forked from TrueCloudLab/restic
Remove all dot-imports
This commit is contained in:
31 changed files with 598 additions and 601 deletions
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import (
. ""
const (
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ func waitForMount(t testing.TB, dir string) {
func testRunMount(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, dir string) {
opts := MountOptions{}
OK(t, runMount(opts, gopts, []string{dir}))
test.OK(t, runMount(opts, gopts, []string{dir}))
func testRunUmount(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, dir string) {
@ -75,10 +75,10 @@ func testRunUmount(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, dir string) {
func listSnapshots(t testing.TB, dir string) []string {
snapshotsDir, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(dir, "snapshots"))
OK(t, err)
test.OK(t, err)
names, err := snapshotsDir.Readdirnames(-1)
OK(t, err)
OK(t, snapshotsDir.Close())
test.OK(t, err)
test.OK(t, snapshotsDir.Close())
return names
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ func checkSnapshots(t testing.TB, global GlobalOptions, repo *repository.Reposit
namesInSnapshots := listSnapshots(t, mountpoint)
t.Logf("found %v snapshots in fuse mount: %v", len(namesInSnapshots), namesInSnapshots)
expectedSnapshotsInFuseDir == len(namesInSnapshots),
"Invalid number of snapshots: expected %d, got %d", expectedSnapshotsInFuseDir, len(namesInSnapshots))
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ func checkSnapshots(t testing.TB, global GlobalOptions, repo *repository.Reposit
for _, id := range snapshotIDs {
snapshot, err := restic.LoadSnapshot(context.TODO(), repo, id)
OK(t, err)
test.OK(t, err)
ts := snapshot.Time.Format(time.RFC3339)
present, ok := namesMap[ts]
@ -143,12 +143,12 @@ func checkSnapshots(t testing.TB, global GlobalOptions, repo *repository.Reposit
for name, present := range namesMap {
Assert(t, present, "Directory %s is present in fuse dir but is not a snapshot", name)
test.Assert(t, present, "Directory %s is present in fuse dir but is not a snapshot", name)
func TestMount(t *testing.T) {
if !RunFuseTest {
if !test.RunFuseTest {
t.Skip("Skipping fuse tests")
@ -158,19 +158,19 @@ func TestMount(t *testing.T) {
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
repo, err := OpenRepository(env.gopts)
OK(t, err)
test.OK(t, err)
// We remove the mountpoint now to check that cmdMount creates it
RemoveAll(t, env.mountpoint)
test.RemoveAll(t, env.mountpoint)
checkSnapshots(t, env.gopts, repo, env.mountpoint, env.repo, []restic.ID{}, 0)
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz"))
test.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz"))
// first backup
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, BackupOptions{}, env.gopts)
snapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 1,
test.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 1,
"expected one snapshot, got %v", snapshotIDs)
checkSnapshots(t, env.gopts, repo, env.mountpoint, env.repo, snapshotIDs, 2)
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ func TestMount(t *testing.T) {
// second backup, implicit incremental
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, BackupOptions{}, env.gopts)
snapshotIDs = testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 2,
test.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 2,
"expected two snapshots, got %v", snapshotIDs)
checkSnapshots(t, env.gopts, repo, env.mountpoint, env.repo, snapshotIDs, 3)
@ -187,24 +187,24 @@ func TestMount(t *testing.T) {
bopts := BackupOptions{Parent: snapshotIDs[0].String()}
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, bopts, env.gopts)
snapshotIDs = testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 3,
test.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 3,
"expected three snapshots, got %v", snapshotIDs)
checkSnapshots(t, env.gopts, repo, env.mountpoint, env.repo, snapshotIDs, 4)
func TestMountSameTimestamps(t *testing.T) {
if !RunFuseTest {
if !test.RunFuseTest {
t.Skip("Skipping fuse tests")
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.base, filepath.Join("testdata", "repo-same-timestamps.tar.gz"))
test.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.base, filepath.Join("testdata", "repo-same-timestamps.tar.gz"))
repo, err := OpenRepository(env.gopts)
OK(t, err)
test.OK(t, err)
ids := []restic.ID{
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import (
. ""
type dirEntry struct {
@ -174,14 +174,14 @@ type testEnvironment struct {
// withTestEnvironment creates a test environment and returns a cleanup
// function which removes it.
func withTestEnvironment(t testing.TB) (env *testEnvironment, cleanup func()) {
if !RunIntegrationTest {
if !test.RunIntegrationTest {
t.Skip("integration tests disabled")
tempdir, err := ioutil.TempDir(TestTempDir, "restic-test-")
OK(t, err)
tempdir, err := ioutil.TempDir(test.TestTempDir, "restic-test-")
test.OK(t, err)
env = &testEnvironment{
base: tempdir,
@ -191,17 +191,17 @@ func withTestEnvironment(t testing.TB) (env *testEnvironment, cleanup func()) {
mountpoint: filepath.Join(tempdir, "mount"),
OK(t, os.MkdirAll(env.mountpoint, 0700))
OK(t, os.MkdirAll(env.testdata, 0700))
OK(t, os.MkdirAll(env.cache, 0700))
OK(t, os.MkdirAll(env.repo, 0700))
test.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(env.mountpoint, 0700))
test.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(env.testdata, 0700))
test.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(env.cache, 0700))
test.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(env.repo, 0700))
env.gopts = GlobalOptions{
Repo: env.repo,
Quiet: true,
CacheDir: env.cache,
ctx: context.Background(),
password: TestPassword,
password: test.TestPassword,
stdout: os.Stdout,
stderr: os.Stderr,
extended: make(options.Options),
@ -211,11 +211,11 @@ func withTestEnvironment(t testing.TB) (env *testEnvironment, cleanup func()) {
globalOptions = env.gopts
cleanup = func() {
if !TestCleanupTempDirs {
if !test.TestCleanupTempDirs {
t.Logf("leaving temporary directory %v used for test", tempdir)
RemoveAll(t, tempdir)
test.RemoveAll(t, tempdir)
return env, cleanup
@ -17,13 +17,12 @@ import (
. ""
func parseIDsFromReader(t testing.TB, rd io.Reader) restic.IDs {
@ -47,13 +46,13 @@ func testRunInit(t testing.TB, opts GlobalOptions) {
restic.TestSetLockTimeout(t, 0)
OK(t, runInit(opts, nil))
test.OK(t, runInit(opts, nil))
t.Logf("repository initialized at %v", opts.Repo)
func testRunBackup(t testing.TB, target []string, opts BackupOptions, gopts GlobalOptions) {
t.Logf("backing up %v", target)
OK(t, runBackup(opts, gopts, target))
test.OK(t, runBackup(opts, gopts, target))
func testRunList(t testing.TB, tpe string, opts GlobalOptions) restic.IDs {
@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ func testRunList(t testing.TB, tpe string, opts GlobalOptions) restic.IDs {
globalOptions.stdout = os.Stdout
OK(t, runList(opts, []string{tpe}))
test.OK(t, runList(opts, []string{tpe}))
return parseIDsFromReader(t, buf)
@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ func testRunRestoreLatest(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, dir string, paths [
Paths: paths,
OK(t, runRestore(opts, gopts, []string{"latest"}))
test.OK(t, runRestore(opts, gopts, []string{"latest"}))
func testRunRestoreExcludes(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, dir string, snapshotID restic.ID, excludes []string) {
@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ func testRunRestoreExcludes(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, dir string, snaps
Exclude: excludes,
OK(t, runRestore(opts, gopts, []string{snapshotID.String()}))
test.OK(t, runRestore(opts, gopts, []string{snapshotID.String()}))
func testRunRestoreIncludes(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, dir string, snapshotID restic.ID, includes []string) {
@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ func testRunRestoreIncludes(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, dir string, snaps
Include: includes,
OK(t, runRestore(opts, gopts, []string{snapshotID.String()}))
test.OK(t, runRestore(opts, gopts, []string{snapshotID.String()}))
func testRunCheck(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions) {
@ -104,7 +103,7 @@ func testRunCheck(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions) {
ReadData: true,
CheckUnused: true,
OK(t, runCheck(opts, gopts, nil))
test.OK(t, runCheck(opts, gopts, nil))
func testRunCheckOutput(gopts GlobalOptions) (string, error) {
@ -129,7 +128,7 @@ func testRunRebuildIndex(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions) {
globalOptions.stdout = os.Stdout
OK(t, runRebuildIndex(gopts))
test.OK(t, runRebuildIndex(gopts))
func testRunLs(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, snapshotID string) []string {
@ -144,7 +143,7 @@ func testRunLs(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, snapshotID string) []string {
opts := LsOptions{}
OK(t, runLs(opts, gopts, []string{snapshotID}))
test.OK(t, runLs(opts, gopts, []string{snapshotID}))
return strings.Split(string(buf.Bytes()), "\n")
@ -160,7 +159,7 @@ func testRunFind(t testing.TB, wantJSON bool, gopts GlobalOptions, pattern strin
opts := FindOptions{}
OK(t, runFind(opts, gopts, []string{pattern}))
test.OK(t, runFind(opts, gopts, []string{pattern}))
return buf.Bytes()
@ -176,10 +175,10 @@ func testRunSnapshots(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions) (newest *Snapshot, snap
opts := SnapshotOptions{}
OK(t, runSnapshots(opts, globalOptions, []string{}))
test.OK(t, runSnapshots(opts, globalOptions, []string{}))
snapshots := []Snapshot{}
OK(t, json.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &snapshots))
test.OK(t, json.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &snapshots))
snapmap = make(map[restic.ID]Snapshot, len(snapshots))
for _, sn := range snapshots {
@ -193,11 +192,11 @@ func testRunSnapshots(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions) (newest *Snapshot, snap
func testRunForget(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, args ...string) {
opts := ForgetOptions{}
OK(t, runForget(opts, gopts, args))
test.OK(t, runForget(opts, gopts, args))
func testRunPrune(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions) {
OK(t, runPrune(gopts))
test.OK(t, runPrune(gopts))
func TestBackup(t *testing.T) {
@ -210,18 +209,18 @@ func TestBackup(t *testing.T) {
t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile)
OK(t, err)
OK(t, fd.Close())
test.OK(t, err)
test.OK(t, fd.Close())
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
test.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
opts := BackupOptions{}
// first backup
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, env.gopts)
snapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 1,
test.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 1,
"expected one snapshot, got %v", snapshotIDs)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
@ -230,7 +229,7 @@ func TestBackup(t *testing.T) {
// second backup, implicit incremental
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, env.gopts)
snapshotIDs = testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 2,
test.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 2,
"expected two snapshots, got %v", snapshotIDs)
stat2 := dirStats(env.repo)
@ -244,7 +243,7 @@ func TestBackup(t *testing.T) {
opts.Parent = snapshotIDs[0].String()
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, env.gopts)
snapshotIDs = testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 3,
test.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 3,
"expected three snapshots, got %v", snapshotIDs)
stat3 := dirStats(env.repo)
@ -258,7 +257,7 @@ func TestBackup(t *testing.T) {
restoredir := filepath.Join(env.base, fmt.Sprintf("restore%d", i))
t.Logf("restoring snapshot %v to %v", snapshotID.Str(), restoredir)
testRunRestore(t, env.gopts, restoredir, snapshotIDs[0])
Assert(t, directoriesEqualContents(env.testdata, filepath.Join(restoredir, "testdata")),
test.Assert(t, directoriesEqualContents(env.testdata, filepath.Join(restoredir, "testdata")),
"directories are not equal")
@ -275,10 +274,10 @@ func TestBackupNonExistingFile(t *testing.T) {
t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile)
OK(t, err)
OK(t, fd.Close())
test.OK(t, err)
test.OK(t, fd.Close())
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
test.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
globalOptions.stderr = ioutil.Discard
@ -309,10 +308,10 @@ func TestBackupMissingFile1(t *testing.T) {
t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile)
OK(t, err)
OK(t, fd.Close())
test.OK(t, err)
test.OK(t, fd.Close())
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
test.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
globalOptions.stderr = ioutil.Discard
@ -331,7 +330,7 @@ func TestBackupMissingFile1(t *testing.T) {
t.Logf("in hook, removing test file testdata/0/0/9/37")
ranHook = true
OK(t, os.Remove(filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "37")))
test.OK(t, os.Remove(filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "37")))
opts := BackupOptions{}
@ -339,7 +338,7 @@ func TestBackupMissingFile1(t *testing.T) {
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
Assert(t, ranHook, "hook did not run")
test.Assert(t, ranHook, "hook did not run")
@ -353,10 +352,10 @@ func TestBackupMissingFile2(t *testing.T) {
t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile)
OK(t, err)
OK(t, fd.Close())
test.OK(t, err)
test.OK(t, fd.Close())
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
test.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
@ -376,7 +375,7 @@ func TestBackupMissingFile2(t *testing.T) {
t.Logf("in hook, removing test file testdata/0/0/9/37")
ranHook = true
OK(t, os.Remove(filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "37")))
test.OK(t, os.Remove(filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "37")))
opts := BackupOptions{}
@ -384,7 +383,7 @@ func TestBackupMissingFile2(t *testing.T) {
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
Assert(t, ranHook, "hook did not run")
test.Assert(t, ranHook, "hook did not run")
@ -398,10 +397,10 @@ func TestBackupChangedFile(t *testing.T) {
t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile)
OK(t, err)
OK(t, fd.Close())
test.OK(t, err)
test.OK(t, fd.Close())
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
test.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
@ -423,7 +422,7 @@ func TestBackupChangedFile(t *testing.T) {
t.Logf("in hook, modifying test file %v", modFile)
ranHook = true
OK(t, ioutil.WriteFile(modFile, []byte("modified"), 0600))
test.OK(t, ioutil.WriteFile(modFile, []byte("modified"), 0600))
opts := BackupOptions{}
@ -431,7 +430,7 @@ func TestBackupChangedFile(t *testing.T) {
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
Assert(t, ranHook, "hook did not run")
test.Assert(t, ranHook, "hook did not run")
@ -445,10 +444,10 @@ func TestBackupDirectoryError(t *testing.T) {
t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile)
OK(t, err)
OK(t, fd.Close())
test.OK(t, err)
test.OK(t, fd.Close())
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
test.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
@ -472,22 +471,22 @@ func TestBackupDirectoryError(t *testing.T) {
t.Logf("in hook, removing test file %v", testdir)
ranHook = true
OK(t, os.RemoveAll(testdir))
test.OK(t, os.RemoveAll(testdir))
testRunBackup(t, []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0")}, BackupOptions{}, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
Assert(t, ranHook, "hook did not run")
test.Assert(t, ranHook, "hook did not run")
snapshots := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
Assert(t, len(snapshots) > 0,
test.Assert(t, len(snapshots) > 0,
"no snapshots found in repo (%v)", datafile)
files := testRunLs(t, env.gopts, snapshots[0].String())
Assert(t, len(files) > 1, "snapshot is empty")
test.Assert(t, len(files) > 1, "snapshot is empty")
func includes(haystack []string, needle string) bool {
@ -539,13 +538,13 @@ func TestBackupExclude(t *testing.T) {
for _, filename := range backupExcludeFilenames {
fp := filepath.Join(datadir, filename)
OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(fp), 0755))
test.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(fp), 0755))
f, err := os.Create(fp)
OK(t, err)
test.OK(t, err)
fmt.Fprintf(f, filename)
OK(t, f.Close())
test.OK(t, f.Close())
snapshots := make(map[string]struct{})
@ -555,23 +554,23 @@ func TestBackupExclude(t *testing.T) {
testRunBackup(t, []string{datadir}, opts, env.gopts)
snapshots, snapshotID := lastSnapshot(snapshots, loadSnapshotMap(t, env.gopts))
files := testRunLs(t, env.gopts, snapshotID)
