Herman Slatman 3a5f633cdd
Add support for multiple SCEP provisioners
Similarly to how ACME suppors multiple provisioners, it's
now possible to load the right provisioner based on the
2021-03-05 12:40:42 +01:00

462 lines
14 KiB

package scep
import (
database "github.com/smallstep/certificates/db"
microx509util "github.com/micromdm/scep/crypto/x509util"
microscep "github.com/micromdm/scep/scep"
// Interface is the SCEP authority interface.
type Interface interface {
// GetDirectory(ctx context.Context) (*Directory, error)
// NewNonce() (string, error)
// UseNonce(string) error
// DeactivateAccount(ctx context.Context, accID string) (*Account, error)
// GetAccount(ctx context.Context, accID string) (*Account, error)
// GetAccountByKey(ctx context.Context, key *jose.JSONWebKey) (*Account, error)
// NewAccount(ctx context.Context, ao AccountOptions) (*Account, error)
// UpdateAccount(context.Context, string, []string) (*Account, error)
// GetAuthz(ctx context.Context, accID string, authzID string) (*Authz, error)
// ValidateChallenge(ctx context.Context, accID string, chID string, key *jose.JSONWebKey) (*Challenge, error)
// FinalizeOrder(ctx context.Context, accID string, orderID string, csr *x509.CertificateRequest) (*Order, error)
// GetOrder(ctx context.Context, accID string, orderID string) (*Order, error)
// GetOrdersByAccount(ctx context.Context, accID string) ([]string, error)
// NewOrder(ctx context.Context, oo OrderOptions) (*Order, error)
// GetCertificate(string, string) ([]byte, error)
LoadProvisionerByID(string) (provisioner.Interface, error)
// GetLink(ctx context.Context, linkType Link, absoluteLink bool, inputs ...string) string
// GetLinkExplicit(linkType Link, provName string, absoluteLink bool, baseURL *url.URL, inputs ...string) string
GetCACertificates() ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
DecryptPKIEnvelope(ctx context.Context, msg *PKIMessage) error
SignCSR(ctx context.Context, csr *x509.CertificateRequest, msg *PKIMessage) (*PKIMessage, error)
GetLinkExplicit(provName string, absoluteLink bool, baseURL *url.URL, inputs ...string) string
// Authority is the layer that handles all SCEP interactions.
type Authority struct {
backdate provisioner.Duration
db nosql.DB
prefix string
dns string
// dir *directory
intermediateCertificate *x509.Certificate
service Service
signAuth SignAuthority
// AuthorityOptions required to create a new SCEP Authority.
type AuthorityOptions struct {
IntermediateCertificatePath string
Service Service
// Backdate
Backdate provisioner.Duration
// DB is the database used by nosql.
DB nosql.DB
// DNS the host used to generate accurate SCEP links. By default the authority
// will use the Host from the request, so this value will only be used if
// request.Host is empty.
DNS string
// Prefix is a URL path prefix under which the SCEP api is served. This
// prefix is required to generate accurate SCEP links.
Prefix string
// SignAuthority is the interface for a signing authority
type SignAuthority interface {
Sign(cr *x509.CertificateRequest, opts provisioner.SignOptions, signOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
LoadProvisionerByID(string) (provisioner.Interface, error)
// New returns a new Authority that implements the SCEP interface.
func New(signAuth SignAuthority, ops AuthorityOptions) (*Authority, error) {
if _, ok := ops.DB.(*database.SimpleDB); !ok {
// TODO: see ACME implementation
// TODO: the below is a bit similar as what happens in the core Authority class, which
// creates the full x509 service. However, those aren't accessible directly, which is
// why I reimplemented this (for now). There might be an alternative that I haven't
// found yet.
certificateChain, err := pemutil.ReadCertificateBundle(ops.IntermediateCertificatePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Authority{
backdate: ops.Backdate,
db: ops.DB,
prefix: ops.Prefix,
dns: ops.DNS,
intermediateCertificate: certificateChain[0],
service: ops.Service,
signAuth: signAuth,
}, nil
// LoadProvisionerByID calls out to the SignAuthority interface to load a
// provisioner by ID.
func (a *Authority) LoadProvisionerByID(id string) (provisioner.Interface, error) {
return a.signAuth.LoadProvisionerByID(id)
// GetLinkExplicit returns the requested link from the directory.
func (a *Authority) GetLinkExplicit(provName string, abs bool, baseURL *url.URL, inputs ...string) string {
// TODO: taken from ACME; move it to directory (if we need a directory in SCEP)?
return a.getLinkExplicit(provName, abs, baseURL, inputs...)
