Michael Eischer ff7ef5007e Replace most usages of ioutil with the underlying function
The ioutil functions are deprecated since Go 1.17 and only wrap another
library function. Thus directly call the underlying function.

This commit only mechanically replaces the function calls.
2022-12-02 19:36:43 +01:00

479 lines
12 KiB

package main
import (
var opts = struct {
Version string
IgnoreBranchName bool
IgnoreUncommittedChanges bool
IgnoreChangelogVersion bool
IgnoreChangelogReleaseDate bool
IgnoreChangelogCurrent bool
IgnoreDockerBuildGoVersion bool
OutputDir string
var versionRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$`)
func init() {
pflag.BoolVar(&opts.IgnoreBranchName, "ignore-branch-name", false, "allow releasing from other branches as 'master'")
pflag.BoolVar(&opts.IgnoreUncommittedChanges, "ignore-uncommitted-changes", false, "allow uncommitted changes")
pflag.BoolVar(&opts.IgnoreChangelogVersion, "ignore-changelog-version", false, "ignore missing entry in")
pflag.BoolVar(&opts.IgnoreChangelogReleaseDate, "ignore-changelog-release-date", false, "ignore missing subdir with date in changelog/")
pflag.BoolVar(&opts.IgnoreChangelogCurrent, "ignore-changelog-current", false, "ignore check if is up to date")
pflag.BoolVar(&opts.IgnoreDockerBuildGoVersion, "ignore-docker-build-go-version", false, "ignore check if docker builder go version is up to date")
pflag.StringVar(&opts.OutputDir, "output-dir", "", "use `dir` as output directory")
func die(f string, args ...interface{}) {
if !strings.HasSuffix(f, "\n") {
f += "\n"
f = "\x1b[31m" + f + "\x1b[0m"
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, f, args...)
func msg(f string, args ...interface{}) {
if !strings.HasSuffix(f, "\n") {
f += "\n"
f = "\x1b[32m" + f + "\x1b[0m"
fmt.Printf(f, args...)
func run(cmd string, args ...string) {
c := exec.Command(cmd, args...)
c.Stdout = os.Stdout
c.Stderr = os.Stderr
err := c.Run()
if err != nil {
die("error running %s %s: %v", cmd, args, err)
func replace(filename, from, to string) {
reg := regexp.MustCompile(from)
buf, err := os.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
die("error reading file %v: %v", filename, err)
buf = reg.ReplaceAll(buf, []byte(to))
err = os.WriteFile(filename, buf, 0644)
if err != nil {
die("error writing file %v: %v", filename, err)
func rm(file string) {
err := os.Remove(file)
if err != nil {
die("error removing %v: %v", file, err)
func rmdir(dir string) {
err := os.RemoveAll(dir)
if err != nil {
die("error removing %v: %v", dir, err)
func mkdir(dir string) {
err := os.Mkdir(dir, 0755)
if err != nil {
die("mkdir %v: %v", dir, err)
func getwd() string {
pwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
die("Getwd(): %v", err)
return pwd
func uncommittedChanges(dirs ...string) string {
args := []string{"status", "--porcelain", "--untracked-files=no"}
if len(dirs) > 0 {
args = append(args, dirs...)