Assert(t, includes(files, filepath.Join(string(filepath.Separator), "testdata", "foo.tar.gz")),
test.Assert(t, includes(files, filepath.Join(string(filepath.Separator), "testdata", "foo.tar.gz")),
"expected file %q in first snapshot, but it's not included", "foo.tar.gz")
opts.Excludes = []string{"*.tar.gz"}
testRunBackup(t, []string{datadir}, opts, env.gopts)
snapshots, snapshotID = lastSnapshot(snapshots, loadSnapshotMap(t, env.gopts))
files = testRunLs(t, env.gopts, snapshotID)
Assert(t, !includes(files, filepath.Join(string(filepath.Separator), "testdata", "foo.tar.gz")),
test.Assert(t, !includes(files, filepath.Join(string(filepath.Separator), "testdata", "foo.tar.gz")),
"expected file %q not in first snapshot, but it's included", "foo.tar.gz")
opts.Excludes = []string{"*.tar.gz", "private/secret"}
testRunBackup(t, []string{datadir}, opts, env.gopts)
_, snapshotID = lastSnapshot(snapshots, loadSnapshotMap(t, env.gopts))
files = testRunLs(t, env.gopts, snapshotID)
Assert(t, !includes(files, filepath.Join(string(filepath.Separator), "testdata", "foo.tar.gz")),
test.Assert(t, !includes(files, filepath.Join(string(filepath.Separator), "testdata", "foo.tar.gz")),
"expected file %q not in first snapshot, but it's included", "foo.tar.gz")
Assert(t, !includes(files, filepath.Join(string(filepath.Separator), "testdata", "private", "secret", "passwords.txt")),
test.Assert(t, !includes(files, filepath.Join(string(filepath.Separator), "testdata", "private", "secret", "passwords.txt")),
"expected file %q not in first snapshot, but it's included", "passwords.txt")
@ -612,7 +611,7 @@ func TestIncrementalBackup(t *testing.T) {
datadir := filepath.Join(env.base, "testdata")
testfile := filepath.Join(datadir, "testfile")
OK(t, appendRandomData(testfile, incrementalFirstWrite))
test.OK(t, appendRandomData(testfile, incrementalFirstWrite))
opts := BackupOptions{}
@ -620,7 +619,7 @@ func TestIncrementalBackup(t *testing.T) {
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
stat1 := dirStats(env.repo)
OK(t, appendRandomData(testfile, incrementalSecondWrite))
test.OK(t, appendRandomData(testfile, incrementalSecondWrite))
testRunBackup(t, []string{datadir}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
@ -630,7 +629,7 @@ func TestIncrementalBackup(t *testing.T) {
t.Logf("repository grown by %d bytes", stat2.size-stat1.size)
OK(t, appendRandomData(testfile, incrementalThirdWrite))
test.OK(t, appendRandomData(testfile, incrementalThirdWrite))
testRunBackup(t, []string{datadir}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
@ -647,28 +646,28 @@ func TestBackupTags(t *testing.T) {
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz")
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
test.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
newest, _ := testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 0,
test.Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
test.Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 0,
"expected no tags, got %v", newest.Tags)
opts.Tags = []string{"NL"}
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
newest, _ = testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 1 && newest.Tags[0] == "NL",
test.Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
test.Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 1 && newest.Tags[0] == "NL",
"expected one NL tag, got %v", newest.Tags)
func testRunTag(t testing.TB, opts TagOptions, gopts GlobalOptions) {
OK(t, runTag(opts, gopts, []string{}))
test.OK(t, runTag(opts, gopts, []string{}))
func TestTag(t *testing.T) {
@ -677,68 +676,68 @@ func TestTag(t *testing.T) {
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz")
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
test.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, BackupOptions{}, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
newest, _ := testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 0,
test.Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
test.Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 0,
"expected no tags, got %v", newest.Tags)
Assert(t, newest.Original == nil,
test.Assert(t, newest.Original == nil,
"expected original ID to be nil, got %v", newest.Original)
originalID := *newest.ID
testRunTag(t, TagOptions{SetTags: []string{"NL"}}, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
newest, _ = testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 1 && newest.Tags[0] == "NL",
test.Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
test.Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 1 && newest.Tags[0] == "NL",
"set failed, expected one NL tag, got %v", newest.Tags)
Assert(t, newest.Original != nil, "expected original snapshot id, got nil")
Assert(t, *newest.Original == originalID,
test.Assert(t, newest.Original != nil, "expected original snapshot id, got nil")
test.Assert(t, *newest.Original == originalID,
"expected original ID to be set to the first snapshot id")
testRunTag(t, TagOptions{AddTags: []string{"CH"}}, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
newest, _ = testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 2 && newest.Tags[0] == "NL" && newest.Tags[1] == "CH",
test.Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
test.Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 2 && newest.Tags[0] == "NL" && newest.Tags[1] == "CH",
"add failed, expected CH,NL tags, got %v", newest.Tags)
Assert(t, newest.Original != nil, "expected original snapshot id, got nil")
Assert(t, *newest.Original == originalID,
test.Assert(t, newest.Original != nil, "expected original snapshot id, got nil")
test.Assert(t, *newest.Original == originalID,
"expected original ID to be set to the first snapshot id")
testRunTag(t, TagOptions{RemoveTags: []string{"NL"}}, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
newest, _ = testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 1 && newest.Tags[0] == "CH",
test.Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
test.Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 1 && newest.Tags[0] == "CH",
"remove failed, expected one CH tag, got %v", newest.Tags)
Assert(t, newest.Original != nil, "expected original snapshot id, got nil")
Assert(t, *newest.Original == originalID,
test.Assert(t, newest.Original != nil, "expected original snapshot id, got nil")
test.Assert(t, *newest.Original == originalID,
"expected original ID to be set to the first snapshot id")
testRunTag(t, TagOptions{AddTags: []string{"US", "RU"}}, env.gopts)
testRunTag(t, TagOptions{RemoveTags: []string{"CH", "US", "RU"}}, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
newest, _ = testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 0,
test.Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
test.Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 0,
"expected no tags, got %v", newest.Tags)
Assert(t, newest.Original != nil, "expected original snapshot id, got nil")
Assert(t, *newest.Original == originalID,
test.Assert(t, newest.Original != nil, "expected original snapshot id, got nil")
test.Assert(t, *newest.Original == originalID,
"expected original ID to be set to the first snapshot id")
// Check special case of removing all tags.
testRunTag(t, TagOptions{SetTags: []string{""}}, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
newest, _ = testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 0,
test.Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
test.Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 0,
"expected no tags, got %v", newest.Tags)
Assert(t, newest.Original != nil, "expected original snapshot id, got nil")
Assert(t, *newest.Original == originalID,
test.Assert(t, newest.Original != nil, "expected original snapshot id, got nil")
test.Assert(t, *newest.Original == originalID,
"expected original ID to be set to the first snapshot id")
@ -750,7 +749,7 @@ func testRunKeyListOtherIDs(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions) []string {
globalOptions.stdout = os.Stdout
OK(t, runKey(gopts, []string{"list"}))
test.OK(t, runKey(gopts, []string{"list"}))
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(buf)
exp := regexp.MustCompile(`^ ([a-f0-9]+) `)
@ -771,7 +770,7 @@ func testRunKeyAddNewKey(t testing.TB, newPassword string, gopts GlobalOptions)
testKeyNewPassword = ""
OK(t, runKey(gopts, []string{"add"}))
test.OK(t, runKey(gopts, []string{"add"}))
func testRunKeyPasswd(t testing.TB, newPassword string, gopts GlobalOptions) {
@ -780,13 +779,13 @@ func testRunKeyPasswd(t testing.TB, newPassword string, gopts GlobalOptions) {
testKeyNewPassword = ""
OK(t, runKey(gopts, []string{"passwd"}))
test.OK(t, runKey(gopts, []string{"passwd"}))
func testRunKeyRemove(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, IDs []string) {
t.Logf("remove %d keys: %q\n", len(IDs), IDs)
for _, id := range IDs {
OK(t, runKey(gopts, []string{"remove", id}))
test.OK(t, runKey(gopts, []string{"remove", id}))
@ -814,7 +813,7 @@ func TestKeyAddRemove(t *testing.T) {
env.gopts.password = passwordList[len(passwordList)-1]
t.Logf("testing access with last password %q\n", env.gopts.password)
OK(t, runKey(env.gopts, []string{"list"}))
test.OK(t, runKey(env.gopts, []string{"list"}))
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
@ -847,10 +846,10 @@ func TestRestoreFilter(t *testing.T) {
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
for _, test := range testfiles {
p := filepath.Join(env.testdata,
OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0755))
OK(t, appendRandomData(p, test.size))
for _, testFile := range testfiles {
p := filepath.Join(env.testdata,
test.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0755))
test.OK(t, appendRandomData(p, testFile.size))
opts := BackupOptions{}
@ -862,20 +861,20 @@ func TestRestoreFilter(t *testing.T) {
// no restore filter should restore all files
testRunRestore(t, env.gopts, filepath.Join(env.base, "restore0"), snapshotID)
for _, test := range testfiles {
OK(t, testFileSize(filepath.Join(env.base, "restore0", "testdata",, int64(test.size)))
for _, testFile := range testfiles {
test.OK(t, testFileSize(filepath.Join(env.base, "restore0", "testdata",, int64(testFile.size)))
for i, pat := range []string{"*.c", "*.exe", "*", "*file3*"} {
base := filepath.Join(env.base, fmt.Sprintf("restore%d", i+1))
testRunRestoreExcludes(t, env.gopts, base, snapshotID, []string{pat})
for _, test := range testfiles {
err := testFileSize(filepath.Join(base, "testdata",, int64(test.size))
if ok, _ := filter.Match(pat, filepath.Base(; !ok {
OK(t, err)
for _, testFile := range testfiles {
err := testFileSize(filepath.Join(base, "testdata",, int64(testFile.size))
if ok, _ := filter.Match(pat, filepath.Base(; !ok {
test.OK(t, err)
} else {
Assert(t, os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)),
"expected %v to not exist in restore step %v, but it exists, err %v",, i+1, err)
test.Assert(t, os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)),
"expected %v to not exist in restore step %v, but it exists, err %v",, i+1, err)
@ -889,8 +888,8 @@ func TestRestore(t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
p := filepath.Join(env.testdata, fmt.Sprintf("foo/bar/testfile%v", i))
OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0755))
OK(t, appendRandomData(p, uint(mrand.Intn(5<<21))))
test.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0755))
test.OK(t, appendRandomData(p, uint(mrand.Intn(5<<21))))
opts := BackupOptions{}
@ -902,7 +901,7 @@ func TestRestore(t *testing.T) {
restoredir := filepath.Join(env.base, "restore")
testRunRestoreLatest(t, env.gopts, restoredir, nil, "")
Assert(t, directoriesEqualContents(env.testdata, filepath.Join(restoredir, filepath.Base(env.testdata))),
test.Assert(t, directoriesEqualContents(env.testdata, filepath.Join(restoredir, filepath.Base(env.testdata))),
"directories are not equal")
@ -913,8 +912,8 @@ func TestRestoreLatest(t *testing.T) {
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
p := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "testfile.c")
OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0755))
OK(t, appendRandomData(p, 100))
test.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0755))
test.OK(t, appendRandomData(p, 100))
opts := BackupOptions{}
@ -922,24 +921,24 @@ func TestRestoreLatest(t *testing.T) {
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
OK(t, appendRandomData(p, 101))
test.OK(t, appendRandomData(p, 101))
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
// Restore latest without any filters
testRunRestoreLatest(t, env.gopts, filepath.Join(env.base, "restore0"), nil, "")
OK(t, testFileSize(filepath.Join(env.base, "restore0", "testdata", "testfile.c"), int64(101)))
test.OK(t, testFileSize(filepath.Join(env.base, "restore0", "testdata", "testfile.c"), int64(101)))
// Setup test files in different directories backed up in different snapshots
p1 := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "p1/testfile.c")
OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p1), 0755))
OK(t, appendRandomData(p1, 102))
test.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p1), 0755))
test.OK(t, appendRandomData(p1, 102))
testRunBackup(t, []string{filepath.Dir(p1)}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
p2 := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "p2/testfile.c")
OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p2), 0755))
OK(t, appendRandomData(p2, 103))
test.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p2), 0755))
test.OK(t, appendRandomData(p2, 103))
testRunBackup(t, []string{filepath.Dir(p2)}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
@ -947,16 +946,16 @@ func TestRestoreLatest(t *testing.T) {
p2rAbs := filepath.Join(env.base, "restore2", "p2/testfile.c")
testRunRestoreLatest(t, env.gopts, filepath.Join(env.base, "restore1"), []string{filepath.Dir(p1)}, "")
OK(t, testFileSize(p1rAbs, int64(102)))
test.OK(t, testFileSize(p1rAbs, int64(102)))
if _, err := os.Stat(p2rAbs); os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)) {
Assert(t, os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)),
test.Assert(t, os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)),
"expected %v to not exist in restore, but it exists, err %v", p2rAbs, err)
testRunRestoreLatest(t, env.gopts, filepath.Join(env.base, "restore2"), []string{filepath.Dir(p2)}, "")
OK(t, testFileSize(p2rAbs, int64(103)))
test.OK(t, testFileSize(p2rAbs, int64(103)))
if _, err := os.Stat(p1rAbs); os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)) {
Assert(t, os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)),
test.Assert(t, os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)),
"expected %v to not exist in restore, but it exists, err %v", p1rAbs, err)
@ -966,10 +965,10 @@ func TestRestoreWithPermissionFailure(t *testing.T) {
defer cleanup()
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "repo-restore-permissions-test.tar.gz")
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.base, datafile)
test.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.base, datafile)
snapshots := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
Assert(t, len(snapshots) > 0,
test.Assert(t, len(snapshots) > 0,
"no snapshots found in repo (%v)", datafile)
globalOptions.stderr = ioutil.Discard
@ -984,9 +983,9 @@ func TestRestoreWithPermissionFailure(t *testing.T) {
files := testRunLs(t, env.gopts, snapshots[0].String())
for _, filename := range files {
fi, err := os.Lstat(filepath.Join(env.base, "restore", filename))
OK(t, err)
test.OK(t, err)
Assert(t, !isFile(fi) || fi.Size() > 0,
test.Assert(t, !isFile(fi) || fi.Size() > 0,
"file %v restored, but filesize is 0", filename)
@ -1007,9 +1006,9 @@ func TestRestoreNoMetadataOnIgnoredIntermediateDirs(t *testing.T) {
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
p := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "subdir1", "subdir2", "subdir3", "file.ext")
OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0755))
OK(t, appendRandomData(p, 200))
OK(t, setZeroModTime(filepath.Join(env.testdata, "subdir1", "subdir2")))
test.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0755))
test.OK(t, appendRandomData(p, 200))
test.OK(t, setZeroModTime(filepath.Join(env.testdata, "subdir1", "subdir2")))
opts := BackupOptions{}
@ -1025,9 +1024,9 @@ func TestRestoreNoMetadataOnIgnoredIntermediateDirs(t *testing.T) {
f1 := filepath.Join(env.base, "restore0", "testdata", "subdir1", "subdir2")
fi, err := os.Stat(f1)
OK(t, err)
test.OK(t, err)
Assert(t, fi.ModTime() != time.Unix(0, 0),
test.Assert(t, fi.ModTime() != time.Unix(0, 0),
"meta data of intermediate directory has been restore although it was ignored")
// restore with filter "*", this should restore meta data on everything.
