Section 8.2 of RFC 8555 explains how retries apply to the validation process. However, much is left up to the implementer. Add retries every 12 seconds for 2 minutes after a client requests a validation. The challenge status remains "processing" indefinitely until a distinct conclusion is reached. This allows a client to continually re-request a validation by sending a post-get to the challenge resource until the process fails or succeeds. Challenges in the processing state include information about why a validation did not complete in the error field. The server also includes a Retry-After header to help clients and servers coordinate. Retries are inherently stateful because they're part of the public API. When running step-ca in a highly available setup with replicas, care must be taken to maintain a persistent identifier for each instance "slot". In kubernetes, this implies a *stateful set*.
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package acme
import (
// SignAuthority is the interface implemented by a CA authority.
type SignAuthority interface {
Sign(cr *x509.CertificateRequest, opts provisioner.Options, signOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
LoadProvisionerByID(string) (provisioner.Interface, error)
// Identifier encodes the type that an order pertains to.
type Identifier struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Value string `json:"value"`
var (
// StatusValid -- valid
StatusValid = "valid"
// StatusInvalid -- invalid
StatusInvalid = "invalid"
// StatusPending -- pending; e.g. an Order that is not ready to be finalized.
StatusPending = "pending"
// processing -- e.g. a Challenge that is in the process of being validated.
StatusProcessing = "processing"
// StatusDeactivated -- deactivated; e.g. for an Account that is not longer valid.
StatusDeactivated = "deactivated"
// StatusReady -- ready; e.g. for an Order that is ready to be finalized.
StatusReady = "ready"
//statusExpired = "expired"
//statusActive = "active"
//statusProcessing = "processing"
var idLen = 32
func randID() (val string, err error) {
val, err = randutil.Alphanumeric(idLen)
if err != nil {
return "", ServerInternalErr(errors.Wrap(err, "error generating random alphanumeric ID"))
return val, nil
// Clock that returns time in UTC rounded to seconds.
type Clock int
// Now returns the UTC time rounded to seconds.
func (c *Clock) Now() time.Time {
return time.Now().UTC().Round(time.Second)
var clock = new(Clock)
// URLSafeProvisionerName returns a path escaped version of the ACME provisioner
// ID that is safe to use in URL paths.
func URLSafeProvisionerName(p provisioner.Interface) string {
return url.PathEscape(p.GetName())