diff --git a/changelog/unreleased/issue-4627 b/changelog/unreleased/issue-4627
index 626b341ea..bbc861b8e 100644
--- a/changelog/unreleased/issue-4627
+++ b/changelog/unreleased/issue-4627
@@ -4,5 +4,14 @@ Restic now downloads pack files in large chunks instead of using a streaming
 download. This prevents failures due to interrupted streams. The `restore`
 command now also retries downloading individual blobs that cannot be retrieved.
+HTTP requests that are stuck for more than two minutes while uploading or
+downloading are now forcibly interrupted. This ensures that stuck requests are
+retried after a short timeout. These new request timeouts can temporarily be
+disabled by setting the environment variable
+`RESTIC_FEATURES=http-timeouts=false`. Note that this feature flag will be
+removed in the next minor restic version.
diff --git a/internal/backend/http_transport.go b/internal/backend/http_transport.go
index 19b20dc6a..09eb3cf16 100644
--- a/internal/backend/http_transport.go
+++ b/internal/backend/http_transport.go
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import (
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/feature"
+	"golang.org/x/net/http2"
 // TransportOptions collects various options which can be set for an HTTP based
@@ -74,7 +76,6 @@ func Transport(opts TransportOptions) (http.RoundTripper, error) {
 			KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
 			DualStack: true,
-		ForceAttemptHTTP2:     true,
 		MaxIdleConns:          100,
 		MaxIdleConnsPerHost:   100,
 		IdleConnTimeout:       90 * time.Second,
@@ -83,6 +84,17 @@ func Transport(opts TransportOptions) (http.RoundTripper, error) {
 		TLSClientConfig:       &tls.Config{},
+	// ensure that http2 connections are closed if they are broken
+	h2, err := http2.ConfigureTransports(tr)
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	if feature.Flag.Enabled(feature.HTTPTimeouts) {
+		h2.WriteByteTimeout = 120 * time.Second
+		h2.ReadIdleTimeout = 60 * time.Second
+		h2.PingTimeout = 60 * time.Second
+	}
 	if opts.InsecureTLS {
@@ -119,6 +131,11 @@ func Transport(opts TransportOptions) (http.RoundTripper, error) {
 		tr.TLSClientConfig.RootCAs = pool
+	rt := http.RoundTripper(tr)
+	if feature.Flag.Enabled(feature.HTTPTimeouts) {
+		rt = newWatchdogRoundtripper(rt, 120*time.Second, 128*1024)
+	}
 	// wrap in the debug round tripper (if active)
-	return debug.RoundTripper(tr), nil
+	return debug.RoundTripper(rt), nil
diff --git a/internal/backend/watchdog_roundtriper.go b/internal/backend/watchdog_roundtriper.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb7863002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/backend/watchdog_roundtriper.go
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+package backend
+import (
+	"context"
+	"io"
+	"net/http"
+	"time"
+// watchdogRoundtripper cancels an http request if an upload or download did not make progress
+// within timeout. The time between fully sending the request and receiving an response is also
+// limited by this timeout. This ensures that stuck requests are cancelled after some time.
+// The roundtriper makes the assumption that the upload and download happen continuously. In particular,
+// the caller must not make long pauses between individual read requests from the response body.