@ -1035,9 +1034,9 @@ func TestRestoreNoMetadataOnIgnoredIntermediateDirs(t *testing.T) {
f2 := filepath.Join(env.base, "restore1", "testdata", "subdir1", "subdir2")
fi, err = os.Stat(f2)
OK(t, err)
test.OK(t, err)
Assert(t, fi.ModTime() == time.Unix(0, 0),
test.Assert(t, fi.ModTime() == time.Unix(0, 0),
"meta data of intermediate directory hasn't been restore")
@ -1047,7 +1046,7 @@ func TestFind(t *testing.T) {
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz")
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
test.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
opts := BackupOptions{}
@ -1055,15 +1054,15 @@ func TestFind(t *testing.T) {
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
results := testRunFind(t, false, env.gopts, "unexistingfile")
Assert(t, len(results) == 0, "unexisting file found in repo (%v)", datafile)
test.Assert(t, len(results) == 0, "unexisting file found in repo (%v)", datafile)
results = testRunFind(t, false, env.gopts, "testfile")
lines := strings.Split(string(results), "\n")
Assert(t, len(lines) == 2, "expected one file found in repo (%v)", datafile)
test.Assert(t, len(lines) == 2, "expected one file found in repo (%v)", datafile)
results = testRunFind(t, false, env.gopts, "testfile*")
lines = strings.Split(string(results), "\n")
Assert(t, len(lines) == 4, "expected three files found in repo (%v)", datafile)
test.Assert(t, len(lines) == 4, "expected three files found in repo (%v)", datafile)
type testMatch struct {
@ -1087,7 +1086,7 @@ func TestFindJSON(t *testing.T) {
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz")
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
test.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
opts := BackupOptions{}
@ -1096,20 +1095,20 @@ func TestFindJSON(t *testing.T) {
results := testRunFind(t, true, env.gopts, "unexistingfile")
matches := []testMatches{}
OK(t, json.Unmarshal(results, &matches))
Assert(t, len(matches) == 0, "expected no match in repo (%v)", datafile)
test.OK(t, json.Unmarshal(results, &matches))
test.Assert(t, len(matches) == 0, "expected no match in repo (%v)", datafile)
results = testRunFind(t, true, env.gopts, "testfile")
OK(t, json.Unmarshal(results, &matches))
Assert(t, len(matches) == 1, "expected a single snapshot in repo (%v)", datafile)
Assert(t, len(matches[0].Matches) == 1, "expected a single file to match (%v)", datafile)
Assert(t, matches[0].Hits == 1, "expected hits to show 1 match (%v)", datafile)
test.OK(t, json.Unmarshal(results, &matches))
test.Assert(t, len(matches) == 1, "expected a single snapshot in repo (%v)", datafile)
test.Assert(t, len(matches[0].Matches) == 1, "expected a single file to match (%v)", datafile)
test.Assert(t, matches[0].Hits == 1, "expected hits to show 1 match (%v)", datafile)
results = testRunFind(t, true, env.gopts, "testfile*")
OK(t, json.Unmarshal(results, &matches))
Assert(t, len(matches) == 1, "expected a single snapshot in repo (%v)", datafile)
Assert(t, len(matches[0].Matches) == 3, "expected 3 files to match (%v)", datafile)
Assert(t, matches[0].Hits == 3, "expected hits to show 3 matches (%v)", datafile)
test.OK(t, json.Unmarshal(results, &matches))
test.Assert(t, len(matches) == 1, "expected a single snapshot in repo (%v)", datafile)
test.Assert(t, len(matches[0].Matches) == 3, "expected 3 files to match (%v)", datafile)
test.Assert(t, matches[0].Hits == 3, "expected hits to show 3 matches (%v)", datafile)
func TestRebuildIndex(t *testing.T) {
@ -1117,7 +1116,7 @@ func TestRebuildIndex(t *testing.T) {
defer cleanup()
datafile := filepath.Join("..", "..", "internal", "checker", "testdata", "duplicate-packs-in-index-test-repo.tar.gz")
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.base, datafile)
test.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.base, datafile)
out, err := testRunCheckOutput(env.gopts)
if !strings.Contains(out, "contained in several indexes") {
@ -1154,7 +1153,7 @@ func TestCheckRestoreNoLock(t *testing.T) {
defer cleanup()
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "small-repo.tar.gz")
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.base, datafile)
test.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.base, datafile)
err := filepath.Walk(env.repo, func(p string, fi os.FileInfo, e error) error {
if e != nil {
@ -1162,7 +1161,7 @@ func TestCheckRestoreNoLock(t *testing.T) {
return os.Chmod(p, fi.Mode() & ^(os.FileMode(0222)))
OK(t, err)
test.OK(t, err)
env.gopts.NoLock = true
@ -1186,24 +1185,24 @@ func TestPrune(t *testing.T) {
t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile)
OK(t, err)
OK(t, fd.Close())
test.OK(t, err)
test.OK(t, fd.Close())
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
test.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0")}, opts, env.gopts)
firstSnapshot := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
Assert(t, len(firstSnapshot) == 1,
test.Assert(t, len(firstSnapshot) == 1,
"expected one snapshot, got %v", firstSnapshot)
testRunBackup(t, []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "2")}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunBackup(t, []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "3")}, opts, env.gopts)
snapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 3,
test.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 3,
"expected 3 snapshot, got %v", snapshotIDs)
testRunForget(t, env.gopts, firstSnapshot[0].String())
@ -1222,12 +1221,12 @@ func TestHardLink(t *testing.T) {
t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile)
OK(t, err)
OK(t, fd.Close())
test.OK(t, err)
test.OK(t, fd.Close())
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
test.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
linkTests := createFileSetPerHardlink(env.testdata)
@ -1236,7 +1235,7 @@ func TestHardLink(t *testing.T) {
// first backup
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, env.gopts)
snapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 1,
test.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 1,
"expected one snapshot, got %v", snapshotIDs)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
@ -1246,11 +1245,11 @@ func TestHardLink(t *testing.T) {
restoredir := filepath.Join(env.base, fmt.Sprintf("restore%d", i))
t.Logf("restoring snapshot %v to %v", snapshotID.Str(), restoredir)
testRunRestore(t, env.gopts, restoredir, snapshotIDs[0])
Assert(t, directoriesEqualContents(env.testdata, filepath.Join(restoredir, "testdata")),
test.Assert(t, directoriesEqualContents(env.testdata, filepath.Join(restoredir, "testdata")),
"directories are not equal")
linkResults := createFileSetPerHardlink(filepath.Join(restoredir, "testdata"))
Assert(t, linksEqual(linkTests, linkResults),
test.Assert(t, linksEqual(linkTests, linkResults),
"links are not equal")
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
func TestRestoreLocalLayout(t *testing.T) {
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ func TestRestoreLocalLayout(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range tests {
datafile := filepath.Join("..", "..", "internal", "backend", "testdata", test.filename)
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.base, datafile)
rtest.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.base, datafile)
env.gopts.extended["local.layout"] = test.layout
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ func TestRestoreLocalLayout(t *testing.T) {
target := filepath.Join(env.base, "restore")
testRunRestoreLatest(t, env.gopts, target, nil, "")
RemoveAll(t, filepath.Join(env.base, "repo"))
RemoveAll(t, target)
rtest.RemoveAll(t, filepath.Join(env.base, "repo"))
rtest.RemoveAll(t, target)
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ func benchmarkChunkEncrypt(b testing.TB, buf, buf2 []byte, rd Rdr, key *crypto.K
OK(b, err)
rtest.OK(b, err)
// reduce length of buf
Assert(b, uint(len(chunk.Data)) == chunk.Length,
rtest.Assert(b, uint(len(chunk.Data)) == chunk.Length,
"invalid length: got %d, expected %d", len(chunk.Data), chunk.Length)
_, err = key.Encrypt(buf2, chunk.Data)
OK(b, err)
rtest.OK(b, err)
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ func BenchmarkChunkEncrypt(b *testing.B) {
repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(b)
defer cleanup()
data := Random(23, 10<<20) // 10MiB
data := rtest.Random(23, 10<<20) // 10MiB
rd := bytes.NewReader(data)
buf := make([]byte, chunker.MaxSize)
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ func BenchmarkChunkEncryptParallel(b *testing.B) {
repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(b)
defer cleanup()
data := Random(23, 10<<20) // 10MiB
data := rtest.Random(23, 10<<20) // 10MiB
buf := make([]byte, chunker.MaxSize)
@ -108,14 +108,14 @@ func archiveDirectory(b testing.TB) {
arch := archiver.New(repo)
_, id, err := arch.Snapshot(context.TODO(), nil, []string{BenchArchiveDirectory}, nil, "localhost", nil, time.Now())
OK(b, err)
_, id, err := arch.Snapshot(context.TODO(), nil, []string{rtest.BenchArchiveDirectory}, nil, "localhost", nil, time.Now())
rtest.OK(b, err)
b.Logf("snapshot archived as %v", id)
func TestArchiveDirectory(t *testing.T) {
if BenchArchiveDirectory == "" {
if rtest.BenchArchiveDirectory == "" {
t.Skip("benchdir not set, skipping TestArchiveDirectory")
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ func TestArchiveDirectory(t *testing.T) {
func BenchmarkArchiveDirectory(b *testing.B) {
if BenchArchiveDirectory == "" {
if rtest.BenchArchiveDirectory == "" {
b.Skip("benchdir not set, skipping BenchmarkArchiveDirectory")
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ func archiveWithDedup(t testing.TB) {
repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
defer cleanup()
if BenchArchiveDirectory == "" {
if rtest.BenchArchiveDirectory == "" {
t.Skip("benchdir not set, skipping TestArchiverDedup")
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ func archiveWithDedup(t testing.TB) {
// archive a few files
sn := archiver.TestSnapshot(t, repo, BenchArchiveDirectory, nil)
sn := archiver.TestSnapshot(t, repo, rtest.BenchArchiveDirectory, nil)
t.Logf("archived snapshot %v", sn.ID().Str())
// get archive stats
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ func archiveWithDedup(t testing.TB) {
cnt.before.packs, cnt.before.dataBlobs, cnt.before.treeBlobs)
// archive the same files again, without parent snapshot
sn2 := archiver.TestSnapshot(t, repo, BenchArchiveDirectory, nil)
sn2 := archiver.TestSnapshot(t, repo, rtest.BenchArchiveDirectory, nil)
t.Logf("archived snapshot %v", sn2.ID().Str())
// get archive stats again
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ func archiveWithDedup(t testing.TB) {
// archive the same files again, with a parent snapshot
sn3 := archiver.TestSnapshot(t, repo, BenchArchiveDirectory, sn2.ID())
sn3 := archiver.TestSnapshot(t, repo, rtest.BenchArchiveDirectory, sn2.ID())
t.Logf("archived snapshot %v, parent %v", sn3.ID().Str(), sn2.ID().Str())
// get archive stats again
@ -246,18 +246,18 @@ func testParallelSaveWithDuplication(t *testing.T, seed int) {
for _, errChan := range errChannels {
OK(t, <-errChan)
rtest.OK(t, <-errChan)
OK(t, repo.Flush())
OK(t, repo.SaveIndex(context.TODO()))
rtest.OK(t, repo.Flush())
rtest.OK(t, repo.SaveIndex(context.TODO()))
chkr := createAndInitChecker(t, repo)
assertNoUnreferencedPacks(t, chkr)
func getRandomData(seed int, size int) []chunker.Chunk {
buf := Random(seed, size)
buf := rtest.Random(seed, size)
var chunks []chunker.Chunk
chunker := chunker.New(bytes.NewReader(buf), testPol)
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ func assertNoUnreferencedPacks(t *testing.T, chkr *checker.Checker) {
