#!/usr/bin/make -f include .env include help.mk # Common variables REPO=$(notdir $(shell pwd)) VERSION ?= "$(shell git describe --tags --match "v*" 2>/dev/null || git rev-parse --short HEAD | sed 's/^v//')" # Variables for docker AIO_IMAGE ?= "truecloudlab/frostfs-aio" LOG_DIR ?= "/var/log" # Variables for compose COMPOSE_CMD_UP ?= docker-compose up -d COMPOSE_CMD_DOWN ?= docker-compose down COMPOSE_V2 = "$(shell docker compose version --short | grep -q '^2' && echo true)" ifeq ($(COMPOSE_V2), "true") COMPOSE_CMD_UP = docker compose up -d --wait COMPOSE_CMD_DOWN = docker compose down endif # Variables for S3 S3_BEARER_RULES ?= "/config/bearer-rules.json" S3_GATE_PUBLIC_KEY ?= "0312fe65b101565de74eedf477afb43417ff5f795732506cfddc8e044c5a030d76" # Build aio Docker image image-aio: @echo "⇒ Build aio docker image" @docker build \ --rm \ -f Dockerfile \ --build-arg FROSTFS_CORE_TAG=$(FROSTFS_CORE_TAG) \ --build-arg FROSTFS_HTTP_GATE_TAG=$(FROSTFS_HTTP_GATE_TAG) \ --build-arg FROSTFS_S3_GATE_TAG=$(FROSTFS_S3_GATE_TAG) \ --build-arg FROSTFS_S3_LIFECYCLER_TAG=$(FROSTFS_S3_LIFECYCLER_TAG) \ --build-arg NEOGO_TAG=$(NEOGO_TAG) \ -t $(AIO_IMAGE):$(AIO_VERSION) . # Build aio Docker image from all local pre-built binaries image-aio-local: @echo "⇒ Build aio docker image from all local pre-built binaries" @docker build \ --rm \ -f Dockerfile.local \ --build-arg FROSTFS_CORE_TAG=$(FROSTFS_CORE_TAG) \ --build-arg FROSTFS_HTTP_GATE_TAG=$(FROSTFS_HTTP_GATE_TAG) \ --build-arg FROSTFS_S3_GATE_TAG=$(FROSTFS_S3_GATE_TAG) \ --build-arg FROSTFS_S3_LIFECYCLER_TAG=$(FROSTFS_S3_LIFECYCLER_TAG) \ --build-arg NEOGO_TAG=$(NEOGO_TAG) \ -t $(AIO_IMAGE):$(AIO_VERSION) . # Build aio Docker image with custom binaries image-aio-custom: @echo "⇒ Build aio Docker image with custom binaries" @docker build \ --rm \ -f Dockerfile.custom \ --build-arg FROSTFS_CORE_TAG=$(FROSTFS_CORE_TAG) \ --build-arg FROSTFS_HTTP_GATE_TAG=$(FROSTFS_HTTP_GATE_TAG) \ --build-arg FROSTFS_S3_GATE_TAG=$(FROSTFS_S3_GATE_TAG) \ --build-arg FROSTFS_S3_LIFECYCLER_TAG=$(FROSTFS_S3_LIFECYCLER_TAG) \ --build-arg NEOGO_TAG=$(NEOGO_TAG) \ -t $(AIO_IMAGE):$(AIO_VERSION) . # Start AIO up: @$(COMPOSE_CMD_UP) # Stop AIO down: @$(COMPOSE_CMD_DOWN) # Clean up clean: down @$(COMPOSE_CMD_DOWN) --volumes # Generate S3 credentials s3cred: @docker exec aio /usr/bin/issue-creds.sh s3 # Generate S3 credentials based on imported wallets s3cred-custom: @docker exec aio /usr/bin/issue-creds.sh s3 $(wallet) # Register user-wallet.json in FrostFS ID contract cred: @docker exec aio /usr/bin/issue-creds.sh native # Register custom wallet in FrostFS ID contract cred-custom: @docker exec aio /usr/bin/issue-creds.sh native $(wallet) enable-oracle: @docker exec aio neo-go contract invokefunction -r http://localhost:30333 \ --wallet-config /config/node-config.yaml \ --out /config/tx.json 49cf4e5378ffcd4dec034fd98a174c5491e395e2 designateAsRole \ int:8 [ bytes:02b3622bf4017bdfe317c58aed5f4c753f206b7db896046fa7d774bbc4bf7f8dc2 ] \ -- NfgHwwTi3wHAS8aFAN243C5vGbkYDpqLHP @docker exec aio neo-go wallet sign --in /config/tx.json \ -r http://localhost:30333 \ --wallet-config /config/node-config.yaml \ -a NfgHwwTi3wHAS8aFAN243C5vGbkYDpqLHP # Tick new epoch in side chain tick.epoch: @docker exec aio /usr/bin/frostfs-adm --config /config/frostfs-adm.yml morph force-new-epoch # Create new wallet WALLET?=wallets/wallet1.json .PHONY: wallet wallet: @! test -f "$(WALLET)" || { echo "File exists: $(WALLET)"; exit 1; } @docker exec -it aio /usr/bin/neo-go wallet init -a -w "$(WALLET)" # Refill GAS in arbitrary WALLET (must be under wallets/ directory) GAS?=50.0 .PHONY: refill refill: @docker exec aio /usr/bin/frostfs-adm --config /config/frostfs-adm.yml \ morph refill-gas --storage-wallet=/$(WALLET) --gas=$(GAS) @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory balance # Show wallet balance .PHONY: balance balance: @echo "Balance for $(WALLET)" @docker exec aio /usr/bin/neo-go wallet nep17 balance -r http://localhost:30333 -w "$(WALLET)" # Show current version version: @echo "aio:" $(VERSION) @echo "frostfs-node: $(FROSTFS_CORE_TAG)" @echo "frostfs-s3-gw: $(FROSTFS_S3_GATE_TAG)" @echo "frostfs-http-gw: $(FROSTFS_HTTP_GATE_TAG)" @echo "neo-go: $(NEOGO_TAG)" # Show all logs of the FrostFS service logs/%: @docker exec aio cat ${LOG_DIR}/$* # Streaming of the frostFS service logs logs-stream/%: @docker exec aio tail -f ${LOG_DIR}/$*