forked from TrueCloudLab/restic
Fixes restic#719 If the option is passed, restic will wait the specified duration of time and retry locking the repo every 10 seconds (or more often if the total timeout is relatively small). - Play nice with json output - Reduce wait time in lock tests - Rework timeout last attempt - Reduce test wait time to 0.1s - Use exponential back off for the retry lock - Don't pass gopts to lockRepo functions - Use global variable for retry sleep setup - Exit retry lock on cancel - Better wording for flag help - Reorder debug statement - Refactor tests - Lower max sleep time to 1m - Test that we cancel/timeout in time - Use non blocking sleep function - Refactor into minDuration func Co-authored-by: Julian Brost <>
356 lines
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356 lines
8.9 KiB
package main
import (
var cmdSnapshots = &cobra.Command{
Use: "snapshots [flags] [snapshotID ...]",
Short: "List all snapshots",
Long: `
The "snapshots" command lists all snapshots stored in the repository.
Exit status is 0 if the command was successful, and non-zero if there was any error.
DisableAutoGenTag: true,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return runSnapshots(cmd.Context(), snapshotOptions, globalOptions, args)
// SnapshotOptions bundles all options for the snapshots command.
type SnapshotOptions struct {
Compact bool
Last bool // This option should be removed in favour of Latest.
Latest int
GroupBy restic.SnapshotGroupByOptions
var snapshotOptions SnapshotOptions
func init() {
f := cmdSnapshots.Flags()
initMultiSnapshotFilter(f, &snapshotOptions.SnapshotFilter, true)
f.BoolVarP(&snapshotOptions.Compact, "compact", "c", false, "use compact output format")
f.BoolVar(&snapshotOptions.Last, "last", false, "only show the last snapshot for each host and path")
err := f.MarkDeprecated("last", "use --latest 1")
if err != nil {
// MarkDeprecated only returns an error when the flag is not found
f.IntVar(&snapshotOptions.Latest, "latest", 0, "only show the last `n` snapshots for each host and path")
f.VarP(&snapshotOptions.GroupBy, "group-by", "g", "`group` snapshots by host, paths and/or tags, separated by comma")
func runSnapshots(ctx context.Context, opts SnapshotOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, args []string) error {
repo, err := OpenRepository(ctx, gopts)
if err != nil {
return err
if !gopts.NoLock {
var lock *restic.Lock
lock, ctx, err = lockRepo(ctx, repo, gopts.RetryLock, gopts.JSON)
defer unlockRepo(lock)
if err != nil {
return err
var snapshots restic.Snapshots
for sn := range FindFilteredSnapshots(ctx, repo.Backend(), repo, &opts.SnapshotFilter, args) {
snapshots = append(snapshots, sn)
snapshotGroups, grouped, err := restic.GroupSnapshots(snapshots, opts.GroupBy)
if err != nil {
return err
for k, list := range snapshotGroups {
if opts.Last {
// This branch should be removed in the same time
// that --last.
list = FilterLastestSnapshots(list, 1)
} else if opts.Latest > 0 {
list = FilterLastestSnapshots(list, opts.Latest)
snapshotGroups[k] = list
if gopts.JSON {
err := printSnapshotGroupJSON(gopts.stdout, snapshotGroups, grouped)
if err != nil {
Warnf("error printing snapshots: %v\n", err)
return nil
for k, list := range snapshotGroups {
if grouped {
err := PrintSnapshotGroupHeader(gopts.stdout, k)
if err != nil {
Warnf("error printing snapshots: %v\n", err)
return nil
PrintSnapshots(gopts.stdout, list, nil, opts.Compact)
return nil
// filterLastSnapshotsKey is used by FilterLastSnapshots.
type filterLastSnapshotsKey struct {
Hostname string
JoinedPaths string
// newFilterLastSnapshotsKey initializes a filterLastSnapshotsKey from a Snapshot
func newFilterLastSnapshotsKey(sn *restic.Snapshot) filterLastSnapshotsKey {
// Shallow slice copy
var paths = make([]string, len(sn.Paths))
copy(paths, sn.Paths)
return filterLastSnapshotsKey{sn.Hostname, strings.Join(paths, "|")}
// FilterLastestSnapshots filters a list of snapshots to only return
// the limit last entries for each hostname and path. If the snapshot
// contains multiple paths, they will be joined and treated as one
// item.
func FilterLastestSnapshots(list restic.Snapshots, limit int) restic.Snapshots {
// Sort the snapshots so that the newer ones are listed first
sort.SliceStable(list, func(i, j int) bool {
return list[i].Time.After(list[j].Time)
var results restic.Snapshots
seen := make(map[filterLastSnapshotsKey]int)
for _, sn := range list {
key := newFilterLastSnapshotsKey(sn)
if seen[key] < limit {
results = append(results, sn)
return results
// PrintSnapshots prints a text table of the snapshots in list to stdout.