go chkr.Packs(context.TODO(), errChan)
for err := range errChan {
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
@ -341,26 +341,26 @@ func TestArchiveNameCollision(t *testing.T) {
repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
defer cleanup()
dir, cleanup := TempDir(t)
dir, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
defer cleanup()
root := filepath.Join(dir, "root")
OK(t, os.MkdirAll(root, 0755))
rtest.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(root, 0755))
OK(t, ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "testfile"), []byte("testfile1"), 0644))
OK(t, ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "root", "testfile"), []byte("testfile2"), 0644))
rtest.OK(t, ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "testfile"), []byte("testfile1"), 0644))
rtest.OK(t, ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "root", "testfile"), []byte("testfile2"), 0644))
defer chdir(t, root)()
arch := archiver.New(repo)
sn, id, err := arch.Snapshot(context.TODO(), nil, []string{"testfile", filepath.Join("..", "testfile")}, nil, "localhost", nil, time.Now())
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
t.Logf("snapshot archived as %v", id)
tree, err := repo.LoadTree(context.TODO(), *sn.Tree)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
if len(tree.Nodes) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("tree has %d nodes, wanted 2: %v", len(tree.Nodes), tree.Nodes)
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
func newAzureTestSuite(t testing.TB) *test.Suite {
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ func newAzureTestSuite(t testing.TB) *test.Suite {
func TestBackendAzure(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
if t.Skipped() {
SkipDisallowed(t, "restic/backend/azure.TestBackendAzure")
rtest.SkipDisallowed(t, "restic/backend/azure.TestBackendAzure")
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
func newB2TestSuite(t testing.TB) *test.Suite {
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ func testVars(t testing.TB) {
func TestBackendB2(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
if t.Skipped() {
SkipDisallowed(t, "restic/backend/b2.TestBackendB2")
rtest.SkipDisallowed(t, "restic/backend/b2.TestBackendB2")
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
func newGSTestSuite(t testing.TB) *test.Suite {
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ func newGSTestSuite(t testing.TB) *test.Suite {
func TestBackendGS(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
if t.Skipped() {
SkipDisallowed(t, "restic/backend/gs.TestBackendGS")
rtest.SkipDisallowed(t, "restic/backend/gs.TestBackendGS")
@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
func TestDefaultLayout(t *testing.T) {
tempdir, cleanup := TempDir(t)
tempdir, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
defer cleanup()
var tests = []struct {
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ func TestDefaultLayout(t *testing.T) {
func TestRESTLayout(t *testing.T) {
path, cleanup := TempDir(t)
path, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
defer cleanup()
var tests = []struct {
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ func TestRESTLayoutURLs(t *testing.T) {
func TestS3LegacyLayout(t *testing.T) {
path, cleanup := TempDir(t)
path, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
defer cleanup()
var tests = []struct {
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ func TestS3LegacyLayout(t *testing.T) {
func TestDetectLayout(t *testing.T) {
path, cleanup := TempDir(t)
path, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
defer cleanup()
var tests = []struct {
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ func TestDetectLayout(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range tests {
for _, fs := range []Filesystem{fs, nil} {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%v/fs-%T", test.filename, fs), func(t *testing.T) {
SetupTarTestFixture(t, path, filepath.Join("testdata", test.filename))
rtest.SetupTarTestFixture(t, path, filepath.Join("testdata", test.filename))
layout, err := DetectLayout(fs, filepath.Join(path, "repo"))
if err != nil {
@ -385,14 +385,14 @@ func TestDetectLayout(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("want layout %v, got %v", test.want, layoutName)
RemoveAll(t, filepath.Join(path, "repo"))
rtest.RemoveAll(t, filepath.Join(path, "repo"))
func TestParseLayout(t *testing.T) {
path, cleanup := TempDir(t)
path, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
defer cleanup()
var tests = []struct {
@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ func TestParseLayout(t *testing.T) {
{"", "", "*backend.DefaultLayout"},
SetupTarTestFixture(t, path, filepath.Join("testdata", "repo-layout-default.tar.gz"))
rtest.SetupTarTestFixture(t, path, filepath.Join("testdata", "repo-layout-default.tar.gz"))
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.layoutName, func(t *testing.T) {
@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ func TestParseLayout(t *testing.T) {
func TestParseLayoutInvalid(t *testing.T) {
path, cleanup := TempDir(t)
path, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
defer cleanup()
var invalidNames = []string{
@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
func TestLayout(t *testing.T) {
path, cleanup := TempDir(t)
path, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
defer cleanup()
var tests = []struct {
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ func TestLayout(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.filename, func(t *testing.T) {
SetupTarTestFixture(t, path, filepath.Join("..", "testdata", test.filename))
rtest.SetupTarTestFixture(t, path, filepath.Join("..", "testdata", test.filename))
repo := filepath.Join(path, "repo")
be, err := Open(Config{
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ func TestLayout(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("Close() returned error %v", err)
RemoveAll(t, filepath.Join(path, "repo"))
rtest.RemoveAll(t, filepath.Join(path, "repo"))
@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
func newTestSuite(t testing.TB) *test.Suite {
return &test.Suite{
// NewConfig returns a config for a new temporary backend that will be used in tests.
NewConfig: func() (interface{}, error) {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir(TestTempDir, "restic-test-local-")
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir(rtest.TestTempDir, "restic-test-local-")
if err != nil {
@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ func newTestSuite(t testing.TB) *test.Suite {
// CleanupFn removes data created during the tests.
Cleanup: func(config interface{}) error {
cfg := config.(local.Config)
if !TestCleanupTempDirs {
if !rtest.TestCleanupTempDirs {
t.Logf("leaving test backend dir at %v", cfg.Path)
RemoveAll(t, cfg.Path)
rtest.RemoveAll(t, cfg.Path)
return nil
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ func removeAll(t testing.TB, dir string) {
func TestOpenNotExistingDirectory(t *testing.T) {
dir, cleanup := TempDir(t)
dir, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
defer cleanup()
// local.Open must not create any files dirs in the repo
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
func runRESTServer(ctx context.Context, t testing.TB, dir string) func() {
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ func newTestSuite(ctx context.Context, t testing.TB) *test.Suite {
return &test.Suite{
// NewConfig returns a config for a new temporary backend that will be used in tests.
NewConfig: func() (interface{}, error) {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir(TestTempDir, "restic-test-rest-")
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir(rtest.TestTempDir, "restic-test-rest-")
if err != nil {
@ -103,14 +103,14 @@ func newTestSuite(ctx context.Context, t testing.TB) *test.Suite {
func TestBackendREST(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
if t.Skipped() {
SkipDisallowed(t, "restic/backend/rest.TestBackendREST")
rtest.SkipDisallowed(t, "restic/backend/rest.TestBackendREST")
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
dir, cleanup := TempDir(t)
dir, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
defer cleanup()
cleanup = runRESTServer(ctx, t, dir)
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ func BenchmarkBackendREST(t *testing.B) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
dir, cleanup := TempDir(t)
dir, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
defer cleanup()
cleanup = runRESTServer(ctx, t, dir)
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
func mkdir(t testing.TB, dir string) {
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ func newMinioTestSuite(ctx context.Context, t testing.TB) *test.Suite {
NewConfig: func() (interface{}, error) {
cfg := MinioTestConfig{}
cfg.tempdir, cfg.removeTempdir = TempDir(t)
cfg.tempdir, cfg.removeTempdir = rtest.TempDir(t)
key, secret := newRandomCredentials(t)
cfg.stopServer = runMinio(ctx, t, cfg.tempdir, key, secret)
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ func newMinioTestSuite(ctx context.Context, t testing.TB) *test.Suite {
func TestBackendMinio(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
if t.Skipped() {
SkipDisallowed(t, "restic/backend/s3.TestBackendMinio")
rtest.SkipDisallowed(t, "restic/backend/s3.TestBackendMinio")
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ func newS3TestSuite(t testing.TB) *test.Suite {
func TestBackendS3(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
if t.Skipped() {
SkipDisallowed(t, "restic/backend/s3.TestBackendS3")
rtest.SkipDisallowed(t, "restic/backend/s3.TestBackendS3")
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
func TestLayout(t *testing.T) {
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ func TestLayout(t *testing.T) {
t.Skip("sftp server binary not available")
path, cleanup := TempDir(t)
path, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
defer cleanup()
var tests = []struct {
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ func TestLayout(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.filename, func(t *testing.T) {
SetupTarTestFixture(t, path, filepath.Join("..", "testdata", test.filename))
rtest.SetupTarTestFixture(t, path, filepath.Join("..", "testdata", test.filename))
repo := filepath.Join(path, "repo")
be, err := sftp.Open(sftp.Config{
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ func TestLayout(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("Close() returned error %v", err)
RemoveAll(t, filepath.Join(path, "repo"))
rtest.RemoveAll(t, filepath.Join(path, "repo"))
@ -12,12 +12,11 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
func findSFTPServerBinary() string {
for _, dir := range strings.Split(TestSFTPPath, ":") {
for _, dir := range strings.Split(rtest.TestSFTPPath, ":") {
testpath := filepath.Join(dir, "sftp-server")
_, err := os.Stat(testpath)
if !os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)) {
@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ func newTestSuite(t testing.TB) *test.Suite {
return &test.Suite{
// NewConfig returns a config for a new temporary backend that will be used in tests.
NewConfig: func() (interface{}, error) {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir(TestTempDir, "restic-test-sftp-")
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir(rtest.TestTempDir, "restic-test-sftp-")
if err != nil {
@ -63,11 +62,11 @@ func newTestSuite(t testing.TB) *test.Suite {
// CleanupFn removes data created during the tests.
