting, node_name) assert shards for shard in shards: node_shard_set_mode(hosting, node_name, shard, "read-write") node_shard_list(hosting, node_name) @pytest.fixture def after_run_start_all_nodes(hosting: Hosting): yield try: start_nodes(hosting, list(NEOFS_NETMAP_DICT.keys())) except Exception as err: logger.error(f"Node start fails with error:\n{err}") @pytest.fixture def return_nodes_after_test_run(client_shell: Shell, hosting: Hosting): yield return_nodes(client_shell, hosting) @allure.step("Return node to cluster") def return_nodes(shell: Shell, hosting: Hosting, alive_node: Optional[str] = None) -> None: for node in list(check_nodes): with allure.step(f"Start node {node}"): host = hosting.get_host_by_service(node) host.start_service(node) with allure.step(f"Waiting status ready for node {node}"): wait_for_node_to_be_ready(hosting, node) # We need to wait for node to establish notifications from morph-chain # Otherwise it will hang up when we will try to set status sleep(parse_time(MORPH_BLOCK_TIME)) with allure.step(f"Move node {node} to online state"): node_set_status(hosting, node, status="online", retries=2) check_nodes.remove(node) sleep(parse_time(MORPH_BLOCK_TIME)) for __attempt in range(3): try: tick_epoch() break except RuntimeError: sleep(3) check_node_in_map(node, shell=shell, alive_node=alive_node) @allure.title("Add one node to cluster") @pytest.mark.add_nodes @pytest.mark.node_mgmt def test_add_nodes( prepare_tmp_dir, client_shell, prepare_wallet_and_deposit, return_nodes_after_test_run, hosting: Hosting, ): wallet = prepare_wallet_and_deposit placement_rule_3 = "REP 3 IN X CBF 1 SELECT 3 FROM * AS X" placement_rule_4 = "REP 4 IN X CBF 1 SELECT 4 FROM * AS X" source_file_path = generate_file() additional_node = choice( [ node for node, node_config in NEOFS_NETMAP_DICT.items() if node_config.get("rpc") != STORAGE_RPC_ENDPOINT_1 ] ) alive_node = choice([node for node in NEOFS_NETMAP_DICT if node != additional_node]) check_node_in_map(additional_node, shell=client_shell, alive_node=alive_node) # Add node to recovery list before messing with it check_nodes.append(additional_node) exclude_node_from_network_map(hosting, additional_node, alive_node, shell=client_shell) delete_node_data(hosting, additional_node) cid = create_container(wallet, rule=placement_rule_3, basic_acl=PUBLIC_ACL, shell=client_shell) oid = put_object( wallet, source_file_path, cid, endpoint=NEOFS_NETMAP_DICT[alive_node].get("rpc"), shell=client_shell, ) wait_object_replication_on_nodes(wallet, cid, oid, 3, shell=client_shell) return_nodes(shell=client_shell, hosting=hosting, alive_node=alive_node) with allure.step("Check data could be replicated to new node"): random_node = choice( [node for node in NEOFS_NETMAP_DICT if node not in (additional_node, alive_node)] ) exclude_node_from_network_map(hosting, random_node, alive_node, shell=client_shell) wait_object_replication_on_nodes( wallet, cid, oid, 3, excluded_nodes=[random_node], shell=client_shell ) include_node_to_network_map(hosting, random_node, alive_node, shell=client_shell) wait_object_replication_on_nodes(wallet, cid, oid, 3, shell=client_shell) with allure.step("Check container could be created with new node"): cid = create_container( wallet, rule=placement_rule_4, basic_acl=PUBLIC_ACL, shell=client_shell ) oid = put_object( wallet, source_file_path, cid, endpoint=NEOFS_NETMAP_DICT[alive_node].get("rpc"), shell=client_shell, ) wait_object_replication_on_nodes(wallet, cid, oid, 4, shell=client_shell) @allure.title("Control Operations with storage nodes") @pytest.mark.node_mgmt def test_nodes_management(prepare_tmp_dir, client_shell, hosting: Hosting): """ This test checks base control operations with storage nodes (healthcheck, netmap-snapshot, set-status). """ random_node = choice(list(NEOFS_NETMAP_DICT)) alive_node = choice([node