+type watchdogRoundtripper struct {
+	rt        http.RoundTripper
+	timeout   time.Duration
+	chunkSize int
+var _ http.RoundTripper = &watchdogRoundtripper{}
+func newWatchdogRoundtripper(rt http.RoundTripper, timeout time.Duration, chunkSize int) *watchdogRoundtripper {
+	return &watchdogRoundtripper{
+		rt:        rt,
+		timeout:   timeout,
+		chunkSize: chunkSize,
+	}
+func (w *watchdogRoundtripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
+	timer := time.NewTimer(w.timeout)
+	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(req.Context())
+	// cancel context if timer expires
+	go func() {
+		defer timer.Stop()
+		select {
+		case <-timer.C:
+			cancel()
+		case <-ctx.Done():
+		}
+	}()
+	kick := func() {
+		timer.Reset(w.timeout)
+	}
+	req = req.Clone(ctx)
+	if req.Body != nil {
+		// kick watchdog timer as long as uploading makes progress
+		req.Body = newWatchdogReadCloser(req.Body, w.chunkSize, kick, nil)
+	}
+	resp, err := w.rt.RoundTrip(req)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	// kick watchdog timer as long as downloading makes progress
+	// cancel context to stop goroutine once response body is closed
+	resp.Body = newWatchdogReadCloser(resp.Body, w.chunkSize, kick, cancel)
+	return resp, nil
+func newWatchdogReadCloser(rc io.ReadCloser, chunkSize int, kick func(), close func()) *watchdogReadCloser {
+	return &watchdogReadCloser{
+		rc:        rc,
+		chunkSize: chunkSize,
+		kick:      kick,
+		close:     close,
+	}
+type watchdogReadCloser struct {
+	rc        io.ReadCloser
+	chunkSize int
+	kick      func()
+	close     func()
+var _ io.ReadCloser = &watchdogReadCloser{}
+func (w *watchdogReadCloser) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+	w.kick()
+	// Read is not required to fill the whole passed in byte slice
+	// Thus, keep things simple and just stay within our chunkSize.
+	if len(p) > w.chunkSize {
+		p = p[:w.chunkSize]
+	}
+	n, err = w.rc.Read(p)
+	w.kick()
+	return n, err
+func (w *watchdogReadCloser) Close() error {
+	if w.close != nil {
+		w.close()
+	}
+	return w.rc.Close()
diff --git a/internal/backend/watchdog_roundtriper_test.go b/internal/backend/watchdog_roundtriper_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a13d670e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/backend/watchdog_roundtriper_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+package backend
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"context"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"net/http"
+	"net/http/httptest"
+	"testing"
+	"time"
+	rtest "github.com/restic/restic/internal/test"
+func TestRead(t *testing.T) {
+	data := []byte("abcdef")
+	var ctr int
+	kick := func() {
+		ctr++
+	}
+	var closed bool
+	onClose := func() {
+		closed = true
+	}
+	wd := newWatchdogReadCloser(io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(data)), 1, kick, onClose)
+	out, err := io.ReadAll(wd)
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	rtest.Equals(t, data, out, "data mismatch")
+	// the EOF read also triggers the kick function
+	rtest.Equals(t, len(data)*2+2, ctr, "unexpected number of kick calls")
+	rtest.Equals(t, false, closed, "close function called too early")
+	rtest.OK(t, wd.Close())
+	rtest.Equals(t, true, closed, "close function not called")
+func TestRoundtrip(t *testing.T) {
+	t.Parallel()
+	// at the higher delay values, it takes longer to transmit the request/response body
+	// than the roundTripper timeout
+	for _, delay := range []int{0, 1, 10, 20} {
+		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%v", delay), func(t *testing.T) {
+			msg := []byte("ping-pong-data")
+			srv := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+				data, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
+				if err != nil {
+					w.WriteHeader(500)
+					return
+				}
+				w.WriteHeader(200)
+				// slowly send the reply
+				for len(data) >= 2 {
+					_, _ = w.Write(data[:2])
+					w.(http.Flusher).Flush()
+					data = data[2:]
+					time.Sleep(time.Duration(delay) * time.Millisecond)
+				}
+				_, _ = w.Write(data)
+			}))
+			defer srv.Close()
+			rt := newWatchdogRoundtripper(http.DefaultTransport, 50*time.Millisecond, 2)
+			req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(context.TODO(), "GET", srv.URL, io.NopCloser(newSlowReader(bytes.NewReader(msg), time.Duration(delay)*time.Millisecond)))
+			rtest.OK(t, err)
+			resp, err := rt.RoundTrip(req)
+			rtest.OK(t, err)
+			rtest.Equals(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected status code")
+			response, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
+			rtest.OK(t, err)
+			rtest.Equals(t, msg, response, "unexpected response")
+			rtest.OK(t, resp.Body.Close())
+		})
+	}
+func TestCanceledRoundtrip(t *testing.T) {