Cleanup: func(config interface{}) error {
cfg := config.(sftp.Config)
if !TestCleanupTempDirs {
if !rtest.TestCleanupTempDirs {
t.Logf("leaving test backend dir at %v", cfg.Path)
RemoveAll(t, cfg.Path)
rtest.RemoveAll(t, cfg.Path)
return nil
@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ func newTestSuite(t testing.TB) *test.Suite {
func TestBackendSFTP(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
if t.Skipped() {
SkipDisallowed(t, "restic/backend/sftp.TestBackendSFTP")
rtest.SkipDisallowed(t, "restic/backend/sftp.TestBackendSFTP")
@ -7,12 +7,11 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
func newSwiftTestSuite(t testing.TB) *test.Suite {
@ -100,7 +99,7 @@ func newSwiftTestSuite(t testing.TB) *test.Suite {
func TestBackendSwift(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
if t.Skipped() {
SkipDisallowed(t, "restic/backend/swift.TestBackendSwift")
rtest.SkipDisallowed(t, "restic/backend/swift.TestBackendSwift")
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
const KiB = 1 << 10
@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ func TestLoadAll(t *testing.T) {
b := mem.New()
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
data := Random(23+i, rand.Intn(MiB)+500*KiB)
data := rtest.Random(23+i, rand.Intn(MiB)+500*KiB)
id := restic.Hash(data)
err := b.Save(context.TODO(), restic.Handle{Name: id.String(), Type: restic.DataFile}, bytes.NewReader(data))
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
buf, err := backend.LoadAll(context.TODO(), b, restic.Handle{Type: restic.DataFile, Name: id.String()})
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
if len(buf) != len(data) {
t.Errorf("length of returned buffer does not match, want %d, got %d", len(data), len(buf))
@ -44,14 +44,14 @@ func TestLoadSmallBuffer(t *testing.T) {
b := mem.New()
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
data := Random(23+i, rand.Intn(MiB)+500*KiB)
data := rtest.Random(23+i, rand.Intn(MiB)+500*KiB)
id := restic.Hash(data)
err := b.Save(context.TODO(), restic.Handle{Name: id.String(), Type: restic.DataFile}, bytes.NewReader(data))
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
buf, err := backend.LoadAll(context.TODO(), b, restic.Handle{Type: restic.DataFile, Name: id.String()})
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
if len(buf) != len(data) {
t.Errorf("length of returned buffer does not match, want %d, got %d", len(data), len(buf))
@ -69,14 +69,14 @@ func TestLoadLargeBuffer(t *testing.T) {
b := mem.New()
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
data := Random(23+i, rand.Intn(MiB)+500*KiB)
data := rtest.Random(23+i, rand.Intn(MiB)+500*KiB)
id := restic.Hash(data)
err := b.Save(context.TODO(), restic.Handle{Name: id.String(), Type: restic.DataFile}, bytes.NewReader(data))
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
buf, err := backend.LoadAll(context.TODO(), b, restic.Handle{Type: restic.DataFile, Name: id.String()})
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
if len(buf) != len(data) {
t.Errorf("length of returned buffer does not match, want %d, got %d", len(data), len(buf))
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
@ -23,24 +23,24 @@ func TestEncryptDecrypt(t *testing.T) {
for _, size := range tests {
data := Random(42, size)
data := rtest.Random(42, size)
buf := make([]byte, size+crypto.Extension)
ciphertext, err := k.Encrypt(buf, data)
OK(t, err)
Assert(t, len(ciphertext) == len(data)+crypto.Extension,
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.Assert(t, len(ciphertext) == len(data)+crypto.Extension,
"ciphertext length does not match: want %d, got %d",
len(data)+crypto.Extension, len(ciphertext))
plaintext := make([]byte, len(ciphertext))
n, err := k.Decrypt(plaintext, ciphertext)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
plaintext = plaintext[:n]
Assert(t, len(plaintext) == len(data),
rtest.Assert(t, len(plaintext) == len(data),
"plaintext length does not match: want %d, got %d",
len(data), len(plaintext))
Equals(t, plaintext, data)
rtest.Equals(t, plaintext, data)
@ -50,21 +50,21 @@ func TestSmallBuffer(t *testing.T) {
size := 600
data := make([]byte, size)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, data)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
ciphertext := make([]byte, size/2)
ciphertext, err = k.Encrypt(ciphertext, data)
// this must extend the slice
Assert(t, cap(ciphertext) > size/2,
rtest.Assert(t, cap(ciphertext) > size/2,
"expected extended slice, but capacity is only %d bytes",
// check for the correct plaintext
plaintext := make([]byte, len(ciphertext))
n, err := k.Decrypt(plaintext, ciphertext)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
plaintext = plaintext[:n]
Assert(t, bytes.Equal(plaintext, data),
rtest.Assert(t, bytes.Equal(plaintext, data),
"wrong plaintext returned")
@ -74,18 +74,18 @@ func TestSameBuffer(t *testing.T) {
size := 600
data := make([]byte, size)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, data)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
ciphertext := make([]byte, 0, size+crypto.Extension)
ciphertext, err = k.Encrypt(ciphertext, data)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
// use the same buffer for decryption
n, err := k.Decrypt(ciphertext, ciphertext)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
ciphertext = ciphertext[:n]
Assert(t, bytes.Equal(ciphertext, data),
rtest.Assert(t, bytes.Equal(ciphertext, data),
"wrong plaintext returned")
@ -95,20 +95,20 @@ func TestCornerCases(t *testing.T) {
// nil plaintext should encrypt to the empty string
// nil ciphertext should allocate a new slice for the ciphertext
c, err := k.Encrypt(nil, nil)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
Assert(t, len(c) == crypto.Extension,
rtest.Assert(t, len(c) == crypto.Extension,
"wrong length returned for ciphertext, expected 0, got %d",
// this should decrypt to nil
n, err := k.Decrypt(nil, c)
OK(t, err)
Equals(t, 0, n)
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.Equals(t, 0, n)
// test encryption for same slice, this should return an error
_, err = k.Encrypt(c, c)
Equals(t, crypto.ErrInvalidCiphertext, err)
rtest.Equals(t, crypto.ErrInvalidCiphertext, err)
func TestLargeEncrypt(t *testing.T) {
@ -121,15 +121,15 @@ func TestLargeEncrypt(t *testing.T) {
for _, size := range []int{chunker.MaxSize, chunker.MaxSize + 1, chunker.MaxSize + 1<<20} {
data := make([]byte, size)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, data)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
ciphertext, err := k.Encrypt(make([]byte, size+crypto.Extension), data)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
plaintext, err := k.Decrypt([]byte{}, ciphertext)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
Equals(t, plaintext, data)
rtest.Equals(t, plaintext, data)
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ func BenchmarkEncrypt(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
_, err := k.Encrypt(buf, data)
OK(b, err)
rtest.OK(b, err)
@ -159,13 +159,13 @@ func BenchmarkDecrypt(b *testing.B) {
ciphertext := make([]byte, size+crypto.Extension)
ciphertext, err := k.Encrypt(ciphertext, data)
OK(b, err)
rtest.OK(b, err)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
_, err = k.Decrypt(plaintext, ciphertext)
OK(b, err)
rtest.OK(b, err)
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
func testRead(t testing.TB, f *file, offset, length int, data []byte) {
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ func testRead(t testing.TB, f *file, offset, length int, data []byte) {
resp := &fuse.ReadResponse{
Data: data,
OK(t, f.Read(ctx, req, resp))
rtest.OK(t, f.Read(ctx, req, resp))
func firstSnapshotID(t testing.TB, repo restic.Repository) (first restic.ID) {
@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ func firstSnapshotID(t testing.TB, repo restic.Repository) (first restic.ID) {
func loadFirstSnapshot(t testing.TB, repo restic.Repository) *restic.Snapshot {
id := firstSnapshotID(t, repo)
sn, err := restic.LoadSnapshot(context.TODO(), repo, id)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
return sn
func loadTree(t testing.TB, repo restic.Repository, id restic.ID) *restic.Tree {
tree, err := repo.LoadTree(context.TODO(), id)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
return tree
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ func TestFuseFile(t *testing.T) {
defer cancel()
timestamp, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2017-01-24T10:42:56+01:00")
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
restic.TestCreateSnapshot(t, repo, timestamp, 2, 0.1)
sn := loadFirstSnapshot(t, repo)
@ -82,12 +82,12 @@ func TestFuseFile(t *testing.T) {
for _, id := range content {
size, err := repo.LookupBlobSize(id, restic.DataBlob)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
filesize += uint64(size)
buf := restic.NewBlobBuffer(int(size))
n, err := repo.LoadBlob(context.TODO(), restic.DataBlob, id, buf)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
if uint(n) != size {
t.Fatalf("not enough bytes read for id %v: want %v, got %v", id.Str(), size, n)
@ -118,15 +118,15 @@ func TestFuseFile(t *testing.T) {
inode := fs.GenerateDynamicInode(1, "foo")
f, err := newFile(context.TODO(), root, inode, node)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
attr := fuse.Attr{}
OK(t, f.Attr(ctx, &attr))
rtest.OK(t, f.Attr(ctx, &attr))
Equals(t, inode, attr.Inode)
Equals(t, node.Mode, attr.Mode)
Equals(t, node.Size, attr.Size)
Equals(t, (node.Size/uint64(attr.BlockSize))+1, attr.Blocks)
rtest.Equals(t, inode, attr.Inode)
rtest.Equals(t, node.Mode, attr.Mode)
rtest.Equals(t, node.Size, attr.Size)
rtest.Equals(t, (node.Size/uint64(attr.BlockSize))+1, attr.Blocks)
for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
offset := rand.Intn(int(filesize))
@ -142,5 +142,5 @@ func TestFuseFile(t *testing.T) {
OK(t, f.Release(ctx, nil))
rtest.OK(t, f.Release(ctx, nil))
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
var testLens = []int{23, 31650, 25860, 10928, 13769, 19862, 5211, 127, 13690, 30231}
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ func newPack(t testing.TB, k *crypto.Key, lengths []int) ([]Buf, []byte, uint) {
for _, l := range lengths {
b := make([]byte, l)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, b)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
h := sha256.Sum256(b)
bufs = append(bufs, Buf{data: b, id: h})
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ func newPack(t testing.TB, k *crypto.Key, lengths []int) ([]Buf, []byte, uint) {
_, err := p.Finalize()
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
packData := p.Writer().(*bytes.Buffer).Bytes()
return bufs, packData, p.Size()
@ -60,27 +60,27 @@ func verifyBlobs(t testing.TB, bufs []Buf, k *crypto.Key, rd io.ReaderAt, packSi
written += restic.CiphertextLength(headerSize)
// check length
Equals(t, uint(written), packSize)
rtest.Equals(t, uint(written), packSize)
// read and parse it again
entries, err := pack.List(k, rd, int64(packSize))
OK(t, err)
Equals(t, len(entries), len(bufs))
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.Equals(t, len(entries), len(bufs))
var buf []byte
for i, b := range bufs {
e := entries[i]
Equals(t,, e.ID)
rtest.Equals(t,, e.ID)
if len(buf) < int(e.Length) {
buf = make([]byte, int(e.Length))
buf = buf[:int(e.Length)]
n, err := rd.ReadAt(buf, int64(e.Offset))
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
buf = buf[:n]
Assert(t, bytes.Equal(, buf),
rtest.Assert(t, bytes.Equal(, buf),
"data for blob %v doesn't match", i)
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ func TestCreatePack(t *testing.T) {
k := crypto.NewRandomKey()
bufs, packData, packSize := newPack(t, k, testLens)
Equals(t, uint(len(packData)), packSize)
rtest.Equals(t, uint(len(packData)), packSize)
verifyBlobs(t, bufs, k, bytes.NewReader(packData), packSize)
@ -106,14 +106,14 @@ func TestBlobTypeJSON(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range blobTypeJSON {
// test serialize
buf, err := json.Marshal(test.t)
OK(t, err)
Equals(t, test.res, string(buf))
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.Equals(t, test.res, string(buf))
// test unserialize
var v restic.BlobType
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(test.res), &v)
OK(t, err)
Equals(t, test.t, v)
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.Equals(t, test.t, v)
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ func TestUnpackReadSeeker(t *testing.T) {
id := restic.Hash(packData)
handle := restic.Handle{Type: restic.DataFile, Name: id.String()}
OK(t, b.Save(context.TODO(), handle, bytes.NewReader(packData)))
