package api import ( "crypto/x509" "encoding/base64" "encoding/json" "net/http" "" "" "" "" ) type revokePayload struct { Certificate string `json:"certificate"` ReasonCode int `json:"reason"` } func (h *Handler) RevokeCert(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // TODO: support the non-kid case, i.e. JWK with the public key of the cert // base the account + certificate JWK instead of the kid (which is now the case) ctx := r.Context() _, err := accountFromContext(ctx) if err != nil { api.WriteError(w, err) return } // TODO: do checks on account, i.e. is it still valid? is it allowed to do revocations? Revocations on the to be revoked cert? _, err = provisionerFromContext(ctx) if err != nil { api.WriteError(w, err) return } // TODO: let provisioner authorize the revocation? Necessary per provisioner? Or can it be done by the CA, like the Revoke itself. p, err := payloadFromContext(ctx) if err != nil { api.WriteError(w, err) return } var payload revokePayload err = json.Unmarshal(p.value, &payload) if err != nil { api.WriteError(w, err) // TODO: fix error type return } certBytes, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(payload.Certificate) if err != nil { api.WriteError(w, err) // TODO: fix error type return } certToBeRevoked, err := x509.ParseCertificate(certBytes) if err != nil { api.WriteError(w, err) // TODO: fix error type return } certID := certToBeRevoked.SerialNumber.String() // TODO: retrieving the certificate to verify the account does not seem to work? Results in certificate not found error. // When Revoke is called, the certificate IS in fact found? The (h *Handler) GetCertificate function is fairly similar, too. // existingCert, err := h.db.GetCertificate(ctx, certID) // if err != nil { // api.WriteError(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving certificate")) // return // } // if existingCert.AccountID != acc.ID { // api.WriteError(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType, // "account '%s' does not own certificate '%s'", acc.ID, certID)) // return // TODO: this check should only be performed in case acc exists (i.e. KID revoke) // } // TODO: validate the certToBeRevoked against what we know about it? if payload.ReasonCode < ocsp.Unspecified || payload.ReasonCode > ocsp.AACompromise { api.WriteError(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorBadRevocationReasonType, "reasonCode out of bounds")) return } // TODO: check reason code; should be allowed (based on what? and determined by Provisioner?); otherwise send error options := &authority.RevokeOptions{ Serial: certID, Reason: reason(payload.ReasonCode), ReasonCode: payload.ReasonCode, ACME: true, Crt: certToBeRevoked, } err =, options) if err != nil { api.WriteError(w, err) // TODO: send the right error; 400; alreadyRevoked (or something else went wrong, of course) return } w.Write(nil) } func reason(reasonCode int) string { switch reasonCode { case ocsp.Unspecified: return "unspecified reason" case ocsp.KeyCompromise: return "key compromised" case ocsp.CACompromise: return "ca compromised" case ocsp.AffiliationChanged: return "affiliation changed" case ocsp.Superseded: return "superseded" case ocsp.CessationOfOperation: return "cessation of operation" case ocsp.CertificateHold: return "certificate hold" case ocsp.RemoveFromCRL: return "remove from crl" case ocsp.PrivilegeWithdrawn: return "privilege withdrawn" case ocsp.AACompromise: return "aa compromised" default: return "unspecified reason" } }