+	rt := newWatchdogRoundtripper(http.DefaultTransport, time.Second, 2)
+	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
+	cancel()
+	req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "GET", "http://some.random.url.dfdgsfg", nil)
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	resp, err := rt.RoundTrip(req)
+	rtest.Equals(t, context.Canceled, err)
+	// make linter happy
+	if resp != nil {
+		rtest.OK(t, resp.Body.Close())
+	}
+type slowReader struct {
+	data  io.Reader
+	delay time.Duration
+func newSlowReader(data io.Reader, delay time.Duration) *slowReader {
+	return &slowReader{
+		data:  data,
+		delay: delay,
+	}
+func (s *slowReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+	time.Sleep(s.delay)
+	return s.data.Read(p)
+func TestUploadTimeout(t *testing.T) {
+	t.Parallel()
+	msg := []byte("ping")
+	srv := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+		_, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
+		if err != nil {
+			w.WriteHeader(500)
+			return
+		}
+		t.Error("upload should have been canceled")
+	}))
+	defer srv.Close()
+	rt := newWatchdogRoundtripper(http.DefaultTransport, 10*time.Millisecond, 1024)
+	req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(context.TODO(), "GET", srv.URL, io.NopCloser(newSlowReader(bytes.NewReader(msg), 100*time.Millisecond)))
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	resp, err := rt.RoundTrip(req)
+	rtest.Equals(t, context.Canceled, err)
+	// make linter happy
+	if resp != nil {
+		rtest.OK(t, resp.Body.Close())
+	}
+func TestProcessingTimeout(t *testing.T) {
+	t.Parallel()
+	msg := []byte("ping")
+	srv := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+		_, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
+		if err != nil {
+			w.WriteHeader(500)
+			return
+		}
+		time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
+		w.WriteHeader(200)
+	}))
+	defer srv.Close()
+	rt := newWatchdogRoundtripper(http.DefaultTransport, 10*time.Millisecond, 1024)
+	req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(context.TODO(), "GET", srv.URL, io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(msg)))
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	resp, err := rt.RoundTrip(req)
+	rtest.Equals(t, context.Canceled, err)
+	// make linter happy
+	if resp != nil {
+		rtest.OK(t, resp.Body.Close())
+	}
+func TestDownloadTimeout(t *testing.T) {
+	t.Parallel()
+	msg := []byte("ping")
+	srv := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+		data, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
+		if err != nil {
+			w.WriteHeader(500)
+			return
+		}
+		w.WriteHeader(200)
+		_, _ = w.Write(data[:2])
+		w.(http.Flusher).Flush()
+		data = data[2:]
+		time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
+		_, _ = w.Write(data)
+	}))
+	defer srv.Close()
+	rt := newWatchdogRoundtripper(http.DefaultTransport, 10*time.Millisecond, 1024)
+	req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(context.TODO(), "GET", srv.URL, io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(msg)))
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	resp, err := rt.RoundTrip(req)
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	rtest.Equals(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected status code")
+	_, err = io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
+	rtest.Equals(t, context.Canceled, err, "response download not canceled")
+	rtest.OK(t, resp.Body.Close())
diff --git a/internal/feature/registry.go b/internal/feature/registry.go
index 2d2e45edf..b0e4d2ed7 100644
--- a/internal/feature/registry.go
+++ b/internal/feature/registry.go
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ const (
 	DeprecateLegacyIndex    FlagName = "deprecate-legacy-index"
 	DeprecateS3LegacyLayout FlagName = "deprecate-s3-legacy-layout"
 	DeviceIDForHardlinks    FlagName = "device-id-for-hardlinks"
+	HTTPTimeouts            FlagName = "http-timeouts"
 func init() {
@@ -15,5 +16,6 @@ func init() {
 		DeprecateLegacyIndex:    {Type: Beta, Description: "disable support for index format used by restic 0.1.0. Use `restic repair index` to update the index if necessary."},
 		DeprecateS3LegacyLayout: {Type: Beta, Description: "disable support for S3 legacy layout used up to restic 0.7.0. Use `RESTIC_FEATURES=deprecate-s3-legacy-layout=false restic migrate s3_layout` to migrate your S3 repository if necessary."},
 		DeviceIDForHardlinks:    {Type: Alpha, Description: "store deviceID only for hardlinks to reduce metadata changes for example when using btrfs subvolumes. Will be removed in a future restic version after repository format 3 is available"},
+		HTTPTimeouts:            {Type: Beta, Description: "enforce timeouts for stuck HTTP requests."},