@ -9,9 +9,11 @@ import (
@ -19,10 +21,13 @@ var isDriveRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z]\:$`)
var isDriveRootPathRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z]\:\\$`)
var isDriveOrRootPathRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z]\:\\?$`)
var isNetworkSharePathRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^\\\\[^\\\?]+\\[^\\]`)
var isAnyPathSeparatorRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`[/\\]+`) // Matches any path separators, slash or backslash, or sequences of them
// isNetworkSharePath returns true if the given string is a valid network share path,
// in the basic UNC format "\\Server\Share\Path", where the first two path components
// are required ("\\Server\Share", which represents the volume).
// isNetworkSharePath returns true if the given string is a network share path,
// in the basic UNC format "\\Server\Share\Path". The first two path components
// are required ("\\Server\Share"), and represents the volume. The rest of the
// string can be anything, i.e. can be a nested path ("\\Server\Share\Path\Path\Path").
// Actual validity of the path, e.g. if it contains invalid characters, is not considered.
// Extended-length UNC format "\\?\UNC\Server\Share\Path" is not considered, as it is
// not supported by cgofuse/winfsp, so returns false for any paths with prefix "\\?\".
// Note: There is a UNCPath function in lib/file, but it refers to any extended-length
@ -111,7 +116,7 @@ func handleLocalMountpath(f fs.Fs, mountpath string, opt *mountlib.Options) (str
// Drive letter string can be used as is, since we have already checked it does not exist,
// but directory path needs more checks.
if opt.NetworkMode {
fs.Errorf(nil, "Ignoring --network-mode as it is not supported with directory mountpoint")
fs.Debugf(nil, "Ignoring --network-mode as it is not supported with directory mountpoint")
opt.NetworkMode = false
var err error
@ -132,30 +137,47 @@ func handleLocalMountpath(f fs.Fs, mountpath string, opt *mountlib.Options) (str
return mountpath, nil
// networkSharePathEncoder is an encoder used to make strings valid as (part of) Windows network share UNC paths
const networkSharePathEncoder = (encoder.EncodeZero | // NUL(0x00)
encoder.EncodeCtl | // CTRL(0x01-0x1F)
encoder.EncodeDel | // DEL(0x7F)
encoder.EncodeWin | // :?"*<>|
encoder.EncodeInvalidUtf8) // Also encode invalid UTF-8 bytes as Go can't convert them to UTF-16.
// encodeNetworkSharePath makes a string valid to use as (part of) a Windows network share UNC path.
// Using backslash as path separator here, but forward slashes would also be treated as
// path separators by the library, and therefore does not encode either of them. For convenience,
// normalizes to backslashes-only. UNC paths always start with two path separators, but WinFsp
// requires volume prefix as UNC-like path but with only a single backslash prefix, and multiple
// separators are not valid in any other parts of network share paths, so therefore (unlike what
// filepath.FromSlash would do) replaces multiple separators with a single one (like filpath.Clean
// would do, but it does also more). A trailing path separator would just be ignored, but we
// remove it here as well for convenience.
func encodeNetworkSharePath(volumeName string) string {
return networkSharePathEncoder.Encode(strings.TrimRight(isAnyPathSeparatorRegex.ReplaceAllString(volumeName, `\`), `\`))
// handleVolumeName handles the volume name option.
func handleVolumeName(opt *mountlib.Options, volumeName string) {
// If volumeName parameter is set, then just set that into options replacing any existing value.
// Else, ensure the volume name option is a valid network share UNC path if network mode,
func handleVolumeName(opt *mountlib.Options) {
// Ensure the volume name option is a valid network share UNC path if network mode,
// and ensure network mode if configured volume name is already UNC path.
if volumeName != "" {
opt.VolumeName = volumeName
} else if opt.VolumeName != "" { // Should always be true due to code in mountlib caller
if opt.VolumeName != "" { // Should always be true due to code in mountlib caller
// Use value of given volume name option, but check if it is disk volume name or network volume prefix
if isNetworkSharePath(opt.VolumeName) {
// Specified volume name is network share UNC path, assume network mode and use it as volume prefix
opt.VolumeName = opt.VolumeName[1:] // WinFsp requires volume prefix as UNC-like path but with only a single backslash
opt.VolumeName = encodeNetworkSharePath(opt.VolumeName[1:]) // We know from isNetworkSharePath it has a duplicate path separator prefix, so removes that right away (but encodeNetworkSharePath would remove it also)
if !opt.NetworkMode {
// Specified volume name is network share UNC path, force network mode and use it as volume prefix
fs.Debugf(nil, "Forcing network mode due to network share (UNC) volume name")
opt.NetworkMode = true
} else if opt.NetworkMode {
// Plain volume name treated as share name in network mode, append to hard coded "\\server" prefix to get full volume prefix.
opt.VolumeName = "\\server\\" + opt.VolumeName
// Specified volume name is not a valid network share UNC path, but network mode is enabled, so append to a hard coded server prefix and use it as volume prefix
opt.VolumeName = `\server\` + strings.TrimLeft(encodeNetworkSharePath(opt.VolumeName), `\`)
} else if opt.NetworkMode {
// Hard coded default
opt.VolumeName = "\\server\\share"
// Use hard coded default
opt.VolumeName = `\server\share`
@ -174,22 +196,27 @@ func getMountpoint(f fs.Fs, mountpath string, opt *mountlib.Options) (mountpoint
// Handle mountpath
var volumeName string
if isDefaultPath(mountpath) {
// Mount path indicates defaults, which will automatically pick an unused drive letter.
mountpoint, err = handleDefaultMountpath()
if mountpoint, err = handleDefaultMountpath(); err != nil {
} else if isNetworkSharePath(mountpath) {
// Mount path is a valid network share path (UNC format, "\\Server\Share" prefix).
mountpoint, err = handleNetworkShareMountpath(mountpath, opt)
// In this case the volume name is taken from the mount path, will replace any existing volume name option.
volumeName = mountpath[1:] // WinFsp requires volume prefix as UNC-like path but with only a single backslash
if mountpoint, err = handleNetworkShareMountpath(mountpath, opt); err != nil {
// In this case the volume name is taken from the mount path, it replaces any existing volume name option.
opt.VolumeName = mountpath
} else {
// Mount path is drive letter or directory path.
mountpoint, err = handleLocalMountpath(f, mountpath, opt)
if mountpoint, err = handleLocalMountpath(f, mountpath, opt); err != nil {
// Handle volume name
handleVolumeName(opt, volumeName)
// Done, return mountpoint to be used, together with updated mount options.
if opt.NetworkMode {