// Integration tests - test rclone by doing real transactions to a // storage provider to and from the local disk. // // By default it will use a local fs, however you can provide a // -remote option to use a different remote. The test_all.go script // is a wrapper to call this for all the test remotes. // // FIXME not safe for concurrent running of tests until fs.Config is // no longer a global // // NB When writing tests // // Make sure every series of writes to the remote has a // fstest.CheckItems() before use. This make sure the directory // listing is now consistent and stops cascading errors. // // Call accounting.Stats.ResetCounters() before every fs.Sync() as it // uses the error count internally. package operations_test import ( "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "regexp" "strings" "testing" "time" _ "github.com/ncw/rclone/backend/all" // import all backends "github.com/ncw/rclone/fs" "github.com/ncw/rclone/fs/accounting" "github.com/ncw/rclone/fs/filter" "github.com/ncw/rclone/fs/hash" "github.com/ncw/rclone/fs/list" "github.com/ncw/rclone/fs/operations" "github.com/ncw/rclone/fstest" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" ) // Some times used in the tests var ( t1 = fstest.Time("2001-02-03T04:05:06.499999999Z") t2 = fstest.Time("2011-12-25T12:59:59.123456789Z") t3 = fstest.Time("2011-12-30T12:59:59.000000000Z") ) // TestMain drives the tests func TestMain(m *testing.M) { fstest.TestMain(m) } func TestMkdir(t *testing.T) { r := fstest.NewRun(t) defer r.Finalise() err := operations.Mkdir(r.Fremote, "") require.NoError(t, err) fstest.CheckListing(t, r.Fremote, []fstest.Item{}) err = operations.Mkdir(r.Fremote, "") require.NoError(t, err) } func TestLsd(t *testing.T) { r := fstest.NewRun(t) defer r.Finalise() file1 := r.WriteObject("sub dir/hello world", "hello world", t1) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Fremote, file1) var buf bytes.Buffer err := operations.ListDir(r.Fremote, &buf) require.NoError(t, err) res := buf.String() assert.Contains(t, res, "sub dir\n") } func TestLs(t *testing.T) { r := fstest.NewRun(t) defer r.Finalise() file1 := r.WriteBoth("potato2", "------------------------------------------------------------", t1) file2 := r.WriteBoth("empty space", "", t2) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Fremote, file1, file2) var buf bytes.Buffer err := operations.List(r.Fremote, &buf) require.NoError(t, err) res := buf.String() assert.Contains(t, res, " 0 empty space\n") assert.Contains(t, res, " 60 potato2\n") } func TestLsLong(t *testing.T) { r := fstest.NewRun(t) defer r.Finalise() file1 := r.WriteBoth("potato2", "------------------------------------------------------------", t1) file2 := r.WriteBoth("empty space", "", t2) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Fremote, file1, file2) var buf bytes.Buffer err := operations.ListLong(r.Fremote, &buf) require.NoError(t, err) res := buf.String() lines := strings.Split(strings.Trim(res, "\n"), "\n") assert.Equal(t, 2, len(lines)) timeFormat := "2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000000" precision := r.Fremote.Precision() location := time.Now().Location() checkTime := func(m, filename string, expected time.Time) { modTime, err := time.ParseInLocation(timeFormat, m, location) // parse as localtime if err != nil { t.Errorf("Error parsing %q: %v", m, err) } else { dt, ok := fstest.CheckTimeEqualWithPrecision(expected, modTime, precision) if !ok { t.Errorf("%s: Modification time difference too big |%s| > %s (%s vs %s) (precision %s)", filename, dt, precision, modTime, expected, precision) } } } m1 := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^ 0 (\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d{9}) empty space$`) if ms := m1.FindStringSubmatch(res); ms == nil { t.Errorf("empty space missing: %q", res) } else { checkTime(ms[1], "empty space", t2.Local()) } m2 := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^ 60 (\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d{9}) potato2$`) if ms := m2.FindStringSubmatch(res); ms == nil { t.Errorf("potato2 missing: %q", res) } else { checkTime(ms[1], "potato2", t1.Local()) } } func TestHashSums(t *testing.T) { r := fstest.NewRun(t) defer r.Finalise() file1 := r.WriteBoth("potato2", "------------------------------------------------------------", t1) file2 := r.WriteBoth("empty space", "", t2) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Fremote, file1, file2) // MD5 Sum var buf bytes.Buffer err := operations.Md5sum(r.Fremote, &buf) require.NoError(t, err) res := buf.String() if !strings.Contains(res, "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e empty space\n") && !strings.Contains(res, " UNSUPPORTED empty space\n") && !strings.Contains(res, " empty space\n") { t.Errorf("empty space missing: %q", res) } if !strings.Contains(res, "d6548b156ea68a4e003e786df99eee76 potato2\n") && !strings.Contains(res, " UNSUPPORTED potato2\n") && !strings.Contains(res, " potato2\n") { t.Errorf("potato2 missing: %q", res) } // SHA1 Sum buf.Reset() err = operations.Sha1sum(r.Fremote, &buf) require.NoError(t, err) res = buf.String() if !strings.Contains(res, "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 empty space\n") && !strings.Contains(res, " UNSUPPORTED empty space\n") && !strings.Contains(res, " empty space\n") { t.Errorf("empty space missing: %q", res) } if !strings.Contains(res, "9dc7f7d3279715991a22853f5981df582b7f9f6d potato2\n") && !strings.Contains(res, " UNSUPPORTED potato2\n") && !strings.Contains(res, " potato2\n") { t.Errorf("potato2 missing: %q", res) } // Dropbox Hash Sum buf.Reset() err = operations.DropboxHashSum(r.Fremote, &buf) require.NoError(t, err) res = buf.String() if !strings.Contains(res, "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 empty space\n") && !strings.Contains(res, " UNSUPPORTED empty space\n") && !strings.Contains(res, " empty space\n") { t.Errorf("empty space missing: %q", res) } if !strings.Contains(res, "a979481df794fed9c3990a6a422e0b1044ac802c15fab13af9c687f8bdbee01a potato2\n") && !strings.Contains(res, " UNSUPPORTED potato2\n") && !strings.Contains(res, " potato2\n") { t.Errorf("potato2 missing: %q", res) } } func TestCount(t *testing.T) { r := fstest.NewRun(t) defer r.Finalise() file1 := r.WriteBoth("potato2", "------------------------------------------------------------", t1) file2 := r.WriteBoth("empty space", "", t2) file3 := r.WriteBoth("sub dir/potato3", "hello", t2) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Fremote, file1, file2, file3) // Check the MaxDepth too fs.Config.MaxDepth = 1 defer func() { fs.Config.MaxDepth = -1 }() objects, size, err := operations.Count(r.Fremote) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, int64(2), objects) assert.Equal(t, int64(60), size) } func TestDelete(t *testing.T) { r := fstest.NewRun(t) defer r.Finalise() file1 := r.WriteObject("small", "1234567890", t2) // 10 bytes file2 := r.WriteObject("medium", "------------------------------------------------------------", t1) // 60 bytes file3 := r.WriteObject("large", "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", t1) // 100 bytes fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Fremote, file1, file2, file3) filter.Active.Opt.MaxSize = 60 defer func() { filter.Active.Opt.MaxSize = -1 }() err := operations.Delete(r.Fremote) require.NoError(t, err) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Fremote, file3) } func testCheck(t *testing.T, checkFunction func(fdst, fsrc fs.Fs, oneway bool) error) { r := fstest.NewRun(t) defer r.Finalise() check := func(i int, wantErrors int64, oneway bool) { fs.Debugf(r.Fremote, "%d: Starting check test", i) oldErrors := accounting.Stats.GetErrors() err := checkFunction(r.Fremote, r.Flocal, oneway) gotErrors := accounting.Stats.GetErrors() - oldErrors if wantErrors == 0 && err != nil { t.Errorf("%d: Got error when not expecting one: %v", i, err) } if wantErrors != 0 && err == nil { t.Errorf("%d: No error when expecting one", i) } if wantErrors != gotErrors { t.Errorf("%d: Expecting %d errors but got %d", i, wantErrors, gotErrors) } fs.Debugf(r.Fremote, "%d: Ending check test", i) } file1 := r.WriteBoth("rutabaga", "is tasty", t3) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Fremote, file1) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Flocal, file1) check(1, 0, false) file2 := r.WriteFile("potato2", "------------------------------------------------------------", t1) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Flocal, file1, file2) check(2, 1, false) file3 := r.WriteObject("empty space", "", t2) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Fremote, file1, file3) check(3, 2, false) file2r := file2 if fs.Config.SizeOnly { file2r = r.WriteObject("potato2", "--Some-Differences-But-Size-Only-Is-Enabled-----------------", t1) } else { r.WriteObject("potato2", "------------------------------------------------------------", t1) } fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Fremote, file1, file2r, file3) check(4, 