// getLinkExplicit returns an absolute or partial path to the given resource and a base
// URL dynamically obtained from the request for which the link is being calculated.
func (a *Authority) getLinkExplicit(provisionerName string, abs bool, baseURL *url.URL, inputs ...string) string {
// TODO: do we need to provide a way to provide a different suffix/base?
// Like "/cgi-bin/pkiclient.exe"? Or would it be enough to have that as the name?
link := fmt.Sprintf("/%s", provisionerName)
if abs {
// Copy the baseURL value from the pointer. https://github.com/golang/go/issues/38351
u := url.URL{}
if baseURL != nil {
u = *baseURL
// If no Scheme is set, then default to https.
if u.Scheme == "" {
u.Scheme = "https"
// If no Host is set, then use the default (first DNS attr in the ca.json).
if u.Host == "" {
u.Host = a.dns
u.Path = a.prefix + link
return u.String()
return link
// GetCACertificates returns the certificate (chain) for the CA
func (a *Authority) GetCACertificates() ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
// TODO: this should return: the "SCEP Server (RA)" certificate, the issuing CA up to and excl. the root
// Some clients do need the root certificate however; also see: https://github.com/openxpki/openxpki/issues/73
// This means we might need to think about if we should use the current intermediate CA
// certificate as the "SCEP Server (RA)" certificate. It might be better to have a distinct
// RA certificate, with a corresponding rsa.PrivateKey, just for SCEP usage, which is signed by
// the intermediate CA. Will need to look how we can provide this nicely within step-ca.
// This might also mean that we might want to use a distinct instance of KMS for doing the key operations,
// so that we can use RSA just for SCEP.
// Using an RA does not seem to exist in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8894, but is mentioned in
// https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-nourse-scep-21.html. Will continue using the CA directly for now.
if a.intermediateCertificate == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no intermediate certificate available in SCEP authority")
return []*x509.Certificate{a.intermediateCertificate}, nil
// DecryptPKIEnvelope decrypts an enveloped message
func (a *Authority) DecryptPKIEnvelope(ctx context.Context, msg *PKIMessage) error {
data := msg.Raw
p7, err := pkcs7.Parse(data)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("len content:", len(p7.Content))
var tID microscep.TransactionID
if err := p7.UnmarshalSignedAttribute(oidSCEPtransactionID, &tID); err != nil {
return err
var msgType microscep.MessageType
if err := p7.UnmarshalSignedAttribute(oidSCEPmessageType, &msgType); err != nil {
return err
msg.p7 = p7
//p7c, err := pkcs7.Parse(p7.Content)
p7c, err := pkcs7.Parse(p7.Content)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("len p7c content:", len(p7c.Content))
envelope, err := p7c.Decrypt(a.intermediateCertificate, a.service.Decrypter)
if err != nil {
return err
msg.pkiEnvelope = envelope
switch msg.MessageType {
case microscep.CertRep:
certs, err := microscep.CACerts(msg.pkiEnvelope)
if err != nil {
return err
msg.CertRepMessage.Certificate = certs[0] // TODO: check correctness of this
return nil
case microscep.PKCSReq, microscep.UpdateReq, microscep.RenewalReq:
csr, err := x509.ParseCertificateRequest(msg.pkiEnvelope)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("parse CSR from pkiEnvelope: %w", err)
// check for challengePassword
cp, err := microx509util.ParseChallengePassword(msg.pkiEnvelope)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("scep: parse challenge password in pkiEnvelope: %w", err)
msg.CSRReqMessage = &microscep.CSRReqMessage{
RawDecrypted: msg.pkiEnvelope,
CSR: csr,
ChallengePassword: cp,
//msg.Certificate = p7.Certificates[0] // TODO: check if this is necessary to add (again)
return nil
case microscep.GetCRL, microscep.GetCert, microscep.CertPoll:
return fmt.Errorf("not implemented") //errNotImplemented
return nil
// SignCSR creates an x509.Certificate based on a CSR template and Cert Authority credentials
// returns a new PKIMessage with CertRep data
//func (msg *PKIMessage) SignCSR(crtAuth *x509.Certificate, keyAuth *rsa.PrivateKey, template *x509.Certificate) (*PKIMessage, error) {
//func (a *Authority) SignCSR(ctx context.Context, msg *PKIMessage, template *x509.Certificate) (*PKIMessage, error) {
func (a *Authority) SignCSR(ctx context.Context, csr *x509.CertificateRequest, msg *PKIMessage) (*PKIMessage, error) {
// TODO: intermediate storage of the request? In SCEP it's possible to request a csr/certificate
// to be signed, which can be performed asynchronously / out-of-band. In that case a client can
// poll for the status. It seems to be similar as what can happen in ACME, so might want to model
// the implementation after the one in the ACME authority. Requires storage, etc.
