Pavel Karpy 923f84722a Move to frostfs-node
Signed-off-by: Pavel Karpy <>
2022-12-28 15:04:29 +03:00

43 lines
1 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package ircontrol;
import "pkg/services/control/ir/types.proto";
option go_package = "";
// `ControlService` provides an interface for internal work with the Inner Ring node.
service ControlService {
// Performs health check of the IR node.
rpc HealthCheck (HealthCheckRequest) returns (HealthCheckResponse);
// Health check request.
message HealthCheckRequest {
// Health check request body.
message Body {
// Body of health check request message.
Body body = 1;
// Body signature.
// Should be signed by node key or one of
// the keys configured by the node.
Signature signature = 2;
// Health check response.
message HealthCheckResponse {
// Health check response body
message Body {
// Health status of IR node application.
HealthStatus health_status = 1;
// Body of health check response message.
Body body = 1;
// Body signature.
Signature signature = 2;