// Run tests for all the remotes.  Run this with package names which
// need integration testing.
// See the `test` target in the Makefile.
package main


Make TesTrun have a []string of flags to try - that then makes it generic


import (

	_ "github.com/rclone/rclone/backend/all" // import all fs

var (
	// Flags
	maxTries     = flag.Int("maxtries", 5, "Number of times to try each test")
	maxN         = flag.Int("n", 20, "Maximum number of tests to run at once")
	testRemotes  = flag.String("remotes", "", "Comma separated list of remotes to test, e.g. 'TestSwift:,TestS3'")
	testBackends = flag.String("backends", "", "Comma separated list of backends to test, e.g. 's3,googlecloudstorage")
	testTests    = flag.String("tests", "", "Comma separated list of tests to test, e.g. 'fs/sync,fs/operations'")
	clean        = flag.Bool("clean", false, "Instead of testing, clean all left over test directories")
	runOnly      = flag.String("run", "", "Run only those tests matching the regexp supplied")
	timeout      = flag.Duration("timeout", 60*time.Minute, "Maximum time to run each test for before giving up")
	configFile   = flag.String("config", "fstest/test_all/config.yaml", "Path to config file")
	outputDir    = flag.String("output", path.Join(os.TempDir(), "rclone-integration-tests"), "Place to store results")
	emailReport  = flag.String("email", "", "Set to email the report to the address supplied")
	dryRun       = flag.Bool("dry-run", false, "Print commands which would be executed only")
	urlBase      = flag.String("url-base", "https://pub.rclone.org/integration-tests/", "Base for the online version")
	uploadPath   = flag.String("upload", "", "Set this to an rclone path to upload the results here")
	verbose      = flag.Bool("verbose", false, "Set to enable verbose logging in the tests")
	listRetries  = flag.Int("list-retries", -1, "Number or times to retry listing - set to override the default")

// if matches then is definitely OK in the shell
var shellOK = regexp.MustCompile("^[A-Za-z0-9./_:-]+$")

// converts an argv style input into a shell command
func toShell(args []string) (result string) {
	for _, arg := range args {
		if result != "" {
			result += " "
		if shellOK.MatchString(arg) {
			result += arg
		} else {
			result += "'" + arg + "'"
	return result

func main() {
	conf, err := NewConfig(*configFile)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("test_all should be run from the root of the rclone source code")

	// Seed the random number generator

	// Filter selection
	if *testRemotes != "" {
		conf.filterBackendsByRemotes(strings.Split(*testRemotes, ","))
	if *testBackends != "" {
		conf.filterBackendsByBackends(strings.Split(*testBackends, ","))
	if *testTests != "" {
		conf.filterTests(strings.Split(*testTests, ","))

	// Just clean the directories if required
	if *clean {
		err := cleanRemotes(conf)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Failed to clean: %v", err)

	var names []string
	for _, remote := range conf.Backends {
		names = append(names, remote.Remote)
	log.Printf("Testing remotes: %s", strings.Join(names, ", "))

	// Runs we will do for this test in random order
	runs := conf.MakeRuns()
	rand.Shuffle(len(runs), runs.Swap)

	// Create Report
	report := NewReport()

	// Make the test binaries, one per Path found in the tests
	done := map[string]struct{}{}
	for _, run := range runs {
		if _, found := done[run.Path]; !found {
			done[run.Path] = struct{}{}
			if !run.NoBinary {
				defer run.RemoveTestBinary()

	// workaround for cache backend as we run simultaneous tests
	_ = os.Setenv("RCLONE_CACHE_DB_WAIT_TIME", "30m")

	// start the tests
	results := make(chan *Run, len(runs))
	awaiting := 0
	tokens := pacer.NewTokenDispenser(*maxN)
	for _, run := range runs {
		go func(run *Run) {
			defer tokens.Put()
			run.Run(report.LogDir, results)

	// Wait for the tests to finish
	for ; awaiting > 0; awaiting-- {
		t := <-results

	// Log and exit
	if !report.AllPassed() {