for node in NEOFS_NETMAP_DICT if node != random_node]) # Calculate public key that identifies node in netmap random_node_wallet_path = NEOFS_NETMAP_DICT[random_node]["wallet_path"] random_node_netmap_key = get_wallet_public_key(random_node_wallet_path, STORAGE_WALLET_PASS) with allure.step("Check node {random_node} is in netmap"): snapshot = get_netmap_snapshot(node_name=alive_node, shell=client_shell) assert random_node_netmap_key in snapshot, f"Expected node {random_node} in netmap" with allure.step("Run health check for all storage nodes"): for node_name in NEOFS_NETMAP_DICT.keys(): health_check = node_healthcheck(hosting, node_name) assert health_check.health_status == "READY" and health_check.network_status == "ONLINE" with allure.step(f"Move node {random_node} to offline state"): node_set_status(hosting, random_node, status="offline") sleep(parse_time(MORPH_BLOCK_TIME)) tick_epoch() with allure.step(f"Check node {random_node} went to offline"): health_check = node_healthcheck(hosting, random_node) assert health_check.health_status == "READY" and health_check.network_status == "OFFLINE" snapshot = get_netmap_snapshot(node_name=alive_node, shell=client_shell) assert random_node_netmap_key not in snapshot, f"Expected node {random_node} not in netmap" with allure.step(f"Check node {random_node} went to online"): node_set_status(hosting, random_node, status="online") sleep(parse_time(MORPH_BLOCK_TIME)) tick_epoch() with allure.step(f"Check node {random_node} went to online"): health_check = node_healthcheck(hosting, random_node) assert health_check.health_status == "READY" and health_check.network_status == "ONLINE" snapshot = get_netmap_snapshot(node_name=alive_node, shell=client_shell) assert random_node_netmap_key in snapshot, f"Expected node {random_node} in netmap" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "placement_rule,expected_copies", [ ("REP 2 IN X CBF 2 SELECT 2 FROM * AS X", 2), ("REP 2 IN X CBF 1 SELECT 2 FROM * AS X", 2), ("REP 3 IN X CBF 1 SELECT 3 FROM * AS X", 3), ("REP 1 IN X CBF 1 SELECT 1 FROM * AS X", 1), ("REP 1 IN X CBF 2 SELECT 1 FROM * AS X", 1), ("REP 4 IN X CBF 1 SELECT 4 FROM * AS X", 4), ("REP 2 IN X CBF 1 SELECT 4 FROM * AS X", 2), ], ) @pytest.mark.node_mgmt @allure.title("Test object copies based on placement policy") def test_placement_policy( prepare_wallet_and_deposit, placement_rule, expected_copies, client_shell: Shell ): """ This test checks object's copies based on container's placement policy. """ wallet = prepare_wallet_and_deposit file_path = generate_file() validate_object_copies(wallet, placement_rule, file_path, expected_copies, shell=client_shell) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "placement_rule,expected_copies,nodes", [ ("REP 4 IN X CBF 1 SELECT 4 FROM * AS X", 4, ["s01", "s02", "s03", "s04"]), ( "REP 1 IN LOC_PLACE CBF 1 SELECT 1 FROM LOC_SW AS LOC_PLACE FILTER Country EQ Sweden AS LOC_SW", 1, ["s03"], ), ("REP 1 CBF 1 SELECT 1 FROM LOC_SPB FILTER 'UN-LOCODE' EQ 'RU LED' AS LOC_SPB", 1, ["s02"]), ( "REP 1 IN LOC_SPB_PLACE REP 1 IN LOC_MSK_PLACE CBF 1 SELECT 1 FROM LOC_SPB AS LOC_SPB_PLACE " "SELECT 1 FROM LOC_MSK AS LOC_MSK_PLACE " "FILTER 'UN-LOCODE' EQ 'RU LED' AS LOC_SPB FILTER 'UN-LOCODE' EQ 'RU MOW' AS LOC_MSK", 2, ["s01", "s02"], ), ( "REP 4 CBF 1 SELECT 4 FROM LOC_EU FILTER Continent EQ Europe AS LOC_EU", 4, ["s01", "s02", "s03", "s04"], ), ( "REP 1 CBF 1 SELECT 1 FROM LOC_SPB " "FILTER 'UN-LOCODE' NE 'RU MOW' AND 'UN-LOCODE' NE 'SE STO' AND 'UN-LOCODE' NE 'FI HEL' AS LOC_SPB", 1, ["s02"], ), ( "REP 2 CBF 1 SELECT 2 FROM LOC_RU FILTER SubDivCode NE 'AB' AND SubDivCode NE '18' AS LOC_RU", 2, ["s01", "s02"], ), ( "REP 2 CBF 1 SELECT 2 FROM LOC_RU FILTER Country EQ 'Russia' AS LOC_RU", 2, ["s01", "s02"], ), ( "REP 2 CBF 1 SELECT 2 FROM LOC_EU FILTER Country NE 'Russia' AS LOC_EU", 