changes, err := exec.Command("git", args...).Output()
if err != nil {
die("unable to run command: %v", err)
return string(changes)
func preCheckBranchMaster() {
if opts.IgnoreBranchName {
branch, err := exec.Command("git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD").Output()
if err != nil {
die("error running 'git': %v", err)
if strings.TrimSpace(string(branch)) != "master" {
die("wrong branch: %s", branch)
func preCheckUncommittedChanges() {
if opts.IgnoreUncommittedChanges {
changes := uncommittedChanges()
if len(changes) > 0 {
die("uncommitted changes found:\n%s\n", changes)
func preCheckVersionExists() {
buf, err := exec.Command("git", "tag", "-l").Output()
if err != nil {
die("error running 'git tag -l': %v", err)
sc := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(buf))
for sc.Scan() {
if sc.Err() != nil {
die("error scanning version tags: %v", sc.Err())
if strings.TrimSpace(sc.Text()) == "v"+opts.Version {
die("tag v%v already exists", opts.Version)
func preCheckChangelogCurrent() {
if opts.IgnoreChangelogCurrent {
// regenerate changelog
run("calens", "--output", "")
// check for uncommitted changes in changelog
if len(uncommittedChanges("")) > 0 {
msg("committing file")
run("git", "commit", "-m", fmt.Sprintf("Generate for %v", opts.Version), "")
func preCheckChangelogRelease() bool {
if opts.IgnoreChangelogReleaseDate {
return true
for _, name := range readdir("changelog") {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, opts.Version+"_") {
return true
return false
func createChangelogRelease() {
date := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
targetDir := filepath.Join("changelog", fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", opts.Version, date))
unreleasedDir := filepath.Join("changelog", "unreleased")
for _, name := range readdir(unreleasedDir) {
if name == ".gitignore" {
src := filepath.Join("changelog", "unreleased", name)
dest := filepath.Join(targetDir, name)
err := os.Rename(src, dest)
if err != nil {
die("rename %v -> %v failed: %w", src, dest, err)
run("git", "add", targetDir)
run("git", "add", "-u", unreleasedDir)
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Prepare changelog for %v", opts.Version)
run("git", "commit", "-m", msg, targetDir, unreleasedDir)
func preCheckChangelogVersion() {
if opts.IgnoreChangelogVersion {
f, err := os.Open("")
if err != nil {
die("unable to open %v", err)
defer func() {
_ = f.Close()
sc := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for sc.Scan() {
if sc.Err() != nil {
die("error scanning: %v", sc.Err())
if strings.Contains(strings.TrimSpace(sc.Text()), fmt.Sprintf("Changelog for restic %v", opts.Version)) {
die(" does not contain version %v", opts.Version)
func preCheckDockerBuilderGoVersion() {
if opts.IgnoreDockerBuildGoVersion {
buf, err := exec.Command("go", "version").Output()
if err != nil {
die("unable to check local Go version: %v", err)
localVersion := strings.TrimSpace(string(buf))
msg("update docker container restic/builder")
run("docker", "pull", "restic/builder")
buf, err = exec.Command("docker", "run", "--rm", "restic/builder", "go", "version").Output()
if err != nil {
die("unable to check Go version in docker image: %v", err)
containerVersion := strings.TrimSpace(string(buf))
if localVersion != containerVersion {
die("version in docker container restic/builder is different:\n local: %v\n container: %v\n",
localVersion, containerVersion)
func generateFiles() {
msg("generate files")
run("go", "run", "build.go", "-o", "restic-generate.temp")
mandir := filepath.Join("doc", "man")
run("./restic-generate.temp", "generate",
"--man", "doc/man",
"--zsh-completion", "doc/zsh-completion.zsh",
"--powershell-completion", "doc/powershell-completion.ps1",
"--fish-completion", "doc/",
"--bash-completion", "doc/")
run("git", "add", "doc")
changes := uncommittedChanges("doc")
if len(changes) > 0 {
msg("committing manpages and auto-completion")
run("git", "commit", "-m", "Update manpages and auto-completion", "doc")
var versionPattern = `var version = ".*"`
const versionCodeFile = "cmd/restic/global.go"
func updateVersion() {
err := os.WriteFile("VERSION", []byte(opts.Version+"\n"), 0644)
if err != nil {
die("unable to write version to file: %v", err)
newVersion := fmt.Sprintf("var version = %q", opts.Version)
replace(versionCodeFile, versionPattern, newVersion)
if len(uncommittedChanges("VERSION")) > 0 || len(uncommittedChanges(versionCodeFile)) > 0 {
msg("committing version files")
run("git", "commit", "-m", fmt.Sprintf("Add version for %v", opts.Version), "VERSION", versionCodeFile)
func updateVersionDev() {
newVersion := fmt.Sprintf(`var version = "%s-dev (compiled manually)"`, opts.Version)
replace(versionCodeFile, versionPattern, newVersion)
msg("committing cmd/restic/global.go with dev version")
run("git", "commit", "-m", fmt.Sprintf("Set development version for %v", opts.Version), "VERSION", versionCodeFile)
func addTag() {
tagname := "v" + opts.Version
msg("add tag %v", tagname)
run("git", "tag", "-a", "-s", "-m", tagname, tagname)
func exportTar(version, tarFilename string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("git archive --format=tar --prefix=restic-%s/ v%s | gzip -n > %s",
version, version, tarFilename)
run("sh", "-c", cmd)
msg("build restic-%s.tar.gz", version)
func extractTar(filename, outputDir string) {
msg("extract tar into %v", outputDir)
c := exec.Command("tar", "xz", "--strip-components=1", "-f", filename)
c.Stdout = os.Stdout
c.Stderr = os.Stderr
c.Dir = outputDir
err := c.Run()
if err != nil {
die("error extracting tar: %v", err)
func runBuild(sourceDir, outputDir, version string) {
msg("building binaries...")