rtest.OK(t, b.Save(context.TODO(), handle, bytes.NewReader(packData)))
verifyBlobs(t, bufs, k, restic.ReaderAt(b, handle), packSize)
@ -140,6 +140,6 @@ func TestShortPack(t *testing.T) {
id := restic.Hash(packData)
handle := restic.Handle{Type: restic.DataFile, Name: id.String()}
OK(t, b.Save(context.TODO(), handle, bytes.NewReader(packData)))
rtest.OK(t, b.Save(context.TODO(), handle, bytes.NewReader(packData)))
verifyBlobs(t, bufs, k, restic.ReaderAt(b, handle), packSize)
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
type stats struct {
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ func statPath(path string) (stats, error) {
var s stats
// count files and directories with filepath.Walk()
err := filepath.Walk(TestWalkerPath, func(p string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
err := filepath.Walk(rtest.TestWalkerPath, func(p string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if fi == nil {
return err
@ -47,20 +47,20 @@ func statPath(path string) (stats, error) {
const maxWorkers = 100
func TestPipelineWalkerWithSplit(t *testing.T) {
if TestWalkerPath == "" {
if rtest.TestWalkerPath == "" {
t.Skipf("walkerpath not set, skipping TestPipelineWalker")
var err error
if !filepath.IsAbs(TestWalkerPath) {
TestWalkerPath, err = filepath.Abs(TestWalkerPath)
OK(t, err)
if !filepath.IsAbs(rtest.TestWalkerPath) {
rtest.TestWalkerPath, err = filepath.Abs(rtest.TestWalkerPath)
rtest.OK(t, err)
before, err := statPath(TestWalkerPath)
OK(t, err)
before, err := statPath(rtest.TestWalkerPath)
rtest.OK(t, err)
t.Logf("walking path %s with %d dirs, %d files", TestWalkerPath,
t.Logf("walking path %s with %d dirs, %d files", rtest.TestWalkerPath,
before.dirs, before.files)
// account for top level dir
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ func TestPipelineWalkerWithSplit(t *testing.T) {
resCh := make(chan pipe.Result, 1)
pipe.Walk(context.TODO(), []string{TestWalkerPath}, acceptAll, jobs, resCh)
pipe.Walk(context.TODO(), []string{rtest.TestWalkerPath}, acceptAll, jobs, resCh)
// wait for all workers to terminate
@ -136,14 +136,14 @@ func TestPipelineWalkerWithSplit(t *testing.T) {
// wait for top-level blob
t.Logf("walked path %s with %d dirs, %d files", TestWalkerPath,
t.Logf("walked path %s with %d dirs, %d files", rtest.TestWalkerPath,
after.dirs, after.files)
Assert(t, before == after, "stats do not match, expected %v, got %v", before, after)
rtest.Assert(t, before == after, "stats do not match, expected %v, got %v", before, after)
func TestPipelineWalker(t *testing.T) {
if TestWalkerPath == "" {
if rtest.TestWalkerPath == "" {
t.Skipf("walkerpath not set, skipping TestPipelineWalker")
@ -151,15 +151,15 @@ func TestPipelineWalker(t *testing.T) {
defer cancel()
var err error
if !filepath.IsAbs(TestWalkerPath) {
TestWalkerPath, err = filepath.Abs(TestWalkerPath)
OK(t, err)
if !filepath.IsAbs(rtest.TestWalkerPath) {
rtest.TestWalkerPath, err = filepath.Abs(rtest.TestWalkerPath)
rtest.OK(t, err)
before, err := statPath(TestWalkerPath)
OK(t, err)
before, err := statPath(rtest.TestWalkerPath)
rtest.OK(t, err)
t.Logf("walking path %s with %d dirs, %d files", TestWalkerPath,
t.Logf("walking path %s with %d dirs, %d files", rtest.TestWalkerPath,
before.dirs, before.files)
// account for top level dir
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ func TestPipelineWalker(t *testing.T) {
// channel is closed
Assert(t, job != nil, "job is nil")
rtest.Assert(t, job != nil, "job is nil")
switch j := job.(type) {
case pipe.Dir:
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ func TestPipelineWalker(t *testing.T) {
resCh := make(chan pipe.Result, 1)
pipe.Walk(ctx, []string{TestWalkerPath}, acceptAll, jobs, resCh)
pipe.Walk(ctx, []string{rtest.TestWalkerPath}, acceptAll, jobs, resCh)
// wait for all workers to terminate
@ -223,10 +223,10 @@ func TestPipelineWalker(t *testing.T) {
// wait for top-level blob
t.Logf("walked path %s with %d dirs, %d files", TestWalkerPath,
t.Logf("walked path %s with %d dirs, %d files", rtest.TestWalkerPath,
after.dirs, after.files)
Assert(t, before == after, "stats do not match, expected %v, got %v", before, after)
rtest.Assert(t, before == after, "stats do not match, expected %v, got %v", before, after)
func createFile(filename, data string) error {
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ func createFile(filename, data string) error {
func TestPipeWalkerError(t *testing.T) {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "restic-test-")
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
base := filepath.Base(dir)
@ -264,13 +264,13 @@ func TestPipeWalkerError(t *testing.T) {
{[]string{}, false},
OK(t, os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(dir, "a"), 0755))
OK(t, os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(dir, "b"), 0755))
OK(t, os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(dir, "c"), 0755))
rtest.OK(t, os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(dir, "a"), 0755))
rtest.OK(t, os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(dir, "b"), 0755))
rtest.OK(t, os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(dir, "c"), 0755))
OK(t, createFile(filepath.Join(dir, "a", "file_a"), "file a"))
OK(t, createFile(filepath.Join(dir, "b", "file_b"), "file b"))
OK(t, createFile(filepath.Join(dir, "c", "file_c"), "file c"))
rtest.OK(t, createFile(filepath.Join(dir, "a", "file_a"), "file a"))
rtest.OK(t, createFile(filepath.Join(dir, "b", "file_b"), "file b"))
rtest.OK(t, createFile(filepath.Join(dir, "c", "file_c"), "file c"))
ranHook := false
testdir := filepath.Join(dir, "b")
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ func TestPipeWalkerError(t *testing.T) {
t.Logf("in hook, removing test file %v", testdir)
ranHook = true
OK(t, os.RemoveAll(testdir))
rtest.OK(t, os.RemoveAll(testdir))
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.TODO())
@ -327,12 +327,12 @@ func TestPipeWalkerError(t *testing.T) {
Assert(t, ranHook, "hook did not run")
OK(t, os.RemoveAll(dir))
rtest.Assert(t, ranHook, "hook did not run")
rtest.OK(t, os.RemoveAll(dir))
func BenchmarkPipelineWalker(b *testing.B) {
if TestWalkerPath == "" {
if rtest.TestWalkerPath == "" {
b.Skipf("walkerpath not set, skipping BenchPipelineWalker")
@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ func BenchmarkPipelineWalker(b *testing.B) {
resCh := make(chan pipe.Result, 1)
pipe.Walk(ctx, []string{TestWalkerPath}, acceptAll, jobs, resCh)
pipe.Walk(ctx, []string{rtest.TestWalkerPath}, acceptAll, jobs, resCh)
// wait for all workers to terminate
@ -431,18 +431,18 @@ func BenchmarkPipelineWalker(b *testing.B) {
func TestPipelineWalkerMultiple(t *testing.T) {
if TestWalkerPath == "" {
if rtest.TestWalkerPath == "" {
t.Skipf("walkerpath not set, skipping TestPipelineWalker")
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.TODO())
defer cancel()
paths, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(TestWalkerPath, "*"))
OK(t, err)
paths, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(rtest.TestWalkerPath, "*"))
rtest.OK(t, err)
before, err := statPath(TestWalkerPath)
OK(t, err)
before, err := statPath(rtest.TestWalkerPath)
rtest.OK(t, err)
t.Logf("walking paths %v with %d dirs, %d files", paths,
before.dirs, before.files)
@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ func TestPipelineWalkerMultiple(t *testing.T) {
// channel is closed
Assert(t, job != nil, "job is nil")
rtest.Assert(t, job != nil, "job is nil")
switch j := job.(type) {
case pipe.Dir:
@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ func TestPipelineWalkerMultiple(t *testing.T) {
t.Logf("walked %d paths with %d dirs, %d files", len(paths), after.dirs, after.files)
Assert(t, before == after, "stats do not match, expected %v, got %v", before, after)
rtest.Assert(t, before == after, "stats do not match, expected %v, got %v", before, after)
func dirsInPath(path string) int {
@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ func TestPipeWalkerRoot(t *testing.T) {
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
testPaths := []string{
@ -546,11 +546,11 @@ func TestPipeWalkerRoot(t *testing.T) {
func testPipeWalkerRootWithPath(path string, t *testing.T) {
pattern := filepath.Join(path, "*")
rootPaths, err := filepath.Glob(pattern)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
for i, p := range rootPaths {
rootPaths[i], err = filepath.Rel(path, p)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
t.Logf("paths in %v (pattern %q) expanded to %v items", path, pattern, len(rootPaths))
@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ func testPipeWalkerRootWithPath(path string, t *testing.T) {
filter := func(p string, fi os.FileInfo) bool {
p, err := filepath.Rel(path, p)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
return dirsInPath(p) <= 1
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
func TestIndexSerialize(t *testing.T) {
@ -52,43 +52,43 @@ func TestIndexSerialize(t *testing.T) {
wr := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
err := idx.Encode(wr)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
idx2, err := repository.DecodeIndex(wr.Bytes())
OK(t, err)
Assert(t, idx2 != nil,
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.Assert(t, idx2 != nil,
"nil returned for decoded index")
wr2 := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
err = idx2.Encode(wr2)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
for _, testBlob := range tests {
list, err := idx.Lookup(, testBlob.tpe)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
if len(list) != 1 {
t.Errorf("expected one result for blob %v, got %v: %v",, len(list), list)
result := list[0]
Equals(t, testBlob.pack, result.PackID)
Equals(t, testBlob.tpe, result.Type)
Equals(t, testBlob.offset, result.Offset)
Equals(t, testBlob.length, result.Length)
rtest.Equals(t, testBlob.pack, result.PackID)
rtest.Equals(t, testBlob.tpe, result.Type)
rtest.Equals(t, testBlob.offset, result.Offset)
rtest.Equals(t, testBlob.length, result.Length)
list2, err := idx2.Lookup(, testBlob.tpe)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
if len(list2) != 1 {
t.Errorf("expected one result for blob %v, got %v: %v",, len(list2), list2)
result2 := list2[0]
Equals(t, testBlob.pack, result2.PackID)
Equals(t, testBlob.tpe, result2.Type)
Equals(t, testBlob.offset, result2.Offset)
Equals(t, testBlob.length, result2.Length)
rtest.Equals(t, testBlob.pack, result2.PackID)
rtest.Equals(t, testBlob.tpe, result2.Type)
rtest.Equals(t, testBlob.offset, result2.Offset)
rtest.Equals(t, testBlob.length, result2.Length)
// add more blobs to idx
@ -125,28 +125,28 @@ func TestIndexSerialize(t *testing.T) {
// serialize idx, unserialize to idx3
wr3 := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
err = idx.Finalize(wr3)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
Assert(t, idx.Final(),
rtest.Assert(t, idx.Final(),
"index not final after encoding")
id := restic.NewRandomID()
OK(t, idx.SetID(id))
rtest.OK(t, idx.SetID(id))
id2, err := idx.ID()
Assert(t, id2.Equal(id),
rtest.Assert(t, id2.Equal(id),
"wrong ID returned: want %v, got %v", id, id2)
idx3, err := repository.DecodeIndex(wr3.Bytes())
OK(t, err)
Assert(t, idx3 != nil,
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.Assert(t, idx3 != nil,
"nil returned for decoded index")
Assert(t, idx3.Final(),
rtest.Assert(t, idx3.Final(),
"decoded index is not final")
// all new blobs must be in the index
for _, testBlob := range newtests {
list, err := idx3.Lookup(, testBlob.tpe)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
if len(list) != 1 {
t.Errorf("expected one result for blob %v, got %v: %v",, len(list), list)
@ -154,10 +154,10 @@ func TestIndexSerialize(t *testing.T) {
blob := list[0]
Equals(t, testBlob.pack, blob.PackID)
Equals(t, testBlob.tpe, blob.Type)
Equals(t, testBlob.offset, blob.Offset)
Equals(t, testBlob.length, blob.Length)
rtest.Equals(t, testBlob.pack, blob.PackID)
rtest.Equals(t, testBlob.tpe, blob.Type)
rtest.Equals(t, testBlob.offset, blob.Offset)
rtest.Equals(t, testBlob.length, blob.Length)
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ func TestIndexSize(t *testing.T) {
wr := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
err := idx.Encode(wr)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
t.Logf("Index file size for %d blobs in %d packs is %d", blobs*packs, packs, wr.Len())
@ -289,11 +289,11 @@ func TestIndexUnserialize(t *testing.T) {
oldIdx := restic.IDs{restic.TestParseID("ed54ae36197f4745ebc4b54d10e0f623eaaaedd03013eb7ae90df881b7781452")}
idx, err := repository.DecodeIndex(docExample)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