p, err := ProvisionerFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// check if CSRReqMessage has already been decrypted
if msg.CSRReqMessage.CSR == nil {
if err := a.DecryptPKIEnvelope(ctx, msg); err != nil {
return nil, err
csr = msg.CSRReqMessage.CSR
// subjectKeyID, err := createKeyIdentifier(csr.PublicKey)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// serial := big.NewInt(int64(rand.Int63())) // TODO: serial logic?
// days := 40 // TODO: days
// // TODO: use information from provisioner, like claims
// template := &x509.Certificate{
// SerialNumber: serial,
// Subject: csr.Subject,
// NotBefore: time.Now().Add(-600).UTC(),
// NotAfter: time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, days).UTC(),
// SubjectKeyId: subjectKeyID,
// KeyUsage: x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature,
// ExtKeyUsage: []x509.ExtKeyUsage{
// x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth,
// },
// SignatureAlgorithm: csr.SignatureAlgorithm,
// EmailAddresses: csr.EmailAddresses,
// DNSNames: csr.DNSNames,
// }
// Template data
data := x509util.NewTemplateData()
// Get authorizations from the SCEP provisioner.
ctx = provisioner.NewContextWithMethod(ctx, provisioner.SignMethod)
signOps, err := p.AuthorizeSign(ctx, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving authorization options from SCEP provisioner: %w", err)
opts := provisioner.SignOptions{
// NotBefore: provisioner.NewTimeDuration(o.NotBefore),
// NotAfter: provisioner.NewTimeDuration(o.NotAfter),
templateOptions, err := provisioner.TemplateOptions(p.GetOptions(), data)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating template options from SCEP provisioner: %w", err)
signOps = append(signOps, templateOptions)
certChain, err := a.signAuth.Sign(csr, opts, signOps...)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error generating certificate for order %w", err)
cert := certChain[0]
// fmt.Println("CERT")
// fmt.Println(cert)
// fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%T", cert))
// fmt.Println(cert.Issuer)
// fmt.Println(cert.Subject)
// fmt.Println(cert.SerialNumber)
// fmt.Println(string(cert.SubjectKeyId))
// create a degenerate cert structure
deg, err := degenerateCertificates([]*x509.Certificate{cert})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
e7, err := pkcs7.Encrypt(deg, msg.p7.Certificates)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// PKIMessageAttributes to be signed
config := pkcs7.SignerInfoConfig{
ExtraSignedAttributes: []pkcs7.Attribute{
Type: oidSCEPtransactionID,
Value: msg.TransactionID,
Type: oidSCEPpkiStatus,
Value: microscep.SUCCESS,
Type: oidSCEPmessageType,
Value: microscep.CertRep,
Type: oidSCEPrecipientNonce,
Value: msg.SenderNonce,
signedData, err := pkcs7.NewSignedData(e7)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// add the certificate into the signed data type
// this cert must be added before the signedData because the recipient will expect it
// as the first certificate in the array
authCert := a.intermediateCertificate
// sign the attributes
if err := signedData.AddSigner(authCert, a.service.Signer, config); err != nil {
return nil, err
certRepBytes, err := signedData.Finish()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cr := &CertRepMessage{
PKIStatus: microscep.SUCCESS,
RecipientNonce: microscep.RecipientNonce(msg.SenderNonce),
Certificate: cert,
degenerate: deg,
// create a CertRep message from the original
crepMsg := &PKIMessage{
Raw: certRepBytes,
TransactionID: msg.TransactionID,
MessageType: microscep.CertRep,
CertRepMessage: cr,
return crepMsg, nil
// degenerateCertificates creates degenerate certificates pkcs#7 type
func degenerateCertificates(certs []*x509.Certificate) ([]byte, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
for _, cert := range certs {
degenerate, err := pkcs7.DegenerateCertificate(buf.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return degenerate, nil
// createKeyIdentifier creates an identifier for public keys
// according to the first method in RFC5280 section
func createKeyIdentifier(pub crypto.PublicKey) ([]byte, error) {
keyBytes, err := x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey(pub)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
id := sha1.Sum(keyBytes)
return id[:], nil
// Interface guards
var (
_ Interface = (*Authority)(nil)