func PrintSnapshots(stdout io.Writer, list restic.Snapshots, reasons []restic.KeepReason, compact bool) {
// keep the reasons a snasphot is being kept in a map, so that it doesn't
// get lost when the list of snapshots is sorted
keepReasons := make(map[restic.ID]restic.KeepReason, len(reasons))
if len(reasons) > 0 {
for i, sn := range list {
id := sn.ID()
keepReasons[*id] = reasons[i]
// always sort the snapshots so that the newer ones are listed last
sort.SliceStable(list, func(i, j int) bool {
return list[i].Time.Before(list[j].Time)
// Determine the max widths for host and tag.
maxHost, maxTag := 10, 6
for _, sn := range list {
if len(sn.Hostname) > maxHost {
maxHost = len(sn.Hostname)
for _, tag := range sn.Tags {
if len(tag) > maxTag {
maxTag = len(tag)
tab := table.New()
if compact {
tab.AddColumn("ID", "{{ .ID }}")
tab.AddColumn("Time", "{{ .Timestamp }}")
tab.AddColumn("Host", "{{ .Hostname }}")
tab.AddColumn("Tags ", `{{ join .Tags "\n" }}`)
} else {
tab.AddColumn("ID", "{{ .ID }}")
tab.AddColumn("Time", "{{ .Timestamp }}")
tab.AddColumn("Host ", "{{ .Hostname }}")
tab.AddColumn("Tags ", `{{ join .Tags "," }}`)
if len(reasons) > 0 {
tab.AddColumn("Reasons", `{{ join .Reasons "\n" }}`)
tab.AddColumn("Paths", `{{ join .Paths "\n" }}`)
type snapshot struct {
ID string
Timestamp string
Hostname string
Tags []string
Reasons []string
Paths []string
var multiline bool
for _, sn := range list {
data := snapshot{
ID: sn.ID().Str(),
Timestamp: sn.Time.Local().Format(TimeFormat),
Hostname: sn.Hostname,
Tags: sn.Tags,
Paths: sn.Paths,
if len(reasons) > 0 {
id := sn.ID()
data.Reasons = keepReasons[*id].Matches
if len(sn.Paths) > 1 && !compact {
multiline = true
tab.AddFooter(fmt.Sprintf("%d snapshots", len(list)))
if multiline {
// print an additional blank line between snapshots
var last int
tab.PrintData = func(w io.Writer, idx int, s string) error {
var err error
if idx == last {
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", s)
} else {
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n%s\n", s)
last = idx
return err
err := tab.Write(stdout)
if err != nil {
Warnf("error printing: %v\n", err)
// PrintSnapshotGroupHeader prints which group of the group-by option the
// following snapshots belong to.
// Prints nothing, if we did not group at all.
func PrintSnapshotGroupHeader(stdout io.Writer, groupKeyJSON string) error {
var key restic.SnapshotGroupKey
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(groupKeyJSON), &key)
if err != nil {
return err
if key.Hostname == "" && key.Tags == nil && key.Paths == nil {
return nil
// Info
fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "snapshots")
var infoStrings []string
if key.Hostname != "" {
infoStrings = append(infoStrings, "host ["+key.Hostname+"]")
if key.Tags != nil {
infoStrings = append(infoStrings, "tags ["+strings.Join(key.Tags, ", ")+"]")
if key.Paths != nil {
infoStrings = append(infoStrings, "paths ["+strings.Join(key.Paths, ", ")+"]")
if infoStrings != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(stdout, " for (%s)", strings.Join(infoStrings, ", "))
fmt.Fprintf(stdout, ":\n")
return nil
// Snapshot helps to print Snaphots as JSON with their ID included.
type Snapshot struct {
ID *restic.ID `json:"id"`
ShortID string `json:"short_id"`
// SnapshotGroup helps to print SnaphotGroups as JSON with their GroupReasons included.
type SnapshotGroup struct {
GroupKey restic.SnapshotGroupKey `json:"group_key"`
Snapshots []Snapshot `json:"snapshots"`
// printSnapshotsJSON writes the JSON representation of list to stdout.
func printSnapshotGroupJSON(stdout io.Writer, snGroups map[string]restic.Snapshots, grouped bool) error {
if grouped {
snapshotGroups := []SnapshotGroup{}
for k, list := range snGroups {
var key restic.SnapshotGroupKey
var err error
var snapshots []Snapshot
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(k), &key)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, sn := range list {
k := Snapshot{
Snapshot: sn,
ID: sn.ID(),
ShortID: sn.ID().Str(),
snapshots = append(snapshots, k)
group := SnapshotGroup{
GroupKey: key,
Snapshots: snapshots,
snapshotGroups = append(snapshotGroups, group)
return json.NewEncoder(stdout).Encode(snapshotGroups)
// Old behavior
snapshots := []Snapshot{}
for _, list := range snGroups {
for _, sn := range list {
k := Snapshot{
Snapshot: sn,
ID: sn.ID(),
ShortID: sn.ID().Str(),
snapshots = append(snapshots, k)
return json.NewEncoder(stdout).Encode(snapshots)