package archiver

import (


// Scanner  traverses the targets and calls the function Result with cumulated
// stats concerning the files and folders found. Select is used to decide which
// items should be included. Error is called when an error occurs.
type Scanner struct {
	FS           fs.FS
	SelectByName SelectByNameFunc
	Select       SelectFunc
	Error        ErrorFunc
	Result       func(item string, s ScanStats)

// NewScanner initializes a new Scanner.
func NewScanner(fs fs.FS) *Scanner {
	return &Scanner{
		FS:           fs,
		SelectByName: func(item string) bool { return true },
		Select:       func(item string, fi os.FileInfo) bool { return true },
		Error:        func(item string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error { return err },
		Result:       func(item string, s ScanStats) {},

// ScanStats collect statistics.
type ScanStats struct {
	Files, Dirs, Others uint
	Bytes               uint64

// Scan traverses the targets. The function Result is called for each new item
// found, the complete result is also returned by Scan.
func (s *Scanner) Scan(ctx context.Context, targets []string) error {
	var stats ScanStats
	for _, target := range targets {
		abstarget, err := s.FS.Abs(target)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		stats, err = s.scan(ctx, stats, abstarget)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if ctx.Err() != nil {
			return nil

	s.Result("", stats)
	return nil

func (s *Scanner) scan(ctx context.Context, stats ScanStats, target string) (ScanStats, error) {
	if ctx.Err() != nil {
		return stats, nil

	// exclude files by path before running stat to reduce number of lstat calls
	if !s.SelectByName(target) {
		return stats, nil

	// get file information
	fi, err := s.FS.Lstat(target)
	if err != nil {
		return stats, s.Error(target, fi, err)

	// run remaining select functions that require file information
	if !s.Select(target, fi) {
		return stats, nil

	switch {
	case fi.Mode().IsRegular():
		stats.Bytes += uint64(fi.Size())
	case fi.Mode().IsDir():
		names, err := readdirnames(s.FS, target)
		if err != nil {
			return stats, s.Error(target, fi, err)

		for _, name := range names {
			stats, err = s.scan(ctx, stats, filepath.Join(target, name))
			if err != nil {
				return stats, err

	s.Result(target, stats)
	return stats, nil