package api import ( "bytes" "context" "crypto/tls" "crypto/x509" "encoding/json" "encoding/pem" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "reflect" "strings" "testing" "time" "" "" ) const ( rootPEM = `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIEBDCCAuygAwIBAgIDAjppMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMEIxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVT MRYwFAYDVQQKEw1HZW9UcnVzdCBJbmMuMRswGQYDVQQDExJHZW9UcnVzdCBHbG9i YWwgQ0EwHhcNMTMwNDA1MTUxNTU1WhcNMTUwNDA0MTUxNTU1WjBJMQswCQYDVQQG EwJVUzETMBEGA1UEChMKR29vZ2xlIEluYzElMCMGA1UEAxMcR29vZ2xlIEludGVy bmV0IEF1dGhvcml0eSBHMjCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEB AJwqBHdc2FCROgajguDYUEi8iT/xGXAaiEZ+4I/F8YnOIe5a/mENtzJEiaB0C1NP VaTOgmKV7utZX8bhBYASxF6UP7xbSDj0U/ck5vuR6RXEz/RTDfRK/J9U3n2+oGtv h8DQUB8oMANA2ghzUWx//zo8pzcGjr1LEQTrfSTe5vn8MXH7lNVg8y5Kr0LSy+rE ahqyzFPdFUuLH8gZYR/Nnag+YyuENWllhMgZxUYi+FOVvuOAShDGKuy6lyARxzmZ EASg8GF6lSWMTlJ14rbtCMoU/M4iarNOz0YDl5cDfsCx3nuvRTPPuj5xt970JSXC DTWJnZ37DhF5iR43xa+OcmkCAwEAAaOB+zCB+DAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBTAephojYn7 qwVkDBF9qn1luMrMTjAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUSt0GFhu89mi1dvWBtrtiGrpagS8wEgYD VR0TAQH/BAgwBgEB/wIBADAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCAQYwOgYDVR0fBDMwMTAvoC2g K4YpaHR0cDovL2NybC5nZW90cnVzdC5jb20vY3Jscy9ndGdsb2JhbC5jcmwwPQYI KwYBBQUHAQEEMTAvMC0GCCsGAQUFBzABhiFodHRwOi8vZ3RnbG9iYWwtb2NzcC5n ZW90cnVzdC5jb20wFwYDVR0gBBAwDjAMBgorBgEEAdZ5AgUBMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB BQUAA4IBAQA21waAESetKhSbOHezI6B1WLuxfoNCunLaHtiONgaX4PCVOzf9G0JY /iLIa704XtE7JW4S615ndkZAkNoUyHgN7ZVm2o6Gb4ChulYylYbc3GrKBIxbf/a/ zG+FA1jDaFETzf3I93k9mTXwVqO94FntT0QJo544evZG0R0SnU++0ED8Vf4GXjza HFa9llF7b1cq26KqltyMdMKVvvBulRP/F/A8rLIQjcxz++iPAsbw+zOzlTvjwsto WHPbqCRiOwY1nQ2pM714A5AuTHhdUDqB1O6gyHA43LL5Z/qHQF1hwFGPa4NrzQU6 yuGnBXj8ytqU0CwIPX4WecigUCAkVDNx -----END CERTIFICATE-----` certPEM = `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDujCCAqKgAwIBAgIIE31FZVaPXTUwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAwSTELMAkGA1UE BhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBAoTCkdvb2dsZSBJbmMxJTAjBgNVBAMTHEdvb2dsZSBJbnRl cm5ldCBBdXRob3JpdHkgRzIwHhcNMTQwMTI5MTMyNzQzWhcNMTQwNTI5MDAwMDAw WjBpMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzETMBEGA1UECAwKQ2FsaWZvcm5pYTEWMBQGA1UEBwwN TW91bnRhaW4gVmlldzETMBEGA1UECgwKR29vZ2xlIEluYzEYMBYGA1UEAwwPbWFp bC5nb29nbGUuY29tMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEfRrObuSW5T7q 5CnSEqefEmtH4CCv6+5EckuriNr1CjfVvqzwfAhopXkLrq45EQm8vkmf7W96XJhC 7ZM0dYi1/qOCAU8wggFLMB0GA1UdJQQWMBQGCCsGAQUFBwMBBggrBgEFBQcDAjAa BgNVHREEEzARgg9tYWlsLmdvb2dsZS5jb20wCwYDVR0PBAQDAgeAMGgGCCsGAQUF BwEBBFwwWjArBggrBgEFBQcwAoYfaHR0cDovL3BraS5nb29nbGUuY29tL0dJQUcy LmNydDArBggrBgEFBQcwAYYfaHR0cDovL2NsaWVudHMxLmdvb2dsZS5jb20vb2Nz cDAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUiJxtimAuTfwb+aUtBn5UYKreKvMwDAYDVR0TAQH/BAIwADAf BgNVHSMEGDAWgBRK3QYWG7z2aLV29YG2u2IaulqBLzAXBgNVHSAEEDAOMAwGCisG AQQB1nkCBQEwMAYDVR0fBCkwJzAloCOgIYYfaHR0cDovL3BraS5nb29nbGUuY29t L0dJQUcyLmNybDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAQEAH6RYHxHdcGpMpFE3oxDoFnP+ gtuBCHan2yE2GRbJ2Cw8Lw0MmuKqHlf9RSeYfd3BXeKkj1qO6TVKwCh+0HdZk283 TZZyzmEOyclm3UGFYe82P/iDFt+CeQ3NpmBg+GoaVCuWAARJN/KfglbLyyYygcQq 0SgeDh8dRKUiaW3HQSoYvTvdTuqzwK4CXsr3b5/dAOY8uMuG/IAR3FgwTbZ1dtoW RvOTa8hYiU6A475WuZKyEHcwnGYe57u2I2KbMgcKjPniocj4QzgYsVAVKW3IwaOh yE+vPxsiUkvQHdO2fojCkY8jg70jxM+gu59tPDNbw3Uh/2Ij310FgTHsnGQMyA== -----END CERTIFICATE-----` csrPEM = `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIIEYjCCAkoCAQAwHTEbMBkGA1UEAxMSdGVzdC5zbWFsbHN0ZXAuY29tMIICIjAN BgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAuCpifZfoZhYNywfpnPa21NezXgtn wrWBFE6xhVzE7YDSIqtIsj8aR7R8zwEymxfv5j5298LUy/XSmItVH31CsKyfcGqN QM0PZr9XY3z5V6qchGMqjzt/jqlYMBHujcxIFBfz4HATxSgKyvHqvw14ESsS2huu 7jowx+XTKbFYgKcXrjBkvOej5FXD3ehkg0jDA2UAJNdfKmrc1BBEaaqOtfh7eyU2 HU7+5gxH8C27IiCAmNj719E0B99Nu2MUw6aLFIM4xAcRga33Avevx6UuXZZIEepe V1sihrkcnDK9Vsxkme5erXzvAoOiRusiC2iIomJHJrdRM5ReEU+N+Tl1Kxq+rk7H /qAq78wVm07M1/GGi9SUMObZS4WuJpM6whlikIAEbv9iV+CK0sv/Jr/AADdGMmQU lwk+Q0ZNE8p4ZuWILv/dtLDtDVBpnrrJ9e8duBtB0lGcG8MdaUCQ346EI4T0Sgx0 hJ+wMq8zYYFfPIZEHC8o9p1ywWN9ySpJ8Zj/5ubmx9v2bY67GbuVFEa8iAp+S00x /Z8nD6/JsoKtexuHyGr3ixWFzlBqXDuugukIDFUOVDCbuGw4Io4/hEMu4Zz0TIFk Uu/wf2z75Tt8EkosKLu2wieKcY7n7Vhog/0tqexqWlWtJH0tvq4djsGoSvA62WPs 0iXXj+aZIARPNhECAwEAAaAAMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4ICAQA0vyHIndAkIs/I Nnz5yZWCokRjokoKv3Aj4VilyjncL+W0UIPULLU/47ZyoHVSUj2t8gknr9xu/Kd+ g/2z0RiF3CIp8IUH49w/HYWaR95glzVNAAzr8qD9UbUqloLVQW3lObSRGtezhdZO sspw5dC+inhAb1LZhx8PVxB3SAeJ8h11IEBr0s2Hxt9viKKd7YPtIFZkZdOkVx4R if1DMawj1P6fEomf8z7m+dmbUYTqqosbCbRL01mzEga/kF6JyH/OzpNlcsAiyM8e BxPWH6TtPqwmyy4y7j1outmM0RnyUw5A0HmIbWh+rHpXiHVsnNqse0XfzmaxM8+z dxYeDax8aMWZKfvY1Zew+xIxl7DtEy1BpxrZcawumJYt5+LL+bwF/OtL0inQLnw8 zyqydsXNdrpIQJnfmWPld7ThWbQw2FBE70+nFSxHeG2ULnpF3M9xf6ZNAF4gqaNE Q7vMNPBWrJWu+A++vHY61WGET+h4lY3GFr2I8OE4IiHPQi1D7Y0+fwOmStwuRPM4 2rARcJChNdiYBkkuvs4kixKTTjdXhB8RQtuBSrJ0M1tzq2qMbm7F8G01rOg4KlXU 58jHzJwr1K7cx0lpWfGTtc5bseCGtTKmDBXTziw04yl8eE1+ZFOganixGwCtl4Tt DCbKzWTW8lqVdp9Kyf7XEhhc2R8C5w== -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----` ) func parseCertificate(data string) *x509.Certificate { block, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(data)) if block == nil { panic("failed to parse certificate PEM") } cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes) if err != nil { panic("failed to parse certificate: " + err.Error()) } return cert } func parseCertificateRequest(data string) *x509.CertificateRequest { block, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(csrPEM)) if block == nil { panic("failed to parse certificate request PEM") } csr, err := x509.ParseCertificateRequest(block.Bytes) if err != nil { panic("failed to parse certificate request: " + err.Error()) } return csr } func TestNewCertificate(t *testing.T) { cert := parseCertificate(rootPEM) if !reflect.DeepEqual(Certificate{Certificate: cert}, NewCertificate(cert)) { t.Errorf("NewCertificate failed, got %v, wants %v", NewCertificate(cert), Certificate{Certificate: cert}) } } func TestCertificate_MarshalJSON(t *testing.T) { type fields struct { Certificate *x509.Certificate } tests := []struct { name string fields fields want []byte wantErr bool }{ {"nil", fields{Certificate: nil}, []byte("null"), false}, {"empty", fields{Certificate: &x509.Certificate{Raw: nil}}, []byte(`"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"`), false}, {"root", fields{Certificate: parseCertificate(rootPEM)}, []byte(`"` + strings.Replace(rootPEM, "\n", `\n`, -1) + `\n"`), false}, {"cert", fields{Certificate: parseCertificate(certPEM)}, []byte(`"` + strings.Replace(certPEM, "\n", `\n`, -1) + `\n"`), false}, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { c := Certificate{ Certificate: tt.fields.Certificate, } got, err := c.MarshalJSON() if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr { t.Errorf("Certificate.MarshalJSON() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr) return } if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) { t.Errorf("Certificate.MarshalJSON() = %s, want %s", got, tt.want) } }) } } func TestCertificate_UnmarshalJSON(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string data []byte wantErr bool }{ {"no data", nil, true}, {"empty string", []byte(`""`), true}, {"incomplete string 1", []byte(`"foobar`), true}, {"incomplete string 2", []byte(`foobar"`), true}, {"invalid string", []byte(`"foobar"`), true}, {"invalid bytes 0", []byte{}, true}, {"invalid bytes 1", []byte{1}, true}, {"empty csr", []byte(`"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n-----END CERTIFICATE----\n"`), true}, {"invalid type", []byte(`"` + strings.Replace(csrPEM, "\n", `\n`, -1) + `"`), true}, {"valid root", []byte(`"` + strings.Replace(rootPEM, "\n", `\n`, -1) + `"`), false}, {"valid cert", []byte(`"` + strings.Replace(certPEM, "\n", `\n`, -1) + `"`), false}, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { var c Certificate if err := c.UnmarshalJSON(; (err != nil) != tt.wantErr { t.Errorf("Certificate.UnmarshalJSON() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr) } if !tt.wantErr && c.Certificate == nil { t.Error("Certificate.UnmarshalJSON() failed, Certificate is nil") } }) } } func TestCertificate_UnmarshalJSON_json(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string data string wantErr bool }{ {"invalid type (null)", `{"crt":null}`, true}, {"invalid type (bool)", `{"crt":true}`, true}, {"invalid type (number)", `{"crt":123}`, true}, {"invalid type (object)", `{"crt":{}}`, true}, {"empty crt", `{"crt":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n-----END CERTIFICATE----\n"}`, true}, {"valid crt", `{"crt":"` + strings.Replace(certPEM, "\n", `\n`, -1) + `"}`, false}, } type request struct { Cert Certificate `json:"crt"` } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { var body request if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(, &body); (err != nil) != tt.wantErr { t.Errorf("json.Unmarshal() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr) } switch tt.wantErr { case false: if body.Cert.Certificate == nil { t.Error("json.Unmarshal() failed, Certificate is nil") } case true: if body.Cert.Certificate != nil { t.Error("json.Unmarshal() failed, Certificate is not nil") } } }) } } func TestNewCertificateRequest(t *testing.T) { csr := parseCertificateRequest(csrPEM) if !reflect.DeepEqual(CertificateRequest{CertificateRequest: csr}, NewCertificateRequest(csr)) { t.Errorf("NewCertificateRequest failed, got %v, wants %v", NewCertificateRequest(csr), CertificateRequest{CertificateRequest: csr}) } } func TestCertificateRequest_MarshalJSON(t *testing.T) { type fields struct { CertificateRequest *x509.CertificateRequest } tests := []struct { name string fields fields want []byte wantErr bool }{ {"nil", fields{CertificateRequest: nil}, []byte("null"), false}, {"empty", fields{CertificateRequest: &x509.CertificateRequest{}}, []byte(`"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n"`), false}, {"csr", fields{CertificateRequest: parseCertificateRequest(csrPEM)}, []byte(`"` + strings.Replace(csrPEM, "\n", `\n`, -1) + `\n"`), false}, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { c := CertificateRequest{ CertificateRequest: tt.fields.CertificateRequest, } got, err := c.MarshalJSON() if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr { t.Errorf("CertificateRequest.MarshalJSON() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr) return } if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) { t.Errorf("CertificateRequest.MarshalJSON() = %s, want %s", got, tt.want) } }) } } func