Subject Common Names can now also be configured to be allowed or denied, similar to SANs. When a Subject Common Name is not explicitly allowed or denied, its type will be determined and its value will be validated according to the constraints for that type of name (i.e. URI).
359 lines
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Executable file
359 lines
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Executable file
package policy
import (
type NamePolicyOption func(e *NamePolicyEngine) error
// TODO: wrap (more) errors; and prove a set of known (exported) errors
func WithSubjectCommonNameVerification() NamePolicyOption {
return func(e *NamePolicyEngine) error {
e.verifySubjectCommonName = true
return nil
func WithAllowLiteralWildcardNames() NamePolicyOption {
return func(e *NamePolicyEngine) error {
e.allowLiteralWildcardNames = true
return nil
func WithPermittedCommonNames(commonNames ...string) NamePolicyOption {
return func(g *NamePolicyEngine) error {
g.permittedCommonNames = commonNames
return nil
func WithExcludedCommonNames(commonNames ...string) NamePolicyOption {
return func(g *NamePolicyEngine) error {
g.excludedCommonNames = commonNames
return nil
func WithPermittedDNSDomains(domains ...string) NamePolicyOption {
return func(e *NamePolicyEngine) error {
normalizedDomains := make([]string, len(domains))
for i, domain := range domains {
normalizedDomain, err := normalizeAndValidateDNSDomainConstraint(domain)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse permitted domain constraint %q: %w", domain, err)
normalizedDomains[i] = normalizedDomain
e.permittedDNSDomains = normalizedDomains
return nil
func WithExcludedDNSDomains(domains ...string) NamePolicyOption {
return func(e *NamePolicyEngine) error {
normalizedDomains := make([]string, len(domains))
for i, domain := range domains {
normalizedDomain, err := normalizeAndValidateDNSDomainConstraint(domain)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse excluded domain constraint %q: %w", domain, err)
normalizedDomains[i] = normalizedDomain
e.excludedDNSDomains = normalizedDomains
return nil
func WithPermittedIPRanges(ipRanges ...*net.IPNet) NamePolicyOption {
return func(e *NamePolicyEngine) error {
e.permittedIPRanges = ipRanges
return nil
func WithPermittedCIDRs(cidrs ...string) NamePolicyOption {
return func(e *NamePolicyEngine) error {
networks := make([]*net.IPNet, len(cidrs))
for i, cidr := range cidrs {
_, nw, err := net.ParseCIDR(cidr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse permitted CIDR constraint %q", cidr)
networks[i] = nw
e.permittedIPRanges = networks
return nil
func WithExcludedCIDRs(cidrs ...string) NamePolicyOption {
return func(e *NamePolicyEngine) error {
networks := make([]*net.IPNet, len(cidrs))
for i, cidr := range cidrs {
_, nw, err := net.ParseCIDR(cidr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse excluded CIDR constraint %q", cidr)
networks[i] = nw
e.excludedIPRanges = networks
return nil
func WithPermittedIPsOrCIDRs(ipsOrCIDRs ...string) NamePolicyOption {
return func(e *NamePolicyEngine) error {
networks := make([]*net.IPNet, len(ipsOrCIDRs))
for i, ipOrCIDR := range ipsOrCIDRs {
_, nw, err := net.ParseCIDR(ipOrCIDR)
if err == nil {
networks[i] = nw
} else if ip := net.ParseIP(ipOrCIDR); ip != nil {
networks[i] = networkFor(ip)
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse permitted constraint %q as IP nor CIDR", ipOrCIDR)
e.permittedIPRanges = networks
return nil
func WithExcludedIPsOrCIDRs(ipsOrCIDRs ...string) NamePolicyOption {
return func(e *NamePolicyEngine) error {
networks := make([]*net.IPNet, len(ipsOrCIDRs))
for i, ipOrCIDR := range ipsOrCIDRs {
_, nw, err := net.ParseCIDR(ipOrCIDR)
if err == nil {
networks[i] = nw
} else if ip := net.ParseIP(ipOrCIDR); ip != nil {
networks[i] = networkFor(ip)
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse excluded constraint %q as IP nor CIDR", ipOrCIDR)
e.excludedIPRanges = networks
return nil
func WithExcludedIPRanges(ipRanges ...*net.IPNet) NamePolicyOption {
return func(e *NamePolicyEngine) error {
e.excludedIPRanges = ipRanges
return nil
