The authority now receives the ordinal in its constructor rather than a
global variable set at package initialization time. The ordinal is
passed via the command line option `--ordinal`.
Also, return early from ValidateChallenge if the challenge is already
valid. Interestingly, we aren't actually testing most of the
ValidateChallenge func, just the early error and return conditions. We
should add some more coverage here.
In golang, one should always return error types rather than interfaces
that conform to an error protocol. Why? Because of this:
Feels ~~like JavaScript~~ bad, man.
Section 8.2 of RFC 8555 explains how retries apply to the validation
process. However, much is left up to the implementer.
Add retries every 12 seconds for 2 minutes after a client requests a
validation. The challenge status remains "processing" indefinitely until
a distinct conclusion is reached. This allows a client to continually
re-request a validation by sending a post-get to the challenge resource
until the process fails or succeeds.
Challenges in the processing state include information about why a
validation did not complete in the error field. The server also includes
a Retry-After header to help clients and servers coordinate.
Retries are inherently stateful because they're part of the public API.
When running step-ca in a highly available setup with replicas, care
must be taken to maintain a persistent identifier for each instance
"slot". In kubernetes, this implies a *stateful set*.
Make sure we do not pass domains with asterisk (wildcard) in the middle,
like _acme-challenge.* to lookupTxt function, but preprocess
domain and remove leading wildcard so we lookup for
Perform domain normalization for wildcard domains, so we do query
TXT records for _acme-challenge.example.domain instead of
_acme-challenge.*.example.domain when performing DNS-01 challenge. In
this way the behavior is consistent with letsencrypt and records queried
are in sync with the ones that are shown in certbot manual mode.