diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 051aa7d..9095b7a 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -84,8 +84,18 @@ up/bootstrap: get vendor/hosts
 		echo "Transfer GAS to wallet $${f}" \
 		&& ./vendor/frostfs-adm -c frostfs-adm.yml morph refill-gas --storage-wallet $${f} --gas 10.0 \
 		|| die "Failed to transfer GAS to alphabet wallets"; \
+		echo "Create frostfsid subject for storage wallet $${f}" \
+		&& subj_key=`neo-go wallet dump-keys -w $${f} | head -2 | tail -1` \
+		&& subj_name_suffix=`echo $${subj_key} | tail -c 5` \
+		&& ./vendor/frostfs-adm -c frostfs-adm.yml morph frostfsid create-subject --namespace "" --subject-key  $${subj_key} --subject-name storage$${subj_name_suffix} \
+		|| die "Failed to create subject for the wallet"; \
-	@echo "FrostFS sidechain environment is deployed"
+	@echo "Create frostfsid subject for ./wallets/wallet.json" \
+		&& subj_key=`neo-go wallet dump-keys -w ./wallets/wallet.json | head -2 | tail -1` \
+		&& subj_name_suffix=`echo $${subj_key} | tail -c 5` \
+		&& ./vendor/frostfs-adm -c frostfs-adm.yml morph frostfsid create-subject --namespace "" --subject-key  $${subj_key} --subject-name storage$${subj_name_suffix} \
+		|| die "Failed to create subject for the wallet"; \
+	echo "FrostFS sidechain environment is deployed"
 # Build up certain service
 .PHONY: up/%