func WithPermittedEmailAddresses(emailAddresses ...string) NamePolicyOption {
return func(e *NamePolicyEngine) error {
normalizedEmailAddresses := make([]string, len(emailAddresses))
for i, email := range emailAddresses {
normalizedEmailAddress, err := normalizeAndValidateEmailConstraint(email)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse permitted email constraint %q: %w", email, err)
normalizedEmailAddresses[i] = normalizedEmailAddress
e.permittedEmailAddresses = normalizedEmailAddresses
return nil
func WithExcludedEmailAddresses(emailAddresses ...string) NamePolicyOption {
return func(e *NamePolicyEngine) error {
normalizedEmailAddresses := make([]string, len(emailAddresses))
for i, email := range emailAddresses {
normalizedEmailAddress, err := normalizeAndValidateEmailConstraint(email)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse excluded email constraint %q: %w", email, err)
normalizedEmailAddresses[i] = normalizedEmailAddress
e.excludedEmailAddresses = normalizedEmailAddresses
return nil
func WithPermittedURIDomains(uriDomains ...string) NamePolicyOption {
return func(e *NamePolicyEngine) error {
normalizedURIDomains := make([]string, len(uriDomains))
for i, domain := range uriDomains {
normalizedURIDomain, err := normalizeAndValidateURIDomainConstraint(domain)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse permitted URI domain constraint %q: %w", domain, err)
normalizedURIDomains[i] = normalizedURIDomain
e.permittedURIDomains = normalizedURIDomains
return nil
func WithExcludedURIDomains(domains ...string) NamePolicyOption {
return func(e *NamePolicyEngine) error {
normalizedURIDomains := make([]string, len(domains))
for i, domain := range domains {
normalizedURIDomain, err := normalizeAndValidateURIDomainConstraint(domain)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse excluded URI domain constraint %q: %w", domain, err)
normalizedURIDomains[i] = normalizedURIDomain
e.excludedURIDomains = normalizedURIDomains
return nil
func WithPermittedPrincipals(principals ...string) NamePolicyOption {
return func(g *NamePolicyEngine) error {
g.permittedPrincipals = principals
return nil
func WithExcludedPrincipals(principals ...string) NamePolicyOption {
return func(g *NamePolicyEngine) error {
g.excludedPrincipals = principals
return nil
func networkFor(ip net.IP) *net.IPNet {
var mask net.IPMask
if !isIPv4(ip) {
mask = net.CIDRMask(128, 128)
} else {
mask = net.CIDRMask(32, 32)
nw := &net.IPNet{
IP: ip,
Mask: mask,
return nw
func isIPv4(ip net.IP) bool {
return ip.To4() != nil
func normalizeAndValidateDNSDomainConstraint(constraint string) (string, error) {
normalizedConstraint := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(constraint))
if normalizedConstraint == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("contraint %q can not be empty or white space string", constraint)
if strings.Contains(normalizedConstraint, "..") {
return "", fmt.Errorf("domain constraint %q cannot have empty labels", constraint)
if strings.HasPrefix(normalizedConstraint, ".") {
return "", fmt.Errorf("domain constraint %q with wildcard should start with *", constraint)
if strings.LastIndex(normalizedConstraint, "*") > 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("domain constraint %q can only have wildcard as starting character", constraint)
if len(normalizedConstraint) >= 2 && normalizedConstraint[0] == '*' && normalizedConstraint[1] != '.' {
return "", fmt.Errorf("wildcard character in domain constraint %q can only be used to match (full) labels", constraint)
if strings.HasPrefix(normalizedConstraint, "*.") {
normalizedConstraint = normalizedConstraint[1:] // cut off wildcard character; keep the period
normalizedConstraint, err := idna.Lookup.ToASCII(normalizedConstraint)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("domain constraint %q can not be converted to ASCII: %w", constraint, err)
if _, ok := domainToReverseLabels(normalizedConstraint); !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot parse domain constraint %q", constraint)
return normalizedConstraint, nil
func normalizeAndValidateEmailConstraint(constraint string) (string, error) {
