Package container provides functionality related to the NeoFS containers.

The base type is Container. To create new container in the NeoFS network
Container instance should be initialized

	var cnr Container
	// fill all the fields

	// encode cnr and send

After the container is persisted in the NeoFS network, applications can process
it using the instance of Container types

	// recv binary container

	var cnr Container

	err := cnr.Unmarshal(bin)
	// ...

	// process the container data

Instances can be also used to process NeoFS API V2 protocol messages
(see neo.fs.v2.container package in https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-api).

On client side:

	import "github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-api-go/v2/container"

	var msg container.Container

	// send msg

On server side:

	// recv msg

	var cnr Container

	// process cnr

Using package types in an application is recommended to potentially work with
different protocol versions with which these types are compatible.
package container