anatoly-bogatyrev 4cb4121d60
Feature/code clearness (#27)
* replication testcase has been remade #19
* Split large complex test cases into multiple test cases #18
* Add the steps to check the viewing of previous epochs during GET operations #23
* Updating all test cases according to NeoFS updates
* Code improvements and bug fixes
2021-02-08 08:05:17 +03:00

50 lines
2.6 KiB

*** Settings ***
Variables ../../../variables/
Library ../${RESOURCES}/
Library ../${RESOURCES}/
*** Test cases ***
NeoFS Deposit and Withdraw
[Documentation] Testcase to validate NeoFS Withdraw operation.
[Tags] Withdraw NeoFS NeoCLI
[Timeout] 10 min
${WALLET} = Init wallet
Generate wallet ${WALLET}
${ADDR} = Dump Address ${WALLET}
${PRIV_KEY} = Dump PrivKey ${WALLET} ${ADDR}
${TX} = Transfer Mainnet Gas wallets/wallet.json NTrezR3C4X8aMLVg7vozt5wguyNfFhwuFx ${ADDR} 55
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 15 sec
... Transaction accepted in block ${TX}
Get Transaction ${TX}
Expexted Mainnet Balance ${ADDR} 55
${SCRIPT_HASH} = Get ScripHash ${PRIV_KEY}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 15 sec
... Transaction accepted in block ${TX_DEPOSIT}
Get Transaction ${TX_DEPOSIT}
Sleep 1 min
Expexted Mainnet Balance ${ADDR} 4.85019610
${NEOFS_BALANCE} = Get Balance ${PRIV_KEY}
${TX} = Withdraw Mainnet Gas ${WALLET} ${ADDR} ${SCRIPT_HASH} 50
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 15 sec
... Transaction accepted in block ${TX}
Sleep 1 min
Get Balance ${PRIV_KEY}
Expected Balance ${PRIV_KEY} ${NEOFS_BALANCE} -50
Expexted Mainnet Balance ${ADDR} 54.81699450
[Teardown] Cleanup
*** Keywords ***
Get Docker Logs withdraw