Consider adding gosec lint #1

opened 2023-05-10 14:47:29 +00:00 by fyrchik · 1 comment

It is included in golangci-lint.
In this task let's check whether it produces too much false positives and add.

It is included in golangci-lint. In this task let's check whether it produces too much false positives and add.

internal/logs/logs.go:387:2 gosec G101: Potential hardcoded credentials
Because of pW seems like a false positive, but the heuristic can be overridden, also only 2 of these in the frostfs-node.

`internal/logs/logs.go:387:2 gosec G101: Potential hardcoded credentials` Because of `pW` seems like a false positive, but the heuristic can be overridden, also only 2 of these in the frostfs-node.
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