2, ["s03", "s04"], ), ], ) @pytest.mark.node_mgmt @allure.title("Test object copies and storage nodes based on placement policy") def test_placement_policy_with_nodes( prepare_wallet_and_deposit, placement_rule, expected_copies, nodes, client_shell: Shell ): """ Based on container's placement policy check that storage nodes are piked correctly and object has correct copies amount. """ wallet = prepare_wallet_and_deposit file_path = generate_file() cid, oid, found_nodes = validate_object_copies( wallet, placement_rule, file_path, expected_copies, shell=client_shell ) expected_nodes = [NEOFS_NETMAP_DICT[node_name].get("rpc") for node_name in nodes] assert set(found_nodes) == set( expected_nodes ), f"Expected nodes {expected_nodes}, got {found_nodes}" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "placement_rule,expected_copies", [ ("REP 2 IN X CBF 2 SELECT 6 FROM * AS X", 2), ], ) @pytest.mark.node_mgmt @allure.title("Negative cases for placement policy") def test_placement_policy_negative( prepare_wallet_and_deposit, placement_rule, expected_copies, client_shell: Shell ): """ Negative test for placement policy. """ wallet = prepare_wallet_and_deposit file_path = generate_file() with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=".*not enough nodes to SELECT from.*"): validate_object_copies( wallet, placement_rule, file_path, expected_copies, shell=client_shell ) @pytest.mark.skip(reason="We cover this scenario in failover tests") @pytest.mark.node_mgmt @allure.title("NeoFS object replication on node failover") def test_replication(prepare_wallet_and_deposit, after_run_start_all_nodes, hosting: Hosting): """ Test checks object replication on storage not failover and come back. """ wallet = prepare_wallet_and_deposit file_path = generate_file() expected_nodes_count = 2 cid = create_container(wallet, basic_acl=PUBLIC_ACL) oid = put_object(wallet, file_path, cid) nodes = get_nodes_with_object(wallet, cid, oid) assert ( len(nodes) == expected_nodes_count ), f"Expected {expected_nodes_count} copies, got {len(nodes)}" node_names = [name for name, config in NEOFS_NETMAP_DICT.items() if config.get("rpc") in nodes] stopped_nodes = stop_nodes(hosting, 1, node_names) wait_for_expected_object_copies(wallet, cid, oid) start_nodes(hosting, stopped_nodes) tick_epoch() for node_name in node_names: wait_for_node_go_online(hosting, node_name) wait_for_expected_object_copies(wallet, cid, oid) @pytest.mark.node_mgmt @allure.title("NeoFS object could be dropped using control command") def test_drop_object(prepare_wallet_and_deposit, client_shell: Shell, hosting: Hosting): """ Test checks object could be dropped using `neofs-cli control drop-objects` command. """ wallet = prepare_wallet_and_deposit file_path_simple, file_path_complex = generate_file(), generate_file(COMPLEX_OBJ_SIZE) locode = get_locode() rule = f"REP 1 CBF 1 SELECT 1 FROM * FILTER 'UN-LOCODE' EQ '{locode}' AS LOC" cid = create_container(wallet, rule=rule, shell=client_shell) oid_simple = put_object(wallet, file_path_simple, cid, shell=client_shell) oid_complex = put_object(wallet, file_path_complex, cid, shell=client_shell) for oid in (oid_simple, oid_complex): get_object(wallet, cid, oid, client_shell) head_object(wallet, cid, oid, client_shell) nodes = get_nodes_with_object(wallet, cid, oid_simple, shell=client_shell) node_name = choice( [name for name, config in NEOFS_NETMAP_DICT.items() if config.get("rpc") in nodes] ) for oid in (oid_simple, oid_complex): with allure.step(f"Drop object {oid}"): get_object(wallet, cid, oid, shell=client_shell) head_object(wallet, cid, oid, shell=client_shell) drop_object(hosting, node_name, cid, oid) wait_for_obj_dropped(wallet, cid, oid, client_shell, get_object) wait_for_obj_dropped(wallet, cid, oid, client_shell, head_object) @pytest.mark.node_mgmt @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Need