1, false) r.WriteFile("empty space", "", t2) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Flocal, file1, file2, file3) check(5, 0, false) file4 := r.WriteObject("remotepotato", "------------------------------------------------------------", t1) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Fremote, file1, file2r, file3, file4) check(6, 1, false) check(7, 0, true) } func TestCheck(t *testing.T) { testCheck(t, operations.Check) } func TestCheckDownload(t *testing.T) { testCheck(t, operations.CheckDownload) } func TestCheckSizeOnly(t *testing.T) { fs.Config.SizeOnly = true defer func() { fs.Config.SizeOnly = false }() TestCheck(t) } func TestCat(t *testing.T) { r := fstest.NewRun(t) defer r.Finalise() file1 := r.WriteBoth("file1", "ABCDEFGHIJ", t1) file2 := r.WriteBoth("file2", "012345678", t2) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Fremote, file1, file2) for _, test := range []struct { offset int64 count int64 a string b string }{ {0, -1, "ABCDEFGHIJ", "012345678"}, {0, 5, "ABCDE", "01234"}, {-3, -1, "HIJ", "678"}, {1, 3, "BCD", "123"}, } { var buf bytes.Buffer err := operations.Cat(r.Fremote, &buf, test.offset, test.count) require.NoError(t, err) res := buf.String() if res != test.a+test.b && res != test.b+test.a { t.Errorf("Incorrect output from Cat(%d,%d): %q", test.offset, test.count, res) } } } func TestRcat(t *testing.T) { checkSumBefore := fs.Config.CheckSum defer func() { fs.Config.CheckSum = checkSumBefore }() check := func(withChecksum bool) { fs.Config.CheckSum = withChecksum prefix := "no_checksum_" if withChecksum { prefix = "with_checksum_" } r := fstest.NewRun(t) defer r.Finalise() fstest.CheckListing(t, r.Fremote, []fstest.Item{}) data1 := "this is some really nice test data" path1 := prefix + "small_file_from_pipe" data2 := string(make([]byte, fs.Config.StreamingUploadCutoff+1)) path2 := prefix + "big_file_from_pipe" in := ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(data1)) _, err := operations.Rcat(r.Fremote, path1, in, t1) require.NoError(t, err) in = ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(data2)) _, err = operations.Rcat(r.Fremote, path2, in, t2) require.NoError(t, err) file1 := fstest.NewItem(path1, data1, t1) file2 := fstest.NewItem(path2, data2, t2) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Fremote, file1, file2) } check(true) check(false) } func TestRmdirsNoLeaveRoot(t *testing.T) { r := fstest.NewRun(t) defer r.Finalise() r.Mkdir(r.Fremote) // Make some files and dirs we expect to keep r.ForceMkdir(r.Fremote) file1 := r.WriteObject("A1/B1/C1/one", "aaa", t1) //..and dirs we expect to delete require.NoError(t, operations.Mkdir(r.Fremote, "A2")) require.NoError(t, operations.Mkdir(r.Fremote, "A1/B2")) require.NoError(t, operations.Mkdir(r.Fremote, "A1/B2/C2")) require.NoError(t, operations.Mkdir(r.Fremote, "A1/B1/C3")) require.NoError(t, operations.Mkdir(r.Fremote, "A3")) require.NoError(t, operations.Mkdir(r.Fremote, "A3/B3")) require.NoError(t, operations.Mkdir(r.Fremote, "A3/B3/C4")) //..and one more file at the end file2 := r.WriteObject("A1/two", "bbb", t2) fstest.CheckListingWithPrecision( t, r.Fremote, []fstest.Item{ file1, file2, }, []string{ "A1", "A1/B1", "A1/B1/C1", "A2", "A1/B2", "A1/B2/C2", "A1/B1/C3", "A3", "A3/B3", "A3/B3/C4", }, fs.Config.ModifyWindow, ) require.NoError(t, operations.Rmdirs(r.Fremote, "", false)) fstest.CheckListingWithPrecision( t, r.Fremote, []fstest.Item{ file1, file2, }, []string{ "A1", "A1/B1", "A1/B1/C1", }, fs.Config.ModifyWindow, ) } func TestRmdirsLeaveRoot(t *testing.T) { r := fstest.NewRun(t) defer r.Finalise() r.Mkdir(r.Fremote) r.ForceMkdir(r.Fremote) require.NoError(t, operations.Mkdir(r.Fremote, "A1")) require.NoError(t, operations.Mkdir(r.Fremote, "A1/B1")) require.NoError(t, operations.Mkdir(r.Fremote, "A1/B1/C1")) fstest.CheckListingWithPrecision( t, r.Fremote, []fstest.Item{}, []string{ "A1", "A1/B1", "A1/B1/C1", }, fs.Config.ModifyWindow, ) require.NoError(t, operations.Rmdirs(r.Fremote, "A1", true)) fstest.CheckListingWithPrecision( t, r.Fremote, []fstest.Item{}, []string{ "A1", }, fs.Config.ModifyWindow, ) } func TestMoveFile(t *testing.T) { r := fstest.NewRun(t) defer r.Finalise() file1 := r.WriteFile("file1", "file1 contents", t1) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Flocal, file1) file2 := file1 file2.Path = "sub/file2" err := operations.MoveFile(r.Fremote, r.Flocal, file2.Path, file1.Path) require.NoError(t, err) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Flocal) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Fremote, file2) r.WriteFile("file1", "file1 