for _, test := range exampleTests {
list, err := idx.Lookup(, test.tpe)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
if len(list) != 1 {
t.Errorf("expected one result for blob %v, got %v: %v",, len(list), list)
@ -302,13 +302,13 @@ func TestIndexUnserialize(t *testing.T) {
t.Logf("looking for blob %v/%v, got %v", test.tpe,, blob)
Equals(t, test.packID, blob.PackID)
Equals(t, test.tpe, blob.Type)
Equals(t, test.offset, blob.Offset)
Equals(t, test.length, blob.Length)
rtest.Equals(t, test.packID, blob.PackID)
rtest.Equals(t, test.tpe, blob.Type)
rtest.Equals(t, test.offset, blob.Offset)
rtest.Equals(t, test.length, blob.Length)
Equals(t, oldIdx, idx.Supersedes())
rtest.Equals(t, oldIdx, idx.Supersedes())
blobs := idx.ListPack(exampleLookupTest.packID)
if len(blobs) != len(exampleLookupTest.blobs) {
@ -331,30 +331,30 @@ func BenchmarkDecodeIndex(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
_, err := repository.DecodeIndex(docExample)
OK(b, err)
rtest.OK(b, err)
func TestIndexUnserializeOld(t *testing.T) {
idx, err := repository.DecodeOldIndex(docOldExample)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
for _, test := range exampleTests {
list, err := idx.Lookup(, test.tpe)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
if len(list) != 1 {
t.Errorf("expected one result for blob %v, got %v: %v",, len(list), list)
blob := list[0]
Equals(t, test.packID, blob.PackID)
Equals(t, test.tpe, blob.Type)
Equals(t, test.offset, blob.Offset)
Equals(t, test.length, blob.Length)
rtest.Equals(t, test.packID, blob.PackID)
rtest.Equals(t, test.tpe, blob.Type)
rtest.Equals(t, test.offset, blob.Offset)
rtest.Equals(t, test.length, blob.Length)
Equals(t, 0, len(idx.Supersedes()))
rtest.Equals(t, 0, len(idx.Supersedes()))
func TestIndexPacks(t *testing.T) {
@ -377,5 +377,5 @@ func TestIndexPacks(t *testing.T) {
idxPacks := idx.Packs()
Assert(t, packs.Equals(idxPacks), "packs in index do not match packs added to index")
rtest.Assert(t, packs.Equals(idxPacks), "packs in index do not match packs added to index")
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
type testIDs []string
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ func TestFilesInParallel(t *testing.T) {
for n := uint(1); n < 5; n++ {
err := repository.FilesInParallel(context.TODO(), lister, restic.DataFile, n*100, f)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
@ -122,6 +122,6 @@ func TestFilesInParallelWithError(t *testing.T) {
for n := uint(1); n < 5; n++ {
err := repository.FilesInParallel(context.TODO(), lister, restic.DataFile, n*100, f)
Equals(t, errTest, err)
rtest.Equals(t, errTest, err)
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
var testSizes = []int{5, 23, 2<<18 + 23, 1 << 20}
@ -27,30 +27,30 @@ func TestSave(t *testing.T) {
for _, size := range testSizes {
data := make([]byte, size)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rnd, data)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
id := restic.Hash(data)
// save
sid, err := repo.SaveBlob(context.TODO(), restic.DataBlob, data, restic.ID{})
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
Equals(t, id, sid)
rtest.Equals(t, id, sid)
OK(t, repo.Flush())
// OK(t, repo.SaveIndex())
rtest.OK(t, repo.Flush())
// rtest.OK(t, repo.SaveIndex())
// read back
buf := restic.NewBlobBuffer(size)
n, err := repo.LoadBlob(context.TODO(), restic.DataBlob, id, buf)
OK(t, err)
Equals(t, len(buf), n)
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.Equals(t, len(buf), n)
Assert(t, len(buf) == len(data),
rtest.Assert(t, len(buf) == len(data),
"number of bytes read back does not match: expected %d, got %d",
len(data), len(buf))
Assert(t, bytes.Equal(buf, data),
rtest.Assert(t, bytes.Equal(buf, data),
"data does not match: expected %02x, got %02x",
data, buf)
@ -63,28 +63,28 @@ func TestSaveFrom(t *testing.T) {
for _, size := range testSizes {
data := make([]byte, size)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rnd, data)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
id := restic.Hash(data)
// save
id2, err := repo.SaveBlob(context.TODO(), restic.DataBlob, data, id)
OK(t, err)
Equals(t, id, id2)
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.Equals(t, id, id2)
OK(t, repo.Flush())
rtest.OK(t, repo.Flush())
// read back
buf := restic.NewBlobBuffer(size)
n, err := repo.LoadBlob(context.TODO(), restic.DataBlob, id, buf)
OK(t, err)
Equals(t, len(buf), n)
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.Equals(t, len(buf), n)
Assert(t, len(buf) == len(data),
rtest.Assert(t, len(buf) == len(data),
"number of bytes read back does not match: expected %d, got %d",
len(data), len(buf))
Assert(t, bytes.Equal(buf, data),
rtest.Assert(t, bytes.Equal(buf, data),
"data does not match: expected %02x, got %02x",
data, buf)
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ func BenchmarkSaveAndEncrypt(t *testing.B) {
data := make([]byte, size)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rnd, data)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
id := restic.ID(sha256.Sum256(data))
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ func BenchmarkSaveAndEncrypt(t *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < t.N; i++ {
// save
_, err = repo.SaveBlob(context.TODO(), restic.DataBlob, data, id)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
@ -116,35 +116,35 @@ func TestLoadTree(t *testing.T) {
repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
defer cleanup()
if BenchArchiveDirectory == "" {
if rtest.BenchArchiveDirectory == "" {
t.Skip("benchdir not set, skipping")
// archive a few files
sn := archiver.TestSnapshot(t, repo, BenchArchiveDirectory, nil)
OK(t, repo.Flush())
sn := archiver.TestSnapshot(t, repo, rtest.BenchArchiveDirectory, nil)
rtest.OK(t, repo.Flush())
_, err := repo.LoadTree(context.TODO(), *sn.Tree)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
func BenchmarkLoadTree(t *testing.B) {
repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
defer cleanup()
if BenchArchiveDirectory == "" {
if rtest.BenchArchiveDirectory == "" {
t.Skip("benchdir not set, skipping")
// archive a few files
sn := archiver.TestSnapshot(t, repo, BenchArchiveDirectory, nil)
OK(t, repo.Flush())
sn := archiver.TestSnapshot(t, repo, rtest.BenchArchiveDirectory, nil)
rtest.OK(t, repo.Flush())
for i := 0; i < t.N; i++ {
_, err := repo.LoadTree(context.TODO(), *sn.Tree)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
@ -155,11 +155,11 @@ func TestLoadBlob(t *testing.T) {
length := 1000000
buf := restic.NewBlobBuffer(length)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rnd, buf)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
id, err := repo.SaveBlob(context.TODO(), restic.DataBlob, buf, restic.ID{})
OK(t, err)
OK(t, repo.Flush())
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, repo.Flush())
// first, test with buffers that are too small
for _, testlength := range []int{length - 20, length, restic.CiphertextLength(length) - 1} {
@ -200,18 +200,18 @@ func BenchmarkLoadBlob(b *testing.B) {
length := 1000000
buf := restic.NewBlobBuffer(length)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rnd, buf)
OK(b, err)
rtest.OK(b, err)
id, err := repo.SaveBlob(context.TODO(), restic.DataBlob, buf, restic.ID{})
OK(b, err)
OK(b, repo.Flush())
rtest.OK(b, err)
rtest.OK(b, repo.Flush())
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
n, err := repo.LoadBlob(context.TODO(), restic.DataBlob, id, buf)
OK(b, err)
rtest.OK(b, err)
if n != length {
b.Errorf("wanted %d bytes, got %d", length, n)
@ -230,20 +230,20 @@ func BenchmarkLoadAndDecrypt(b *testing.B) {
length := 1000000
buf := restic.NewBlobBuffer(length)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rnd, buf)
OK(b, err)
rtest.OK(b, err)
dataID := restic.Hash(buf)
storageID, err := repo.SaveUnpacked(context.TODO(), restic.DataFile, buf)
OK(b, err)
// OK(b, repo.Flush())
rtest.OK(b, err)
// rtest.OK(b, repo.Flush())
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
data, err := repo.LoadAndDecrypt(context.TODO(), restic.DataFile, storageID)
OK(b, err)
rtest.OK(b, err)
if len(data) != length {
b.Errorf("wanted %d bytes, got %d", length, len(data))
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ func TestLoadJSONUnpacked(t *testing.T) {
repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
defer cleanup()
if BenchArchiveDirectory == "" {
if rtest.BenchArchiveDirectory == "" {
t.Skip("benchdir not set, skipping")
@ -269,26 +269,26 @@ func TestLoadJSONUnpacked(t *testing.T) {
sn.Username = "test!"
id, err := repo.SaveJSONUnpacked(context.TODO(), restic.SnapshotFile, &sn)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
var sn2 restic.Snapshot
// restore
err = repo.LoadJSONUnpacked(context.TODO(), restic.SnapshotFile, id, &sn2)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
Equals(t, sn.Hostname, sn2.Hostname)
Equals(t, sn.Username, sn2.Username)
rtest.Equals(t, sn.Hostname, sn2.Hostname)
rtest.Equals(t, sn.Username, sn2.Username)
var repoFixture = filepath.Join("testdata", "test-repo.tar.gz")
func TestRepositoryLoadIndex(t *testing.T) {
repodir, cleanup := Env(t, repoFixture)
repodir, cleanup := rtest.Env(t, repoFixture)
defer cleanup()
repo := repository.TestOpenLocal(t, repodir)
OK(t, repo.LoadIndex(context.TODO()))
rtest.OK(t, repo.LoadIndex(context.TODO()))
func BenchmarkLoadIndex(b *testing.B) {
@ -312,18 +312,18 @@ func BenchmarkLoadIndex(b *testing.B) {
id, err := repository.SaveIndex(context.TODO(), repo, idx)
OK(b, err)
rtest.OK(b, err)
b.Logf("index saved as %v (%v entries)", id.Str(), idx.Count(restic.DataBlob))
fi, err := repo.Backend().Stat(context.TODO(), restic.Handle{Type: restic.IndexFile, Name: id.String()})
OK(b, err)
rtest.OK(b, err)
b.Logf("filesize is %v", fi.Size)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
_, err := repository.LoadIndex(context.TODO(), repo, id)
OK(b, err)
rtest.OK(b, err)
@ -334,10 +334,10 @@ func saveRandomDataBlobs(t testing.TB, repo restic.Repository, num int, sizeMax
buf := make([]byte, size)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rnd, buf)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
_, err = repo.SaveBlob(context.TODO(), restic.DataBlob, buf, restic.ID{})
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
@ -352,26 +352,26 @@ func TestRepositoryIncrementalIndex(t *testing.T) {
// add 3 packs, write intermediate index
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
saveRandomDataBlobs(t, repo, 5, 1<<15)
OK(t, repo.Flush())
rtest.OK(t, repo.Flush())
OK(t, repo.SaveFullIndex(context.TODO()))
rtest.OK(t, repo.SaveFullIndex(context.TODO()))
// add another 5 packs
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
saveRandomDataBlobs(t, repo, 5, 1<<15)
OK(t, repo.Flush())
rtest.OK(t, repo.Flush())
// save final index
OK(t, repo.SaveIndex(context.TODO()))
rtest.OK(t, repo.SaveIndex(context.TODO()))
packEntries := make(map[restic.ID]map[restic.ID]struct{})
for id := range repo.List(context.TODO(), restic.IndexFile) {
idx, err := repository.LoadIndex(context.TODO(), repo, id)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
for pb := range idx.Each(context.TODO()) {
if _, ok := packEntries[pb.PackID]; !ok {
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
type saver func(restic.FileType, interface{}) (restic.ID, error)
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ func (l loader) LoadJSONUnpacked(ctx context.Context, t restic.FileType, id rest
func TestConfig(t *testing.T) {
resultConfig := restic.Config{}
save := func(tpe restic.FileType, arg interface{}) (restic.ID, error) {
Assert(t, tpe == restic.ConfigFile,
rtest.Assert(t, tpe == restic.ConfigFile,
"wrong backend type: got %v, wanted %v",
tpe, restic.ConfigFile)
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ func TestConfig(t *testing.T) {
cfg1, err := restic.CreateConfig()
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
_, err = saver(save).SaveJSONUnpacked(restic.ConfigFile, cfg1)
load := func(ctx context.Context, tpe restic.FileType, id restic.ID, arg interface{}) error {
Assert(t, tpe == restic.ConfigFile,
rtest.Assert(t, tpe == restic.ConfigFile,
"wrong backend type: got %v, wanted %v",
tpe, restic.ConfigFile)
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ func TestConfig(t *testing.T) {
cfg2, err := restic.LoadConfig(context.TODO(), loader(load))
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
Assert(t, cfg1 == cfg2,
rtest.Assert(t, cfg1 == cfg2,
"configs aren't equal: %v != %v", cfg1, cfg2)
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
// TestHardLinks contains various tests for HardlinkIndex.
