package main import ( "context" "flag" "fmt" "log" "os" "os/signal" "syscall" "" "" "" "" ) const ( // SuccessReturnCode returns when application closed without panic. SuccessReturnCode = 0 ) // prints err to standard logger and calls os.Exit(1). func fatalOnErr(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } // prints err with details to standard logger and calls os.Exit(1). func fatalOnErrDetails(details string, err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", details, err)) } } func main() { configFile := flag.String("config", "", "path to config") versionFlag := flag.Bool("version", false, "frostfs node version") dryRunFlag := flag.Bool("check", false, "validate configuration and exit") flag.Parse() if *versionFlag { fmt.Print(misc.BuildInfo("NeoFS Storage node")) os.Exit(SuccessReturnCode) } appCfg := config.New(config.Prm{}, config.WithConfigFile(*configFile)) err := validateConfig(appCfg) fatalOnErr(err) if *dryRunFlag { return } c := initCfg(appCfg) initApp(c) c.setHealthStatus(control.HealthStatus_STARTING) bootUp(c) c.setHealthStatus(control.HealthStatus_READY) wait(c) c.setHealthStatus(control.HealthStatus_SHUTTING_DOWN) shutdown(c) } func initAndLog(c *cfg, name string, initializer func(*cfg)) { c.log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("initializing %s service...", name)) initializer(c) c.log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("%s service has been successfully initialized", name)) } func initApp(c *cfg) { initLocalStorage(c) c.ctx, c.ctxCancel = signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) initAndLog(c, "storage engine", func(c *cfg) { fatalOnErr(c.cfgObject.cfgLocalStorage.localStorage.Open()) fatalOnErr(c.cfgObject.cfgLocalStorage.localStorage.Init()) }) initAndLog(c, "gRPC", initGRPC) initAndLog(c, "netmap", initNetmapService) initAndLog(c, "accounting", initAccountingService) initAndLog(c, "container", initContainerService) initAndLog(c, "session", initSessionService) initAndLog(c, "reputation", initReputationService) initAndLog(c, "notification", initNotifications) initAndLog(c, "object", initObjectService) initAndLog(c, "pprof", initProfiler) initAndLog(c, "prometheus", initMetrics) initAndLog(c, "tree", initTreeService) initAndLog(c, "control", initControlService) initAndLog(c, "morph notifications", listenMorphNotifications) c.workers = append(c.workers, newWorkerFromFunc(c.configWatcher)) } func runAndLog(c *cfg, name string, logSuccess bool, starter func(*cfg)) { c.log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("starting %s service...", name)) starter(c) if logSuccess { c.log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("%s service started successfully", name)) } } func bootUp(c *cfg) { runAndLog(c, "NATS", true, connectNats) runAndLog(c, "gRPC", false, serveGRPC) runAndLog(c, "notary", true, makeAndWaitNotaryDeposit) bootstrapNode(c) startWorkers(c) } func wait(c *cfg) { c.log.Info("application started", zap.String("version", misc.Version)) select { case <-c.ctx.Done(): // graceful shutdown case err := <-c.internalErr: // internal application error close(c.internalErr) c.ctxCancel() c.log.Warn("internal application error", zap.String("message", err.Error())) } } func shutdown(c *cfg) { for _, closer := range c.closers { closer() } c.log.Debug("waiting for all processes to stop") c.wg.Wait() } func (c *cfg) onShutdown(f func()) { c.closers = append(c.closers, f) }