package serve

import (


// DirEntry is a directory entry
type DirEntry struct {
	remote  string
	URL     string
	Leaf    string
	IsDir   bool
	Size    int64
	ModTime time.Time

// Directory represents a directory
type Directory struct {
	DirRemote    string
	Title        string
	Name         string
	Entries      []DirEntry
	Query        string
	HTMLTemplate *template.Template
	Breadcrumb   []Crumb
	Sort         string
	Order        string

// Crumb is a breadcrumb entry
type Crumb struct {
	Link string
	Text string

// NewDirectory makes an empty Directory
func NewDirectory(dirRemote string, htmlTemplate *template.Template) *Directory {
	var breadcrumb []Crumb

	// skip trailing slash
	lpath := "/" + dirRemote
	if lpath[len(lpath)-1] == '/' {
		lpath = lpath[:len(lpath)-1]

	parts := strings.Split(lpath, "/")
	for i := range parts {
		txt := parts[i]
		if i == 0 && parts[i] == "" {
			txt = "/"
		lnk := strings.Repeat("../", len(parts)-i-1)
		breadcrumb = append(breadcrumb, Crumb{Link: lnk, Text: txt})

	d := &Directory{
		DirRemote:    dirRemote,
		Title:        fmt.Sprintf("Directory listing of /%s", dirRemote),
		Name:         fmt.Sprintf("/%s", dirRemote),
		HTMLTemplate: htmlTemplate,
		Breadcrumb:   breadcrumb,
	return d

// SetQuery sets the query parameters for each URL
func (d *Directory) SetQuery(queryParams url.Values) *Directory {
	d.Query = ""
	if len(queryParams) > 0 {
		d.Query = "?" + queryParams.Encode()
	return d

// AddHTMLEntry adds an entry to that directory
func (d *Directory) AddHTMLEntry(remote string, isDir bool, size int64, modTime time.Time) {
	leaf := path.Base(remote)
	if leaf == "." {
		leaf = ""
	urlRemote := leaf
	if isDir {
		leaf += "/"
		urlRemote += "/"
	d.Entries = append(d.Entries, DirEntry{
		remote:  remote,
		URL:     rest.URLPathEscape(urlRemote) + d.Query,
		Leaf:    leaf,
		IsDir:   isDir,
		Size:    size,
		ModTime: modTime,

// AddEntry adds an entry to that directory
func (d *Directory) AddEntry(remote string, isDir bool) {
	leaf := path.Base(remote)
	if leaf == "." {
		leaf = ""
	urlRemote := leaf
	if isDir {
		leaf += "/"
		urlRemote += "/"
	d.Entries = append(d.Entries, DirEntry{
		remote: remote,
		URL:    rest.URLPathEscape(urlRemote) + d.Query,
		Leaf:   leaf,

// Error logs the error and if a ResponseWriter is given it writes an http.StatusInternalServerError
func Error(ctx context.Context, what interface{}, w http.ResponseWriter, text string, err error) {
	err = fs.CountError(ctx, err)
	fs.Errorf(what, "%s: %v", text, err)
	if w != nil {
		http.Error(w, text+".", http.StatusInternalServerError)

// ProcessQueryParams takes and sorts/orders based on the request sort/order parameters and default is namedirfirst/asc
func (d *Directory) ProcessQueryParams(sortParm string, orderParm string) *Directory {
	d.Sort = sortParm
	d.Order = orderParm

	var toSort sort.Interface

	switch d.Sort {
	case sortByName:
		toSort = byName(*d)
	case sortByNameDirFirst:
		toSort = byNameDirFirst(*d)
	case sortBySize:
		toSort = bySize(*d)
	case sortByTime:
		toSort = byTime(*d)
		toSort = byNameDirFirst(*d)
	if d.Order == "desc" && toSort != nil {
		toSort = sort.Reverse(toSort)
	if toSort != nil {

	return d


type byName Directory
type byNameDirFirst Directory
type bySize Directory
type byTime Directory

func (d byName) Len() int      { return len(d.Entries) }
func (d byName) Swap(i, j int) { d.Entries[i], d.Entries[j] = d.Entries[j], d.Entries[i] }

func (d byName) Less(i, j int) bool {
	return strings.ToLower(d.Entries[i].Leaf) < strings.ToLower(d.Entries[j].Leaf)

func (d byNameDirFirst) Len() int      { return len(d.Entries) }
func (d byNameDirFirst) Swap(i, j int) { d.Entries[i], d.Entries[j] = d.Entries[j], d.Entries[i] }

func (d byNameDirFirst) Less(i, j int) bool {
	// sort by name if both are dir or file
	if d.Entries[i].IsDir == d.Entries[j].IsDir {
		return strings.ToLower(d.Entries[i].Leaf) < strings.ToLower(d.Entries[j].Leaf)
	// sort dir ahead of file
	return d.Entries[i].IsDir

func (d bySize) Len() int      { return len(d.Entries) }
func (d bySize) Swap(i, j int) { d.Entries[i], d.Entries[j] = d.Entries[j], d.Entries[i] }

func (d bySize) Less(i, j int) bool {
	const directoryOffset = -1 << 31 // = -math.MinInt32

	iSize, jSize := d.Entries[i].Size, d.Entries[j].Size

	// directory sizes depend on the file system; to
	// provide a consistent experience, put them up front
	// and sort them by name
	if d.Entries[i].IsDir {
		iSize = directoryOffset
	if d.Entries[j].IsDir {
		jSize = directoryOffset
	if d.Entries[i].IsDir && d.Entries[j].IsDir {
		return strings.ToLower(d.Entries[i].Leaf) < strings.ToLower(d.Entries[j].Leaf)

	return iSize < jSize

func (d byTime) Len() int           { return len(d.Entries) }
func (d byTime) Swap(i, j int)      { d.Entries[i], d.Entries[j] = d.Entries[j], d.Entries[i] }
func (d byTime) Less(i, j int) bool { return d.Entries[i].ModTime.Before(d.Entries[j].ModTime) }

const (
	sortByName         = "name"
	sortByNameDirFirst = "namedirfirst"
	sortBySize         = "size"
	sortByTime         = "time"

// Serve serves a directory
func (d *Directory) Serve(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	ctx := r.Context()
	// Account the transfer
	tr := accounting.Stats(r.Context()).NewTransferRemoteSize(d.DirRemote, -1, nil, nil)
	defer tr.Done(r.Context(), nil)

	fs.Infof(d.DirRemote, "%s: Serving directory", r.RemoteAddr)

	buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
	err := d.HTMLTemplate.Execute(buf, d)
	if err != nil {
		Error(ctx, d.DirRemote, w, "Failed to render template", err)
	w.Header().Set("Content-Length", fmt.Sprintf("%d", buf.Len()))
	_, err = buf.WriteTo(w)
	if err != nil {
		Error(ctx, d.DirRemote, nil, "Failed to drain template buffer", err)