*** Settings *** Variables common.py Library neofs.py Library neofs_verbs.py Library payment_neogo.py Library storage_group.py Resource common_steps_object.robot Resource setup_teardown.robot Resource payment_operations.robot Resource storage_group.robot *** Variables *** @{UNEXIST_OID} = B2DKvkHnLnPvapbDgfpU1oVUPuXQo5LTfKVxmNDZXQff *** Test cases *** NeoFS Simple Storagegroup [Documentation] Testcase to validate NeoFS operations with Storagegroup. [Tags] Object [Timeout] 20 min [Setup] Setup ${WALLET} ${_} ${WIF} = Prepare Wallet And Deposit ${CID} = Prepare container ${WIF} ${WALLET} ${FILE_S} = Generate file of bytes ${SIMPLE_OBJ_SIZE} ${OID_1} = Put object ${WALLET} ${FILE_S} ${CID} ${OID_2} = Put object ${WALLET} ${FILE_S} ${CID} @{ONE_OBJECT} = Create List ${OID_1} @{TWO_OBJECTS} = Create List ${OID_1} ${OID_2} Run Storage Group Operations And Expect Success ... ${WALLET} ${CID} ${ONE_OBJECT} Simple Run Storage Group Operations And Expect Success ... ${WALLET} ${CID} ${TWO_OBJECTS} Simple Run Keyword And Expect Error * ... Put Storagegroup ${WALLET} ${CID} ${UNEXIST_OID} Run Keyword And Expect Error * ... Delete Storagegroup ${WALLET} ${CID} ${UNEXIST_OID} [Teardown] Teardown object_storage_group_simple