TestCertificateRequest_UnmarshalJSON(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string data []byte wantErr bool }{ {"no data", nil, true}, {"empty string", []byte(`""`), true}, {"incomplete string 1", []byte(`"foobar`), true}, {"incomplete string 2", []byte(`foobar"`), true}, {"invalid string", []byte(`"foobar"`), true}, {"invalid bytes 0", []byte{}, true}, {"invalid bytes 1", []byte{1}, true}, {"empty csr", []byte(`"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST----\n"`), true}, {"invalid type", []byte(`"` + strings.Replace(rootPEM, "\n", `\n`, -1) + `"`), true}, {"valid csr", []byte(`"` + strings.Replace(csrPEM, "\n", `\n`, -1) + `"`), false}, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { var c CertificateRequest if err := c.UnmarshalJSON(; (err != nil) != tt.wantErr { t.Errorf("CertificateRequest.UnmarshalJSON() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr) } if !tt.wantErr && c.CertificateRequest == nil { t.Error("CertificateRequest.UnmarshalJSON() failed, CertificateRequet is nil") } }) } } func TestCertificateRequest_UnmarshalJSON_json(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string data string wantErr bool }{ {"invalid type (null)", `{"csr":null}`, true}, {"invalid type (bool)", `{"csr":true}`, true}, {"invalid type (number)", `{"csr":123}`, true}, {"invalid type (object)", `{"csr":{}}`, true}, {"empty csr", `{"csr":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST----\n"}`, true}, {"valid csr", `{"csr":"` + strings.Replace(csrPEM, "\n", `\n`, -1) + `"}`, false}, } type request struct { CSR CertificateRequest `json:"csr"` } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { var body request if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(, &body); (err != nil) != tt.wantErr { t.Errorf("json.Unmarshal() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr) } switch tt.wantErr { case false: if body.CSR.CertificateRequest == nil { t.Error("json.Unmarshal() failed, CertificateRequest is nil") } case true: if body.CSR.CertificateRequest != nil { t.Error("json.Unmarshal() failed, CertificateRequest is not nil") } } }) } } func TestSignRequest_Validate(t *testing.T) { now := time.Now() csr := parseCertificateRequest(csrPEM) bad := parseCertificateRequest(csrPEM) bad.Signature[0]++ type fields struct { CsrPEM CertificateRequest OTT string NotBefore time.Time NotAfter time.Time } tests := []struct { name string fields fields wantErr bool }{ {"ok", fields{CertificateRequest{csr}, "foobarzar", time.Time{}, time.Time{}}, false}, {"ok 5m", fields{CertificateRequest{csr}, "foobarzar", now, now.Add(5 * time.Minute)}, false}, {"ok 24h", fields{CertificateRequest{csr}, "foobarzar", now, now.Add(24 * time.Hour)}, false}, {"missing csr", fields{CertificateRequest{}, "foobarzar", time.Time{}, time.Time{}}, true}, {"invalid csr", fields{CertificateRequest{bad}, "foobarzar", time.Time{}, time.Time{}}, true}, {"missing ott", fields{CertificateRequest{csr}, "", time.Time{}, time.Time{}}, true}, {"notAfter < now", fields{CertificateRequest{csr}, "foobarzar", now, now.Add(-5 * time.Minute)}, true}, {"notAfter < notBefore", fields{CertificateRequest{csr}, "foobarzar", now.Add(5 * time.Minute), now.Add(4 * time.Minute)}, true}, {"too short", fields{CertificateRequest{csr}, "foobarzar", now, now.Add(4 * time.Minute)}, true}, {"too long", fields{CertificateRequest{csr}, "foobarzar", now, now.Add(24 * time.Hour).Add(1 * time.Minute)}, true}, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { s := &SignRequest{ CsrPEM: tt.fields.CsrPEM, OTT: tt.fields.OTT, NotAfter: tt.fields.NotAfter, NotBefore: tt.fields.NotBefore, } if err := s.Validate(); (err != nil) != tt.wantErr { t.Errorf("SignRequest.Validate() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr) } }) } } type mockAuthority struct { ret1, ret2 interface{} err error authorize func(ott string) ([]Claim, error) getTLSOptions func() *tlsutil.TLSOptions root func(shasum string) (*x509.Certificate, error) sign func(cr *x509.CertificateRequest, opts SignOptions, claims ...Claim) (*x509.Certificate, *x509.Certificate, error) renew func(cert *x509.Certificate) (*x509.Certificate, *x509.Certificate, error) } func (m *mockAuthority) Authorize(ott string) ([]Claim, error) { if m.authorize != nil { return m.authorize(ott) } return m.ret1.([]Claim), m.err } func (m *mockAuthority) GetTLSOptions() *tlsutil.TLSOptions { if m.getTLSOptions != nil { return m.getTLSOptions() } return m.ret1.(*tlsutil.TLSOptions) } func (m *mockAuthority) GetMinDuration() time.Duration { return minCertDuration } func (m *mockAuthority) GetMaxDuration() time.Duration { return maxCertDuration } func (m *mockAuthority) Root(shasum string) (*x509.Certificate, error) { if m.root != nil { return m.root(shasum) } return m.ret1.(*x509.Certificate), m.err } func (m *mockAuthority) Sign(cr *x509.CertificateRequest, opts SignOptions, claims ...Claim) (*x509.Certificate, *x509.Certificate, error) { if m.sign != nil { return m.sign(cr, opts, claims...) } return m.ret1.(*x509.Certificate), m.ret2.(*x509.Certificate), m.err } func (m *mockAuthority) Renew(cert *x509.Certificate) (*x509.Certificate, *x509.Certificate, error) { if m.renew != nil { return m.renew(cert) } return m.ret1.(*x509.Certificate), m.ret2.(*x509.Certificate), m.err } func Test_caHandler_Health(t *testing.T) { req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", nil) w := httptest.NewRecorder() h := New(&mockAuthority{}).(*caHandler) h.Health(w, req) res := w.Result() if res.StatusCode != 200 { t.Errorf("caHandler.Health StatusCode = %d, wants 200", res.StatusCode) } body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) res.Body.Close() if err != nil { t.Errorf("caHandler.Health unexpected error = %v", err) } expected := []byte("{\"status\":\"ok\"}\n") if !bytes.Equal(body, expected) { t.Errorf("caHandler.Health Body = %s, wants %s", body, expected) } } func Test_caHandler_Root(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string root *x509.Certificate err error statusCode int }{ {"ok", parseCertificate(rootPEM), nil, 200}, {"fail", nil, fmt.Errorf("not found"), 404}, } // Request with chi context chiCtx := chi.NewRouteContext() chiCtx.URLParams.Add("sha", "efc7d6b475a56fe587650bcdb999a4a308f815ba44db4bf0371ea68a786ccd36") req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", nil) req = req.WithContext(context.WithValue(context.Background(), chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx)) expected := []byte(`{"ca":"` + strings.Replace(rootPEM, "\n", `\n`, -1) + `\n"}`) for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { h := New(&mockAuthority{ret1: tt.root, err: tt.err}).