Leonard Lyubich 41eaa1e246 [#973] ir: Listen and process Put/Delete events of Subnet contract
Define notification events, implement parsers. Add morph client of
Subnet contract. Listen, verify and approve events in Inner Ring app.

Signed-off-by: Leonard Lyubich <>
2021-11-28 16:15:18 +03:00

82 lines
2 KiB

package subnetevents
import (
subnetid ""
// Put represents notification about NeoFS subnet creation.
// Generated by a contract when intending to create a subnet.
type Put interface {
// Contains ID of the subnet to be created.
// ReadCreator reads user ID of the subnet creator.
// Returns an error if ID is missing.
ReadCreator(id *owner.ID) error
// ReadInfo reads information about subnet to be created.
ReadInfo(info *subnet.Info) error
// PutValidator asserts intent to create a subnet.
type PutValidator struct{}
// errDiffOwner is returned when subnet owners differ.
var errDiffOwner = errors.New("diff subnet owners")
// errDiffID is returned when subnet IDs differ.
var errDiffID = errors.New("diff subnet IDs")
// Assert processes the attempt to create a subnet. Approves the creation through nil return.
// All read errors of Put are forwarded.
// Returns an error on:
// * zero subnet creation;
// * empty ID or different from the one wired into info;
// * empty owner ID or different from the one wired into info.
func (x PutValidator) Assert(event Put) error {
var err error
// read ID
var id subnetid.ID
if err = event.ReadID(&id); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("read ID: %w", err)
// prevent zero subnet creation
if subnetid.IsZero(id) {
return zeroSubnetOp{
op: "creation",
// read creator's user ID in NeoFS system
var creator owner.ID
if err = event.ReadCreator(&creator); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("read creator: %w", err)
// read information about the subnet
var info subnet.Info
if err = event.ReadInfo(&info); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("read info: %w", err)
// check if explicit ID equals to the one from info
if !subnet.IDEquals(info, id) {
return errDiffID
// check if explicit creator equals to the one from info
if !subnet.IsOwner(info, creator) {
return errDiffOwner
return nil