Vladimir Avdeev 93a52b4a66 Add failover tests for storage nodes
The tests are aimed to work on cloud infrastructure (SberCloud VMs)

Signed-off-by: Vladimir Avdeev <>
2022-08-05 13:29:31 +03:00

104 lines
3.8 KiB

import logging
import os
from time import sleep
import allure
import pytest
from python_keywords.container import create_container
from python_keywords.neofs_verbs import get_object, put_object
from python_keywords.utility_keywords import get_file_hash
from sbercloud_helper import SberCloud
from ssh_helper import HostClient, HostIsNotAvailable
from storage_policy import get_nodes_with_object
from wellknown_acl import PUBLIC_ACL
logger = logging.getLogger('NeoLogger')
stopped_hosts = []
def sbercloud_client():
yield SberCloud(f'{os.getcwd()}/configuration/sbercloud.yaml')
@pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True)
def return_all_storage_nodes_fixture(sbercloud_client):
@allure.title('Hard reboot host via magic SysRq option')
def panic_reboot_host(ip: str = None):
ssh = HostClient(ip=ip, login=STORAGE_NODE_USER, password=STORAGE_NODE_PWD)
ssh.exec('echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq')
with pytest.raises(HostIsNotAvailable):
ssh.exec('echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger', timeout=1)
def return_all_storage_nodes(sbercloud_client: SberCloud):
for host in stopped_hosts:
def wait_object_replication(wallet, cid, oid, expected_copies: int) -> [str]:
sleep_interval, attempts = 10, 12
nodes = []
for __attempt in range(attempts):
nodes = get_nodes_with_object(wallet, cid, oid)
if len(nodes) == expected_copies:
return nodes
raise AssertionError(f'Expected {expected_copies} copies of object, but found {len(nodes)} ')
@allure.title('Lost and return nodes')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('hard_reboot', [True, False])
def test_lost_storage_node(prepare_wallet_and_deposit, generate_file, sbercloud_client: SberCloud, hard_reboot: bool):
wallet, _ = prepare_wallet_and_deposit
placement_rule = 'REP 2 IN X CBF 2 SELECT 2 FROM * AS X'
cid = create_container(wallet, rule=placement_rule, basic_acl=PUBLIC_ACL)
oid = put_object(wallet, generate_file, cid)
nodes = wait_object_replication(wallet, cid, oid, 2)
new_nodes = []
for node in nodes:
with allure.step(f'Stop storage node {node}'):
sbercloud_client.stop_node(node_ip=node.split(':')[-2], hard=hard_reboot)
new_nodes = wait_object_replication(wallet, cid, oid, 2)
assert not [node for node in nodes if node in new_nodes]
got_file_path = get_object(wallet, cid, oid)
assert get_file_hash(generate_file) == get_file_hash(got_file_path)
with allure.step(f'Return storage nodes'):
wait_object_replication(wallet, cid, oid, 2)
got_file_path = get_object(wallet, cid, oid)
assert get_file_hash(generate_file) == get_file_hash(got_file_path)
@allure.title('Panic storage node(s)')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('sequence', [True, False])
def test_panic_storage_node(prepare_wallet_and_deposit, generate_file, sequence: bool):
wallet, _ = prepare_wallet_and_deposit
placement_rule = 'REP 2 IN X CBF 2 SELECT 2 FROM * AS X'
cid = create_container(wallet, rule=placement_rule, basic_acl=PUBLIC_ACL)
oid = put_object(wallet, generate_file, cid)
with allure.step(f'Return storage nodes'):
nodes = wait_object_replication(wallet, cid, oid, 2)
for node in nodes:
if sequence:
wait_object_replication(wallet, cid, oid, 2)
if not sequence:
wait_object_replication(wallet, cid, oid, 2)
got_file_path = get_object(wallet, cid, oid)
assert get_file_hash(generate_file) == get_file_hash(got_file_path)