SSH does not have a real concept of ssh certificate request, but we are using the type to encapsulate the parameters coming in the request.
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package sshutil
const (
TypeKey = "Type"
KeyIDKey = "KeyID"
PrincipalsKey = "Principals"
ExtensionsKey = "Extensions"
TokenKey = "Token"
InsecureKey = "Insecure"
UserKey = "User"
CertificateRequestKey = "CR"
// TemplateError represents an error in a template produced by the fail
// function.
type TemplateError struct {
Message string
// Error implements the error interface and returns the error string when a
// template executes the `fail "message"` function.
func (e *TemplateError) Error() string {
return e.Message
// TemplateData is an alias for map[string]interface{}. It represents the data
// passed to the templates.
type TemplateData map[string]interface{}
// CreateTemplateData returns a TemplateData with the given certificate type,
// key id, principals, and the default extensions.
func CreateTemplateData(ct CertType, keyID string, principals []string) TemplateData {
return TemplateData{
TypeKey: ct.String(),
KeyIDKey: keyID,
PrincipalsKey: principals,
ExtensionsKey: DefaultExtensions(ct),
// DefaultExtensions returns the default extensions set in an SSH certificate.
func DefaultExtensions(ct CertType) map[string]interface{} {
switch ct {
case UserCert:
return map[string]interface{}{
"permit-X11-forwarding": "",
"permit-agent-forwarding": "",
"permit-port-forwarding": "",
"permit-pty": "",
"permit-user-rc": "",
return nil
// NewTemplateData creates a new map for templates data.
func NewTemplateData() TemplateData {
return TemplateData{}
// AddExtension adds one extension to the templates data.
func (t TemplateData) AddExtension(key, value string) {
if m, ok := t[ExtensionsKey].(map[string]interface{}); ok {
m[key] = value
} else {
t[ExtensionsKey] = map[string]interface{}{
key: value,
// Set sets a key-value pair in the template data.
func (t TemplateData) Set(key string, v interface{}) {
t[key] = v
// SetInsecure sets a key-value pair in the insecure template data.
func (t TemplateData) SetInsecure(key string, v interface{}) {
if m, ok := t[InsecureKey].(TemplateData); ok {
m[key] = v
} else {
t[InsecureKey] = TemplateData{key: v}
// SetType sets the certificate type in the template data.
func (t TemplateData) SetType(typ CertType) {
t.Set(TypeKey, typ.String())
// SetType sets the certificate key id in the template data.
func (t TemplateData) SetKeyID(id string) {
t.Set(KeyIDKey, id)
// SetPrincipals sets the certificate principals in the template data.
func (t TemplateData) SetPrincipals(p []string) {
t.Set(PrincipalsKey, p)
// SetExtensions sets the certificate extensions in the template data.
func (t TemplateData) SetExtensions(e map[string]interface{}) {
t.Set(ExtensionsKey, e)
// SetToken sets the given token in the template data.
func (t TemplateData) SetToken(v interface{}) {
t.Set(TokenKey, v)
// SetUserData sets the given user provided object in the insecure template
// data.
func (t TemplateData) SetUserData(v interface{}) {
t.SetInsecure(UserKey, v)
// SetCertificateRequest sets the simulated ssh certificate request the insecure
// template data.
func (t TemplateData) SetCertificateRequest(cr CertificateRequest) {
t.SetInsecure(CertificateRequestKey, cr)
// DefaultCertificate is the default template for an SSH certificate.
const DefaultCertificate = `{
"type": "{{ .Type }}",
"keyId": "{{ .KeyID }}",
"principals": {{ toJson .Principals }},
"extensions": {{ toJson .Extensions }}
const DefaultIIDCertificate = `{
"type": "{{ .Type }}",
{{- if .Insecure.CR.KeyID }}
"keyId": "{{ .Insecure.CR.KeyID }}",
{{- else }}
"keyId": "{{ .KeyID }}",
{{- end}}
{{- if .Insecure.CR.Principals }}
"principals": {{ toJson .Insecure.CR.Principals }},
{{- else }}
"principals": {{ toJson .Principals }},
{{- end }}
"extensions": {{ toJson .Extensions }}