normalizedConstraint := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(constraint))
if normalizedConstraint == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("email contraint %q can not be empty or white space string", constraint)
if strings.Contains(normalizedConstraint, "*") {
return "", fmt.Errorf("email constraint %q cannot contain asterisk wildcard", constraint)
if strings.Count(normalizedConstraint, "@") > 1 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("email constraint %q contains too many @ characters", constraint)
if normalizedConstraint[0] == '@' {
normalizedConstraint = normalizedConstraint[1:] // remove the leading @ as wildcard for emails
if normalizedConstraint[0] == '.' {
return "", fmt.Errorf("email constraint %q cannot start with period", constraint)
if strings.Contains(normalizedConstraint, "@") {
mailbox, ok := parseRFC2821Mailbox(normalizedConstraint)
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot parse email constraint %q as RFC 2821 mailbox", constraint)
// According to RFC 5280, section 7.5, emails are considered to match if the local part is
// an exact match and the host (domain) part matches the ASCII representation (case-insensitive):
domainASCII, err := idna.Lookup.ToASCII(mailbox.domain)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("email constraint %q domain part %q cannot be converted to ASCII: %w", constraint, mailbox.domain, err)
normalizedConstraint = mailbox.local + "@" + domainASCII
} else {
var err error
normalizedConstraint, err = idna.Lookup.ToASCII(normalizedConstraint)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("email constraint %q cannot be converted to ASCII: %w", constraint, err)
if _, ok := domainToReverseLabels(normalizedConstraint); !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot parse email domain constraint %q", constraint)
return normalizedConstraint, nil
func normalizeAndValidateURIDomainConstraint(constraint string) (string, error) {
normalizedConstraint := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(constraint))
if normalizedConstraint == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("URI domain contraint %q cannot be empty or white space string", constraint)
if strings.Contains(normalizedConstraint, "://") {
return "", fmt.Errorf("URI domain constraint %q contains scheme (not supported yet)", constraint)
if strings.Contains(normalizedConstraint, "..") {
return "", fmt.Errorf("URI domain constraint %q cannot have empty labels", constraint)
if strings.HasPrefix(normalizedConstraint, ".") {
return "", fmt.Errorf("URI domain constraint %q with wildcard should start with *", constraint)
if strings.LastIndex(normalizedConstraint, "*") > 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("URI domain constraint %q can only have wildcard as starting character", constraint)
if strings.HasPrefix(normalizedConstraint, "*.") {
normalizedConstraint = normalizedConstraint[1:] // cut off wildcard character; keep the period
// we're being strict with square brackets in domains; we don't allow them, no matter what
if strings.Contains(normalizedConstraint, "[") || strings.Contains(normalizedConstraint, "]") {
return "", fmt.Errorf("URI domain constraint %q contains invalid square brackets", constraint)
if _, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(normalizedConstraint); err == nil {
// a successful split (likely) with host and port; we don't currently allow ports in the config
return "", fmt.Errorf("URI domain constraint %q cannot contain port", constraint)
// check if the host part of the URI domain constraint is an IP
if net.ParseIP(normalizedConstraint) != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("URI domain constraint %q cannot be an IP", constraint)
normalizedConstraint, err := idna.Lookup.ToASCII(normalizedConstraint)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("URI domain constraint %q cannot be converted to ASCII: %w", constraint, err)
_, ok := domainToReverseLabels(normalizedConstraint)
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot parse URI domain constraint %q", constraint)
return normalizedConstraint, nil