contents", t1) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Flocal, file1) err = operations.MoveFile(r.Fremote, r.Flocal, file2.Path, file1.Path) require.NoError(t, err) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Flocal) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Fremote, file2) err = operations.MoveFile(r.Fremote, r.Fremote, file2.Path, file2.Path) require.NoError(t, err) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Flocal) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Fremote, file2) } func TestCopyFile(t *testing.T) { r := fstest.NewRun(t) defer r.Finalise() file1 := r.WriteFile("file1", "file1 contents", t1) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Flocal, file1) file2 := file1 file2.Path = "sub/file2" err := operations.CopyFile(r.Fremote, r.Flocal, file2.Path, file1.Path) require.NoError(t, err) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Flocal, file1) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Fremote, file2) err = operations.CopyFile(r.Fremote, r.Flocal, file2.Path, file1.Path) require.NoError(t, err) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Flocal, file1) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Fremote, file2) err = operations.CopyFile(r.Fremote, r.Fremote, file2.Path, file2.Path) require.NoError(t, err) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Flocal, file1) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Fremote, file2) } // testFsInfo is for unit testing fs.Info type testFsInfo struct { name string root string stringVal string precision time.Duration hashes hash.Set features fs.Features } // Name of the remote (as passed into NewFs) func (i *testFsInfo) Name() string { return i.name } // Root of the remote (as passed into NewFs) func (i *testFsInfo) Root() string { return i.root } // String returns a description of the FS func (i *testFsInfo) String() string { return i.stringVal } // Precision of the ModTimes in this Fs func (i *testFsInfo) Precision() time.Duration { return i.precision } // Returns the supported hash types of the filesystem func (i *testFsInfo) Hashes() hash.Set { return i.hashes } // Returns the supported hash types of the filesystem func (i *testFsInfo) Features() *fs.Features { return &i.features } func TestSameConfig(t *testing.T) { a := &testFsInfo{name: "name", root: "root"} for _, test := range []struct { name string root string expected bool }{ {"name", "root", true}, {"name", "rooty", true}, {"namey", "root", false}, {"namey", "roott", false}, } { b := &testFsInfo{name: test.name, root: test.root} actual := operations.SameConfig(a, b) assert.Equal(t, test.expected, actual) actual = operations.SameConfig(b, a) assert.Equal(t, test.expected, actual) } } func TestSame(t *testing.T) { a := &testFsInfo{name: "name", root: "root"} for _, test := range []struct { name string root string expected bool }{ {"name", "root", true}, {"name", "rooty", false}, {"namey", "root", false}, {"namey", "roott", false}, } { b := &testFsInfo{name: test.name, root: test.root} actual := operations.Same(a, b) assert.Equal(t, test.expected, actual) actual = operations.Same(b, a) assert.Equal(t, test.expected, actual) } } func TestOverlapping(t *testing.T) { a := &testFsInfo{name: "name", root: "root"} for _, test := range []struct { name string root string expected bool }{ {"name", "root", true}, {"namey", "root", false}, {"name", "rooty", false}, {"namey", "rooty", false}, {"name", "roo", false}, {"name", "root/toot", true}, {"name", "root/toot/", true}, {"name", "", true}, {"name", "/", true}, } { b := &testFsInfo{name: test.name, root: test.root} what := fmt.Sprintf("(%q,%q) vs (%q,%q)", a.name, a.root, b.name, b.root) actual := operations.Overlapping(a, b) assert.Equal(t, test.expected, actual, what) actual = operations.Overlapping(b, a) assert.Equal(t, test.expected, actual, what) } } type errorReader struct { err error } func (er errorReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { return 0, er.err } func TestCheckEqualReaders(t *testing.T) { b65a := make([]byte, 65*1024) b65b := make([]byte, 65*1024) b65b[len(b65b)-1] = 1 b66 := make([]byte, 66*1024) differ, err := operations.CheckEqualReaders(bytes.NewBuffer(b65a), bytes.NewBuffer(b65a)) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, differ, false) differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(bytes.NewBuffer(b65a), bytes.NewBuffer(b65b)) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, differ, true) differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(bytes.NewBuffer(b65a), bytes.NewBuffer(b66)) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, differ, true) differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(bytes.NewBuffer(b66), bytes.NewBuffer(b65a)) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, differ, true) myErr := errors.New("sentinel") wrap := func(b []byte) io.Reader { r := bytes.NewBuffer(b) e := errorReader{myErr} return io.MultiReader(r, e) } differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(wrap(b65a), bytes.NewBuffer(b65a)) assert.Equal(t, myErr, err) assert.Equal(t, differ, true) differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(wrap(b65a), bytes.NewBuffer(b65b)) assert.Equal(t, myErr, err) assert.Equal(t, differ, true) differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(wrap(b65a), bytes.NewBuffer(b66)) assert.Equal(t, myErr, err) assert.Equal(t, differ, true) differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(wrap(b66), bytes.NewBuffer(b65a)) assert.Equal(t, myErr, err) assert.Equal(t, differ, true) differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(bytes.NewBuffer(b65a), wrap(b65a)) assert.Equal(t, myErr, err) assert.Equal(t, differ, true) differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(bytes.NewBuffer(b65a), wrap(b65b)) assert.Equal(t, myErr, err) assert.Equal(t, differ, true) differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(bytes.NewBuffer(b65a), wrap(b66)) assert.Equal(t, myErr, err) assert.Equal(t, differ, true) differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(bytes.NewBuffer(b66), wrap(b65a)) assert.Equal(t, myErr, err) assert.Equal(t, differ, true) } func TestListFormat(t *testing.T) { r := fstest.NewRun(t) defer r.Finalise() file1 := r.WriteObject("a", "a", t1) file2 := r.WriteObject("subdir/b", "b", t1) fstest.CheckItems(t, r.Fremote, file1, file2) items, _ := list.DirSorted(r.Fremote, true, "") var list operations.ListFormat list.AddPath() list.SetDirSlash(false) assert.Equal(t, "subdir", list.Format(items[1])) list.SetDirSlash(true) assert.Equal(t, "subdir/", list.Format(items[1])) list.SetOutput(nil) assert.Equal(t, "", list.Format(items[1])) list.AppendOutput(func() string { return "a" }) list.AppendOutput(func() string { return "b" }) assert.Equal(t, "ab", list.Format(items[1])) list.SetSeparator(":::") assert.Equal(t, "a:::b", list.Format(items[1])) list.SetOutput(nil) list.AddModTime() assert.Equal(t, items[0].ModTime().Local().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), list.Format(items[0])) list.SetOutput(nil) list.AddID() _ = list.Format(items[0]) // Can't really check anything - at least it didn't panic! list.SetOutput(nil) list.AddMimeType() assert.Contains(t, list.Format(items[0]), "/") assert.Equal(t, "inode/directory", list.Format(items[1])) list.SetOutput(nil) list.AddPath() list.SetAbsolute(true) assert.Equal(t, "/a", list.Format(items[0])) list.SetAbsolute(false) assert.Equal(t, "a", list.Format(items[0])) list.SetOutput(nil) list.AddSize() assert.Equal(t, "1", list.Format(items[0])) list.AddPath() list.AddModTime() list.SetDirSlash(true) list.SetSeparator("__SEP__") assert.Equal(t, "1__SEP__a__SEP__"+items[0].ModTime().Local().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), list.Format(items[0])) assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf("%d", items[1].Size())+"__SEP__subdir/__SEP__"+items[1].ModTime().Local().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), list.Format(items[1])) for _, test := range []struct { ht hash.Type want string }{ {hash.MD5, "0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661"}, {hash.SHA1, "86f7e437faa5a7fce15d1ddcb9eaeaea377667b8"}, {hash.Dropbox, "bf5d3affb73efd2ec6c36ad3112dd933efed63c4e1cbffcfa88e2759c144f2d8"}, } { list.SetOutput(nil) list.AddHash(test.ht) got := list.Format(items[0]) if got != "UNSUPPORTED" && got != "" { assert.Equal(t, test.want, got) } } list.SetOutput(nil) list.SetSeparator("|") list.SetCSV(true) list.AddSize() list.AddPath() list.AddModTime() list.SetDirSlash(true) assert.Equal(t, "1|a|"+items[0].ModTime().Local().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), list.Format(items[0])) assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf("%d", items[1].Size())+"|subdir/|"+items[1].ModTime().Local().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), list.Format(items[1])) }