to clarify scenario") @allure.title("Control Operations with storage nodes") def test_shards( prepare_wallet_and_deposit, create_container_and_pick_node, client_shell: Shell, hosting: Hosting, ): wallet = prepare_wallet_and_deposit file_path = generate_file() cid, node_name = create_container_and_pick_node original_oid = put_object(wallet, file_path, cid, shell=client_shell) # for mode in ('read-only', 'degraded'): for mode in ("degraded",): shards = node_shard_list(hosting, node_name) assert shards for shard in shards: node_shard_set_mode(hosting, node_name, shard, mode) shards = node_shard_list(hosting, node_name) assert shards with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): put_object(wallet, file_path, cid, shell=client_shell) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): delete_object(wallet, cid, original_oid, shell=client_shell) get_object(wallet, cid, original_oid, shell=client_shell) for shard in shards: node_shard_set_mode(hosting, node_name, shard, "read-write") shards = node_shard_list(hosting, node_name) assert shards oid = put_object(wallet, file_path, cid, shell=client_shell) delete_object(wallet, cid, oid, shell=client_shell) @allure.step("Validate object has {expected_copies} copies") def validate_object_copies( wallet: str, placement_rule: str, file_path: str, expected_copies: int, shell: Shell ): cid = create_container(wallet, rule=placement_rule, basic_acl=PUBLIC_ACL, shell=shell) got_policy = placement_policy_from_container( get_container(wallet, cid, json_mode=False, shell=shell) ) assert got_policy == placement_rule.replace( "'", "" ), f"Expected \n{placement_rule} and got policy \n{got_policy} are the same" oid = put_object(wallet, file_path, cid, shell=shell) nodes = get_nodes_with_object(wallet, cid, oid, shell=shell) assert len(nodes) == expected_copies, f"Expected {expected_copies} copies, got {len(nodes)}" return cid, oid, nodes @allure.step("Wait for node {node_name} goes online") def wait_for_node_go_online(hosting: Hosting, node_name: str) -> None: timeout, attempts = 5, 20 for _ in range(attempts): try: health_check = node_healthcheck(hosting, node_name) assert health_check.health_status == "READY" and health_check.network_status == "ONLINE" return except Exception as err: logger.warning(f"Node {node_name} is not online:\n{err}") sleep(timeout) raise AssertionError( f"Node {node_name} hasn't gone to the READY and ONLINE state after {timeout * attempts} second" ) @allure.step("Wait for node {node_name} is ready") def wait_for_node_to_be_ready(hosting: Hosting, node_name: str) -> None: timeout, attempts = 30, 6 for _ in range(attempts): try: health_check = node_healthcheck(hosting, node_name) if health_check.health_status == "READY": return except Exception as err: logger.warning(f"Node {node_name} is not ready:\n{err}") sleep(timeout) raise AssertionError( f"Node {node_name} hasn't gone to the READY state after {timeout * attempts} seconds" ) @allure.step("Wait for {expected_copies} object copies in the wallet") def wait_for_expected_object_copies( wallet: str, cid: str, oid: str, expected_copies: int = 2 ) -> None: for i in range(2): copies = get_simple_object_copies(wallet, cid, oid) if copies == expected_copies: break tick_epoch() sleep(parse_time(NEOFS_CONTRACT_CACHE_TIMEOUT)) else: raise AssertionError(f"There are no {expected_copies} copies during time") @allure.step("Wait for object to be dropped") def wait_for_obj_dropped(wallet: str, cid: str, oid: str, shell: Shell, checker) -> None: for _ in range(3): try: checker(wallet, cid, oid, shell=shell) wait_for_gc_pass_on_storage_nodes() except Exception as err: if error_matches_status(err, OBJECT_NOT_FOUND): return raise AssertionError(f'Expected "{OBJECT_NOT_FOUND}" error, got\n{err}') raise AssertionError(f"Object {oid} was not dropped from node")