*** Settings *** Variables ../../../variables/common.py Library Collections Library ../${RESOURCES}/neofs.py Library ../${RESOURCES}/payment_neogo.py Library ../${RESOURCES}/utility_keywords.py Resource common_steps_acl_extended.robot *** Test cases *** Extended ACL Operations [Documentation] Testcase to validate NeoFS operations with extended ACL with Other group key. [Tags] ACL eACL NeoFS NeoCLI [Timeout] 20 min [Setup] Create Temporary Directory Generate Keys Prepare eACL Role rules Log Check extended ACL with simple object Generate files ${SIMPLE_OBJ_SIZE} Check eACL Deny and Allow All Other Log Check extended ACL with complex object Generate files ${COMPLEX_OBJ_SIZE} Check eACL Deny and Allow All Other [Teardown] Cleanup *** Keywords *** Check eACL Deny and Allow All Other Check eACL Deny and Allow All ${OTHER_KEY} ${EACL_DENY_ALL_OTHER} ${EACL_ALLOW_ALL_OTHER} Cleanup Cleanup Files Get Docker Logs acl_extended