run("docker", "run", "--rm",
"--volume", sourceDir+":/restic",
"--volume", outputDir+":/output",
"go", "run", "helpers/build-release-binaries/main.go",
"--version", version)
func readdir(dir string) []string {
fis, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
if err != nil {
die("readdir %v failed: %v", dir, err)
filenames := make([]string, 0, len(fis))
for _, fi := range fis {
filenames = append(filenames, fi.Name())
return filenames
func sha256sums(inputDir, outputFile string) {
msg("runnnig sha256sum in %v", inputDir)
filenames := readdir(inputDir)
f, err := os.Create(outputFile)
if err != nil {
die("unable to create %v: %v", outputFile, err)
c := exec.Command("sha256sum", filenames...)
c.Stdout = f
c.Stderr = os.Stderr
c.Dir = inputDir
err = c.Run()
if err != nil {
die("error running sha256sums: %v", err)
err = f.Close()
if err != nil {
die("close %v: %v", outputFile, err)
func signFiles(filenames ...string) {
for _, filename := range filenames {
run("gpg", "--armor", "--detach-sign", filename)
func updateDocker(outputDir, version string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("bzcat %s/restic_%s_linux_amd64.bz2 > restic", outputDir, version)
run("sh", "-c", cmd)
run("chmod", "+x", "restic")
run("docker", "pull", "alpine:latest")
run("docker", "build", "--rm", "--tag", "restic/restic:latest", "-f", "docker/Dockerfile", ".")
run("docker", "tag", "restic/restic:latest", "restic/restic:"+version)
func tempdir(prefix string) string {
dir, err := os.MkdirTemp(getwd(), prefix)
if err != nil {
die("unable to create temp dir %q: %v", prefix, err)
return dir
func main() {
if len(pflag.Args()) == 0 {
die("USAGE: release-version [OPTIONS] VERSION")
opts.Version = pflag.Args()[0]
if !versionRegex.MatchString(opts.Version) {
die("invalid new version")
if !preCheckChangelogRelease() {
if opts.OutputDir == "" {
opts.OutputDir = tempdir("build-output-")
sourceDir := tempdir("source-")
msg("using output dir %v", opts.OutputDir)
msg("using source dir %v", sourceDir)
tarFilename := filepath.Join(opts.OutputDir, fmt.Sprintf("restic-%s.tar.gz", opts.Version))
exportTar(opts.Version, tarFilename)
extractTar(tarFilename, sourceDir)
runBuild(sourceDir, opts.OutputDir, opts.Version)
sha256sums(opts.OutputDir, filepath.Join(opts.OutputDir, "SHA256SUMS"))
signFiles(filepath.Join(opts.OutputDir, "SHA256SUMS"), tarFilename)
updateDocker(opts.OutputDir, opts.Version)
msg("done, output dir is %v", opts.OutputDir)
msg("now run:\n\ngit push --tags origin master\ndocker push restic/restic:latest\ndocker push restic/restic:%s\n", opts.Version)