@ -17,19 +17,19 @@ func TestHardLinks(t *testing.T) {
var sresult string
sresult = idx.GetFilename(1, 2)
Equals(t, sresult, "inode1-file1-on-device2")
rtest.Equals(t, sresult, "inode1-file1-on-device2")
sresult = idx.GetFilename(2, 3)
Equals(t, sresult, "inode2-file2-on-device3")
rtest.Equals(t, sresult, "inode2-file2-on-device3")
var bresult bool
bresult = idx.Has(1, 2)
Equals(t, bresult, true)
rtest.Equals(t, bresult, true)
bresult = idx.Has(1, 3)
Equals(t, bresult, false)
rtest.Equals(t, bresult, false)
idx.Remove(1, 2)
bresult = idx.Has(1, 2)
Equals(t, bresult, false)
rtest.Equals(t, bresult, false)
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
func TestLock(t *testing.T) {
@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ func TestLock(t *testing.T) {
defer cleanup()
lock, err := restic.NewLock(context.TODO(), repo)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
OK(t, lock.Unlock())
rtest.OK(t, lock.Unlock())
func TestDoubleUnlock(t *testing.T) {
@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ func TestDoubleUnlock(t *testing.T) {
defer cleanup()
lock, err := restic.NewLock(context.TODO(), repo)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
OK(t, lock.Unlock())
rtest.OK(t, lock.Unlock())
err = lock.Unlock()
Assert(t, err != nil,
rtest.Assert(t, err != nil,
"double unlock didn't return an error, got %v", err)
@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ func TestMultipleLock(t *testing.T) {
defer cleanup()
lock1, err := restic.NewLock(context.TODO(), repo)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
lock2, err := restic.NewLock(context.TODO(), repo)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
OK(t, lock1.Unlock())
OK(t, lock2.Unlock())
rtest.OK(t, lock1.Unlock())
rtest.OK(t, lock2.Unlock())
func TestLockExclusive(t *testing.T) {
@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ func TestLockExclusive(t *testing.T) {
defer cleanup()
elock, err := restic.NewExclusiveLock(context.TODO(), repo)
OK(t, err)
OK(t, elock.Unlock())
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, elock.Unlock())
func TestLockOnExclusiveLockedRepo(t *testing.T) {
@ -63,16 +63,16 @@ func TestLockOnExclusiveLockedRepo(t *testing.T) {
defer cleanup()
elock, err := restic.NewExclusiveLock(context.TODO(), repo)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
lock, err := restic.NewLock(context.TODO(), repo)
Assert(t, err != nil,
rtest.Assert(t, err != nil,
"create normal lock with exclusively locked repo didn't return an error")
Assert(t, restic.IsAlreadyLocked(err),
rtest.Assert(t, restic.IsAlreadyLocked(err),
"create normal lock with exclusively locked repo didn't return the correct error")
OK(t, lock.Unlock())
OK(t, elock.Unlock())
rtest.OK(t, lock.Unlock())
rtest.OK(t, elock.Unlock())
func TestExclusiveLockOnLockedRepo(t *testing.T) {
@ -80,16 +80,16 @@ func TestExclusiveLockOnLockedRepo(t *testing.T) {
defer cleanup()
elock, err := restic.NewLock(context.TODO(), repo)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
lock, err := restic.NewExclusiveLock(context.TODO(), repo)
Assert(t, err != nil,
rtest.Assert(t, err != nil,
"create normal lock with exclusively locked repo didn't return an error")
Assert(t, restic.IsAlreadyLocked(err),
rtest.Assert(t, restic.IsAlreadyLocked(err),
"create normal lock with exclusively locked repo didn't return the correct error")
OK(t, lock.Unlock())
OK(t, elock.Unlock())
rtest.OK(t, lock.Unlock())
rtest.OK(t, elock.Unlock())
func createFakeLock(repo restic.Repository, t time.Time, pid int) (restic.ID, error) {
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ var staleLockTests = []struct {
func TestLockStale(t *testing.T) {
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
otherHostname := "other-" + hostname
@ -152,12 +152,12 @@ func TestLockStale(t *testing.T) {
Hostname: hostname,
Assert(t, lock.Stale() == test.stale,
rtest.Assert(t, lock.Stale() == test.stale,
"TestStaleLock: test %d failed: expected stale: %v, got %v",
i, test.stale, !test.stale)
lock.Hostname = otherHostname
Assert(t, lock.Stale() == test.staleOnOtherHost,
rtest.Assert(t, lock.Stale() == test.staleOnOtherHost,
"TestStaleLock: test %d failed: expected staleOnOtherHost: %v, got %v",
i, test.staleOnOtherHost, !test.staleOnOtherHost)
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ func TestLockStale(t *testing.T) {
func lockExists(repo restic.Repository, t testing.TB, id restic.ID) bool {
h := restic.Handle{Type: restic.LockFile, Name: id.String()}
exists, err := repo.Backend().Test(context.TODO(), h)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
return exists
@ -176,24 +176,24 @@ func TestLockWithStaleLock(t *testing.T) {
defer cleanup()
id1, err := createFakeLock(repo, time.Now().Add(-time.Hour), os.Getpid())
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
id2, err := createFakeLock(repo, time.Now().Add(-time.Minute), os.Getpid())
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
id3, err := createFakeLock(repo, time.Now().Add(-time.Minute), os.Getpid()+500000)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
OK(t, restic.RemoveStaleLocks(context.TODO(), repo))
rtest.OK(t, restic.RemoveStaleLocks(context.TODO(), repo))
Assert(t, lockExists(repo, t, id1) == false,
rtest.Assert(t, lockExists(repo, t, id1) == false,
"stale lock still exists after RemoveStaleLocks was called")
Assert(t, lockExists(repo, t, id2) == true,
rtest.Assert(t, lockExists(repo, t, id2) == true,
"non-stale lock was removed by RemoveStaleLocks")
Assert(t, lockExists(repo, t, id3) == false,
rtest.Assert(t, lockExists(repo, t, id3) == false,
"stale lock still exists after RemoveStaleLocks was called")
OK(t, removeLock(repo, id2))
rtest.OK(t, removeLock(repo, id2))
func TestRemoveAllLocks(t *testing.T) {
@ -201,21 +201,21 @@ func TestRemoveAllLocks(t *testing.T) {
defer cleanup()
id1, err := createFakeLock(repo, time.Now().Add(-time.Hour), os.Getpid())
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
id2, err := createFakeLock(repo, time.Now().Add(-time.Minute), os.Getpid())
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
id3, err := createFakeLock(repo, time.Now().Add(-time.Minute), os.Getpid()+500000)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
OK(t, restic.RemoveAllLocks(context.TODO(), repo))
rtest.OK(t, restic.RemoveAllLocks(context.TODO(), repo))
Assert(t, lockExists(repo, t, id1) == false,
rtest.Assert(t, lockExists(repo, t, id1) == false,
"lock still exists after RemoveAllLocks was called")
Assert(t, lockExists(repo, t, id2) == false,
rtest.Assert(t, lockExists(repo, t, id2) == false,
"lock still exists after RemoveAllLocks was called")
Assert(t, lockExists(repo, t, id3) == false,
rtest.Assert(t, lockExists(repo, t, id3) == false,
"lock still exists after RemoveAllLocks was called")
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ func TestLockRefresh(t *testing.T) {
defer cleanup()
lock, err := restic.NewLock(context.TODO(), repo)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
var lockID *restic.ID
for id := range repo.List(context.TODO(), restic.LockFile) {
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ func TestLockRefresh(t *testing.T) {
lockID = &id
OK(t, lock.Refresh(context.TODO()))
rtest.OK(t, lock.Refresh(context.TODO()))
var lockID2 *restic.ID
for id := range repo.List(context.TODO(), restic.LockFile) {
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ func TestLockRefresh(t *testing.T) {
lockID2 = &id
Assert(t, !lockID.Equal(*lockID2),
rtest.Assert(t, !lockID.Equal(*lockID2),
"expected a new ID after lock refresh, got the same")
OK(t, lock.Unlock())
rtest.OK(t, lock.Unlock())
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
func BenchmarkNodeFillUser(t *testing.B) {
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ func BenchmarkNodeFillUser(t *testing.B) {
restic.NodeFromFileInfo(path, fi)
OK(t, tempfile.Close())
RemoveAll(t, tempfile.Name())
rtest.OK(t, tempfile.Close())
rtest.RemoveAll(t, tempfile.Name())
func BenchmarkNodeFromFileInfo(t *testing.B) {
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ func BenchmarkNodeFromFileInfo(t *testing.B) {
OK(t, tempfile.Close())
RemoveAll(t, tempfile.Name())
rtest.OK(t, tempfile.Close())
rtest.RemoveAll(t, tempfile.Name())
func parseTime(s string) time.Time {
@ -166,12 +166,12 @@ var nodeTests = []restic.Node{
func TestNodeRestoreAt(t *testing.T) {
tempdir, err := ioutil.TempDir(TestTempDir, "restic-test-")
OK(t, err)
tempdir, err := ioutil.TempDir(rtest.TestTempDir, "restic-test-")
rtest.OK(t, err)
defer func() {
if TestCleanupTempDirs {
RemoveAll(t, tempdir)
if rtest.TestCleanupTempDirs {
rtest.RemoveAll(t, tempdir)
} else {
t.Logf("leaving tempdir at %v", tempdir)
@ -181,35 +181,35 @@ func TestNodeRestoreAt(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range nodeTests {
nodePath := filepath.Join(tempdir, test.Name)
OK(t, test.CreateAt(context.TODO(), nodePath, nil, idx))
rtest.OK(t, test.CreateAt(context.TODO(), nodePath, nil, idx))
if test.Type == "symlink" && runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
if test.Type == "dir" {
OK(t, test.RestoreTimestamps(nodePath))
rtest.OK(t, test.RestoreTimestamps(nodePath))
fi, err := os.Lstat(nodePath)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
n2, err := restic.NodeFromFileInfo(nodePath, fi)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
Assert(t, test.Name == n2.Name,
rtest.Assert(t, test.Name == n2.Name,
"%v: name doesn't match (%v != %v)", test.Type, test.Name, n2.Name)
Assert(t, test.Type == n2.Type,
rtest.Assert(t, test.Type == n2.Type,
"%v: type doesn't match (%v != %v)", test.Type, test.Type, n2.Type)
Assert(t, test.Size == n2.Size,
rtest.Assert(t, test.Size == n2.Size,
"%v: size doesn't match (%v != %v)", test.Size, test.Size, n2.Size)
if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
Assert(t, test.UID == n2.UID,
rtest.Assert(t, test.UID == n2.UID,
"%v: UID doesn't match (%v != %v)", test.Type, test.UID, n2.UID)
Assert(t, test.GID == n2.GID,
rtest.Assert(t, test.GID == n2.GID,
"%v: GID doesn't match (%v != %v)", test.Type, test.GID, n2.GID)
if test.Type != "symlink" {
Assert(t, test.Mode == n2.Mode,
rtest.Assert(t, test.Mode == n2.Mode,
"%v: mode doesn't match (0%o != 0%o)", test.Type, test.Mode, n2.Mode)
@ -240,5 +240,5 @@ func AssertFsTimeEqual(t *testing.T, label string, nodeType string, t1 time.Time
equal = t1.Equal(t2)
Assert(t, equal, "%s: %s doesn't match (%v != %v)", label, nodeType, t1, t2)
rtest.Assert(t, equal, "%s: %s doesn't match (%v != %v)", label, nodeType, t1, t2)
@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
func TestNewSnapshot(t *testing.T) {
paths := []string{"/home/foobar"}
_, err := restic.NewSnapshot(paths, nil, "foo", time.Now())
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
var testFiles = []struct {
@ -23,25 +23,25 @@ var testFiles = []struct {
func createTempDir(t *testing.T) string {
tempdir, err := ioutil.TempDir(TestTempDir, "restic-test-")
OK(t, err)
tempdir, err := ioutil.TempDir(rtest.TestTempDir, "restic-test-")
rtest.OK(t, err)
for _, test := range testFiles {
file := filepath.Join(tempdir,
dir := filepath.Dir(file)
if dir != "." {
OK(t, os.MkdirAll(dir, 0755))
rtest.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(dir, 0755))
f, err := os.Create(file)
defer func() {
OK(t, f.Close())
rtest.OK(t, f.Close())
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
_, err = f.Write(test.content)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
return tempdir
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ func createTempDir(t *testing.T) string {
func TestTree(t *testing.T) {
dir := createTempDir(t)
defer func() {
if TestCleanupTempDirs {
RemoveAll(t, dir)
if rtest.TestCleanupTempDirs {
rtest.RemoveAll(t, dir)
@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ var testNodes = []restic.Node{
func TestNodeMarshal(t *testing.T) {
for i, n := range testNodes {
data, err := json.Marshal(&n)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
var node restic.Node
err = json.Unmarshal(data, &node)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
if n.Name != node.Name {
t.Fatalf("Node %d: Names are not equal, want: %q got: %q", i, n.Name, node.Name)
@ -81,16 +81,16 @@ func TestNodeMarshal(t *testing.T) {
func TestNodeComparison(t *testing.T) {
fi, err := os.Lstat("tree_test.go")
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
node, err := restic.NodeFromFileInfo("tree_test.go", fi)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
n2 := *node
Assert(t, node.Equals(n2), "nodes aren't equal")
rtest.Assert(t, node.Equals(n2), "nodes aren't equal")
Assert(t, !node.Equals(n2), "nodes are equal")
rtest.Assert(t, !node.Equals(n2), "nodes are equal")
func TestLoadTree(t *testing.T) {
@ -100,16 +100,16 @@ func TestLoadTree(t *testing.T) {
// save tree
tree := restic.NewTree()
id, err := repo.SaveTree(context.TODO(), tree)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
// save packs
OK(t, repo.Flush())
rtest.OK(t, repo.Flush())
// load tree again
tree2, err := repo.LoadTree(context.TODO(), id)
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
Assert(t, tree.Equals(tree2),
rtest.Assert(t, tree.Equals(tree2),
"trees are not equal: want %v, got %v",
tree, tree2)
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import (
. ""
rtest ""
@ -20,16 +20,16 @@ func TestWalkTree(t *testing.T) {
repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
defer cleanup()
dirs, err := filepath.Glob(TestWalkerPath)
OK(t, err)
dirs, err := filepath.Glob(rtest.TestWalkerPath)
rtest.OK(t, err)
// archive a few files
arch := archiver.New(repo)
sn, _, err := arch.Snapshot(context.TODO(), nil, dirs, nil, "localhost", nil, time.Now())
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
// flush repo, write all packs
OK(t, repo.Flush())
rtest.OK(t, repo.Flush())
// start tree walker
treeJobs := make(chan walk.TreeJob)
@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ func TestWalkTree(t *testing.T) {
for {
// receive fs job
fsJob, fsChOpen := <-fsJobs
Assert(t, !fsChOpen || fsJob != nil,
rtest.Assert(t, !fsChOpen || fsJob != nil,
"received nil job from filesystem: %v %v", fsJob, fsChOpen)
if fsJob != nil {
OK(t, fsJob.Error())
rtest.OK(t, fsJob.Error())
var path string
@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ func TestWalkTree(t *testing.T) {
treeJob, treeChOpen := <-treeJobs
treeEntries := 1
OK(t, treeJob.Error)
rtest.OK(t, treeJob.Error)
if treeJob.Tree != nil {
treeEntries = len(treeJob.Tree.Nodes)
Assert(t, fsChOpen == treeChOpen,
rtest.Assert(t, fsChOpen == treeChOpen,
"one channel closed too early: fsChOpen %v, treeChOpen %v",
fsChOpen, treeChOpen)
@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ func TestWalkTree(t *testing.T) {
Assert(t, filepath.Base(path) == filepath.Base(treeJob.Path),
rtest.Assert(t, filepath.Base(path) == filepath.Base(treeJob.Path),
"paths do not match: %q != %q", filepath.Base(path), filepath.Base(treeJob.Path))
Assert(t, fsEntries == treeEntries,
rtest.Assert(t, fsEntries == treeEntries,
"wrong number of entries: %v != %v", fsEntries, treeEntries)
@ -1340,14 +1340,14 @@ var walktreeTestItems = []string{
func TestDelayedWalkTree(t *testing.T) {
repodir, cleanup := Env(t, repoFixture)
repodir, cleanup := rtest.Env(t, repoFixture)
defer cleanup()
repo := repository.TestOpenLocal(t, repodir)
OK(t, repo.LoadIndex(context.TODO()))
rtest.OK(t, repo.LoadIndex(context.TODO()))
root, err := restic.ParseID("937a2f64f736c64ee700c6ab06f840c68c94799c288146a0e81e07f4c94254da")
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
dr := delayRepo{repo, 100 * time.Millisecond}
@ -1370,14 +1370,14 @@ func TestDelayedWalkTree(t *testing.T) {
func BenchmarkDelayedWalkTree(t *testing.B) {
repodir, cleanup := Env(t, repoFixture)
repodir, cleanup := rtest.Env(t, repoFixture)
defer cleanup()
repo := repository.TestOpenLocal(t, repodir)
OK(t, repo.LoadIndex(context.TODO()))
rtest.OK(t, repo.LoadIndex(context.TODO()))
root, err := restic.ParseID("937a2f64f736c64ee700c6ab06f840c68c94799c288146a0e81e07f4c94254da")
OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, err)
dr := delayRepo{repo, 10 * time.Millisecond}
Add table
Reference in a new issue