(*caHandler) w := httptest.NewRecorder() h.Root(w, req) res := w.Result() if res.StatusCode != tt.statusCode { t.Errorf("caHandler.Root StatusCode = %d, wants %d", res.StatusCode, tt.statusCode) } body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) res.Body.Close() if err != nil { t.Errorf("caHandler.Root unexpected error = %v", err) } if tt.statusCode == 200 { if !bytes.Equal(bytes.TrimSpace(body), expected) { t.Errorf("caHandler.Root Body = %s, wants %s", body, expected) } } }) } } func Test_caHandler_Sign(t *testing.T) { csr := parseCertificateRequest(csrPEM) valid, err := json.Marshal(SignRequest{ CsrPEM: CertificateRequest{csr}, OTT: "foobarzar", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } invalid, err := json.Marshal(SignRequest{ CsrPEM: CertificateRequest{csr}, OTT: "", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } tests := []struct { name string input string claims []Claim autherr error cert *x509.Certificate root *x509.Certificate signErr error statusCode int }{ {"ok", string(valid), nil, nil, parseCertificate(certPEM), parseCertificate(rootPEM), nil, http.StatusCreated}, {"json read error", "{", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, http.StatusBadRequest}, {"validate error", string(invalid), nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, http.StatusBadRequest}, {"authorize error", string(valid), nil, fmt.Errorf("an error"), nil, nil, nil, http.StatusUnauthorized}, {"sign error", string(valid), nil, nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("an error"), http.StatusForbidden}, } expected := []byte(`{"crt":"` + strings.Replace(certPEM, "\n", `\n`, -1) + `\n","ca":"` + strings.Replace(rootPEM, "\n", `\n`, -1) + `\n"}`) for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { h := New(&mockAuthority{ ret1: tt.cert, ret2: tt.root, err: tt.signErr, authorize: func(ott string) ([]Claim, error) { return, tt.autherr }, getTLSOptions: func() *tlsutil.TLSOptions { return nil }, }).(*caHandler) req := httptest.NewRequest("POST", "", strings.NewReader(tt.input)) w := httptest.NewRecorder() h.Sign(w, req) res := w.Result() if res.StatusCode != tt.statusCode { t.Errorf("caHandler.Root StatusCode = %d, wants %d", res.StatusCode, tt.statusCode) } body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) res.Body.Close() if err != nil { t.Errorf("caHandler.Root unexpected error = %v", err) } if tt.statusCode < http.StatusBadRequest { if !bytes.Equal(bytes.TrimSpace(body), expected) { t.Errorf("caHandler.Root Body = %s, wants %s", body, expected) } } }) } } func Test_caHandler_Renew(t *testing.T) { cs := &tls.ConnectionState{ PeerCertificates: []*x509.Certificate{parseCertificate(certPEM)}, } tests := []struct { name string tls *tls.ConnectionState cert *x509.Certificate root *x509.Certificate err error statusCode int }{ {"ok", cs, parseCertificate(certPEM), parseCertificate(rootPEM), nil, http.StatusCreated}, {"no tls", nil, nil, nil, nil, http.StatusBadRequest}, {"no peer certificates", &tls.ConnectionState{}, nil, nil, nil, http.StatusBadRequest}, {"renew error", cs, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("an error"), http.StatusForbidden}, } expected := []byte(`{"crt":"` + strings.Replace(certPEM, "\n", `\n`, -1) + `\n","ca":"` + strings.Replace(rootPEM, "\n", `\n`, -1) + `\n"}`) for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { h := New(&mockAuthority{ ret1: tt.cert, ret2: tt.root, err: tt.err, getTLSOptions: func() *tlsutil.TLSOptions { return nil }, }).(*caHandler) req := httptest.NewRequest("POST", "", nil) req.TLS = tt.tls w := httptest.NewRecorder() h.Renew(w, req) res := w.Result() if res.StatusCode != tt.statusCode { t.Errorf("caHandler.Root StatusCode = %d, wants %d", res.StatusCode, tt.statusCode) } body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) res.Body.Close() if err != nil { t.Errorf("caHandler.Root unexpected error = %v", err) } if tt.statusCode < http.StatusBadRequest { if !bytes.Equal(bytes.TrimSpace(body), expected) { t.Errorf("caHandler.Root Body = %s, wants %s", body, expected) } } }) } }